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Network Update - 7/7/14

Go to Vault > Saturday Night's Main Event and you will find the first thirteen episodes, from 5/11/85 to 11/28/87.

No word yet on any other additions at this time.


  1. How are we not already judging bad promos on the Richter Scale?

  2. intestinal fortitudeJuly 7, 2014 at 10:24 AM

    I watched the first five minutes and had to stop because I don't want to lose the entire day this the old intros, love the random fat wrestler walking behind the Hogan/T promo at the beginning, even enjoyed Jesse blanking on the six man tag participants and needing Vince's help. Of all the stuff they've put up so far, this is the most nostalgic for me (but I'm old)

  3. Getting some classic SNME on the Network definitely makes this week a little bit better than it was before. Now if only I didn't have to work today...

  4. You have him lose it at the next PPV.

  5. just finished the first ep. won't be diving into these this week since I've got 24 tonight and 6 more eps of True Detective. Haven't watched much of the network but the SNME 85-92 run (along with the 85-92 wwf ppvs) will have me watching a lot this month. Hopefully the freezing isn't as bad as it was today.

  6. Would you say they're Earth-shatteringly bad?

  7. Loving this; SNME was one of my absolute favorite things growing up. Watching the post-WM3 episode now, and it's just so good. Using the lumberjack match to build up heat for several matches at the same time? Awesome. Also thought Steamboat busting in on Gene all "WTF are you doing trying to confuse George??" was great. Just love it.


    Cornette was debuting the Boogeyman (yes, the same one that "terrorized" Booker and Sharmell for a while in WWE), and wanted to hide his relative lack of skills. So, he ran a storyline where Boogey was NOT part of the roster, but some whacko wanting to break into OVW, to where he'd come out, walk around looking menacing, and generally scare the shit out of anyone he came near.

    And it was working fairly well... except for one little hitch. One week, Cornette had a few new trainee's sit near ringside, to make one of Boogey's appearances look good. Their ONLY job was to run like hell when Boogey came their way, and open a path for him to leave without endangering any real marks. Enter Santino.

    Santino, instead of running away, just sat there, laughed at the "big crazy guy" that Cornette was busy putting over on commentary as such, and made the whole angle look really stupid. (Which, in his defense, it was anyway. But Cornette had to use the guy to keep WWE happy, and that's the best use he came up with.)

    Fast forward to backstage, where Cornette calls Santino into his office to chew him out, with a PISSED Boogey right behind Corny. Cornette asks him why he didn't run, and Santino responds with "No one told me to run". Wrong answer, Santino.

    Cornette slaps him a few times, sends him off, and claims that he saved Santino from a real ass beating at Boogey's hands (which I dispute, but let Corny have his point.).

    One of the fallouts of this incident was WWE getting Cornette out of OVW, which didn't last much longer IIRC. Cornette said it best about WWE and "developmental": "Don't trust them, don't let them get their hooks in you, because they WILL fuck you over in every way possible."

    (Paraphrase of the last is mine.)

  9. Will you stop it?!?!

  10. Stranger in the AlpsJuly 7, 2014 at 12:13 PM

    Just read an article that stated Monday Night War will offer 20 episodes and begin in August, JUST in time for initial sub re-ups.

  11. He likes republicans and russo I think. It's all any answer he ever gives about any topic.

  12. I think you're losing heat :/

  13. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJuly 7, 2014 at 12:39 PM

    Whoa whoa whoa, you can't just read things from other people and then post it online!

  14. Signed up for the free week. Took me forever to finally find the on demand section. Watching Rumble 92 now.

  15. So we can all agree....competitive bodybuilding is what will take the network over the top right?

  16. More like the in your houses, it moved the storylines along in between major shows.

  17. I don't think we know what this show is going to look like. But I don't think it's going to simply be "this is raw, and this was nitro."

  18. Was the Savage/HTM IC title match Randy's face turn? The one on this SNME that I'm watching right now?

  19. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 2:35 PM

    And let me tell you something I'm gonna win I mean defend mah title cause I'm a lady rassler and I'm gonna win that match out there because I'm a woman and I'm gonna beat you.

  20. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 2:36 PM

    It was a replacement for re-run episodes of Saturday Night Live, based on the tremendous box office that WrestleMania 1 did which made NBC take notice of WWF's crossover use of celebrities.

  21. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 2:39 PM

    Hell of a Monday for this Free Preview week. GA BASH 89, the Bruno/Piper Pit from MSG, Clash 21, Clash 22, Clash 26, the MSG Raw, last week's MITB PPV (basically a free replay for newbies) and Monday Night Raw debut.

  22. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 2:42 PM

    Yes, birth of the Mega Powers as Hogan saves Savage from the Hart Foundation stable's beatdown.

  23. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 2:52 PM

    The next round of updates had better feature XFL games, WBF Bodystars, and the 1989 Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Donny Lelonde boxing PPV already.

  24. I'm waiting for the weekly WWE Films presentations starting with No Holds Barred

  25. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 2:55 PM

    It'll be Legends of Wrestling talking heads without a panel. Look back at the start with Episode 1 and chronologically move forward into tactics, what worked, what changed, etc. Episodes have been in the can for over 2 years. It was one of the first (fairly unoriginal) ideas for the network.

  26. So Savage was pretty much a heel then up to this point?

    Oh my god that was fantastic. My fandom started a year after this show.... If I had caught the wrestling bug in the spring of 87 instead of the spring of 88, I probably would have been at this show.

  27. SNME is awesome. So I'm watching the early fall show, and Andre comes out to "manage" King Kong Bundy. Which seems kinda random (Bundy's wrestling Orndorff), but then in the November show, Bundy gets a count-out win over Hogan (with Heenan as manager, and Heenan gets injured) and then in the January return match (not on the Network yet), ANDRE manages Bundy, to help set the stage for Hogan/Andre II on The Main Event. Think about the kind of foresight from Vince to set the pieces in motion for the big Feburary match all the way back in September!

  28. If it's just a talking heads show, that's not gonna be great.

  29. I feel like it was a missed opportunity to not have Pat Patterson oogling the girls in the Piledriver video.

  30. I have network add. I've watched rumble 92, the nwo round table, rumble 04, and now SummerSlam 01 all in an hour.

  31. Santino and Maria was a great pairing. Santino's best work

  32. It's up there. But, for me it's his team with Kozlov. Especially, their tea time in the ring in the UK.


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