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Saturday Night's Main Event Greatest Moments List

Figured this would be right in your wheelhouse. Couldn't find room for Uncle Elmer's wedding, sadly

Maybe next time.  


  1. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 12:57 PM

    The Hardcolre Title didn't come from the title that the Genius smashed. There was an article on that debunked that myth many years ago. It was just a spare title that they dinged up for Foley.

  2. Let's not kill the mythos any....

  3. Never heard it called the Hulka-plex before... but that's what I'm calling it from here on out. I only checked the list to make sure it was 1 or 2.

  4. Ah, Jake Roberts DDTing Steamboat on the floor. A great angle, made even greater by Bobby Heenan's commentary on the matter: "Yeah, Steamboat! That's using your head!" " that pineapple juice I smell?"

    Great stuff.

  5. No HBK and Shane ladder suplex thru the table?? Ok...

  6. My favorite episode of SNME was when Hulk Hogan picked up Andre the Giant, twirled him around on one finger, dribble him like a basketball, and then slammed him -- and from New York down to Tampa, Florida -- the fault line broke off and Andre fell into the ocean.

  7. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 7, 2014 at 2:15 PM

    Such great memories Seriously is there anything better then being 10 or 11 and staying up late, (even after your parents have gone to bed) to watch SNME. The adrenaline still pumps a little just thinking about it.

  8. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 7, 2014 at 2:17 PM

    You can make a case that was the best overall SNME ever. Either that one or the Beefcake/Savage one two months later. I did love seeing Honky get hit with his own guitar.

  9. SNME never gets the props for their great intros: Each wrestler introducing themselves, talking about the match tonight and quick promos, nice to pull viewers in and let them know the score right off.

  10. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 2:32 PM

    There's one that's loaded with a bunch of Rick Martel vignettes with not so subtle innuendo. I hope kids watch that with mom and dad.

  11. Hogan - Andre 87 battle royal. Brain busters-demos title switch. Honky-savage oct. 87. Awesome


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