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Sporting News: Battleground Predictions and Picks


  1. Rusev continuing his path of destruction through Sheamus and turning the U.S. title into the Russian Championship is such a brilliant idea, I can't believe no one's thought of it until now.

  2. Actually according to year in review on Superstars 1986-87 -- the first Hogan/Orndorff match happened the night before - and Hogan totally no sold the wooden stool in that version and beat Heenan up. And I've seen the video - so Big Event wasn't the first match in the new series. BTW, their best matches were in 1984 MSG anyways --

  3. I agree re: Piper. I started watching the WWF in 1990 and it took awhile before I came to realize what an awesome heel he was.

  4. It's too bad there is no more hardcore title. He could win that and rename it the
    Saint Petersburg Hardcore International Title.

  5. I always thought heel Piper was funny and face Piper was crazy because there are idiots driving cars.

  6. We said this in the Raw thread and I'll add it here: WWE has accidentally stumbled into the money formula they were hoping Zeb and Swag could be as heels. They have to tread lightly in that match with Rusev, because both men can be future main eventers, but someone has to lose.

  7. Battleground is the rubber match between Paige and AJ. They are currently tied at one win apiece.

  8. The first Hogan/Orndorff match happened in 1984, before Orndorff's face turn. I recall one of those matches airing on USA...Orndorff actually hit the piledriver on Hogan, but spent about 30 seconds playing to the crowd afterwards before going for the cover.

    I thought that was really stupid at the time, but in hindsight, it was a brilliant way to protect his finisher.

  9. Battleground is the rubber match between Paige and AJ. They are currently tied at one win apiece.

    I hope somebody is smart enough to start an "AJ PUNK!" chant.

  10. Maybe he could win the IC title and rename it the Federated Union of Communist Kountries Championship?

  11. I'm dead serious when I say that AJ/Paige is the most compelling non-Rollins/Ambrose feud they have going. Once AJ wins again on Sunday and Paige snaps, then things really go into high gear!

  12. Virgil's Gimmick TableJuly 15, 2014 at 1:35 AM

    I hate to be that guy but... Too bad that's not going to happen.

  13. I assume Paige will snap, but this is WWE, so who knows.

  14. Which is surprising because Coach only managed Mr Perfect for a couple of months, to still get all that merchandise.

  15. The Ghost of Faffner HallJuly 15, 2014 at 2:03 AM

    Unless we're talking about Jonathan Coachman...

  16. And I can dig it.

  17. Haven't people been proposing that idea with every foreign heel for a while now? People were suggesting Cesaro rebrand it the European Championship.

  18. What kind of goofy NXT name is Flange Kefu?

  19. Stolen from 411 Elite: "The Our Online Universe section of is apparently not being paid attention to by TNA officials. The section is filled with videos and pictures with explicit content. It doesn't appear to have been "hacked" per se, more that no one is moderating what content is being placed there. Be warned: the content there (which is not part of the main TNA site but is linked off of it) is extremely explicit with both gay and straight content, and thus is obviously NSFW."

  20. Who is first to do that, kayfabe-wise? I want to say Lance Storm.

    Lance Storm.

  21. MikeyMike, WitnessJuly 15, 2014 at 5:05 AM

    Paige will get kicked to the curb for more Alicia Fox.

  22. MikeyMike, WitnessJuly 15, 2014 at 5:06 AM

    This is Shaping up to be a halfway decent show. Especially when Brock returns.

  23. Rollins/Ambrose is the only match I have any interest in seeing, so if Rollins is injured - which I very much hope isn't the case - I doubt I'll even watch it for free.

    Is it just the UK that gets WWE Experience? It's a weekly roundup show, one-hour long with clips or video packages of anything important. I still can't through an hour of WWE without fast-forwarding but it's by far the best way to catch up on things. Imagine watching 5+ hours of this tripe every week.

  24. 2 words: "BAD GIANT!!!"

  25. Reigns is going to crash and burn, I can just feel it. Its Ambrose people want to cheer and will cheer.

    As for Cesarpo, his problem is after Wrestlemania people really wanted to cheer him instead they put him with Heyman, who's obviously a heel. He was stuck in this netherworld for a few months and now peole don't care because of Ambrose, Swagger, Ziggler, and others have overtaken him.

  26. If Rusev does win the US title down the road, they HAVE to do the Lance Storm thing and make it the Russian heavyweight title.

  27. I'd say the WWE / PPV providers feud is more compelling, but this is close, sure.

  28. Kane: "What might be a fair deal for this water, kind sir?"
    Bray: "Tis very delicious - what say you your mask?"
    Kane: "You 'ol haggler you. You've got yourself a deal!"

    - Bray Wyatt trading water before turning babyface

  29. In a few shoot interviews, Hall called himself the highest paid Jobber To The Stars in history. That sounds about right.

  30. Battleground? Didn't we JUST HAVE Money in the Bank? They seriously need to spread out their PPVs...or just have fewer.

  31. " Newly turned Roddy Piper makes the save, still selling the leg that was injured by Adonis. Usual Hogan-Orndorff match here."

    Afterwards, there was an awesome Hogan/Piper staredown, where Hogan was confused but ready to fight... Piper just lifted his crutch over his head, dropped it, and limped out of the ring. With "F*ck it, I hate someone else more now" body language.

  32. Poor Bray. Stuck in a feud with babyface Jericho who hasn't gotten a heel over since he started his on again off again run. Just go tour with your shitty band and talk to the rest of the former stars from Canada once a week. At least they got Miz away from him and into something interesting.

    Wasn't the whole point to Ambrose that he was hiding somewhere? Should Cena and Reigns have just run around the arena aimlessly panicked?

    And who figured that when the real Americans split, Cesaro would be a solo heel?

  33. Hogan then picks up the crutch and instructs the referee to go give it to Piper.

  34. MikeyMike, WitnessJuly 15, 2014 at 5:59 AM

    At least it's bunched in the summer now and not the fall down period.

  35. It felt like a shoe box when I was there.

  36. "Cena and Reigns not making the save for Ambrose was ridiculous."

    It's changing the character's behavior to fit the writing instead of changing the writing to fit the character's behavior. It's just so lazy and frustrating since the wrestlers have to act illogically. They could have easily done the whole beat down but had Cena and Reigns get back there too late to save him.

  37. This morning, somewhere in Richmond, there's a pawn shop owner with a Big Gold Belt for sale.

  38. MikeyMike, WitnessJuly 15, 2014 at 6:37 AM

    That's ridiculous. LOL.

  39. plus it's basically free for approx. 667000 people.

  40. It's absolutely annoying how obvious the Cena win is. Like there is 0% anyone else wins. No way in hell Kane wins. Randy is not going to win since he just had the belt and they saw how that didnt get over. And Reigns isnt going to win his first world title at a throwaway ppv over the biggest face in the company.

    Atleast throw one opponent in the that looks like a real threat

  41. I would go with Russian National Championship, complete with a sticker of the Russian flag put on the title. Hell, go all the way & make up rules for the title, which always gives Rusev the advantage.

  42. You know what, im not even super interested in the Rollins/Ambrose match as it has a great chance to just be 6-7 minutes of eradic brawling with no real flow

  43. about 90% of world title matches in wrestling history has an obvious winner. You're nitpicking a bit too much here I feel.

  44. It's a testement to how much money Hulk Hogan made everyone who wrestled with him that Orndorff wrestled for six month with a neck and nerve injury so fucked up it atrophied his arm permenantly. I hope he saved that cash.

  45. Let's go Nikki chants and boring chants at Bray Wyatt. Awful job Richmond, VA.

    My favorite part of the show was Reigns and Cena watching Ambrose get beaten for eternity and doing nothing.

  46. Every time Cena or Sheamus made the save for Daniel Bryan, I kept reading "Oh great, there they are to leech off Daniel's heat. " So which one should it be? Should they make the save or not? It seems like lose-lose.

  47. I never said any of those things so don't lump me in with your me against the world mentality. My point is it wasn't logical that Cena and Reigns did nothing while Ambrose got his ass beat.

  48. "Jericho's perilously close to crossing the Foley line."

    Jericho has long since crossed that line, turned around, taken a shit on that line, tripped over said steaming pile of shit and faceplanted on the wrong side of that line. He lost to Fandango and The Ryback for Christ's sake.

  49. Del Rio brings new meaning to the word "bland". I've never seen a more boring wrestler, in the ring or on the mic. He absolutely has to go, and should not be beating anyone decent at this point.

  50. Yeah, how dare a crowd cheer for a face and not enjoy a heel!

  51. They are so uncool!!

  52. Yea no shit its not hard to see who will win a match. But at least add people that Could win.

    Rumble - Orton (c) vs. Cena
    Elim - Orton (c) vs. Cena vs. Bryan vs.Cesaro vs. Christian vs. Sheamus
    WM - Orton (c) vs. Batista vs. Bryan
    ER - Bryan (c) vs. Kane
    MITB - Orton, Cena, Kane, Cesaro, Wyatt, ADR, Sheamus,Reigns
    Aside from WM and ER, there are other winning options from each match

  53. I've always liked his pace and intensity in the ring, but yep, he's just.... there.

  54. More like Nikki Bella sucks and Bray Wyatt doesn't.

  55. That sums up the state of the company.

  56. Cearpo Marx! Now I just picture him with a funny hat and exaggerated mannerisms.

  57. Dean Ambrose needs to sit down and just watch Piper tapes from 1983-1987.

  58. They clearly watch Rasslin' wrong.

  59. I tend to think you get a hard time on here, but you're in trolling form this morning.

  60. Seriously, your entire argument about how awful the crowd is boils down to "they were marks instead of cheering for talented people". Boo hoo -- so some people enjoy the show without criticizing it. Clearly, they're the enemy! (rolls eyes)

  61. Yeah I really enjoyed his 2006 renaissance. That was a cool year for the random stiff veterans like him and Finlay.

  62. I enjoy the show more than most on here, I would like if you would stick to shitty recaps I don't read and stop putting words in my mouth.

  63. Ha, how long you been saving that one for!

  64. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 15, 2014 at 7:29 AM

    That arm is actually gruesome to look at in his WCW days. Seriously, two guys bleeding all over the arena doesn't bother me but seeing that arm always makes me feel a little sick..

  65. So, a thought on Rollins' and his injury - I think it may be kayfabe.

    Plan A for bringing the title back to the Authority - Randy Orton and Kane. Triple H is an idiot, so he includes Reigns in the match, giving Cena some support against a two-on-one beatdown. As others would say, #CenaWinsLOL.

    Plan B is Rollins and the briefcase. There's no way he wins the title right now and I don't know that it's a good idea to have him lose the briefcase just yet. Plus, blowing off Rollins-Ambrose already sounds too soon.

    So, Paul Heyman offered up a Plan C last night. Obviously, that's Brock challenging Cena at the SummerSlam. How do you get there without sacrificing your MitB winner and possible future star? Not to mention extend what has been the hottest feud they've had? Injury angle.

    Is Rollins injured? All I've seen so far is "it seemed as if Rollins injured himself last night" with no real confirmation. But my way? It's just crazy enough to work, dag-gummit!

  66. Your exact words are "Nikki Bella sucks and Bray Wyatt doesn't." This is your argument for why Richmond is wrong. In other words, because they cheered for the heroes and not the talented people, "awful job Richmond". There is where you fail.

  67. I fell asleep during the Cesaro-Big E match and missed everything after that, which should tell you how interesting this show was.

    That said, the Sonic commercial actually made me laugh out loud, especially when Sandow was pushed away on skates. They ought to give the Intercontinental title to Sandow this weekend as reward for putting up with this crap for the last several months.

    And how in the hell do Cena and Reigns not make the save on Ambrose? That was just stupid.

  68. They didn't know where in the building Ambrose was? I was wondering that, too, and that's the explanation I came up with in my head (God forbid somebody say that on TV).

  69. Stranger in the AlpsJuly 15, 2014 at 7:32 AM

    I'm Canadian living in the US, so allow me to translate something you saw in this rant. Balogna = baloney.

  70. For 1 solid year, orton has been in the main event except for 1 (extreme rules against shield and that could have easily been the last match). No wonder the main event scene is boring especially since Bryan is injured. Get someone new in there who has a shot at winning now. Cena/orton shouldn't always be the back up plan. No wonder they have like 26 world titles between them.

  71. Okay, I can buy that, but shouldn't they have at least shown Cena and Reigns running around in a desperate attempt to find him? Apparently the EMTs did.

  72. Indeed. I'd like to butter her biscuit and enjoy her tastycakes.

    If you know what I mean.

  73. Bo to win the Battle Royal and have BNB turn face with a Bullhammer on him. Lovely stuff.

  74. Yeah, Meltzer and Alvarez were all over that this morning. It was stupid

  75. Too Elite for me I guess

  76. It's the "No Baylesses club". They're allowed to have one. (Skip)

  77. Still better content than Abeyance

  78. History of WWE has them main eventing a house show on August 24.

    WWF @ Landover, MD - Capital Centre - August 24, 1986 (20,000; sell out)
    Cpl. Kirchner defeated Tiger Chung Lee
    King Harley Race defeated SD Jones
    Nikolai Volkoff & the Iron Sheik defeated Mike Rotundo & Dan Spivey
    B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell defeated Brutus Beefcake & Greg Valentine
    Adrian Adonis defeated the Junkyard Dog
    WWF IC Champion Randy Savage defeated George Steele via count-out
    Paul Orndorff defeated WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan via disqualification


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