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The Top 55 Matches.. of the first half.. of 2014 (# 45-36)

We move now to #45-36. Bryan/HHH is still a **** match, much like the others surrounding it, including the slightly superior deathmatch (also ****), though it’s good to see a few people’s blood circulating over it. Only one more BJW match on the list, so that will ease some tension. Besides, the only thing people love more than lists... is getting snarky about shit, so it’s a win-win.

 Top 55.. '45 through 36'


  1. If Cena/Cesaro is #45, then this is the greatest half year of matches in history by far, or this is an indy/japan garbagy list. I assume it's the latter, and credibility lost.

  2. One trivial thing that bothered me like was its rushed finishing sequence. The crowd was in awe when Cena went for the A.A, but Cesaro landed on his feed and followed up with a big boot. In order to help that spot register, they should have had Cesaro try for a pin-fall. Instead, they had both of them run the ropes, ending with Cena clotheslining Cesaro. It ended up mellowing the crowd right after they were about to become unglued. Other than quibble, it was an awesome match. It's on my top 5 list for the year.

  3. I thought Bryan/HHH was around 4.5 stars myself (not that star ratings matter all that much). I like the usual big WWE main events myself, but this match felt different in a nice way: more understated than I'd expected going in, with only the one finisher kickout and less artificial drama than we often see. Especially strange to see an HHH match worked that way.

  4. He's short and he can't work.

    Triple H

  5. More emphasis on strategy and psychology too.

  6. His match against Bryan Danielson was amazing. The first KENTA match I saw and I don't think he's had a finer match.

    Also, his match against Davey at SuperCardofHonor IV was great.

  7. Bryan/HHH was tremendous. I don't know if it'll go down as a ***** or anything, but every little moment was perfect.

  8. Knuckleberry PinnJuly 4, 2014 at 5:38 AM

    The pacing of HHH / Bryan was great. The working over the arm heat segment was the perfect amount of time. The pedigree kickout (but just one) gave the match some drama. Also, I thought Stephanie was TREMENDOUS as a manager in that match, with her antics, including those mock "yes" chants really irking me, i.e. really working.

    Glad they went that route instead of Bryan kicking out of two pedigrees and a sledgehammer, and HHH rolling through multiple Yes-Locks.

  9. Totally agree with that which is why, watching it live, I was a touch underwhelmed by the match(thought it was in the ***1/2-**** range) but my appreciation has grown as time has passed. Fantastic action, great booking, and it told a great story and played into the rest of the night.

    Great performances by both guys and by Stephanie.

  10. What I loved what the match told the story that Cesaro is every bit Cena's equal when it comes to freak strength. I still think they're holding back on Cesaro until he spilts from Heyman, so I'm holding out hope that huge things are still ahead for him. Hopefully with BRROOOCCKKK coming back for SummerSlam, the wheels will start turning.

  11. There's always something different about watching a great TV match. Going into a PPV you can sometimes fairly assume you'll see something great by looking at the match up. PPV is where the great matches should happen. But even usually on TV you can't look at the participants and assume it'll be special because time constraints.

    That's why I love a really great TV match because it feels special. It sticks out because it was so unexpected. Matches like Cesaro/Cena, Cena/Punk, Punk/Ziggler, Cena/Shawn. Going into Raw you never expected to see these great matches so they take you back when you get wrapped up in them. It's the purest form of enjoying wrestling. Watching the match and realizing "Holy shit this just got good"

  12. Yep, another one is Bryan/Cesaro, who we all expected to be a quick "match 2 out of a 3 match Gauntlet". but HOLY $#!T!!

  13. They are holding him back. WWE can only manage to push a few
    wrestlers at one time. Cesaro found a way to break out and surpass their
    expectations. They should have struck when the iron was hot with him, but they
    already had plans worked out for the year. Therefore, they are holding off on
    him. I am sure he will get over as a main eventer because he is so gifted in the ring, but
    you never know if it's ever too late.

  14. Yep, "holding him back" as in "saving him", not as in "burying him", if that's what you mean. I think if they had known in advance about Daniel's injury, they would have pulled the trigger on his push right away. I think he's just too talented and awesome to not break through though (let's keep in mind he had a major de-push a few years back, and it really didn't damage him that much at all)

  15. Well, they are holding him back from reaching
    his utmost potential. His work-rate has taken a spiral ever since he joined up
    with Heyman. However, they are holding him back not because they do not want
    him to get over; they just do not want him to get that over right now. A better
    way of putting it is that they preserving him for later use, similar to what they did with Daniel Bryan for a few years.

  16. Probably my favorite matches with KENTA are against Kobashi, honestly. I'm a sucker for the student/teacher dynamic.

  17. Do you really think HHH believes that, considering he was the probable catalyst behind his signing?

  18. I love KENTA. Really good wrestler. He was in a very good tag match with Marufuji against Samoa Joe and Bryan Danielson from a NYC ROH show back in 2006.

  19. Hopefully this goes better than the Mistico WWE run.

  20. Mistico knew like zero English, plus in Mexico they work from the right side, not the left. KENTA has worked in America aplenty of times before too.

  21. Sometimes you find fun matches when you just watch random stuff on YouTube. Just a random WWF Prime Time had the Mr. Perfect gave turn and weirdly Terry Taylor (on his second run with the WWF) vs Steve Armstrong playing the past of Lance Cassidy. I want aware any of the Armstrongs worked for Vince before Scott started reffing.


  23. First, the fact that this is coming from you is rather funny. Second, how can someone's credibility be "lost" when it comes to a matter of taste? How does one go about acquiring Credibility Points?

  24. There needs to be more Kane matches!

  25. I'm not bothering to watch this video but am I to beieve that in just half a year there are 35 matches (or more) that are 4 stars and above already (since Bryan/HHH is 4 stars apparently)?

  26. That #36 is quite a gymnastics exhibition, but it's too much flippity flop. I at least want the illusion that the two guys are fighting and not just out there dancing.

  27. This list is pretty fucked up

  28. Can you elaborate on what you mean by working from the right side and not the left?

  29. I Kenta 'magine a better shoot interview to vote for in the Which Shoot Interview Should Be Reviewed Next poll than Hillbilly Jim's!

  30. These are some great matches, but none could hold a candle to the match that would be made between Hillbilly Jim and our hearts if we were to learn his true story. Vote for Hillbilly Jim now in the Which Shoot Interview Should Be Reviewed Next poll. Don't go messin' up this opportunity to learn more about the country boy.

  31. The side of the body that they work. So instead of the left arm they work the right etc

  32. I know it's a list from someone else's perspective but I personally can't acknowledge a match with a crowd that's smaller than one you might find milling about at the concession stand during a WWE event.

  33. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 4, 2014 at 6:34 PM

    This list does not make my list of top 55 lists posted on the BOD this year.

  34. As a general rule, I don't find lucha very entertaining, for the reasons you stated. It's soft. But I couldn't make the list without one lucha match, the of the year. Watching it live on ppv, it was like the most bad ass guitar player doing a 20 minute solo. It doesn't make for a number one pop single, but it sounds great and you're digging every second.

  35. I like the comparison of pro wrestling to a live music performance. I'd compare this match to a brilliant performance of very difficult classical music piece. I can admire it for the musicians' technical abilities, but I'm just a fly on the wall. That performance would be the same if it were in a practice room as it is in the concert hall.

    The best wrestling matches are like a rock concert. Sure, they have a playlist, but it changes depending on the crowd and no two performances are exactly the same. The performers respond to the crowd's energy and you sometimes get those awesome 20 minute improvised guitar solos that make you lose your shit.


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