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The WWE "Reinstates" Emma

That firing did not last long, did it.

"Upon further evaluation, WWE has reinstated Tenille Dashwood (WWE Diva Emma) but will take appropriate punitive action for her violation of the law."


  1. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 2, 2014 at 4:44 PM

    Thanks for making us look dumb WWE!

  2. If only they hadn't wasted the farting gimmick on Natalya...

    Does "upon further evaluation" mean "been blasted for hypocrisy (or at least inconsistency) with other law violators?"

  3. Even the Elite sources get it wrong sometimes

  4. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyJuly 2, 2014 at 4:47 PM

    Was this another Vince impulse decision to fire her, only for Triple H to convince him to reinstate her I wonder?

  5. She's going to be the new Aksana, jobbing to everyone in the Divas division.

  6. Considering all the people who got arrested but didn't get released (Jack Swagger, Cameron, etc.) it would have been unfair to release her.

  7. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJuly 2, 2014 at 4:50 PM

    This is a less sad day in the history of fake Australian sports.

  8. Bo Dallas has one scary mugshot.

    He could fit right in with the Wyatt's

  9. Any punitive action taken can't be worse than being paired with Santino.

  10. Santino is criminally misused.

  11. She could be paired with the Great Khali.

    It can ALWAYS be worse.

  12. i think she would have had a good lawsuit on her hands.
    "These people have all been arrested for worse crimes. However, I have been fired for petty theft. I know there is a moral clause in my contract, but wwe discriminated against me."

  13. I haven't a Bo match yet, does he keep that creepy smile on his face the entire time?

  14. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 2, 2014 at 5:12 PM



  15. I saw that pic posted yesterday by a few people on Twitter.

  16. "An unknown white powder?" Goddammit Sunny, WWE's not gonna rehire you!

  17. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 2, 2014 at 5:18 PM

    Seems like a bunch of nothing.

  18. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJuly 2, 2014 at 5:18 PM

    Triple H goes all Brad Pitt: "What's in the box?! WHAT'S IN THE BOX?!?!"

  19. What is the worst crime john cena could do right now and still keep his job in wwe? I'd go with manslaughter and he could go back to his thug life gimmick.

  20. No,another murdere would make Vince snap.I'll say robbery.

  21. Basically someone realized that this was an insane thing to do considering that a male performer can beat the shit out of someone (sometimes even their girlfriend or wife!), or fail multiple drug tests, and get a slap on the wrist.

    ... they probably only realized this because the internet got mad about it.

  22. Manslaughter isn't murder

  23. Yes,he walks with that grin to the ring.

  24. You have to BOlieve I'm innocent


  26. Replace O.J. with Cena and he still works the next show.

  27. I'm thinking the decision to fire her was put down the corporate chute before the particulars came out and one hand told her she was cut while the other decided not to. Although the likelihood that she was cut not just from stealing but by making them look bad with a corporate partner in Walmart, that's maybe more likely.

  28. Do you have to have a reason to fire someone? I'm not sure you can legally do anything about that.

  29. I'm not sure he would be that popular with the kids after that.

  30. MaffewOfBotchamaniaJuly 2, 2014 at 5:30 PM

    iPhone cover?

  31. I'd take that bet. At this point the people cheering him will never stop cheering him.

  32. At my work (teacher) yes. One guy was jizzing on cookies and giving it to kids for years and he still couldn't get fired quickly.

  33. A dvd of Vince McMahon in Tijuana drinking and having sex with hookers in a satanic ritual.Apparently JTG wants his job back.

  34. Of course. That dude was over.

  35. that would be hilarious

  36. Someone remembered Cameron's DUI, lol.

  37. One of the Uso's has two of them

  38. Also I'm sure they have a morals clause just like in other sports and that's where the discrimination part comes in.

  39. Someone fired her and then she came into WWE HQ with that theme music and started dancing and the company realized that they couldn't fire someone with a mental handicap.

  40. But the smarks might start to like him

  41. Shit, apparently I missed both of those.

  42. You're a teacher,what do you teach?

    I'm planning to become one.

  43. I would not.

  44. Orton has two wellness strikes.

  45. WHAT THE......*drops drink*

  46. I saw Santino on commentary for "Saturday Morning Slam" and he was perfect in that role.

    Santino can be a useful part of a tag team now. Pair him up with Rose and you have a comedy face team.

  47. Middle school history
    In my contract with the district, there's a morals clause. They even had a no communist clause in there for awhile

  48. I think those got downgraded or something... right before his repush.

  49. I think they might be leaning toward Santino-Rose after that skit on RAW. You know, the one encouraging kids to get drunk!

  50. She gets to sit home and rot away like JTG did, instead of being used.

    This is like the Al Bundy 'You're in the will' punishment.

  51. I'm doing history in college.

  52. Receiving paychecks without doing nothing seems perfect.

  53. Teachers are so much harder to fire than other professions. You guys actually have a pretty strong union. If my boss decided to fire me, despite not having a reason, he could, no problem. New York is an at-will employment state.

  54. I dunno, she must not have been paid very much if she's stealing tech accessories....

  55. So is Illinois hire and fire by will state. They don't have to have any reason to fire me if they wanted to.

  56. Yeah, they started some sort of "eliminate strikes" program right before Randy got strike 5 or something, didn't they?

  57. They go away after several years.

  58. Does anybody know someone that's been busted at Walmart before? Every step of this process has seemed so bizarre.

    I mean, I figured if someone mistakenly forgot to ring something up in the self-checkout aisle, the bell/buzzer thing would go off at the door, and she would simply apologize and pay for it because the item was worth so little (and it was an honest mistake, presumably). But then the police get involved. Then she goes to bloody friggin court over it. Then somebody has a bad day, throws a tantrum, and gets her fired. There are just so many stupid things about all of this.

  59. Huh. Could've sworn I heard that somewhere.

  60. Yup, go a certain amount of time without a strike and your previous one disappears. Randy could get busted tomorrow and it wouldn't count as his 3rd.

  61. Rose & Santino are fine together and believe it or not, could actually help Rose get over.

    Santino can play off of anyone, he is very good in a comedic role

  62. I can't be the only one who had a brief memory of President Tunney's reinstatement announcement for Randy Savage when they heard this.

  63. Orton has about 9 wellness strikes. Strangely enough, all but two got wiped away or loopholed into the ether.

  64. Finkel be like: "Ladies and gentlemen...I've just been informed by the McMahons...that Emma's career...WILL CONTINUE!!!"

  65. No, that's pretty much exactly what happened. You had it right. The wellness program was rewritten and amended after they realized that Orton was champ (or perennial challenger) and probably wouldn't stop fucking up, but they didn't want to fire him, so they retroactively negated several of his wellness strikes.

  66. She needs a captain in her life.

  67. Uh, the internet didn't explode with outrage in less than two hours. I agree they reversed it for PR reasons, but not because of some massive pro-Emma groundswell that took over Twitter or whatever in one afternoon.

  68. God, I want to believe this is how Vince hires people.

  69. Yeah, I was a little surprised they took on a booze sponsor when they are still in the middle-of-the-road PG mindset.

  70. It depends on where you are, and what your profession is within that state.

  71. Yeah exactly this. Nobody in the WWE said "shit we pissed off the internet and they are "blasting" us"

  72. :bangs head into the wall harder:

  73. It would interesting if Cena pulled a Benoit, think of the years of footage that would go to waste.

  74. I love how one speculative point is countered with more in-depth speculation. And notice that Nelson is the one who used "probably" and didn't state it as fact.

  75. See, it all worked out.

  76. Well after Bryan, it seems right to return the favor.

  77. Fast Eddie AlbertJuly 2, 2014 at 6:04 PM

    Thing I read that makes sense as to why they changed their mind. Odds are, someone else will be an idiot and do something dumb.
    If they fire Emma for this, next time anyone does anything that's worse than shoplifting a twenty dollar item at Wal-Mart, they'd have to fire them.

  78. Well, his is based on what he thinks nameless WWE execs are thinking. Mine is based in, well, find this massive outpouring of outrage that would have changed their minds and you'll change mine.

  79. No. He had two strikes and hadn't gotten one in several years. It's beyond idiotic to fire someone that smoked marihuana three times in 30 years.

  80. Most states are at-will, which means you do need a reason, but only for paperwork purposes and you'll never be seriously challenged on it or asked to prove it unless you claimed something egregiously untrue (i.e. a failed drug test with no proof).

    Where independent contractors are concerned? ICs have slightly more employee rights than slaves in the 1800s did. Your contract as a pro wrestler can be terminated with the cause given being that you weren't contributing to the company in the intended capacity at a capable enough level. No court is going to hear a case about "was this person a good pro wrestler?"

    The only place the fired version of Emma may have had a case was in relation to the multiple criminals still on the roster, but only if that was the reason given for her firing (which it wouldn't be).

    And even so, I seriously doubt that Vince hasn't had his legal team go over the WWE contract templet and rewrite it so the company can fire whoever they want whenever they want without any fear of recourse.

  81. Get off the stage boooooooo

  82. I always joked at out fucked WWE would be if Hogan, Austin, and Rock died tomorrow after pulling a Benoit.

    The Attitude Era would be the Triple H show!

  83. Welcome to the BoD!July 2, 2014 at 7:08 PM

    A company that knee-jerk fires somebody and then on the same day reinstates them, all done publicly, is a company that isn't being run well.

  84. Yeah of the two points stans makes infinite more sense than the other. Where is this outpouring of had pr they were getting for firing her? It's beyond stupid to think that the Internet could change someone's employment status within hours. If that were the case Daniel Bryan would have never missed a show.

  85. No, he had more than that.

  86. Vince would do anything to make it disappear. I'm imagining Pat Patterson giving the Tom Hagen dead hooker speech from Godfather II.

  87. Is it 9 or 5? Make up your mind or it becomes blatantly obvious you don't know what you're talking about.

  88. Tenille Dashwood is a way better wrestling name than Emma.

  89. Santino cobra'd human resources into submission.

  90. Haha had a feeling you would respond!

  91. Good. It was stupid to fire her anyway. She either made an honest mistake (her story) or did something really stupid but ultimately minor which probably says she has a problem that needs help rather than her being a big time criminal. Either way, I'm sorry, but if you're going to keep employed people who are being arrested for DUI and attempting to bribe the police, it's pretty hypocritical to fire someone for shoplifting a $20 item, even if they have more proof that her story wasn't true.

  92. It would barely even count as petty theft - certainly nothing to issue a summons over, unless she had something else on her record.

  93. You could walk out with 3 tv's and a cash register and your average Wally World employee wouldn't blink twice at you.

  94. Well, we know HHH loves to use the knee.

  95. I'm hoping her punishment is being sent back to NXT. I enjoyed her there.

  96. With WWE's trademark topical humor, her finisher could be the Captain Tenille.

  97. Wal-Mart generally has a company policy against punishing shoplifters anyways. What usually happens is if they catch you, they put you on a list, give you a kick in the ass and tell you not to do it again. That's also IF they catch you. The old guy by the door isn't going to chase you. The "loss prevention" guy is told not to chase or restrain anyone, just look intimidating and hope you stop when he tells you to.

    I'm finding it very hard to understand why she actually went to court on a $20 shoplifting beef with Wal-Mart. The only possible explanation I have is that Wal-Mart changed their company policies or...she's done this before and is already on the list.

  98. He'd have to turn heel if he killed someone, right? Right???

  99. Vintage Tenille!

    And on that note, Daryl Dragon is a WAY better name than 'the Captain'.

  100. Quite possible. Unless she just got an overly dickish loss prevention guy on a bad day or something.

  101. This. They budget loss\theft into their operating margins, nobody is going to lose their shit over a $20 phone case. There has to be more to this.

  102. Oops, just saw another Captain joke made earlier. That's what I get for commenting before reading the thread in its entirety.

  103. Well, he was responsible for most of it, right?

  104. If only she could have created separation, she'd have gotten away clean. Sad.

  105. The thing is, if she went to TNA could she still be Emma? I mean how can WWE trademark such a common name?

  106. If she went to TNA, would the WWE even care?

  107. Orrrrr, hot chick. Possible strip search.

  108. From what I understand her visa work conditions caused the issue of her being terminated. She's suspended at the moment and off the Australian tour.

  109. I know. I might actually know who she is then.

  110. Welcome to the BoD!July 2, 2014 at 8:20 PM

    Stealing a $20 cell phone case though... I know the stock is down and all, but the ppv payouts must be even lower than we thought.

  111. Welcome to the BoD!July 2, 2014 at 8:20 PM

    Where's "Captain" Mike Rontunda when you need him

  112. Welcome to the BoD!July 2, 2014 at 8:21 PM

    Shoulda brought a tag team partner to distract the ref.

  113. Crazy idea on level with Jesse Baker (oh god):

    Bring her back with buzzed hair and a hard look. Have her act tough and butch, like those few hours in jail really changed her.

  114. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJuly 2, 2014 at 8:30 PM

    Well, that whole process looks professional. Note to jobbers, always use the checkout line, even if you see Randy Orton and Kane hauling off 10 50" plasmas

  115. Welcome to the BoD!July 2, 2014 at 8:34 PM

    If this were the attitude era Vince would have already commissioned a skit "Live" from her prison cell with 5 other women filled with lesbians in jail innuendo.

  116. Fuck the Attitude Era, in 1991 they implied The Mountie was about to be raped by his cellmate post-Jailhouse Match.

  117. they did? wow, i was a dense kid.

  118. Orange *is* the new black...

  119. Next week, she better come out in the Repo Man costume and steal Santino's Twisted Tea. Seriously, if they had any sense, they could make this an AWESOME gimmick. She could steal turnbuckles, bottles of Diet Mountain Dew, Diva underwear, etc...

  120. Hi, I'm Dougie. I have never heard of exaggerations for comedic effect, but I am very experienced with getting catty when people call me out on my lack of knowledge.

  121. We need to wait another 10+ years before Vince sees it.

  122. Hell.. They rehired Pat Patterson and he was accused of raping young boys and sexual harassment!! If that's the bar, then it's set pretty high.

  123. Or maybe if they cued up her entrance music she could have beaten the distracted loss prevention associate with a roll up.

  124. I knew a girl in high school that got caught stealing sunglasses from Wal-Mart. She did end up having to go to court and paying a fine. She was also added to the dreaded banned list.

  125. He still is over which is a testament to his ability. He's definitely someone that would be infinitely better without a script.


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