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MOTD suggestion

Hey Scott, 

This is Biscuit from the comments section.  This is a match from St. Louis in 1983 at the Checkerdome, Ric Flair defending the NWA title against King Kong Brody.  The match is 2/3 falls and goes for an hour.  Unfortunately the commentary is in Japanese, but it's really good video quality for the era and a great example of the main events we were fortunate enough to get here.  
​This would be Dave Meltzer's dream match.  I believe he's raved about it before, in fact.  ​


  1. Tommy comes off like such an naïve mark in that interview.

  2. Of anyone who could've died of an overdose on Heyman's Kool-Aid, it was Dreamer.

  3. Paul's in-depth description of the death of ECW on Austin's podcast was awesome. It would have been pretty crazy if USA had decide to go with them. Probably a smart decision for them not to, though.

    My favorite bit of the whole story was the PPV company basically saying "Yeah, we know we owe you almost $3 million, but you're going out of business so we're not going to pay you. You can sue us if you want, but we know you are bankrupt."

    Considering ECW was only $7 million in the hole when they went under, that was huge.

  4. And as a bit of a scumbag, which I say as a term of endearment.

  5. You don't piss on hotel sinks for the hell of it? Huh

  6. I can still remember a PWI interview with Ric Flair (1990?) where he was asked for his toughest match. He said, "Bruiser Brody... man, that guy wouldn't give an inch."

    I had ZERO idea who Bruiser Brody was until maybe 12 years later, but that always stuck with me.

  7. Really strong, well-written review.

    But have you seen Apocalypse Now or think Armageddon was one of the most iconic movies of the 1990s?

  8. I remember hearing this story back in 2002 and thinking who in the hell would have looked at Tommy Dreamer, looked at the 2001-era ECW product and said "yeah, you have have a multi-million dollar investment to save this?"

  9. His fondness of the debauchery associated with the wrestling life was sort of endearing, I'll give him that.

  10. If it was 'Road to Gia Paloma', they'd maybe be onto something.

  11. I think that ties into your comment about him being a mark. He has bought into the wrestling lifestyle to a comical level.

  12. Anyone willing to invest $110 million in 2001 ECW would need to have his or her head examined, which is why I don't believe a word of what Tommy says. Even if such an offer was made, perhaps Heyman didn't go along with it because he knew it was a bullshit deal.

    Keep in mind that Vince paid a fraction of that for WCW, which makes me doubt that $110 million number even more.

  13. Can say nothing negative about the guy. He's married to Beulah, Tommy wins.

  14. I feel bad for Tommy on some level. He reminds me of Commander Sisko in the first episode of DS:9 where the prophets keep bringing him back to that one moment in time because in his mind he never left there. Clearly ECW was the peak of Tommy Dreamer's life (in his mind) and on some level he has never left that moment in time and can't let it go. It is sad, but not totally impossible to understand.

  15. If they said $10 Million I would still doubt it.

  16. Yeah whats up with all the wrestlers pissing/shitting in Hotels? At some point, these Hotels are going to start saying "no more wrestlers" some of the Car rental places have

  17. If this is in St. Louis why is the commentary in Japanese?

  18. Right. $110 million is like a Dr. Evil-ridiculous amount of money anyone would consider paying for ECW on its last legs. As mike said below, the company was only $7 million in debt when it folded. $10 million alone would've paid off all its debts and giving the company enough capital to keep going for a few months at its small scale.

    $110 million? WCW wasn't even worth that.

  19. It's an overdub for a broadcast they did at the time. Almost all the St. Louis Wrestling Club stuff done for KPLR TV was taped over.

  20. That podcast makes Tommy sound like a child that never grew up, and his wife seems to put up with a lot of immature shit from him. Dude, you're 40, husband, and father of twin girls. The time for organizing stripper gangbangs and shit has passed.

  21. ECW without Paul is pointless so I don't blame him for blowing it off.

  22. I've seen both movies. Nay on that second one. :)

  23. Glancing over, I first read that as King Kong BUNDY. I'm not the biggest Brody fan in the world, but I have more faith in his matches than the promise of 60-minutes of Bundy.

  24. Good thing WWE people are entertainers and not wrestlers.

  25. Ha, I made the same mistake, which made the rest of the words in the blurb really confusing.

  26. I'm wondering if Luke Harper will eventually go full on Brody and wear similar gear. He'd have to leave the Wyatt's though but he's certainly talented enough to make it on his own.


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