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Matt's Recap: WWE Battleground 2014

We start with clips of John Cena vs. The Authority and the lead-up to Battleground.

We are LIVE(!!!) from The Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Florida!

Looks like the Usos are first...

MATCH #1: The Usos (Jimmy & Jey) (champions) vs. The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper & Erick Rowan) (challengers) in a 2-out-of-3 Falls Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship

Jey and Rowan are first and Jey just punches his sheep mask off his face. Rowan is pissed and comes out, roaring, punching at Jey and pounding him in the corner. Tag to Harper and he misses a clothesline. Jey hits a Sitting Dropkick. Jimmy comes into the ring and they clear the Wyatts out. Harper gets back in and he's on Jey in the corner, slapping at Jey. He tosses Jey into the other corner and Jey slides to a stop and charges. Harper grabs him and tosses him outside. Back inside, it's Jey and Rowan. Rowan slams Jey and gets two. Nerve hold by Rowan and Jey punches out and hits a kneelift. Rowan just comes back with a high elbow for a two count. Tag to Harper and he hits a knee for two. Gator Roll and headlock and Jey's in trouble. Jey manages to finally pick him up and hit a side suplex, hitting a tag to Jimmy. Jimmy jumps in and Harper nails him with a big boot. Wyatts get the first fall.

Rowan is in with Jimmy and hits a Warrior Splash for two. Jey, meanwhile, is practically out on the floor as Rowan hits the Vice Squeeze on Jimmy. Jimmy ights out and tries for a body slam but Rowan falls on him for two. Tag to Harper and they just strangle Jimmy on the mat and against the ropes. Harper hits an uppercut. Jimmy comes back with his own. They trade shots and Harper mauls Jimmy against the ropes. Harper picks Jimmy up for a side suplex and he flips out and tags Jey who rolls up Harper for the second fall. Sheesh.

Rowan hits a Fallaway Slam on Jey after a beatdown, getting two. Tag to Harper who slingshots Jey against the second rope for two. They trade shots but Harper knocks Jey down and tags in Rowan. He beats on Jey in the corner and charges but Jey moves. Harper tagged in. He tries the same and he misses. Jey tags Jimmy and there's nobody in the ring, so Jimmy hits a Flying Uso on Harper. Rowan flies in and gets dumped and it's another Flying Uso to the outside. Jimmy leaps at Harper off the barricade and Harper rolls back in the ring. Jimmy hits a cross body off the buckle and NEARLY gets the fall. Jimmy kicks Harper and tries a Samoan Drop but Harper escapes so Jimmy hits the Enzuguri. Harper's in the corner and hits the Rikishi Butt Splash. Harper gets to his feet and nails Jimmy in the corner. Sitting Powerbomb but Jimmy escapes and hits a Corkscrew Splash for a NEAR fall. Jimmy tries the Superkick and Harper hits a big boot, sending Jimmy outside the ring. Harper hits a nice Suicide Dive of his own. Harper rolls him back in and goes for the Sitting Powerbomb but lets go off a distraction. 

Harper tries to dive at Jey outside but Jey clocks him with a High Kick and NEARLY gets rolled up by Jimmy. Harper gets up and hits the Sitting Powerbomb. NEAR FALL. Rowan goes up to the top and MISSES. Tag to Jey who hits the Superfly Splash! 1...2...NO. Jey's confused as the crowd has lost their shit. Jey goes back to the well again. Harper interferes. Rowan gets to his feet. Jey fights back. The two trade shots in the corner. Jimmy tags himself in and they attack Rowan...but ROWAN HITS A DOUBLE SUPERPLEX!!! He pins...1...2...NO! Rowan tags in Harper. Harper picks up Jimmy but Jey comes in and nails Rowan! Jey gets dumped! Harper turns and HE gets Superkicked...AND COMES BACK WITH THE BIG CLOTHESLINE! 1...2...JEY SAVES IT. Jey runs back outside, Jimmy tags him. Harper rushes at Jimmy who moves. Jey rolls him up and NEAR FALL. Jimmy and Jey hit a double Superkick on Harper. Rowan jumps on the mat. He gets the same! They BOTH got to the top...AND HIT A DOUBLE SUPERFLY SPLASH FOR THE WIN!
GRADE: A-. THAT. WAS. AWESOME. The quick two falls at the beginning made the match more intense for the remainder.

Cole, JBL and King are worn out already. Cole plugs Rollins and Ambrose as the next match.

We get the build-up for this match.

Rollins is backstage with Tom Phillips. Rollins says he's ready to finally finish off Dean Ambrose who's not a wrestler. He's a cockroach. He says, "NO", that ISN'T "all he's got". When he's fnished with Ambrose, his eyes will be glued to the Fatal 4-Way. He will be the next WWE--BOOM.

Ambrose attacks backstage! The Men in Suits show up to stop him. Triple H tells them to get him out of there. Get him out of the arena?!


Cole, JBL, and King are confused. Cole's pissed. JBL...and, fuck this, we're not having Dean/Seth. FUCK YOU, WWE.

MATCH #2: Paige (challenger) vs. AJ Lee (champion) for the WWE Divas Championship
Paige goes for a handshake...and AJ shakes. Paige backs AJ into the ropes as the crowd chants for CM Punk. The guys push the WWE Network, which is freezing and the buffer looks awful right now. The two exchange roll-ups and Paige hits a high kick for two. Paige tosses AJ into the corner and chokes her with a boot. Paige picks up AJ and slams her for two. Paige hits some knees against the ropes and gets two. Paige puts AJ in a headlock, then just twists her to the mat. Paige puts AJ in a Surfboard hold but AJ rolls up. AJ charges but Paige clotheslines her for two. Paige pleads with AJ, saying "Come on1" So AJ hits a DDT. AJ gets up and Paige charges her and both women are on the floor outside. She rolls AJ back in and goes up to the top buckle. Paige botches a Powerbomb off the top. Paige tries to lock her up but AJ kicks out and tries for the Cross Body. Paige catches her and tries the Paige Turner but AJ reverses into the Black Widow. Paige doesn't tap and counters! She hits the Paige Turner! 1...2...NO. Wow. AJ is out. Paige gets to her feet and goes for the PTO but AJ counters into a cradle but Paige kicks out and cradles AJ and AJ kicks out. AJ hits The Shining Wizard out of nowhere and she wins at 7:14.
GRADE: C+. Are you kidding? That was it? Am I watching RAW?

Also, post-match, nothing happens.

We get clips of Orton and Kane in their new feud.

Backstage, Orton is trying to find Kane. He apologizes for what happened on RAW. Orton wants an apology for getting attacked. Kane isn't going to. Orton says he knows it was an accident. He says they can't allow Cena or Reigns to have the title. Kane says "the champ is standing right here". He leaves.

Cole sends us to Renee Young who is with Booker T, Christian, and Alex Riley. They laugh and joke around but Renee tells them to shut up! SHE WANTS FATAL 4-WAY PREDICTIONS, DAMMIT!

We get the build-up for the Rusev/Swagger thing. Are we sure about this match or did we wanna throw Swagger out of the building?

Lana and Rusev are on their way out to the ring. Guess we're doing this.

Lana's on the mic. Crowd is hot. Rusev is shouting in anger. Lana tells them to shut up. Lana makes reference to "current events" and says she's offended that America is blaming them. Lana says America is weak, Prez-zee-dent is wuss. Poo-teen is awesome. Wow. Vince just doesn't give a shit. Rusev will ca-dush each and every single one of the fans. ARE WE HAVING A MATCH? Please?!

Swagger finally shows up and, now, ZEB gets on the mic. To his credit, he FINALLY calls Rusev "Boris" before Lana slaps the taste out of his mouth.

MATCH #3: Rusev (w/ Lana) vs. Jack Swagger (w/ Zeb Colter)
Swagger attacks Rusev and tosses him out of the ring. Rusev gets back in and the match begins. He goes for the Patriot Lock but Rusev bails. Swagger tells him to get back in. He does. Rusev kicks him and kicks him in the corner. He headbutts Swagger and punches away but Swagger comes back. Swagger in the corner, moves out of the way of Rusev and goes for the Patriot Lock but Rusev bails again. Swagger chases as Rusev argues with Lana. He rolls Rusev in and clotheslines him in the corner, hitting multiple knees. Rusev comes back with a clothesline and hits a Fallaway Slam, stomping at Swagger near the ropes. Rusev puts a nerve hold on Swagger and hits elbows to Swagger's chest. Swagger powers out but Rusev starts kicking at Swagger, hitting the high kick with ease. He shouts a Swagger and rakes at his eyes. More nerve holds. Swagger gets out and runs at Rusev. Rusev body drops him from the ring. Colter checks on Swagger who tries to get back in but Rusev keeps knocking him out of the ring. Finally, he gets back in and starts hitting running clotheslines and a big boot. Rusev is down. He hits a Swagger Bomb and gets two. Swagger gets to his feet. Rusev starts fighting back with more punches but Swagger hits a Powerslam and NEARLY gets a pin. The two trade shots and Rusev hits a mean uppercut, knocking Swagger down. Rusev goes for the the big kick but Swagger catches him for the Patriot Lock. Rusev stretches for the ropes but Swagger drags him back to the center of the ring...Rusev almost taps out...but gets to the ropes. He rolls outside and Swagger chases, clips his knee and puts the Patriot Lock near the steel steps. Rusev breaks free and pushes Swagger into the steel post. Rusev gets in the ring and Swagger is counted out at 10:02.
GRADE: D+. Really? This whole thing was a middle finger to the fans.

Post-match, we get the Russian Flag and Rusev locking in the Accolade to Swagger. Fuck you, WWE. Rusev and Lana leave.

I might add: we're not getting Rollins and Ambrose tonight.

We get an ad for Taki's Fuego chips.

Stardust is backstage. He's talking about alignments and luminous points and stuff. The cosmic key is so far away. Goldust shows up to talk to him about this stuff. Tonight...they watched the stars do stuff. Whatever.

Seth Rollins is coming out to the ring...and this is a match? Seth gets a mic and says Ambrose has automatically forfeited his match tonight. He wants to be announced as the winner and his hand raised.

MATCH #4: Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose
Not happening.
WINNER: Seth Rollins via forfeit.
GRADE: A giant pile of monkey dookey eaten by a cow and shit all over garbage.

Seth leaves...and Ambrose is back. He attacks Rollins in the aisle and fights him in the crowd. He tosses Rollins on the announce table and Rollins is, once again, ripping Ambrose off of him.

Ambrose breaks free and dives at Ambrose, punching at him. It's a fucking orgy of zebra print as the refs physically restrain Ambrose with guys in suits as Triple H shows up. Rollins attacks Ambrose as they carry him off. The fight continues to rage and they're finally separated.

Jesus fucking CHRIST. LET THEM FUCKING FIGHT IN THE RING. This is bullshit.

Cole and King argue with JBL who, of course, is on the side of Triple H and company.

Jericho and Wyatt are next.

MATCH #5: Bray Wyatt (w/ Luke Harper & Erick Rowan) vs. Chris Jericho
This better be good. The initial lock-up goes nowhere. Bray punches and slaps at Jericho. Jericho comes back and slaps Bray. Bray roars in his face and attacks, slapping Jericho hard. Jericho hits a back elbow and a kneelift after getting back to his feet. He puts Bray in the corner but Bray runs out and hits a clothesline. Bray puts Jericho in the ropes and clotheslines him for two. Bray goes for a suplex but Jericho goes for The Walls. Rowan jumps up on the mat to distract the ref. Harper tries to get in the ring  Bray knocks Jericho down with a clothesline. Jericho comes back with a dropkick and knocks Bray from the ring. The Family consoles Bray outside so Jericho climbs the ropes and knocks them all down. Bray gets back in the ring. Jericho tries to get back in but the Family, FINALLY, the Family is tossed from the match by the ref. Bray can't believe it. He runs at Jericho who is put outside.

Bray is ruthless now, kicking at Jericho outside. He puts Jericho back in, getting a two-count. He puts Jericho in the corner and charges but Jericho moves and Bray hits the post. Jericho comes back with punches and an axehandle off the ropes. Bray hits a Stomach Buster for two, breaking it all up. Bray beats on Jericho and clotheslines him but Jericho knees him in the spine on the Senton attempt. Jericho hits the Enzuguri and gets two. Jericho drops the knee to Bray and goes to the top rope but Bray knocks Jericho off. The two trade shots. Bray goes for the Superplex but Jericho punches and shoves him off. Bray grabs Jericho and drops his head to the mat for two. Once again, Bray puts Jericho in the corner but Jericho moves and hits the bulldog. Jericho goes for a move but Bray kicks out.

Bray goes into Spider Mode which isn't that impressive if Jericho can't see it. Bray hits a Spinebuster and gets two. Wyatt hits a clothesline in the corner and Bray taunts him and tells him that this is goodbye. Jericho runs at him and knocks Bray's head into one of the turnbuckles. Jericho tries a pin but they're too close to the ropes. The two guys battle outside the ropes. Bray hits a face slam on Jericho and gets two. Bray hangs upside down in the corner and goes for Sister Abigail but Jericho counters into the Walls of Jericho. Bray fights out, misses a clothesline and hits a huge shoulder spear, getting two. Wyatt tells Jericho to get up -- so Jericho does and hits the Codebreaker and gets the win at 16:23.
WINNER: Chris Jericho via Codebreaker
GRADE: C+. This just didn't have much energy or heat. 

Hysterically, Rollins is still in his X-Men gear and he's headed to the parking lot. Is he showing up like that at his local hotel? Anyhow, Rollins tells security he doesn't need them. They bail. Rollins stands in the parking lot for like a full minute, doing nothing. Ambrose crawls out of the trunk of his car and attacks with a crowbar. He gets some shots on Rollins as JBL shouts about Ambrose "still being in the building" even though they're OUTSIDE in the parking lot. Ambrose gets in his car and speeds off as Ambrose watches him go.

We get an ad for Saturday Night's Main Event.

IC Title Battle Royal is next.

MATCH #6: Big E, Alberto Del Rio, Cesaro, R-Truth, Ryback, Curtis Axel, Zack Ryder, Titus O'Neil, Damien Sandow, Heath Slater, Diego, Sin Cara, Xavier Woods, The Great Khali, Kofi Kingston, Bo Dallas, Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, WWE United States Champion Sheamus in a Battle Royal for the Intercontinental Championship
Everyone's ready to fight...but Barrett comes out, wearing a cast. He says who ever wins tonight will be the champ but he's got some bad news: becoming champion will be like being a retiring old couple in Florida -- you'll enjoy it until the inevitable -- which will come at his hands.

Everyone attacks Khali, who throws them all away from him like Neo in The Matrix. He eliminates Woods. Sheamus Brogues Khali and Khali is gone. Axel and Sin Cara get the boot as do Truth and Sandow. Miz appears to be gone as is Diego. Zack Ryder is gone as well. Everyone is down except for Ryback and Sheamus who stare each other down. Sheamus takes his shots and gets sent into the ropes. Sheamus hits a kneelift and Brogues him out of the ring. Miz (I guess he's not gone) tries to eliminate Sheamus but can't. Miz bails under the bottom rope, protecting his face and falls down. Wow. Titus beats on Sheamus and Bo eliminates him. Bo celebrates and Cesaro knocks him down. Kofi NEARLY body drops Cesearo out of the ring but he lands on his feet. Kofi tries Trouble in Paradise and misses. The two fight near the ring ropes and nearly eliminate each other. Swagger dropkicks Del Rio but Del Rio hits the Arm Breaker using the ropes. He goes for another move but Swagger DDT's him on the ropes and knocks him out of the ring. Kofi does one of his awesome spots where he lands on Big E's shoulders and Cesaro suplexes him inside the ring. Then eliminates him. Slater sliminates CESARO?! What the...? Sheamus and Bo fight near the ropes and Swagger kicks Bo out of the ring. He's gone. Miz is still outside. It's Swagger and Sheamus. They counter each other's moves. Swagger tries a Fame-Asser but Sheamus ain't having it. Sheamus misses a Brogue and slingshots Ziggler over the top rope. Ziggler lands on his feet. They fight near the ropes until Sheamus tries a Battering Ram but Ziggler kicks him in the stomach and Sheamus is gone! Ziggler thinks he's won it but Miz comes in and eliminates Ziggler. Fuck that.
GRADE: C+. Complete crap finish. 

Commercial for SummerSlam in L.A.

Build-up for the Fatal 4-Way.

MATCH #7: Randy Orton (challenger) vs. Kane (challenger) vs. Roman Reigns (challenger) vs. John Cena (champion) in a Fatal 4-Way Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship The Big Gold Belt is still around. Big brawl to start. All four guys are all over each other and Orton and Cena fall out of the ring. Orton takes out Cena and goes in the ring to help Kane double-team Reigns. Reigns fends them off and hits a double clothesline. The heels come back with a double suplex. Finally, Cena enters and gets a Fisherman's Suplex for two. Cena hits a Bulldog to Orton but Kane his a Side Suplex as Reigns falls out of the ring. The two guys stomp at Cena but Cena goes for the AA. Kane comes back in to break it up. Kane hits a back elbow off a whip and Orton gets two. Reigns tries to get involved but Kane takes him out. Kane goes outside the ring. Reigns beats on him. Cena hits Moves #1-4 on Orton. He goes for the AA but Orton hangs on to the ropes.

Reigns gets into the ring and Cena rubs his hands together...but Orton and Kane stop the fight. Kane knocks down Reigns and pins him for two. Orton is furious. He gets back in the ring and pushes Orton around. Kane belts Orton and beats on him. Kane puts Orton on the buckle and goes for a Superplex but Cena and Reigns break it up and Powerbomb EVERYONE off the buckle. Sheesh. Cena and Reigns square off again. Kane sits up like The Undertaker because those powers come and go at random. Reigns and Cena boot him out of the ring. Orton goes after Cena who goes for Vintage Orton. Reigns gets involved but Orton hits both of them. Orton pins Reigns but Kane breaks the pin. Kane beats on Orton and hits a Big Boot and pins for two but Reigns breaks it up. Reigns comes back with a Samoan Drop for two as Orton breaks that.

Orton beats on Reigns who comes back with punches of his own. Orton hits a Half Crab off a run but Reigns powers out and hits a Half Crab of his own. Cena comes in and hits the STF on Orton as wel. Kane breaks it and gets an AA...but rolls out of the ring. Orton tries to RKO Cena but Cena counters into the STF as the crowd chants "boring". Orton goes to tap BUT REIGNS CATCHES HIS HAND. He drags Orton out and dumps him to the announce desk. He gets back in the ring and it's another face-off with Cena. The two trade shots. Reigns hits a botched clothesline and Cena goes for the STF which Reigns kicks out of. Reigns hits the Samoan Drop and goes for the Superman Punch but misses and Cena hits Move #3. He goes for the 5KS but Reigns hits the Superman Punch! Reigns goes for the Spear! 1...2...KANE BREAKS IT.

Reigns and Kane trade shots and Reigns hits a clothesline off a run. He nails Kane in the corner and the two trade shots and Kane nails him with a punch, draping him on the ropes. He hits the outside Sitting Drop Kick to Cena, then Orton and THEN Kane. He roars...and SPEARS ORTON INTO THE TIMEKEEPER'S PIT. Reigns gets into the ring and goes for a Spear but Kane tries for the Chokeslam. Reigns powers out and HITS THE SPEAR! 1...2...3CENA SAVES IT! Cena gets a pin but Reigns breaks it! The two break each other's pins left and right. Cena grabs Reigns and hits the AA and KANE breaks the pin. Everyone is down. Cena gets to his feet as done Kane. Kane hits the Chokeslam on Cena and Reigns. He covers Reigns but Reigns kicks out! Kane is pissed as he gets to his feet. He calls for the Tombstone but Reigns gets out and hits a Spear! 1...2...NO. RKO to Reigns! AA by Cena to Orton ON TOP of Kane and Cena gets the win at 21:17.
GRADE: B-. Not bad but way too much going on.

Post-match, Cena celebrates with the titles as we go off the air.

OVERALL: C+. A complete lack of intensity with completely unnecessary and illogical finishes. Like a slightly better RAW without the garbage second hour.

Er, that's it.

Andy PG will be back to start your week off right with the PG Era Raw Rant on Monday, I will be back on Tuesday with the Main Event Recap.

Thank you to all the BoD'ers and, hey, if you wanna read more of our stuff, please check me out at The Daily DDT ( for all my wrestling editorials and opinion, visit WE HATE YOUR GIMMICK at and, of course, visit us on Facebook at


  1. "A complete lack of intensity with completely unnecessary and
    illogical finishes. Like a slightly better RAW without the garbage
    second hour."

    You're wrong, this PPV had a garbage second hour.

  2. Miz eliminated Ziggles and not Swagger FYI

  3. I'd rather take a 2nd hour of ** star matches than 1 minute squashes and Sandow or Emma or Nikki vs. everyone.

  4. I do agree with the sentiments

  5. TM CooltrainerBretJuly 20, 2014 at 9:18 PM

    Wait, they didn't put the fucking belt on Reigns while Cena's off filming this movie? ARE THEY FOR FUCKING REAL?

    Yknow what, their stock will tank further soon enough, so they still deserve every bad thing they get. Congratulations, you've worked a bunch of fucking internet nerds. I'm sure that'll fix your subscription total issues.

  6. Cena winning was a foregone conclusion. Lesnar vs. Cena is going to happen at Summerslam. They're waiting on Reigns for a bigger and better moment - aka Wrestlemania 31.

  7. I don't have a problem with the CENAWINSLOL, because what in the blue fuck else were they going to do?

  8. You completely missed the boat on Swagger/Rusev. It keep Swagger strong, preserves Rusev, and promises a rematch at SummerSlam with more throwing each other around. It'll be great.

    Also, the fact that you WANT Ambrose/Rollins to fight means the WWE did what they wanted. It's simple -- those two feuds had to continue, so they will.

  9. TM CooltrainerBretJuly 20, 2014 at 9:22 PM

    If Cena was gonna be busy filming this movie (presumably through Brock Lesnar making him MIA for a few months), then Reigns should've gotten the belt so that Lesnar doesn't have it and refuse to defend it for like 3 specials.

  10. I didn't know Cena was taking off, but I don't think Reigns is quite ready yet. Plus, wait for a bigger moment than a rather forgettable PPV.

  11. That's the match on the show everyone wanted to see. To bait and switch it is wcw stuff

  12. TM CooltrainerBretJuly 20, 2014 at 9:23 PM

    Except for that part where they promised a match, didn't deliver it, and then laugh as internet nerds rage. Which still makes them no money because Ambrose/Rollins is just a medium reason to buy SS, not the reason.

  13. And don't forget the r.

  14. I like how I predicated best for best the wwe apologists spin on this though. Kudos to me again, I really do know everything about wrestling and the iwc!

  15. Man, this Jericho feud really helped Wyatt huh? Go home useless wannabe hair metal douche.

    On the plus side, Miz is finally getting a push.

  16. Never been a fan of letter grades but in this case it did nicely sum up ambrose vs Rollins.

  17. Good review. Only match with a rewatch value is the tag match.

  18. Miz is finally getting his 1555th push.


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