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QOTD #12: Taking stuff for granted

Good morning to the BoD. I hope the Canadian readers aren’t suffering from too big a hangover after a humid Canada Day. Today’s Wednesday, which means we’re headed into Off Topic.

Today’s Question: What did you take for granted as a kid, but you value today?

We’ll check out some of your answers on that tomorrow. For now, we’re going to dive right into yesterday’s question. If you want to start the new discussion, skip ahead or click “comments” to get right into that.

Yesterday, I asked you to come up with forgotten Chris Jericho moments. Y2J has made a career out of great in-ring performances, coupled with quality sportz entertainment. You had a lot of different thoughts on this. Let’s get to it.

Guest: Great Chris Jericho moment was when he & Christian conspired with a misdirection play to kickoff the 2003 Royal Rumble Match, resulting in Shawn Michaels taking a chair-shot to the head, wearing the CRIMSON MASK, and being tossed in no time by the King of the World.

Michaels being eliminated instantaneously was a shocker, and would take a little bit of the suspense away from the winner once he returned to eliminate Jericho himself – but the angle was a nice set up to their eventual Mania showdown.

Porn Peddlin' Jef Vinson: I remember Jericho being chased up the hall by a wrestler (whose name escapes me) on Nitro and stopped running because he thought the segment was over but the cameras were still on and they get a live shot of the guy almost casually catching up to him.

This came right at the tail end of a classic segment where Jericho is absolutely lost trying to find the ring with his personal security force (as part of his one-man feud with Goldberg).

hulksmashadam: Summerslam 1999, interrupting Road Dog. "You wanna impress me? Spell 'lugubrious.'"

BooBoo1782: I love the whole improvised feud with Goldberg where he kept claiming "wins" over Goldberg that the big guy never showed up for. It was a great example of Chris taking something goofy, running with it and getting it over. Reading in his first book about what was going on behind the scenes and how Chris fought to give it something resembling a blowoff makes the whole thing even better, IMO.

The angle was brilliantly handled, and it was almost shocking to learn why we never really got a proper ending upon reading the book. The story goes that apparently Goldberg wasn’t fond of the angle, he didn’t get it and felt Jericho was trying to syphon off his heat, or make him look weak. Jericho did his best to explain to Goldberg that the point was for the fans to see him want to kick his ass, and suggested maybe doing something at World War 3 as a full fledged squash. Goldberg’s response? “I’m supposed to be off during the next pay-per-view!” WCW, ladies and gentlemen!

Jon Eks: Gotta be Jericho introducing all the participants of the Cruiserweight Battle Royal at Slamboree 98.
"This guy used to be a great bartender, but it hasn't translated to his wrestling skills. He's the scourge of the illustrious Guerrero family, he is Chavo Guerrero, Jr!"
"Now we got Damian. He can't afford a mask, so he uses paint... but sooner or later, he's gonna buy a mask. I guarantee you that."
"The winner of the Lou Ferrigno look-alike contest, he's also from Mexico, El Daaaandy!"
"He's a former champion in many countries... He's gonna rock, rock til he drops. Rock, rock, never stop! Marty Jannetty, ladies and gentleman!"
"This guy is Silver King. He wins 12 more matches, he'll be upgraded to Golden King."
Just thinking about this still makes me laugh.

For anyone who hasn’t seen this play itself out, do yourself a favor and watch this on the Network as soon as you can. Between the entrances, the match itself is another brilliant layer to one of Jericho’s finest feuds.

Mike_N: Probably not forgotten, but definitely the ultra-serious rage-filled promo against the Rock ("I am not a joke!") when he shut the Rock up mid-catchphrase and delivered the goods. Definitely a side of him we'd never seen before.

Extant1979: I'm going to go with the shenanigans leading up to his WrestleMania match with Commissioner William Regal. Pissing in his teapot and sending Kamala into his office. That may be more for Regal's facial expressions for the interactions, but Jericho seemed to have a lot of fun with it.

“Which of Lord Regal’s faces do you find the funniest?” has potential as a future QOTD. I call dibs on him taking a Pity City from Brian Knobbs, and his subsequent vomit-face.

MrJustinB: Breaking the Jeritron 6000 on Shawn Michaels' stupid face.

Basscase: When he won a cage match against X-Pac by giving him one of the most insane ballshots in history, when X landed crotch-first on the open door.

X-Pac wasn’t even supposed to be part of that match; now THAT’S a bad day.

Petrock: Fan: Go back to Toronto!!
Jericho: I'm from Winnipeg you idiot.
Such an awesome improvised little moment.

Bill Ray: Talking to the crazy conspiracy theory lady in Washington DC:
"Are you a Jericholic?
"I don't know what that is."

Jericho’s entire trip to Washington in an effort to see the President because of JJ Dillon was something else to watch. His delusional grandeur and narcissism couldn’t have been played better.

Dirty_Dave_Delaney: One of my favourite Jericho moments is the entrance Jericho makes through the crowd for his match against Rey Mysterio at Extreme Rules 2009 whilst still cutting a promo only to pause several times in order to warn fans to not touch him, "Don't you touch me again, I'll knock you out junior!"

WILLYOUSTOP?!?: I always loved Jericho's quasi-heal turn on the Rock in late 2001. They just lost a tag match and Jericho was busted open. Rock checks on Jericho in the trainer's room to see if he's okay and makes some smart-ass remark. Jericho mutters something like, "What the hell does he want from me? I was trying to win the match." Rock overhears it, comes back in, and demands Jericho repeat it, which Jericho does about two inches from Rock's face, which then leads to a gigantic brawl and Jericho eventually winning the unified titles in December.

This was a nice change of pace. Jericho, to this point, was always known as the snarky wise-cracking Canuck – and the transformation he underwent in late 2001 really highlighted the importance of the big gold belts, and allowed us to take him a little more seriously as a main event threat.

Kbjone: (See video below) Who said Jericho couldn't make the WWE money? I'm sure a lot of "DX Glowsticks" were sold that night.

It’s reasons like this I asked the question – I’d never once seen this before. Granted, it’s only glowsticks, but it’s refreshing to see a modern wrestler not worried about the barriers between himself and the fans and putting himself in the line of fire to draw heat. And speaking of stuff I didn’t know…

Marv Cresto: My real favorite Jericho moment is his appearance on Opie and Anthony to promote that very album. He showed up as Moongoose and proceeded through a 30 minute interview refusing to break character and annoying the living hell out of the hosts and every listener. It was his very first appearance and it was years before they invited him back he had annoyed them so badly. Now they're all great friends and do spectacular radio together (as Jericho does generally)

This is such classic Jericho. The guy is an entertainer through and through. For the fans, for the wrestlers backstage, and in cases like this, for himself.

Starscreamlive: I always hated Jericho until he started doing the whole tantrum and tearing up David Penzer's suit up each Monday night, coming back next week to apologize, and then wind up ruining another suit. That made me a Jericho fan.

Don’t forget however, that Jericho bought him the new suit and promptly destroyed it again. That made it all the funnier.

Michael Weyer: I always loved after he loses the Cruiserweight title to Malenko, he comes on "Nitro" to read a letter he got from Ted Turner responding to his many protests. It starts off with Turner agreeing with Jericho's position and the title should be returned and he cheers and gloats. He then goes on reading as the letter changes to Turner sick of Jericho's whining and complaining and so upholds the ref's decision. Jericho is almost sobbing as he finishes the letter "your little-known law will be unused, undisclosed and unfortunate, similar to your wrestling career, signed Uncle Ted Turner?!" Hysterical.

Tons of answers related to the Malenko feud. Honestly, I’m shocked nobody managed to bring up the fact he turned Dean into the biggest babyface in the company with the use of an easel holding Malenko’s photo as a PLOT DEVICE. That was the minute I personally was sold that the guy was going to be a big, big star.

Fantastic answers all around. From 1998-2002, Jericho was in his prime and hitting on all levels. It’s a shame so much of it was wasted toiling in WCW’s midcard. I can only imagine the fits he would have given the top stars if they’d had the guts to run with him in a highlighted role.

Amongst forgotten moments, there was one that came to mind when I got the inspiration to run with this question. For some reason, I was reminded of an interview he did with Terri in late 2002. There truly was no rhyme or reason for how the interview went down, but Jericho hit gold, as he always does. Watch, and enjoy. I’ll see you tomorrow.


  1. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 2, 2014 at 10:05 AM


  2. sucking on women's nipples

  3. Sleep
    Time Off
    Being able to find a job
    College tuition

    Probably some I am forgetting

  4. Amazingly informative. Very insightful. I'll be sure to print this out and keep it in my files for future reference. Thanks for doing this.

  5. It's clear to me that if Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre were better wrestlers and spent more time learning wrestling holds that they would probably win more matches and be in the company still. I mean, why would any sane wrestling company hire these guys?

  6. Kofi Kingston is the current Lineal WWE Champion.

  7. I had a pretty shitty childhood so I have all the shit now I would have taken for granted then...except instant boners. Takes some effort now. Damn you getting older. **shakes fists**

    Um. Not like that. Fucking pervs.

  8. Quiet time. Always hated it as a kid, but now after teaching school all day and immediately afterwards coming home to four of my own kids, well let's just say that quiet moments are few and far between. Now I understand truly that Silence is Golden.

  9. Being able to masturbate all of the time and anywhere I wanted and being able to use the hormone excuse whenever I was caught.

  10. I understood this concept very early.It's beautiful.

  11. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 2, 2014 at 10:18 AM

    That's a lot of kids.

  12. OH! Heads Up, Seven Up. I just assumed it was never going to end so I never appreciated it like I should have. Now it's all gone.

  13. Being on my parent's dental plan.

  14. Three is a lot. Four is only one more.

  15. More fuel for the "Daniel Bryan was getting buried...or was he" fire.

  16. How your still alive?

  17. Adam "Colorado" CurryJuly 2, 2014 at 10:23 AM

    Random: this is pretty funny:

    Oh, and to answer the question, having a fridge and a huge pantry full of food that I didn't have to pay for. Now I have to run to the store every time I get hungry, I don't really drive and the nearest big supermarket is a long walk away, so stocking up isn't really practical for me.

  18. My health; as a kid I could eat whatever I want and not be fat. Now I have to exercise and eat right most of the time just to not be fat

  19. Freedom! I used to spend summers as a young lad doing jack and shit. I just want to go back to having nothing to do.

  20. Adam "Colorado" CurryJuly 2, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    Just having any kind of health coverage at all.

  21. Living in England when I was in middle school.

  22. With today's technology, the right to privacy. As a kid, I didn't have to worry about a picture/video going viral and the whole world knowing. Today, I have to be a bit careful because anyone with a camera can post anything to the internet and a persons life can be ruined.
    As a teacher, I have to be very careful what I post online and do in the classroom. One of my colleagues had a video taken of her in the classroom and posted to YouTube. So I value my privacy much much more today than just 10-20 years ago.

  23. This would take an insane amount of time but it would be cool to factor in strength of schedule.

  24. This needs to be put to music and video with that one chick's voice who did the MITB stat recap.

  25. Lucas Arts point and click adventure games. I just figured I'd be playing fun new Monkey Island adventures forever.

  26. Not having a care in the world in the summertime.

    Now it's work, work, work, bills, bills, bills.

    Oh and Naps.

    I love me some naps now.

  27. Sam & Max Hit the Road and Full Throttle were the bomb. Loved those games.


  29. Sega.

    I had a Master System. A Genesis. A Game Gear. A 32X. A Dreamcast. I miss the big 2 of Sega and Nintendo from my youth. It was a simpler time.

  30. Randy Orton 8-15-4 (.296)

    But Randy Orton never jobs!?!?!?

  31. Saw your pictures on FB that is some amazing progress. Good job.

  32. Kane 2-13-1 (.125)


  33. Did you ever come to MB in the summer as a kid/teenager?

  34. Also when the hell did Dolph win 17 matches?

  35. Being able to play football (or "sawker" as you Americans call it) from the moment I got home from school to the point it was too dark to see the ball.

    You've never truly lived until you've played "any man save" rules in a 24-a-side game on a halfsized pitch made of "ash" (grit, basically) in the middle of winter with a Mitre Mouldmaster (like a medicine ball made of hard plastic and without thr forgiveness). Used to go home with more cuts than Cactus Jack and a chunk of my leg missing.

    Halcyon days of yore, indeed.

  36. Why would you even tempt you-know-who?

  37. That's what I said

  38. Also funny... Zack Ryder not even making the list

  39. I only came once. That was in '86.

  40. Naps are the shit. Definitely first ballot hall-of-famer.

  41. Being able to quit a job I hate.

  42. Grim Fandango being remade is a good thing. Hopefully more will follow suit. Day of the Tentacle and Manic Mansion are ripe for the reboot treatment, imo.

  43. Looooooooooom!

  44. The Jericholic Ninja was Rusev's first gimmick. Glad he got another shot in WWE.

  45. No saturn? Mine is still hooked up.

    Master sysyem was the shit......

  46. Cena wins, but Rusev crush.

  47. You should be careful sharing this stuff. I understand WWE doesn't want this elite information shared. Could be a lawsuit.

  48. I wouldn't dare LOL at him though

  49. I'd like to add; Triple H 0-3

  50. Never had a Saturn. Only ever played one during in store set ups of the system. We went from middle class to poor around when the Saturn was released. Things turned around, but it was made clear to me that Nights into Dreams, Panzer Dragon and Virtua Fighter were not strong enough selling points to get me a Saturn.

  51. It is obvious that these numbers are meant to hinder Jinder. Poor Jinder.

  52. thanks; Ive been doing ddpyoga for the last 9.5 months and lost over 30% of my weight. It has been very successful for me and looking to just tone up which the program will definitely help me with

  53. If Vince had this same thought (prior to Jinder getting fired) he absolutely would have started a break up of 3MB where Jinder started to get frustrated with them and said that he was no longer going to allow them to Hinder Jinder! Then he would have won 50% of his matches with them and lost the other 50%.

  54. A good stat to check: how many repeat matches have we seen on television, i.e. the dreaded "a rematch from this past Friday Night Smackdown/Main Event"

  55. I'm only up to 1985, and I LOVE this "timeline"

    Bobo Brazil as champ for nearly 18 months? The title moving to the NWA for the late 70s? World Champion BUGSY MCGRAW?

    ... and Hogan still gets the belt back early into his actual run.

  56. That's why I have zero problem with his recent huge push. He's putting people over clean.

  57. I call this the "Way too much time on one's hands" list.

  58. Your winning percentages are off. A draw would be half a win and half a loss toward a winning percentage. Bo Dallas' 10-0-1 would be .952, for example. Not .909.

  59. So I guess Cody Rhodes and Natalya are the biggest victims of 50/50 booking?

  60. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 2, 2014 at 11:42 AM

    They haven't wrestled each other yet.

  61. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 2, 2014 at 11:42 AM

    So based on these numbers Rusev has beaten every black wrestler on the roster 4 times?

  62. I've seen it done both ways, where win% is wins/total matches (how he's done it), and (wins+draws/2)/total matches. I lean towards the latter (like your example), but a draw is "technically" not a win. So I can see where he's coming from.

  63. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 2, 2014 at 11:44 AM

    That's what I was hoping he would have put on the chart.

  64. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 2, 2014 at 11:44 AM

    But you WOULD stare at his girls' ass though, right?

  65. CruelConnectionNumber2July 2, 2014 at 11:45 AM

    Who has he put over? Batista tapped in the WM 30 main, not him. He lost in the 6-Man Elimination Match. And Kofi pinned him on Raw.

  66. Well yeah... the ROI is much higher there

  67. I thought you only got 3/5 a win for that?

  68. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 2, 2014 at 11:50 AM

    So then he's 12 - 0?

  69. So Kane is a bigger jobber than Xavier Woods and Damien Sandow. WOW.

  70. Virtua Fighter ALL. DAY. LONG.

  71. For a while Natalya was the queen of "win the non-title match to become #1 contender, lose the title match." That probably explains that. For that matter, Cody was probably the victim of "lose the non-title match, win the title match" when he was tag champ.

  72. I say summer for the opposite reason: as a kid you take it for granted because every year it's there, saving you from school. But as an adult I appreciate it even though I still have to go to work and pay bills and all that shit. Warm weather, cool shit going on downtown, music festivals, grilling out and drinking beer outside, throwing bags, going to the pool....I gets the most out of my summer as an adult. On Saturday I helped out my buddy who has a BBQ truck. Worked all afternoon/evening at our town's Blues, Brews and BBQ festival, then partied until 4:30 in the morning. I don't get that shit in the winter.

  73. El Torito should be John Cena's next opponent!

  74. Your parents always being around. Treasure that now as you and they grow older.

  75. I thought she was the Queen of Farts?

  76. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 2, 2014 at 12:07 PM

    Being young. I swore I wanted to be an adult more that a kid, but now that I've experienced the world of rent and student loans I'll gladly go back and live off a part-time gig and watching Teen Titans reruns.

  77. Torito used his political connections to get the match axed because he didn't want to do the job.

  78. Still fun and interesting.

  79. I just can't believe Adam Rose is the king over everyone so far.

  80. Awesome to hear that it works. I need to start this program, have it, just been putting it off and trying other workout options.

  81. I'm shocked Ziggler has that many wins and Alberto has that many losses.

  82. He's the only non-lemon.

  83. Never said it wasn't. but wow.

  84. Adam "Colorado" CurryJuly 2, 2014 at 12:20 PM

    Who would have thought Taker would be 0-1?

  85. True. It's just easier in the Excel sheet to make draws count as a non-win.

  86. Adam "Colorado" CurryJuly 2, 2014 at 12:22 PM

    One thing I'm seeing here: WWE books WAY too many matches that end in non-finishes.

  87. Ha, well as a graduate student things get sort of boring in the summer when nothing is going on.

  88. That's because they're telling stories!

  89. I've found that lots of Dolph's wins happen on Main Event or Smackdown!, so basically shows that few people watch.

  90. I didn't keep track of that, but I might see if I can plug some of that stuff in at a later date or next year. I can tell you based on observation, since I assembled this data in about 2 days, that there were LOTS of instances of that happening. The WWE was really fond of Shield/Wyatt combinations in the winter and now really loves Usos/Sheamus vs. Wyatts. Also, Rusev has beaten Sin Cara about 5-7 times.

  91. Adam "Colorado" CurryJuly 2, 2014 at 12:33 PM

    Yeah, well, their stories suck. And that's my second biggest pet peeve in wrestling (first would be commercials during matches, especially on taped shows), I'm not saying every match has to end clean, but there should always be someone jobbing somehow. Time limit draws especially piss me off.

  92. Adam "Colorado" CurryJuly 2, 2014 at 12:35 PM

    Also, I assume that winning by DQ counts as a win? I'd put in a separate column, or just call it a draw for both guys.

  93. But people will be buried.

  94. Adam "Colorado" CurryJuly 2, 2014 at 12:38 PM

    Better than having no one look strong.

  95. I really had no idea El Torito had even been in so many matches. He's like the Goldberg of Superstars, but in fairness, all his wins were against 3.5 MB

  96. Second time that particular phrase has been used this World Cup. New meme?

  97. I'll fix that for next time. I've typically treated them as a straight non-win, but that makes more sense.

  98. Yes, winning by DQ counts as a win. A draw is from double-DQ, double count out, time limit, or some other silly reason.

  99. This is pretty awesome.

  100. Less stigma for doing what you love.

    Comic reading, video game playing, wrestling watching 15 year old: perfectly acceptable. 40-something? WTF is wrong with you?

  101. But you still watch Teen Titans reruns, right? Not just me?

  102. Adam "Colorado" CurryJuly 2, 2014 at 12:47 PM

    There's no way to really do this without making it too complicated. Like, if you just blatantly nail a guy with an international object in full view of the ref, then yes, that should count as a loss. But factors outside your control (say a face and heel get thrown into a random match and the and another heel that the face is feuding with attacks him and draws the DQ) shouldn't. I'm clearly bored and over-thinking this.


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