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Match of the Day

This is the Ric Flair vs. Barry Windham match from the 1987 Crockett Cup. It was rated ***** by Dave Meltzer of the "Wrestling Observer Newsletter. This match is clipped but most of the action is still intact. Enjoy.


  1. Where did it take place? Yokohama, Japan?

  2. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 2, 2014 at 11:31 AM

    One of Flair's "dancing partners" that he rarely got less than a **** 1/2 match out of.

  3. The YetaAy is taller than the giant!!! Look at the size of the Yetaaaay.

  4. Love this match. Crockett Cup 87 was a great show too.

  5. Stranger in the AlpsJuly 2, 2014 at 12:02 PM

    These two had 90 MINUTE DRAWS in the mid-80's. One match, 90 MINUTES! That's half of RAW these days.

  6. Even when Windham was fat and out of shape; he and Flair had minimum ***1/2 based on chemistry alone.

    I actually thought Windham was kind of a cool surprise at Slamboree 94. It fit the storyline Flair was working at the time.

  7. I still remember where I was when I watched this match for the first time. I was in my apartment, my mullet was freshly permed, and I was wearing my "Horsemen Rule" t shirt I had custom made. ***** remains my opinion to this day, with a possible sixth star if it was ever revealed that Ionoki or Giant Baba helped lay out the match, but that's something we'll probably never know for sure.

  8. But yeah, I mean, you know, just imagine how COOL it would have been if it was in Japan, right? Wow.

  9. Barry Windham is so much fun to watch in the ring. Smooth as hell. Even a bad Windham match is still a good watch just to see him move in the ring.

  10. When I first watched this match it made me a lifelong Windham fan. Love this match.

  11. still have this VHS.. sadly the Mulkeys in the first round has been clipped out :/


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