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Match of the Day

Here is a Steel Cage Match between Randy Savage and Ted DiBiase for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship from the 6/25/88 Madison Square Garden show. This is an awesome match. Enjoy.


  1. Hell of a match. Macho was so over

    Hey Bayless whats your email to hit you with a possible MOTD in the future?

  2. Infamous fan interference at 12:37.

  3. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 3, 2014 at 12:14 PM

    That kid saved Savage. He should get credit.


  5. What was the other Savage cage match that a fan tryed to help him? Vs. Hogan in 96 or 97??

  6. John Cena is definitely a thing that is gonna happen that people just bee to get ready for and that hasn't stopped him from getting booed vociferously. Reigns, meanwhile, is getting entire crowds on his side and has been for a while.

  7. Damn that crowd went nuts at the finish. When do we hear that today?

  8. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 3, 2014 at 12:36 PM

    As Dean Ambrose would say, NOPE.

    Wrestlemania was everyone's Bryan momemnt. Woulda been cool if he got to have a 5 month run and really establish himself at that level, but it didn't work out that way. He won the belt, the run (for reasons out of his control) absolutely sucked, and I'd say the fans are ready to move on.

    Not move on from Bryan as a wrestler obviously, he'll still be very over. But the "we'll only accept Daniel Bryan as champ and nobody else" ship has sailed. There's no way the fans get that worked up again.

    Yeah I know it's hard for people here to accept that the big guy that managment likes is actually over, but it's true. The fans are into Roman Reigns. Crowds aren't gonna hijack his title chase because theyre dying to see another Bryan title run. We already got it, it kinda blew, time for something else.

  9. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 3, 2014 at 12:42 PM

    Totally. I love Daniel Bryan, I was so pissed when it looked like they were botching him in the Fall, and hell even I have no interest in seeing "Yes Movement Part 2" play out. I've seen the guy win the belt three different times now. That's not a big moment anymore. Daniel Bryan as a long reigning defending champ would have been cool, but I have zero interest in another chase of his.

  10. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 3, 2014 at 12:44 PM

    *Setting WWE Name Generator to "Asian"*

  11. I thought the rumor started in September. I could be wrong, though.

  12. You're underestimating how many fans love Bryan and overestimating how many fans love Reigns. Neither of us can say how it will play out, but it's wrong to assume that Reigns isn't going to be upstaged by someone else.

  13. After the Sin Cara debacle, no one is going to be able to escape NXT when they sign.

  14. Renee Young is the tits. She actually sounds like she knows what she's talking about. I know this shouldn't be a unique ability, but somehow it is in modern WWE.

  15. They like him, but WITW has this weird thing going where he's trying to convince everyone that Daniel Bryan is passe.

  16. Assuming happens a lot around here, dave. A LOT.

  17. Hey. Your avatar isn't displaying in Chrome, but it does in Firefox.

    Apparently, Chrome is racist.

  18. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 3, 2014 at 1:00 PM

    I'm saying it's absurd how so many people here are basically assuming Reigns will be upstaged by someone else and that the fans are gonna hijack his push. The dude is VERY very over right now, and he's been booked super well, and he's been really good and improving in all facets of the game. Yet there's already this "he's big management likes him this sucks" meme here which I just think is nuts.

    As for Bryan, hell I still love the guy. Obviously he's over as fuck. But do you really think there's gonna be another groundswell behind his chase story yet again? Christ, the entire last year of wrestling was about that, and it paid off with a Wrestlemania win and then a terribly disappointing title run. I think yes, if Bryan is placed in a title match against a heel of course fans will want him to win. But are they really gonna hijack the whole company again because they won't accept anyone else? I just don't see it.

  19. Yes. I know. Reigns over. Daniel Bryan old news. This is the same thing you've been typing for two months now.

  20. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 3, 2014 at 1:02 PM

    Ah cool, sorry I didn't make a wholly original point like you did with "Daniel Bryan is very popular."

  21. It's just not done very well.

  22. Now THIS is clever.

  23. Christian won the LHW belt and spent a year as the third most important guy in a three man stable before that stable imploded and he and Edge reinvented themselves as non-vampires.

  24. Shit, that was good.

  25. I didn't think it needed further analysis. There's really not much more to add to the subject.

  26. Are there even 18 people who regularly post here?

  27. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 3, 2014 at 1:08 PM

    Dude, there's really not much more to add to any of the subjects on this blog.

  28. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 3, 2014 at 1:10 PM

    We all wanted Daniel Bryan to be the new Stone Cold, when in the end he ended up as the new Mick Foley except with shorter title reigns.

  29. Well, technically his title reign post Mania was just as long as Austin's first.

  30. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 3, 2014 at 1:13 PM

    Ha, I mean TECHNICALLY, but in reality Austin was champ everyday from mania to what, Unforgiven in Sept that run. And Bryan appeared on TV... I think 3 times as reigning champion.

  31. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 3, 2014 at 1:14 PM

    "Renee Young is the tits."
    Fitting, as Dean Ambrose is the Titty Master.

    But yeah, she is really awesome at her job.

  32. KENTA, X-Pac and Justin Credible? Sign me up.

  33. This. Seriously, for the last couple years--paying no attention to Japanese wrestling--I thought it was Kobashi. Wasn't til talk started about him coming in that I googled him, all like "jeez isn't he in his 40's or 50's by now?! Oh... different guy. Carry on."

  34. Austin was pretty much champ all that time, save for 24 hours when Kane beat him at KOTR.

  35. Pretty much every time Daniel Bryan won a match in the past few years.

  36. I think one of the reasons was that for the 1st time in 4 years, there was an actual doubt that the good guy champ might lose (With the exception of WM 3, and MAYBE the Orndorff cage match).

  37. Adam "Colorado" CurryJuly 3, 2014 at 1:34 PM

    TNA had a TV title?

  38. Uhhhhh. He was in ROH quite a bit. Not WWE style but still.

  39. Not to mention Austin, Foley and Rock were among the best of all time at cutting promos.

  40. Iron-man match, Ziggler wins 44-0 (12 pinfalls, 9 submissions, and 23 count-outs when Del Rio just runs away and never comes back).

  41. HHH was pegged to win KOTR '96, but beyond that it wasn't like we saw him getting huge, rejected pushes on-screen. Assuming he was to be the next Guy, Vince seems to have kept that desire mostly to himself while pushing the other three (SCSA, Rocky, Foley). By the time HHH finally did get his main event push, it went very successfully (as we know now) despite a lukewarm first few months.

  42. This was one of my favourite matches when I was a kid... goddamn did I love the Macho Man.

  43. "Restore the IC belt" is turning into "Turn Cena heel" unfortunately.

  44. If Reigns has Goldberg's career, does WWE view that as a disappointment? I genuinely don't know.

  45. His best singles match was probably his portion of the Daniel Bryan gauntlet.

  46. Daniel Bryan is still the most over guy in the company. Cm punk is #2. If the wrestlemania 31 main event doesn't involve either one of those two guys then the fans will shit on it. Just how it is.

  47. I find it hilariously predictable that a certain segment of the fans has already latched onto a Reigns vs. Ambrose thing, where they automatically assume Reigns is gonna fail and Ambrose is gonna take his spot. That may or may not happen, but let it play out. If the Roman Reigns Project ends up being a bust, Ambrose may very well get his spot, but maybe not.

    Also, for those who continue to believe in their them vs. us narrative regarding the WWE higher-ups and the fanbase, let's not forget that Ambrose is one of the best-booked and most well-handled wrestlers they've had in forever. Let's not immediately act like the guy's been oppressed by Vince and co. and "got over on his own" like so many of us did with Punk and Bryan, despite how well-booked both guys were for most of their WWE runs. It's okay to give the WWE (some of) the credit for the success of wrestlers you like.

  48. Nah. 'Mania having as many smarks as it does, put at least one smark favourite (e.g. Rollins, Ambrose, Cesaro or, as you say, Bryan) in the main event, and it'll be fine. I could see them turning on Reigns/Lesnar though, especially since the match probably won't be so good.

  49. Virgil's Gimmick TableJuly 3, 2014 at 2:07 PM

    Which is stupid because it worked for Muta in WCW.

  50. No different than WM11, and WM21 before this.

  51. It worked for Tajiri

  52. By the time Austin was champ, though, he was also the biggest merchandise seller. Regrettably, Bryan was not - and still isn't.

  53. Yuji Nagata


  54. I was 13 years old when Muta debuted in the NWA and me and my brother were absolutely blown away. He was doing crazy shit that we had never seen before and everybody at school was talking about it. His look, his music, his entrance...everything about him was special. Put the package together like that and maybe add a mouthpiece (i,e. Heyman in the place of Gary Hart) and you can get a Japanese wrestler over in today's WWE. Give him some fucking mist too. That shit is cool.

  55. "Roman's been booked pretty damn near flawlessly for almost 2 years now, and he's legit super over with the fans."

    Keep in mind his ENTIRE ACT until now was that he was a third of a stable. NOT a singles act. For all you know, him being the power guy in the stable might of been what covered up his weaknesses. Being a singles act in this case is an ENTIRELY different ballpark in terms of representation.
    I have two doubts on this sticking:
    -I don't think Reigns ring work is quite there yet. It can be with time, but it just is not there quite yet.
    -Him blowing the big matches in terms of winning the gold can be quite detrimental to his monster act assuming the plan is him winning it at Wrestlemania. I'm not sure the E' being able to keep the momentum/heat on him while at the same time keeping the title off him is something they are capable of.

  56. Magnum/Tully I Quit Match for the US Title at Starrcade '85. 'Nuff said.

  57. The match was announced. The match before for the TITLE was rumored.

  58. Exactly. If they go this route, they would HAVE to elevate those titles.

  59. Since when is a rumor a spoiler?

  60. Great example. They fucking hated each other because they stood in each other's way of trying to be a champion, the ultimate goal of wrestling.

  61. But it's been dead silent for his amateur wrestling matches. Seriously. Like, crickets.

  62. Yeah.

    I mean, they tried but no one really bought King Kong Bundy as a threat

  63. I was joking. *sigh*

  64. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 3, 2014 at 6:20 PM

    Or Chrome is run by Pat Patterson.

  65. I always wondered if that kid was part of the act. He definitely escaped the "fan jumping the rail" beatdown.


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