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QOTD #17: Favorite Santino Moments

We had a hell of a lot of feedback yesterday, so strap yourselves in, this is going to be a long one. But first...

Today’s Question: Santino reportedly retired on Sunday at a house show. What is your all time favorite Santino moment?

I can’t wait to read your responses on this one as Santino is my favorite wrestler on the active roster, so I should be in for a treat reliving some of his best work.

I’m going to dive into yesterday’s responses, but as always if you want to skip to the end of this piece or start talking right away about the Italian Stallion, then please scroll to the end or hit the comments button.

I had asked you what the most intelligence insulting, or embarrassing thing you ever saw on a wrestling show. Over 400 answers came out, with very little threadjacking. Even the Power Ranger only showed up once every 3 posts as opposed to 2, a 50% improvement!

Nick Piers: The Katie Vick angle, specifically the funeral parlour bit. We've had our fair share of stupid things in wrestling. You need to take the bad - or the ridiculously stupid - with the bad in order to remain a fan. At its core, the inherent nature of pro-wrestling is ridiculous. It's built on many ridiculous concepts that you just accept. Me, I love a good silly gimmick sometimes. I liked the Funkasurus, for example. Nothing - NOTHING - though made me feel so completely ashamed to be a wrestling fan and made me seriously consider not watching it (or at least WWE) anymore than the Katie Vick stuff. That was during a period where WWE - or specifically Vince - was getting more and more desperate for widespread media attention. So he was trying to push the envelope as much as humanly possible. Katie Vick was by far the epitome of that desperate envelope pushing.

Nick, you said it first, and you probably said it best. One poster told the story of trying to get a friend to check out the WWE, and THAT was the angle on the TV that he got stuck with. This was 100% a ratings ploy, as things had plummeted fast in 2002 from drawing as high as a 5.4 in mid-March, to hovering around 3.7 from the introduction of the Big Gold Belt in September; which for the first time had put them on par with Smackdown. I hate to even defend the guy, but even VINCE RUSSO never had necrophilia green-lit, that man had no filter!

Petrock: That time R-Truth died from being exploded. He got better, unfortunately.

Had he not been seen running off stage, AND had WWE promptly released him, I’d be tempted to call this the greatest angle in wrestling history. The fact this was never mentioned again when he somehow went from a smoldering pile of ash back to rappin’ with Little Jimmy was the insulting part.

MichaelXavier: D-Lo Brown causing Terri Runnels to "lose" her baby. It was a disgusting angle and never went anywhere. The fact that WWE repeated it a few years later with Snitsky and Lita was also disgusting.

I’m going to take issue with your hate-on of my main man Snitsky. For starters, it wasn’t his fault. Secondly, the promotion handled it with class, such as punting babies into the audience, and holding up no babies signs. In fact, I ran this past my wife, who glared at me and told me that I’m not funny. So ... maybe you win on this one. In all honestly Michael, I thought the angle was hilarious when I was 22, but now that I’m older and we’ve since had some trouble with conception, suddenly it’s not as much fun. But Snitsky and I are still cool.

THE YETAAAAY: Mae Young giving birth to a hand is the only thing that can rival Katie Vick.

I know several people who still talk to this day about that being the angle that turned them off professional wrestling. I recently showed the Mae Young with her son, The Hand from RAW 1000 to a co-worker who was grumbling to me about it. He was speechless.

Dirty_Dave_Delaney: Vince McMahon supposedly getting killed off in a limo explosion. In fact the only good thing about the Benoit murders was that it resulted in the angle being stopped!

Let’s not ever suggest there was any good thing about the Benoit murders, shall we? Apparently we didn’t see the worst of the McMahon angle either; reportedly they were planning a serious funeral for him on RAW. Classy, as always.

WCW1987: Big Show having to do Steph's dirty work because he "needed to the money" same goes to HBK/JBL managerial duties thing.

Not following you here. It’s outside the realm of possibility that these guys mismanage their finances? Professional athletes? Not possible!

Witlon: Unforgiven 2002. We're seriously supposed to rather see Bischoff get a man's ass shoved in his face than Steph make out with lesbians? Come on, WWE.

Let’s be clear; she was supposed to make out with Lesbian Rikishi.

White Thunder: The WWE's awful attempts at humor are the most insulting to my intelligence. I like the Bill Watts philosophy of not having anything be funny on purpose, but if it is go with it. Snitsky is a great example of something that was really funny that wasn't meant to be. Cole and JBL laughing makes me gag. I get stupider as a human being every time WWE attempts comedy.

The constant laugh-track by the announce crew makes me want to watch RAW on mute most nights. I can’t decide if I’d prefer they bury the segment, or yuk it up every time Adam Rose tells his opponent not to be a lemon. Actually, scratch that – I’d prefer they just not book bad comedy.

dwaters: Mankind vs. Rock. Halftime Heat. Point of view shot of Rock under the forklift. This wins simply because of the huge audience it reached.

I love this pick, because I’d long forgotten about it. Yes, as part of the Superbowl, the WWE had a chance to put on a legitimately hot wrestling match featuring The Rock and Mick Foley in a hardcore war. Instead, they ventured into a campy territory, playing it safe in front of a national audience.

NoCash: A bit of an obscure one but, Vince McMahon leading U.P.Y.O.U.R.S. Vince McMahon. Union Leader. I WONDER IF HE'S GOING TO TURN ON THEM.

My office got unionized a few months ago, where I’m a manager. With unions comes union stewards, and elections were forthcoming. One of the employees told me “Chris, I think you should run, you’re pretty fair.” I looked at him in disbelief and told him “I don’t think you understand how unions work”. I’m willing to believe Ken Shamrock and Test might have been on this train of thought, but I can’t suspend my disbelief that Mick Foley is that naive.

Jobber123: For me the most intelligence insulting stuff the wwe does are most of the wwe "did you know" graphics. The wwe is more popular than every other sport combined, has 15 million female fans, and rules all social media. We all know those are lies but they do it after every commercial break and it adds a stench of complete desperation for main stream acceptance to every show they air.

The #1 trend on Twitter right now is #ChristianReturns. The world is talking about it! Please don’t independently check this!

LeeleePhoenix: Most of it was only Internet, the Tim White suicide 'comedy' bits they had for a few months in 2006. Haha, playing Pop Goes The Weasel while someone keeps trying to kill themselves. Pointless, insulting, stupid... like most WWE intentional comedy.

Josh Matthews tried. Man did he try. But there is no way to make a suicidal man funny. Even after 20 failed suicide attempts.

ABeyAnce1: That whole DX Little Peoples court. Come on, we're suppose to suspect a whole other building is under the ring?

Midgets aren’t people like you and I. Think Fraggle Rock, just with more devious plotting.

PeteF3: Catherine White, Mick Foley, and "Lost in Cleveland" has to be up there.

I’m just going to assume most of the BoD audience has heard about this, but has never seen it. Thankfully, YouTube exists. Basically, Vader beat Cactus Jack into a pulp and had him stretchered out after one of their many wars. Somehow, this led to Mick losing his memory and moving to Cleveland to lead a group of hobos while (WCW?) reporter Catherine White tries to get the full story and help him regain his memory. The angle ends when Foley reveals it was all a ruse to get a rematch, and loses the blowoff. Here’s just one of the awful memories:

Hoss_of_BoD: I don't think this has ever been brought up, but during Jake Roberts' brief stint in WCW, he had the glove on a pole match with Sting. Plenty about this was really insulting, including Jake holding a snake to his face pretending that it was biting him. But, the part that always annoyed me was that Jake had really started to put on weight, and there was NO FUCKING WAY he was going to be able to climb that pole. Fucking dumb. Bear in mind I'm a Roberts mark.

You reference men with too much weight to climb a pole, and somehow avoid bringing up the Carson City Silver Dollar match between John Tenta and Big Bubba? They had to get Jimmy Hart to shinny up the 10 foot pole, because the other two lugs spent the whole match trying to figure out how to remove the pole from the straps to get the sock down.

James: I've said this a lot on here, but the segment where Undertaker "kills" Paul Bearer and buries him in cement was so intelligence-insulting that it made me stop denying wrestling was fake at 12 years old.

Yeah, I’m really not sure what the point of that one was. Or any of the times they killed Paul Bearer, to be honest. Maybe it was their version of Kenny.

Stelio Kontos: McMahon being the higher power, completely going against the previous few months worth of storylines. I mean, Vince really went through several Ministry shit-kickings and god knows what else, to what, get one over on Austin again? No amount of retroactive continuity could make that shit make sense.

The Immortal Hoke Ogan: Michael fucking Cole spouting off an exact weight for a guy they are selling as a legit "ohmygod surprise" return

This is something I’ve never thought of, but it’s an excellent point. We’re honestly in one of the worst eras of announcing ever, and lord knows I sat through an era that saw Stevie Ray, Mark Madden, and Tony Schiavone.

BeardMoney: Would be remiss if I didn't mention Randy Orton trying to blow up John Cena using the pyrotechnics board in their Iron Man match. There are so many things about that match that cause pure hatred to ooze out of my pores. And I'm typically a pretty level guy.

I’m always reminded of Tony Schiavone getting absolutely owned by Jesse Ventura in the late 80’s, when Tony tried justifying outside behavior as ok because it wasn’t in the ring. Jesse suggested someone bring a gun next time and just shoot their opponents since everything was legal outside the ring. Tony tried backtracking, but Jesse wouldn’t give an inch.

Extant1979: I asked my girlfriend what she thought the most insulting I've ever made her watch was. She made it pretty clear that every Diva's segment ever has been insulting to her as a woman. She's only been watching with me for 3-4 years. She doesn't even know about Trish on her hands and knees, barking like a dog; or the Lita miscarriage stuff with Kane; Piggy James with LayCool. Bra and panties matches. "The way the WWE treats women is really why I don't like it." Preach on, sweetheart! You don't even know the half of it.

This pretty much applies to any minority on the show. If you aren’t a white male, then you’re going to be typecast. A woman’s role is to be a filthy slut, who panders to men, and can’t think for herself. Which is probably exactly how Vince likes it in real life.

joedust: Has anyone talked about Hogan/Warrior from WCW in '98? The smoke, Warrior disappearing and reappearing, Warrior in the mirror that only Hogan could see... I literally can't think of anything worse.

This was another case of WCW having absolutely no idea how to book a former WWF star. Warrior had been built on a certain mystique, which WCW mistook as MAGIC. It didn’t help that this was a Bischoff/Hogan vision of how they saw the feud playing out, rather than sticking to what had worked his whole career. An absolute embarrassment.

catfishhedberg: I remember Samoa Joe running around TNA with a machete trying to take out the Main Event Mafia. He even disfigured Scott Steiner so bad that Steiner had to wear a mask for 1 whole week before ditching it with no scarring. If I'm not mistaken, all of this led to a swerve with Joe joining the Main Event Mafia.

meka3000: In late 2011, The WWE Roster voting no confidence in HHH being charge and fearing for their safety after all these years, because FUCKING MIZ & R-TRUTH reeked havoc ONCE!

I guess the WCW roster was far too intimidated by Sid’s non-stop powerbombs to do the same in the summer of 1999.

Ryan Norcross: The Nitro segments where JJ Dillion kept offering Sting contracts to fight everybody but Hogan. Making him the only person on Earth to not know Sting wants Hogan.

That was infuriating. WCW is desperately seeking a hero to capitulate Hogan’s army, and have a former World Champion who has made mince meat of the nWo everytime he’s struck basically willing to get it done, but the idiot savant JJ Dillon decides what Sting REALLY wants is a match with Curt Hennig. Which would only send Sting back to cry in the rafters for a few more months.

BooBoo1782: Kane promising to kill himself if he can't beat Austin at KOTR '98, coupled with the gas cans at ringside that night. Anytime you present DEATH as the stakes of a pro wrestling match, you've left the bounds of suspending disbelief.

I’m guessing you’re not a fan of the Texas Death Match.

Porn Peddlin’ Jef Vinson: Anytime a wrestler is "fired" but keeps showing up to the arena anyway.

I’d argue that most wrestlers know their limitations, and are essentially screwed for money without the job, but you’re right. Someone saying “fair enough, I guess that’s it. It’s a good thing I’ve been taking those online insurance courses, I’m going to give that contract at MetLife a go”, might be a nice twist.

Adam Moore: I'm sure this has already been said, but everyone in WCW supposedly hating everyone in NWO so much, yet they never simply refused to not let them in the building. Then, at Fall Brawl 96, they announced that the NWO refused to wrestle at that show, since they weren't under WCW contract, unless they got what they wanted.

I think because Hogan was holding their World Title hostage by that point, they didn’t want to risk having him take it back to New York. I don’t want to make excuses, but that angle didn’t really bother me.

WiffleBat: Any time anyone suffers a 'mild heart attack' as a result of a heel's shenanigans. Andre, Eddie Guerrero's mother, Flair (TWICE), and I'm sure there are a few others I'm forgetting.

I must be the biggest sucker on the planet, because I 100% bought Flair’s first heart attack, hook, line, and sinker. I didn’t think any promotion would be insensitive enough to fake something like that. Little did I know. Nicely done, Uncle Eric.

Jared Bellow: Triple H appearing on Raw a mere 8 days after being dropped 40 feet by forklift trapped in a car. It was the beginning of making stunts look really meaningless and it was the beginning of protrcting Triple H to where his character was no longer believable. They should have shelved him until February and made No Way Out a blood feud between two vicious tweeners who will stop at no costs with the violence. Instead they built it via endless run ins. It was the prototype for people getting murdered in these B PPV gimmick matches and returning on Raw unscathed.

I think by this point we’ve established that death is probably not the wisest course of action to take. I remember that PPV, and thinking for sure Triple H was dead. If nothing else, he was headed to intensive care and we wouldn’t be seeing him for a long time. The following night? Barely a scratch.

The Cooler: When Seargant Slaughter, the most patriotic wrestler in history, up and becomes an Iraqi sympathizer on a whim...and the Iron Sheik is brought in as his buddy, only under a different name. You know, the Iron Sheik...from IRAN. Congrats WWF, you lost me until I accidentally caught Hart/Austin @ WM13 at a buddy's house due to this blatant xenophobic, retarded farce.

Of course this was such a blazing success that they felt the need to repeat this again 13 years later with Muhammed Hassan, played by an Italian, playing the role of an Al Qaeda agent. Because he was Islamic.

CDN: The formation of NWO 2000......Bret Hart has Goldberg in a figure-four with the referee down. Hall and Nash show up with baseball bats and start bashing Goldberg. Next, Piper runs down to save Goldberg and lays on top of Goldberg to absorb the punishment. The referee wakes up, and counts the 1-2-3 with Piper laying on top of Goldberg. Your new champion....Bret Hart. Jarrett hits the ring and all four celebrate with all the gold. Why would the ref make the count, at all, especially with Piper on top, then award the belt to Hart???? So fucking funny. Because WCW.

So let’s go through that WHOLE night. Bret beats Goldberg at Starrcade via Montreal Screwjob at the hands of Earl Hebner Roddy Piper. Kevin Nash is so torn up about this he cuts a Real Shoot Promo about never taking advantage of The Boys in the locker room. Bret Hart swears he knew nothing about it, and doesn’t even want the belt, unless he can wrestle Goldberg again. Roddy Piper for some reason here is a face, who tearfully apologizes for his role and uses his son as a human shield. He quits, but returns by the main event when Nash and Hall are running in. He throws himself on Goldberg to save him from the carnage, the referee counts with Bret standing off to the side, and YOUR winner and new WCW Champion is also the CURRENT WCW Champion Bret Hart. What ... the ... bloody ... hell? The band is back together, it’s ok.

SodiePop: I still remember the Bugs Bunny backstage skit they shot with Hornswoggle and Carlito where HW spray-painted a hole in the wall to escape from Carlito. HW ran through it, and when Carlito tried it he ran into the wall. I stopped watching for months after that.

This segment is EXACTLY what I had in mind when I created this thread, and I was happy to see it referenced several times. I thought this was a long-forgotten turd floating in the septic tank of WWE headquarters, but it had enough of an impact to linger for years.

This was the dumbest thing I ever saw. The Bugs Bunny cartoons are cute, because they are cartoons. We all recognize there is no way the Road Runner can sprint through a spray painted tunnel, which is why it’s funny. It is not funny when it features real humans who are supposed to hate each other for real. In fact, it’s insulting to everyone watching at home.

Yes, we suspend our disbelief when we watch wrestling.  However, the entire sport was built upon the notion that promoters had the ability to control match outcomes to suit what they felt would get the best audience reactions. While evolution is a part all aspects of life, the one thing all of us want from wrestling is to believe what we’re watching is possible. As soon as you negate that, you’ve lost us all together.

Share in my rage with the video below.

And before I go, I’m going to share one more, because one bad segment wasn’t enough. Hulk Hogan enters the DUNGEON OF DOOM! I’ll see you tomorrow.


  1. The Santino Tea Party. One of the few legit funny moments on WWE TV. Even Sheamus could barely keep a straight face.

  2. The near Rumble and Chamber wins.

  3. Stealing Lawler's Subway sub. Honorable mention to his "feud" with Steve Austin.

  4. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 7, 2014 at 10:11 AM

    I honestly can't remember any specific moment that I liked, but I generally enjoyed Santino for most of his stint.

    I did hate the stupid showdown in the Rumble where socko and cobra faced off. That was dumb.

  5. I liked his powerwalking the ropes rather than running the ropes.

  6. I always got a kick out of the playing of the fake bugle. I never understood it. I don't want it to be explained. It was just plain old fun.

    He has one of the most iconic themes of the modern era. It instantly draws heat as soon as it starts.

    Last weeks Twisted Tea as was another classic Santino moment. The guy plays the character to absolute perfection.

  7. Off topic:

    Want to feel old? On this day 18 years ago (1996), the nWo formed at Bash at the Beach

  8. Santino and Beth winning the IC and women's titles from Kofi and Mickie and Beth carrying Santino out on her shoulders.

  9. Good point. Santino does have a great theme song.

  10. I have another one: Santino's constant insulting of Austin's "The Condemned".

  11. Oh come on...Socko vs. Cobra was a fun moment.

  12. Gotta love when the news serves you up an easy QOTD.

    Either the Honk-O-Meter or nearly winning the Rumble/Chamber.

    I also really like the way he did his hip toss

  13. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 7, 2014 at 10:15 AM

    Nope, zero love for that from me.

    I generally liked Santino's goofiness, but that moment made me cringe.

  14. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 7, 2014 at 10:16 AM

    glamarella was awesome

    i also was a fan of santina. everyone thought it was stupid, but the crowd bought into it and it turned him babyface, which is not always an easy thing to do. and he's been riding that babyface momentum just as strongly ever since, so kudos to him

    i think what made him so great is that he could back it up in the ring. he definitely had the skills, but also good comedic timing, the union of which made for a more complete and dare i say more "intelligent" humor

    i for one was MARKING OUT BRO at the end of the '11 rumble

  15. I watched it on scrambled PPV from my off market cable box. Used to watch old wrestling like it was porno with the scrabble vision. Those were the days. I remember it squiggling into an almost perfect though off colored view for the main event. Great memories.

  16. 'Santino is my favourite wrestler' is one of the few things I thought I would never read on this blog.

    I kinda enjoyed the pairing with Beth,but that's about it really.

  17. I felt terrible for Mick. Even if he had fun with it. Just a terrible moment. One more nail into the coffin of the hardcore icons credibility.

  18. I liked when Santino dragged Carlo out into the street and kicked his ass in front of the whole block because he was beating Connie.

  19. Every mention of "John Chaina"

  20. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 7, 2014 at 10:36 AM

    Not a particular point I recall specifically but when he went from incredibly boring babyface to funny heel who mispronounced everything in humorous ways.

  21. When Jim Cornette slapped him for disrespecting THIS BUSINESS.

  22. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJuly 7, 2014 at 10:40 AM

    Elimination Chamber and Rumble, hands down.

    He's a talent to get people invested THAT much. He had me believing, and i'm a 20+ year fan. That was getting some fucking heat, man.

  23. The match where he returned last year to take on Cesaro in Toronto (his hometown crowd) was a blast.

  24. So I don't think I have had an opportunity yet to point out how I told you when the GF moved in with you that Abeyance and I would end up passing you...

  25. Yep, I did it too...for some reason the cable company we had growing up didn't mute the audio on the PPV channels, so for me watching PPV was like watching a REALLY badly dubbed tape with the squiggly video but perfect audio.

  26. My favorite was him winning the IC title from Umaga on his debut at the height of the Crazy Vince angle

  27. Glamarella, totally. Also his anger over Maria in Playboy, calling the horndog fans 'garbage-a people'. What a funny greaseball.

  28. I loved when he would do a diving headbutt and do a salute as he did it. One tag match he saw the other tag partner try to come in and yelled "don't even think about it!"Little things like that were awesome.

  29. The Honk-a-meter. How they screwed that up, I will never know.

  30. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJuly 7, 2014 at 10:49 AM

    lmfao looking back on it, Crazy Vince was a HILARIOUS angle.

    I remember him sitting on a rocking chair during an episode of ECW haha

  31. "Ray Mastrio, people who wear masks are either crazy, or Batman. And you do not look like Batman!"

  32. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 11:01 AM

    Santino throwing himself out of a Battle Royal, and maybe the Honk-a-Meter thing.

  33. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 11:02 AM

    His ad-libs in the ring were pretty funny.

  34. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 11:03 AM

    "You....touch my sister again I'll kill you."

  35. What made that was his, "Haha, you lose!" right before he stole the sandwich.

  36. When he first turned heel, no joke, he was one of my favorites. He was always a shit wrestler, but that was partially because of his gimmick. He made everything he did entertaining, can't ask for much more than that.

  37. One of the best pieces of unintended continuity WWE has offered over the years: Santino bangs ALL the divas. Seriously, he always seemed to have someone hanging off his arm.

  38. In kayfabe he must have pulled more ass than anyone.

  39. Won't get 100 upvotes here with that.

  40. I'd appreciate you keeping things such as this to yourself sir!

  41. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJuly 7, 2014 at 11:17 AM

    haha Definitely not!

    Different breed, here.

  42. One of my favorite stunners ever ... and JR's call was so awesome.

  43. He makes John Cena break character for a split second. "Scrotus region" LOL

  44. D-Bry had a pretty good track record too - AJ, Gail Kim and Brie.

  45. A deathly afraid Santino responding to Kane screaming "Where's Punk?" in his face with "Did you try the Pepsi machine?"

  46. Its a definite albatross on my post count. Still, don't underestimate my ability to milk the time I can be on for awhile for as many posts as possible lol

  47. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyJuly 7, 2014 at 11:41 AM

    There was a tag match from about a year or two ago I think involving Santino where he goes to do the spot of jumping towards your partner to hit the hot tag, only Santino's jump doesn't quite reach his partner causing him to fall face down on the mat. Just a little comedic twist on a classic spot but I do prefer that kind of in-ring comedy as opposed to using gross out humour in wrestling (e.g. Stephanie vomiting over Vickie Guerrero from a few weeks ago).

  48. Favourite Santino moments:

    1) Santino/Foley hand puppet socko/cobra fight.

    2) Santino nearly winning the umble by ALMOST eliminating Alberto at the end.

    3) His failed attempt at beating Honky Tonk Man's IC title reign.. the whole deal. Santino and Beth Phoenix were an underrated duo.

  49. I remember that! I think his partner was Punk, who just gave him a WTF look.

  50. When he retired

  51. I feel like with Santino's charisma, they could have done more with him. I'm not saying he becomes a main-eventer or world champ but there must have been more they could do.

    Maybe they'll do it now. I don't know if he could be a top manager (unless he turns heel) and I really don't want to see another general manager character. But I do think he would be a great manager of a diva's champ and would bring some fun to those matches.

  52. How about when he called Jericho "KYJ"?

  53. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyJuly 7, 2014 at 11:59 AM

    Thanks for reminding me who his partner was because that enabled me to track it down on Youtube. There's an even funnier spot earlier in the match where Punk dives out on to the opposing team (Daniel Bryan and Cody Rhodes) and Santino tries to follow suit only to wind himself bouncing off the second rope!

  54. I like that Hell in A Cell with him against Bryan as I've mentioned before. You really almost thought just maybe possibly he could pull it off, but not really.

    Also the Cobra vs. Socko stuff was great.

    But generally he was just a guy who did whatever he could to get over. He's sorta like Crash Holly in that way. He wasn't the biggest or the toughest or anything, but he was willing to do whatever it took to entertain. He made you smile a lot.

  55. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJuly 7, 2014 at 12:26 PM

    Elimination Chamber?

  56. YES! Came here to post literally exactly this. I'm not ashamed to admit I marked out to both moments. I was fortunate to be in the house for the Rumble and it was awesome watching my whole section do a collective double take.

  57. Him getting his ass kicked by Jim Cornette in Ohio, I didn't see it, but the Mental vision of it, I find absolutely hilarious.

  58. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJuly 7, 2014 at 12:30 PM

    Santino landing the first hit against Laurinitus' People Power movement in the Raw after WrestleMania 28, beating Swagger and Ziggler in what was essentially a handicap match for his US title. He was always a great slimeball heel, but man was he a great underdog face when booked correctly.

  59. Isn't he a legit martial arts guy in real life?

  60. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJuly 7, 2014 at 12:32 PM

    Pretty sure I heard he had an MMA background


  62. That was a shoot by Meekin

  63. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 12:35 PM

    Side note: That is one of the WORST choreographed scenes EVER. Because the fight scene is shot from the side Santino is clearly shown missing the punches he's throwing at Carlos by a foot.

  64. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJuly 7, 2014 at 12:36 PM

    Ah, my mistake, sorry Meekin

  65. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 12:36 PM

    Yeah. I was 3 when that happened.

  66. Everytime he gets injured so I don't have to see him for a few months

  67. We called it Squiggly Time Theatre.

  68. We'll you see in his head all Hell in a Cells are Elimination Chambers, but not all Eliminaton Chambers are Hell in a Cells, see?

  69. Hahaha, that's it. He took a big satisfying in your face bite before stomping away.

  70. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJuly 7, 2014 at 12:43 PM

    You know you never "have" to see him in the first place

  71. The time he retired at a house show.

  72. >Santino is my favorite wrestler on the active roster

    Wait, what?

  73. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 7, 2014 at 12:55 PM

    Def. the tea time with Sheamoose

    "We have green tea, ginger tea---oh."

    Although Kozlov stole the show on that one.

  74. Been said but the Rumble tease was great. I'd like to think the response played a role in them not going Del Rio whole hog, leading to Edge keeping the belt at Mania and ultimately Christian getting a taste of the belt.

  75. Cornette has a stick up his ass. Oh no, someone laughed at the patently ridiculous Boogeyman, how will the business ever survive?

  76. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 7, 2014 at 12:59 PM

    Him, Bryan, and Edge all did ok.

  77. Yep, and his initial Russian mma character is surreal to watch in retrospect.

  78. When he interrupted Lillian Garcia's band and started singing songs to antagonize Austin. Sang to the tune of Amy Winehouse's Rehab, "They asked me to watch the condemned and I said no no no."

  79. That Dungeon of Doom segment is still one of the funniest things I've ever seen in wrestling.

  80. Yessss!!!! Thanks dude! Lol

  81. Discounting the easy winner of the HONK-A-METER... There was some funny stuff in his run up to WM 24 when he was turning on Maria for showing her boobies in the Playboy, which became the birth of Glamarella. I think the best was when he stole Jerry Lawler's Subway sandwich!

  82. He and Koslov in England in full suits, derby hats and umbrellas, talking about how he studied Benny Hill and Austin Powers and "now know all about this culture." They do a "tea party" in the ring with Sheamus with Santino getting great lines. "Your anger is for two reasons. First, you were exposed to gamma rays. Second, you were excluded from activities as a child because you are ginger." Just hysterical how he did it.

  83. Another great bit: His beautiful selling of an Austin Stunner, flying through the air with a salute in mid-air. The guy worked because he was in character all the time, never a moment he wasn't and you had to love it.

  84. DX and Hornswoggle are backstage talking about a tag match, HHH calling in "Chris Jericho." Enter Santino in a goofy wig and suit who does a hysterical Jericho impression. "All of you peep-holes are jealous. I am the best there is at whatever it is I do. There is a conspiracy against me. Jesse Ventura should investigate."

  85. To Rey Mysterio:
    "You are not the Batman."
    "Look at me, I like cookies. Booyaka, booyaka."

  86. When he was the Borat-esque heel, he was great. Goofy babyface Santino was okay too, though.

  87. When somebody would turn the Cobra around on him, and he would fight desperately against his own hand. Funny every time.

  88. I'm sure it's been mentioned, but his role in the 2011 Royal rumble was awesome. They totally should have pulled the trigger there and let Santino win it, then spend two months of building him up as Edge's challenger. He was always over, maybe if they gave him a big win (Rumble) and serious build, who knows maybe he could have been somebody more than a comedy guy.

    As it is I hope the find a way to keep him as a character, either as a manager or running a talk show a la Piper's Pit.

  89. I haven't watched the product regularly enough during Santino's career to have a specific memory I REALLY like, but I think in general, the fact that he got the Cobra over is an accomplishment of note. I mean, it's a nice echo of the ridiculous moves that got over in the Attitude Era: Socko, the Worm, the People's Elbow, Hurricane choke-slamming's one of those moments in the course of a show where you can sit back and say, "Yes, I watch men in spandex - or jorts, or riot gear - pretend to fight, and it's completely ridiculous, but I'm going to own it."

  90. On screen who did Edge get? Lita and Vickie are all I recall

  91. Your rite. That's one reason why I havent watched wwe in a month

  92. Sorry to see the guy go but I don't have a favorite Santino moment. He was there, he wrestled, and now he won't anymore.

  93. exactly. pretty much the definition of "likable babyface".

  94. Adam "Colorado" CurryJuly 7, 2014 at 3:22 PM

    Wow, you're a lot younger than I thought you were. I was 14.

  95. no specific "moment": just came to emphasize again that Santino is/was awesome. a connection to the crowd that felt "genuine" (that's why the mentioned Rumble/Elimination chamber spots worked), great comedic timing (unlike almost all of the roster) and an okay worker in the ring (though I will always wonder if he could have put out the occasional **** match if he had been put in that position).

  96. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 7, 2014 at 3:33 PM

    Yeah, I guess you're right. I've always had this idea that he had more, but that's all that I can come up with now.

  97. Adam "Colorado" CurryJuly 7, 2014 at 3:35 PM

    None, I could never stand the guy. Or to clarify, I hated the character, he was a comedy jobber, except he wasn't funny. The cobra might be the stupidest reoccurring thing in wrestling history. Shame too, when they actually let him just work a normal match he wasn't terrible.

    I will say I'm happy to see him walk away relatively healthy, and I'm assuming pretty well financially secure. I'm sure he'll make a good trainer or agent.


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