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Impact Wrestling - July 3, 2014

Impact Wrestling
Date: July 3, 2014
Location: Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

Reviewed by Tommy Hall

As usual, things are changing in TNA. After last week, Kurt Angle is the new TNA boss, which means it's Angle vs. Dixie now which is far better than Dixie vs. MVP. That being said, MVP still has power due to owning part of the company but he doesn't have onscreen authority. In other words, things are overcomplicated and another version of the exact same idea TNA has been trying for years. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of Angle becoming the new boss last week.

Here's Angle to open things up. He welcomes us to the Red White and Blue Throwdown, but first of all he has a special announcement. Kurt invites Earl Hebner out here and reinstates him to right one of MVP's wrongs. Angle reads the card off a piece of paper before Samoa Joe cuts him off.

Joe says that Angle is here to save us with his honor but Joe doesn't buy it. When is Angle going to give himself a title match? Joe thinks it's when the knee is healed. Angle claims that Joe has been lazy lately but Joe goes on a rant about paying his dues while Angle was in learjets and limousines. If Angle hasn't heard, Joe is pro wrestling and Angle should be careful what he wishes for.

Kenny King beats up Bobby Roode in the back.

After a break, Angle checks on Roode. Bobby isn't mad at Angle because he wouldn't be here without Kurt. Roode wants a match with MVP after this. Angle says come with him.

Tag Team Titles: Menagerie vs. Wolves vs. BroMans

The Wolves are defending and the Menagerie is the Freak and Knux. It's a brawl to start with the Menagerie cleaning house. They LAUNCH DJZ over the top onto everyone else at ringside. Back in and the Freak suplexes both Wolves at the same time but Jesse tags himself in to work on Eddie. Jesse works on the arm before bringing in DJZ for a Hart Attack. DJZ is no Robbie though as it only gets two, allowing Eddie to hurricanrana both of them down at the same time. A hot tag brings in Davey who sends the Menagerie into each other. Davey throws Jesse into the kick from Eddie for the pin to retain at 4:18.

Rating: C. Nice and fun match here with all three teams looking decent. The Freak as the mindless muscle is the right idea for him as his singles pushes haven't worked at all. The Wolves need opponents so putting them against two teams at once isn't the best idea in the world. Still though, not bad.

Roode yells at MVP but MVP can't fight due to the knee injury. Kenny King is there and gets yelled at as well, but Angle says it's in the ring in a street fight.

Bobby Roode vs. Kenny King

MVP tries to come out but Angle ejects him. Roode, sporting a bad shoulder from the earlier attack, jumps King in the aisle before the bell. They fight into the stands and then backstage with Roode being sent into a wall and covered in garbage. King is thrown off a low balcony before coming back as they head down to ringside. Roode backdrops King over the barricade and into ringside. King nails him with a chair and throws him inside for a cover as the bell rings. A snap suplex gets two more and King hammers away, but Roode comes back with the Roode Bomb onto the chair for the pin at 1:58.

Ethan Carter III says there is no way Bully Ray will put him or his aunt through a table.

Roode says Angle gave him exactly what he needed, but MVP and Lashley are next.

Austin Aries is with Angle and asks him for a rematch for the X Division Title. Angle grants the request even though he knows it's for Option C at Destination X. Kurt wants to face Aries at some point and Austin likes the idea.

Brittany, clad in red white and blue, calls out Madison to settle all this. Madison says she'll fight if need be but Brittany wants to apologize instead. She's sorry this got so out of hand and that she just respects Madison. Rayne says she's glad Brittany learned something and knows how hard it can be to navigate the locker room as the new girl. They shake hands and Brittany says never meet your heroes because they'll always disappoint you. She lays Madison out and sends her into the post before hitting a reverse DDT on the floor.

Bully Ray yells about Ethan Carter needing a bunch of help to win the Texas Death match. Tonight, Ethan goes through a table.

MVP says Eric Young's heart won't help him against Lashley.

Bully Ray vs. Ethan Carter III

Tables match. Ray hammers away to start and takes it to the floor where he rams Ethan into various objects. Back in and Bully does the Flip Flop and Fly before calling for a table. He takes his sweet time though, allowing Ethan to nail him with a clothesline. Carter hammers away and gets in some shots with Ray's chain. He drives in right hands in the corner but Ray grabs him for a powerbomb. Spud comes in for a low blow and some double teaming, but Rhyno returns and Gores....Bully, allowing Ethan to chokeslam Ray through the table for the win at 7:08.

Rating: C-. This was all for the angle instead of the match and there's nothing wrong with that. It's a sign of the return of the ECW guys because a company that went out of business thirteen years ago certainly needs another reunion right? I'm always liked Rhyno though so this isn't the worst thing in the world. Dixie's team needed another member anyway.

Eric Young tells Roode he doesn't care about what the paper says. He's ready for Lashley.

We recap the Samuel Shaw story. He's been released to Gunner's supervision. Shaw is back at the arena and sounds nervous but sane. They run into Anderson and Ken isn't pleased. Gunner says give him another chance and goes into his story about his friend with PTSD, because TNA thinks post traumatic stress disorder and being an insane stalker are the same thing. Anderson says if Shaw has changed, he can talk to someone else. They go find Christy and Shaw apologizes. Christy and Anderson don't seem convinced, even though Shaw sounded both sincere and sane.

Velvet is all over referee Stiffler who will be refereeing Angelina's match tonight. Sex is implied if he calls things her way.

Angle tells Stiffler that he isn't refereeing because it makes TNA look bad.

Knux tells the Menagerie that this is wrestling and not the carnival. Someone wants their money. Knux and Rebel look worried.

Knockouts Title: Angelina Love vs. Gail Kim

Love is defending but Brian Hebner is refereeing. They quickly head outside where Angelina distracts the referee so Sky can post Gail. A hard clothesline gives the champion a near fall and Kim is tied up in the Tree of Woe. Velvet snaps Gail's throat across the top rope, earning her an ejection. Gail comes back with elbows and shoulders followed by a missile dropkick for two. Kim goes up but gets caught with a Botox Injection to knock her out to the floor. Love breaks up the count because she wants a pin but Kim is up at two. Eat Defeat out of nowhere gives Gail the title back at 6:02.

Rating: D+. So Gail is champion again. How exactly does this change anything at all? It feels like these two have traded the title about a dozen times now and each reign is less interesting than the previous one. This division is so creatively bankrupt and they just need something, ANYTHING, new at this point.

Angle makes a 20 man battle royal for the #1 contendership to the World Title for next week.

TNA World Title: Bobby Lashley vs. Eric Young

Lashley is defending. MVP is at ringside so Roode comes out to even the odds. MVP gets caught interfering almost right at the bell so he and Roode are both ejected. Lashley runs Young over and absorbs some right hands before knocking Eric to the floor. Young is holding his ankle and the champion goes after the injury like a smart villain should. Back in and we get a half crab followed by a DDT on the ankle. Eric comes back with a dropkick and, after fighting Lashley off, drops the top rope elbow for two. The leg goes out on a piledriver attempt and there's the Dominator powerslam. A spear retains Lashley's title at 7:00.

Rating: C-. This was fine for what it was. It knocks Young out of the main event scene after a decent and surprising run as Lashley gets a clean and dominant win. It would seem like we're headed towards Lashley vs. Roode at Bound For Glory and there's nothing wrong with that. Not a great match but for a title rematch it did its job.

Overall Rating: C. This wasn't too bad. Nothing on here really stands out but it did a good enough job of advancing the stories. The New York tapings seem like the real treat coming up but this was a nice episode to bridge the gap. Nothing really significant happened, but the lack of Dixie or any heel authority figure for that matter is such a nice break. The show wasn't great but more importantly it wasn't infuriating. That's a big step in the right direction.

Wolves b. Menagerie and BroMans – Kick to the chest to Jesse
Bobby Roode b. Kenny King – Roode Bomb
Ethan Carter III b. Bully Ray – Chokeslam through the table
Gail Kim b. Angelina Love – Eat Defeat
Bobby Lashley b. Eric Young – Spear

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  1. Actually, that was the 1st time either Love lost it to Gail or vice-versa. All their previous title losses were to other ko's. Hell, I think their match at Slammiversary was the first 1 on 1 title match between them since 2008. Remember, Gail left in 2008 & by time she came back in late 2011, Love was pretty much gone.

  2. kbwrestlingreviewsJuly 3, 2014 at 10:05 PM

    True, but this is the tenth title reign between the two of them. The division still needs something fresh, not the same two getting the title over and over.

  3. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 3, 2014 at 10:10 PM

    I actually thought the KO match would have gotten a much higher grade.

  4. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 3, 2014 at 10:11 PM

    They need an influx of talent. Maybe a talent exchange with AAA or Japan.

  5. kbwrestlingreviewsJuly 3, 2014 at 10:19 PM

    I'd be fine with anything other than the Beautiful People vs. whatever coalition of girls they have at the moment. It always seems to come back to Gail, Angelina, Madison and whoever is hot at the moment. I can't count how many times someone wins a #1 contenders triple threat and then wins the title. It's so repetitive, much like almost everything else in the company.

  6. Oh I agree, the KO division needs to be a bit freshened up. Not a lot, hell, 2 or 3 new KO's being in the mix would help, but yeah, it does need some new blood, I was just correcting you.

  7. Gail Kim
    TNA Knockouts Champion


  8. At least they didn't have only 4 matches tonight, They were close though.

  9. Love's gotten better over the years. There was a time when the BPs were absolute shit.

    I've only just restarted with TNA (last week was my first show back) but I'm OK with Gail as champ. Wouldn't mind a little new knockout blood. Maybe they could beg Awesome Kong to come back. (What happened to ODB?)

  10. It's TNA so the writer automatically knocks one letter grade off, from what I can tell.

  11. kbwrestlingreviewsJuly 4, 2014 at 5:08 AM

    Not automatically. When they're doing the same ideas over and over again with little thought put into something I rate it lower.

  12. "automatically knocks one letter grade off"

    What does this mean?

  13. I don't know why people are putting over EY's title reign. Forget the part about lack of credibility, but did EY have one good match as champion?

  14. I just love how they ignore that he went from comedy jobber for 6 years to credible world champ who beat everyone in the span of 7 days. They seem to forget that Daniel Bryan had a solid push where he seldom jobbed clean for the past 2-3 years. SLIGHT difference between the bearded small guys.

  15. Yeah TNA had a good KO division back when Awesome Kong and Gal Kim were tearing things up and the ratings reflected that, but TNA is allergic to good ratings or something because they quickly did away with that.

  16. It means superjobber is on the level of WCW1987. Not quite Elvy, yet.

  17. Another difference between EY and DB is that DB is way more talented than EY so even if WWE pushed DB as a comedy jobber for years before suddenly giving him the belt, I'm sure DB would eventually get that type of push over because the guy can have great matches with absolutely anyone.

  18. Aries, MVP, King, Lashley, Roode, Storm, Wolves, Hardy, Bully, Angle, Joe, EC3.....these are the guys I enjoy watching in TNA. They actually have a pretty damn good roster. These NYC shows sound like they are going to be pretty sweet.
    I just really wish TNA could get it together behind the scenes. They have lucked out, all you can ask and hope for as an organization is a deep talented roster.

  19. kbwrestlingreviewsJuly 4, 2014 at 7:44 AM

    His match at Sacrifice was good.

    I still don't buy him as a credible champion but his reign was far from a disaster. He had some decent matches and defended the title fairly often. It could have been WAY worse is the main thing I'm getting at.

  20. I'll tell you a great way to make an Impact: vote for Hillbilly Jim in the Which Shoot Interview Should Be Reviewed Next poll!


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