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July Classics: Shawn Michaels vs. Jeff Jarrett - In Your House 2

Fire up the Network for this one. I couldn't find a good copy on the Youtubes or Dailymotion.

Jarrett came in as the Intercontinental Champion, and had just "performed" his hit single "With My Baby Tonight" earlier in the show. HBK was the red hot babyface. Arguably, the best match in 1995.


  1. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 6, 2014 at 4:01 PM

    Didn't Gorilla always think it should have been TOGETHER with my Baby or something like that?

  2. It's pretty amazing for as long as Shawn and Jarrett were in the same company together that this was their only televised match.

  3. Jarrett's best match. Case closed.

  4. Jeff Jarrett as a youth pastor? Ain't he great.

  5. Plus MLP:FIM references!

  6. Yeah pretty much. I consider Del Rio a better overall worker though. I think he'd be a good opponent for Sami Zayn when he gets promoted.

  7. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 6, 2014 at 4:20 PM

    I don't see it.

  8. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 6, 2014 at 4:23 PM

    For a modern carder, they sure dedicated a lot of that ppv to him.

  9. I know Weidman was gassed in the fourth, that was pretty fucking obvious when he stopped moving and started taking flush shots. Machida was gassed in the fifth though because he had at least two opportunities where a less exhausted version of himself could have went for the kill and he let Weidman off the hook.

    The judge gave Weidman 10-8 in the third, I didn't agree but whatever. I also thought Machida won the fifth and two judges gave it to Weidman.

  10. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 6, 2014 at 4:29 PM

    Oh yeah?!?! Well what about , er....uh..

    ..and there was always, that match with...

    ..I'll shut up now.

  11. TJ: Why am I watching GAB 00? I think for the same reason people watch car crashes.

  12. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 6, 2014 at 4:35 PM

    got me jacked up on jesus,

  13. Because the headline said Jeff Jarrett and your head naturally went to Mike Graham talking about his WCW main eventer run. Don't worry, it does for EVERYBODY, lol.

  14. Great match, decent show. Anyone know why Double J left the company after the show? I know he came back in late 1995 for another very short run before leaving again but i've never heard why.

    Just fed up with the usual Kliq shenanigans?

  15. holy hell was Torrie Wilson smoking hot. Jef get some gifs of her

  16. Remember, Vince Russo to this day claims he's NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG.

  17. Stranger in the AlpsJuly 6, 2014 at 4:42 PM

    I believe that Jarrett and Roadie were set to break up and feud. Jarrett had some sort of contract dispute, or an issue with the break up angle and walked, with Roadie following out of loyalty.

    They worked in USWA for a while after that before Jarrett was brought back in December. Roadie didn't come back until almost a year later as Jesse James.

  18. I know. This upcoming Burned Alive match between Sting and Vampiro was well booked!

  19. Nitro vision? Really? That's the name for the jumbo screen? I see why I blocked that from my mind.

  20. "or maybe PPV vison....or Great American Bash vision."--Tony Schivonie. Poor Tony.
    And yes, I dont' care that I didn't come close to spelling his name correctly.

  21. also, didn't remember sting was already wrestling in a t-shirt at this point.

  22. You actually did get real close. There's an "A" in there somewhere.

  23. Wasn't that an "Inferno" Match with Vampiro? I can't recall the exact finish but i presume Sting has a run in with the special effects crew.

  24. Sting had a runin with a stunt double, IIRC.

  25. At her peak she was the hottest woman in wrestling history. Bar none.

  26. Hey, the last Nash-booked show got a 2.61, so everything he did was great!

  27. What was the last Nash booked show? Fall Brawl '99?

  28. All together now.....

    DAT ASS.

  29. Fall Brawl '99 was his last booked PPV, last Nitro was also September, I believe.

  30. HA!! I watched that just 2 days ago!!

  31. At first I thought the 2 girls betrayed/shot their guy, then proceeded to shoot the entire black gang. Then I realized that a bodyguard shot him, and they shot the bodyguard. made more sense.

  32. Ah yes, a Sting heel turn and the future Radicals all losing their matches save for Eddie in an opening 6 man tag.

  33. Drawing 340k while carrying that terrible 170 card at least shows Ronda is worthy of main eventing. I do question how long this lasts, I'm a big Ronda fan, but even I'm getting bored with the lack of competition.

  34. Yeah, Havoc was definitely Russo, that was the first of the multitude of fake shoots and "everything's fake but THIS IS REAL" stuff with the Sting/Hogan match.

  35. Knuckleberry PinnJuly 6, 2014 at 5:38 PM

    Shawn's tights colour schemes from mid 95-96 may be the greatest in the history of this business.

  36. PLEASE watch Dok Hendrix's promo immediately following this match when he's outside Jarrett and Roadie's locker room. It's insanity.

  37. All three should have immediately been shot dead the second they stepped on the pier.

  38. I guess if i saw 2 hot babes in bikinis, i'd at least give them a chance, juuuuust in case.... (yes, i'd get smoked.)

  39. I was more talking about the guns they were brandishing. And the bright neon speed boost as their brilliant stealth vehicle.

  40. The only thing I got from it was, I wanna borrow Daniel Bryan's time machine and go to Spring Break... or pull a Ross Geller, and go when i'm about 10-15 years too old. Either one will do.

  41. This match was the white and gold tights, right? Those were great.

  42. Bret/Diesel was my MOTY for the WWF in 1995.

  43. They also both thought it was too early to break the act up.

  44. Not that it's on anyone's radar here but Jarrett vs. Bockwinkel for the AWA title in Memphis is fantastic.

  45. Bret/Diesel - Survivor Series
    Shawn/Razor - SummerSlam
    Raven&Richards/Pitbulls - Gangstas Paradise
    Bret/Bulldog - IYH Beware of Dog

  46. is it just me or did jarrett never generate any heat? sure its fun watchin now, lookin back; but the crowd doesn't seem to get the scope of his gimmick

  47. CruelConnectionNumber2July 6, 2014 at 8:51 PM

    Eh, Shawn was only a wrestling as a babyface for 3 months when Jarrett was on TV (May-July '95).

  48. That's pretty much Jarrett. Very good in ring, couldn't draw heat if someone shoved him into a guitar fire.


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