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July Classics: The Southern Boys vs. The Midnight Express - Bash '90

Midnight Express vs Southern Boys by mrbling


  1. One all-time team and a very underrated one. It's a shame the Southern Boys couldn't have dialed back the gimmick just a little, say not wearing Confederate battle garb to the ring. Just being two good ol' boys who can wrestle looking for a fight could have been really good.

  2. Ultimate underrated tag team dream match: The Wild Eye'd Southern Boys vs. The Killer Bees.

  3. The poor Fantastics can't even get into the underrated tag match. That's how many great underrated teams there have been. A dream US Tag Title tournament would probably be even more fun than the dream World Tag Title tournament.

  4. They did when they became The Young Pistols. Switched to tan trunks with two pistols on the back.

  5. The Fantastics could take on the Rougeaus.

  6. The Fantastics don't get enough love, period. Ricky Morton got a title shot at Flair. Bobby Fulton or Tommy Rogers, especially Tommy Rogers would've made a great one off challenger to the Nature Boy.

  7. That's right. I thought the Young Pistols were Tracy and Brad, but they were indeed Tracy and Scott.

  8. Currently watching the WWE Vintage episode from last week and they're airing the Starrcade '90 Pat O'Connor Memorial Tournament.

    Whoever was booking WCW in 1990 (Ole?) sure loved him some tag-team wrassling.

  9. Such...ferocious...mullets...

  10. It pales in comparison to the RAW Bowl and when the Smokin' Gunns won the prestigious Steve Lombardi trophy.

  11. Would the Rockers be considered underrated? Never won the titles or really any big match but they definitely influenced a whole generation of wrestlers like Jericho, Edge, Christian, etc.

  12. I vaguely recall a Raw Bowl but that's about it. Man the finishes in this O'Connor tournament are some of the worst i've ever seen!

    The referee is shitting the bed in every finish. I've forgotten how bad this show was, even before the Black Scorpion nonsense.

  13. Believe it was the first RAW of 96

  14. **** 1/2. Love me some early 90's WCW

  15. Tremendous finishing sequence. At least 3-4 dramatic false finishes.

  16. Steve Armstong actually

  17. Maybe "the Re-enactors" could work as an indy gimmick. They have to wear burlap uniforms in the ring, they carry one of those long poles used to load cannons, they show up gassed because they had to march to the arena, and they can only use an 1860s move set.

    Of course, they'd have to be comedy jobbers.

  18. Yup this is the shit

  19. Young Pistols wasn't even that great a name, but it was 1000000 times better than "Wild-Eyed Southern Boys."

  20. I cringed because of their gimmick/name/promos, but they were a good team.

  21. MikeyMike, WitnessJuly 16, 2014 at 5:04 PM

    RASSLIN' at it's finest. I watched this over Fourth of July weekend and have taken a new found appreciation of the match.


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