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QOTD #22: WCW 2000

Today’s Question: As WCW fell apart in 2000, what was one moment that you still managed to enjoy through the chaos?

We’ll check back in with you tomorrow. If you want to start talking about it right away, scroll to the bottom of this thread, or click “comments” to get in.

Yesterday I asked you about the best TNA wrestler to freshen up the WWE main event scene, and to tell me about it.

Brian_Bayless: LeBron is a Cavalier again

And this made up about 85% of the discussion. I’m not knocking a good thread-jacking though. This can’t be anything but positive for Cleveland sports that have been kicked down and shit on for years. I took a spur of the moment road-trip in 2007 to see Game 5 of the ALCS between the Indians and Red Sox, in what I hoped would be a clincher for Cleveland at home. The fans were *ready*. Unfortunately, Josh Beckett turned into Superman, and Fausto Carmona was so haunted by it he no longer goes under the same name. It was deflating to see a city get crushed like that; but LeBron took it to a whole ‘nother level that I can’t even begin to imagine. I’m happy for everyone who gets a second kick at an NBA title with the King coming home.

However, the news took the rest of our feedback down the drain since we were all too distracted by The Decision 2014, but let’s filter through and see what else you said.

Robert Williams: Bully Ray would be a great main event heel because he can talk his ass off and get heat. And then do despicable things to reinforce the talk. The heel side of things right now is pretty pathetic in WWE - Orton is as boring as ever, same goes for Kane. Rollins really isn't all that interesting yet. Lesnar is only there occasionally, so you need an antagonist who is there regularly and can stir shit up. But he's probably too old to go back.

Mike Mears: Honestly, I think the only correct answers here would be Jeff Hardy or Kurt Angle. They've been gone from the WWE for five and eight years, respectively. That's long enough that it'd qualify as freshening up the main event scene. They still have the credibility in WWE fans' eyes that someone like Roode, Joe, Aries, or anyone else doesn't really have. Either Hardy or Angle would still be a great asset, especially on an RVD or Jericho-like schedule, to the upper card if they can stay clean and healthy. Which, of course, are huge "ifs."

Jason Andreas: I know he's not in TNA anymore, but I'd have loved to have seen Christopher Daniels get a proper run in the WWE, with a good push, using the Fallen Angel gimmick. Even now, a feud between him and Bray Wyatt could be all sorts of awesome. He'd be a good leader to bring through the Ascension as his stable's tag team, too. Lots of quasi religious and dark promos - a nice way to fill the gap left by the Undertaker and the likes of Raven (who was incredibly underused by the WWE, imo) and even SES-era CM Punk.

Extant1979: With the way the WWE built up the Shield and kept them strong for as long as they have, I think they could absolutely do the same for a TNA team. Bring in Bobby Roode and James Storm or Roode and Aries as a tag team and let them be a strong, dominant tag team for a while, before establishing them as singles competitors, and it just might work. Really, most anyone new can become a strong hand if booked properly (the magic words that don't always happen). A lot of TNA's guys may seem either washed up as former WWE guys or kind of bush league copies of WWE guys (like Abyss). But bring in a strong worker and give them some space, and it might just be crazy enough to work.

Michael Weyer: Austin Aries has the charisma, the skill and more to be a big player, given the right push and can easily slip into the Bryan hole to give WWE more flair.

Tom Dawkings: Surprised most people are burying the TNA roster. The fact that TNA doesn't have a credible main eventer is no fault of the talent, but creative. Anyways, I'm shocked that WWE never tried to pick up Roode as he seemed like the type of guy WWE would love to have. He started off bland, but then deveoped a main event personality with the whole Beer Money team and he could easily be pushed as the new HHH in WWE.

Try as I might, I really thought this one through and couldn’t come up with anyone. Sting isn’t on the TNA roster, and he’s really only good for 1 or 2 feuds tops. Angle is a cripple. Hardy is washed up. Bubba Ray is doing an excellent job with the Bully character, but in the PG system I’m not sure how well it work.

TNA is in a lot of trouble. I was an early cheerleader, recapping their shows for most of 2003 when they were $10 pay-per-view events. I loved America’s Most Wanted. I wanted so badly for them to succeed. But their merry-go-round of directional changes and incompetent management has left them a shell, and I suspect the end is near.

Happier times tomorrow. Have a great day.
