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UFC 175

UFC 175 Results: Yes, Chris Weidman is The Man
Although he defeated Anderson Silva twice, questions still swirled around middleweight champion Chris Weidman heading into Saturday night's tit...
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Hope you saw the show. Ronda Rousey makes a practice session out of her opponent, and Chris Weidman makes believers out of us all. I'd still love to see him take on Vitor Belfort now, but I doubt that's happening.

They need an opponent for Ronda in the worst way. And Carano seems to be the only one left with any serious drawing power.     


  1. It'll be Zingano next month if she saves the PPV. Carano isn't doing a short notice fight.

    Probably Rousey vs. Carano at the Super Bowl show after that.

  2. I doubt Rousey ever fights Carano. Carano would have to drop too much weight and no way is Rousey fighting at a catchweight; that opens the door for Cyborg to ask for the same.

  3. Carano or Cyborg would draw fairly well I think. I'd love to see another Tate vs. Rousey fight though.

  4. There should be a rule where if you lose 2 title fights to the same person (during the same reign), you can't get another until they lose the belt.

  5. I don't think Cyborg is as scary of a challenge as she is made out to be. I've watched all her Strikeforce fights. She has absolutely nothing but Muay Thai and got owned in an actual high level Muay Thai match. There is absolutely no way she'll pass a drug test either.

    I think Ronda beats her four out of five times. Ronda has just way more ways to win, Cyborg looks really scary which people have mistaken for actual talent while she demolishes girls with losing records.

  6. Why on earth would we want to see another Rousey vs. Tate fight? Rousey has absolutely demolished her twice. Miesha Tate pretty much sucks, she was extremely lucky to win that decision against Carmouche which was her first win in what, 3 years?

  7. The main events were great stuff and totally made the show worth it. I don't care if the Rousey fight was seconds long; it was awesome to see her dispatch Davis the way she did. The Machida/Weidman bout gave us a longer, meatier match to offset the shorter co-main. This might have been easier for me to say considering I went to Buffalo Wild Wings for the night and only bought some food and a soda, as opposed to staying at home and spending 40-50 bucks. But hey, why screw around with a good formula?

  8. Rousey isn't fighting next month either. 9 stitches in her fingdr and getting het knee scoped. White was furious at the production truck for putting that question through to Rogan.

  9. I thought they should have replayed Faber's fight on the PPV considering a match got canceled and they had the time space.

    It was a good show but kind of a let down compared to what was originally on the card with the Silva vs. Sonnen grudge match and then Vitor vs. Sonnen and I believe a few other things got canceled too.

    I don't think anybody wanted to see a back and forth fight for the Rousey match; they wanted a highlight reel shit stomping.

  10. Yeah Dana pretty much squashed that idea dead. He was apparently pissed at the people in the back for telling Rogan to ask her that question. I couldn't hear the show that well at the bar but Dana looked plenty irritated after the Rousey interview.

  11. Rousey's hand just has a cut on it. I don't even know why they stitched it since it wasn't that bad.

    She was scheduled for knee surgery before this fight and she really took no damage in it. They have to cancel the PPV if she can't do it.

  12. Dana is mad that his terrible PPV cards are coming apart at the seams. You could probably smash the PPV worthy matches of 2 or 3 cards together and get one PPV the quality of 2009-2010's shows.

  13. Her finger has been hurt for a while. Cut got infected and created a cyst. 9 stitches and theh have to make sure the infection is gone.

  14. Oh, the original card (well, one of the original cards) for the show was much better than what ended up happening, but I suppose I'm just glad it came off as well as it did. I was stoked to see Weidman/Belfort and Sonnen/Silva, but the card kept going nuts because of all the shit going on. Belfort/Weidman might still happen though. It's a money match.

  15. Did they play it after the Main Event interviews? I shut it off after that to go light off fireworks. They used to do prelims in the main card all the time when fights ran short and FS1 messed that up.

  16. Belfort vs. Weidman is a little less interesting without Vitor's horsemeat. He looks pretty mortal when he competes in the US and Canada.

    As a big fan of Machida and a non fan of Weidman I was really frustrated last night watching the 4th and 5th round. Machida being a slow starter is just killing him. if all fights were ten rounds he'd never lose.

  17. Interesting to consider: Can you imagine the trouble he'd be in if he decided to keep women's MMA off UFC? One of his biggest and fastest-rising stars is Ronda Rousey, and he's leaned on her and the overall appeal of women's MMA a lot for the past year. That would be a huge hole today IMO.

  18. Good main event, Weidman is an improving fighter. Good takedowns but he didn't do anything with them and his kicks are still real slow but he throws heavy. I really thought Machida gassed in that fifth round because it looked like he had some openings to do serious damage and just didn't capitalize.

  19. Hornswoggle walking through the wall. Hornswoggle being the Anonymous RAW GM.

  20. Perhaps it was the story I was most interested in: Can Weidman, the "unproven fluke champ," stop the steamrolling Belfort? The guy was on a comeback tear and was heading for another title shot. My specific feelings on the merits of Belfort's success are another story altogether. It would have made for a hell of a show and match.

  21. She got more of a reaction than anybody has received since probably GSP in Montreal vs. Koscheck last night. He'd be absolutely hosed but I wrote an article around when Rousey fought Kaufman in 2012 saying that'd be her last Strikeforce fight and Dana would recant his word and import the women.

    I wish, however, that they had never ever folded the WEC. The WEC was spectacular but the 135 and 145 divisions in the UFC haven't at all lived up to what we got when that promotion gave the lower weights their own spectacle and the UFC has overrelied on TUF and let the worthy talent go to Bellator and WSOF. The biggest surprise of the WEC folding is that the 155, who a lot of people considered a D-League to the UFC's 155, ran absolutely roughshod over the existing top 10.

  22. The Katie Vick angle, specifically the funeral parlour bit.

    We've had our fair share of stupid things in wrestling. You need to take the bad - or the ridiculously stupid - with the bad in order to remain a fan. It's the inherent nature of the pro-wrestling in general. It's built on many ridiculous concepts that you just accept.

    Nothing - NOTHING - though made me feel so completely ashamed to be a wrestling fan and made me seriously consider not watching it (or at least WWE) anymore than the Katie Vick stuff. That was during a period where WWE - or specifically Vince - was getting more and more desperate for widespread media attention. So he was trying to push the envelope as much as humanly possible. Katie Vick was by far the epitome of that desperate envelope pushing.

  23. Buffalo Wild Wings shows UFC!? Good to know since one just opened in my area.

  24. Yup, they've been showing them for some time now. When one opened up right down the street it's been my regular hang-out spot. Can't beat it.

  25. It still is a good storyline but a lot of the luster is off Belfort with the drug test failures and TRT being banned in Nevada. He's of course, still very marketable as he hasn't pulled an Overeem and completely collapsed and killed his marketability.

  26. Hooters usually shows them too and Champps.

  27. OTOH, the problem now is there is no one left for Rousey to draw against.

  28. .....scrolls comments.....

    Come on!

  29. There's never been anybody for Rousey to draw against except Tate which was more just Tate talking up the fight as Tate isn't any better than the other girls Ronda fought. Ronda is an attraction but the division is a side show and a joke.

  30. Everything that happened in 2000 in WCW. David Arquette winning the title? The reformation of the nWo, which nobody wanted? Russo turning into an onscreen character nobody wanted to see? The Hogan-Jarrett fiasco at Bash at the Beach? I could go on, but you get my point: It was a bunch of stuff nobody wanted to see in a promotion that couldn't have been hotter 3-4 years earlier.

  31. Hornswaggle is Vince's kid and the six months of torturous unfunny backstage segments that somehow led to JBL getting wwe Championship title shots.

  32. That time R-Truth died from being exploded.

    He got better, unfortunately.

  33. Undertaker/Yoko aftermath at Rumble '94.

  34. I thought that was Johnny Ace?

  35. D-Lo Brown causing Terri Runnels to "lose" her baby. It was a disgusting angle and never went anywhere.

    The fact that WWE repeated it a few years later with Snitsky and Lita was also disgusting.

  36. Hey, it wasn't his fault!

  37. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 6, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    A lot related to Kane. The Katie Vick angle removed me as a die hard fan for over four years.

  38. Vince Russo had a lot of bad ideas.

    I didn't mind it so much with Sinsky though.

  39. The worst thing about that was I was in college at the time and hadn't watch Raw in like two years. But it was on when I was flipping through the channels so I left it on. My roommate had never seen wrestling (he noted that he's heard of Hulk Hogan...but that's it). Thinking that Raw still ruled (remember, I hadn't watched since 2000), I left it on and talked up wrestling as being awesome to my roommate. Less than five minutes later, HHH raped a corpse. So to Chuck, my freshman year roommate, professional wrestling is about men raping mannequins. I blame myself. You NEVER introduce someone to WWE with a live Raw. NEVER.

  40. Mae Young giving birth to a hand is the only thing that can rival Katie Vick.

  41. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyJuly 6, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    Vince McMahon supposedly getting killed off in a limo explosion. In fact the only good thing about the Benoit murders was that it resulted in the angle being stopped!

  42. After Katie Vick, I didn't watch Raw again until Bret Hart returned in 2010.

  43. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 6, 2014 at 10:27 AM

    That's over seven years. I couldn't imagine being away that long and becoming a fan again.

  44. Big Show having to do Steph's dirty work because he "needed to the money" same goes to HBK/JBL managerial duties thing.

  45. Well I never actually stopped being a fan, I just stopped watching the current product. I'd still watch old videos and stop by Insidepulse or wherever Keith was writing at the time to see what's happening.

  46. Man, WCW from like mid-1999 until it ended was utter ass.

  47. Jesus. THAT was his first real impression of wrestling? I'm surprised he didn't just take your name off the lease just for the principle of the matter.

  48. There were a few bright spots here and there but it was pretty much a shit fest.

  49. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 6, 2014 at 10:31 AM

    Speaking of Insidepulse, I'd have to imagine the BoD is now a bigger platform than it.

  50. They were rebounding in 2001 with Steiner as champ and a crop a hungry, young talent.

  51. "Sting accepted an the WHITE CASTLE FEAR!"

  52. I'd go with any time WWE intentionally tries comedy.

  53. and Jimmy Hart was doing a great job with Saturday night until they torpedoed it.

  54. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 6, 2014 at 10:32 AM

    What the hell happened to Jason Jett?

  55. Towards the end of Gabe Sapolsky's time at Ring of Honor, he booked an NWA/ROH title-for-title match between Adam Pearce and Nigel McGuinness. Everyone knew a "Dusty Finish" was coming and had been predicting it for days. There were pleas on the ROH Message Board (I miss that) for Gabe not to book a Dusty Finish just for the sake of having a Dusty Finish. Then he did it anyway. The fans were pissed, myself included. Gabe was not long for ROH after that.

  56. Unforgiven 2002. We're seriously supposed to rather see Bischoff get a man's ass shoved in his face than Steph make out with lesbians? Come on, WWE.

  57. Dude, I was SO EMBARRASSED. Before the segment I'm like "That's Triple H....he rules." Hey, he did rule when I last watched in 2000. But boy how things changed in two years. It was shocking. And frankly, bad luck. Of all the times to tune into Raw after not watching in years, THAT'S the episode I get? Let's just say I doubt Chuck ever watched wrestling again.

  58. I went out of my way to watch he last Thunder, and I really enjoyed it. Even guys like Kid Kash looked great.

  59. Everybody talks about the White Castle of Fear, but forgets the amazing angle where Vader tried to hang Sting with the strap at the end of an episode of Worldwide. That was an awesome feud with an incredible blow-off, cheesy video aside.

  60. Save for This is Your Life, The opening of this year's Wrestlemania, anything involving The Rock and Hurricane, and the Showster

  61. The WWE's awful attempts at humor are the most insulting to my intelligence. I like the Bill Watts philosophy of not having anything be funny on purpose, but if it is go with it. Snitsky is a great example of something that was really funny that wasn't meant to be. Cole and JBL laughing makes me gag. I get stupider as a human being every time WWE attempts comedy.

  62. I saw Desperado the other night and am now a little peeved that Sting essentially copied his entire look from that flick. I had no idea.

  63. I wouldn't blame him. That'd be like thinking, "Hey, I think I'll check out these comics things" and then read Marville.

  64. If you think about it, it's all pretty intelligence insulting: the camera catching wrestlers having private talks backstage, wrestlers suspending their hatred for each other until next Monday, reaching the briefcase with both hands and still not being coordinated to grab it, etc.
    Still I nominate as runner up-- Tim White: the suicidal referee.
    Winner: Mankind vs. Rock. Halftime Heat. Point of view shot of Rock under the forklift. This wins simply because of the huge audience it reached.

  65. *Crowd shits on match.*

    "The WWE Universe is having a great time! I love it, Cole!"

  66. That was the most frustrating thing about WCW in its dying days. You could see that it was all right there but they would always fuck it up. They were better at finding talent than Vince was but they wouldn't cultivate it like Vince.

  67. According to Wikipedia, he retired in '03 and began making attire for wrestlers.

  68. If anyone tries to tell me Desperado is anything close to resembling a classic, I'm going to barf.

  69. Don't you mean The Crow?

  70. You could've just said "Today's commentary on RAW." That about sums it up.

  71. this X 1,000.

  72. Especially when they have overly long "comedy" segments, like musical chairs or the DX vs. Midgets stuff.

  73. The Makeup is the crow, but the hair / pony tail / jacket / scorpion stuff is all that flick.

  74. Sting had Scorpion logos back in the 80's...

  75. A bit of an obscure one but, Vince McMahon leading U.P.Y.O.U.R.S.

    Vince McMahon. Union Leader. I WONDER IF HE'S GOING TO TURN ON THEM.

  76. From a strictly personal standpoint I found Cryme Tyme to be insulting. When they reenacted the bit from "Airplane" with DX I had to change the channel.

  77. Vince: "Hey, Mick! How much does this job pay?"
    Mankind: "Nothing."
    Vince: "D'OH!"
    Manking: "Unless you're crooked."
    Vince: "WOO-HOO!"

  78. And when did Sting have a ponytail?

  79. He had a short one in the 80's

  80. he had a rat tail

  81. I know. That's not a ponytail, and he cut it off long before "Desperado" came out.

  82. Did you know Frankie Kazarian copied his look from this movie as well? He had face surgery and hair implants to look like Banderas.

  83. For me the most intelligence insulting stuff the wwe does are most of the wwe "did you know graphics"

    The wwe is more popular than every other sport combined, has 15 million female fans, and rules all social media. We all know those are lies but they do it after every commercial break to adds a stench of complete desperation for main stream acceptance to every show they air.

  84. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 6, 2014 at 10:51 AM

    About 97% of any intentionally funny bits that they have ever come up with.

    Not funny.

    Also, Hornswaggle jumping through the fake hole.

  85. Much like how a botch is not a shoot, that's not a trailer.

  86. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 6, 2014 at 10:52 AM

    I really hate that stuff. That's the stuff, if true, that you market to industry people with.

    You don't talk to real humans that way.

  87. Most WWE celebrity involvement is embarassing as well.

  88. Oh man those RAW weekly guest hosts were atrocious.

  89. Most of it was only Internet, the Tim White suicide 'comedy' bits they had for a few months in 2006. Haha, playing Pop Goes The Weasel while someone keeps trying to kill themselves. Pointless, insulting, stupid... like most WWE intentional comedy.

  90. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 6, 2014 at 10:55 AM

    Amusing because it's totally not.

  91. Royal rumble 2014 was horrible.Just a example of how close minded the booking can be.

  92. I saw something on the internet that said it's pretty much only wrestling and The Muppet Show that are structured that way.

  93. Draw? Sure (although Carano's star power is fading).

    But neither stands a chance against Rousey. Carano hasn't fought in 5 years, her last fight was a loss against Cyborg and Cyborg... IF she passes the pre-fight piss test (good chance she won't) and if she can make weight (ditto), she won't have anything to give Rousey besides an arm that Rousey will gladly send home with her in a styrofoam container.

  94. Actual comedy by Nash in TNA.

  95. WCW Spring Stampede 2000. Nearly every single match had interference and went under 5 minutes.

  96. Machida looked gassed before the 5th to me. Either that or just completely lost mentally. I wonder if Weidman's kicks got to him and he just collapsed somewhere in the 4th because you're right, by the 5th, he didn't even look like he was trying to win.

  97. Every WCW 2000 shows applies that theory.

  98. The problem with Rousey is WHO challenges her? She's on some next level shit.

  99. The guys selling for El Torrito was the most ridiculous shit I've ever witnessed.

  100. I thought Superbrawl, Slamboree, Bash at the Beach, and Starrcade were fine.

  101. And steroids. Let's not kid ourselves about Cyborg juicing.

  102. Don't forget JBL getting in,I thought he would beat some guys for 5 minutes,instead we had "comedy".

  103. Spirit Squad. Poop. EOD.

  104. I don't think she even needs a name opponent. As long as people support her crushing cans she can be used as a co-main eventer to make any card look like a super card. The UFC can just run the division like a normal division and give title shots to whoever strings together a few wins in a row and let Ronda smash that person then move on to the next.

    I mean yeah ideally it would be nice to give her a challenge and make her stretch her legs a little bit but I don't know if it's even necessary.

  105. Anyone know why .flv files won't work in Avidemux?

  106. Victory Road 2011.Not just the main event,The whole show was horrible.

  107. He was champ for a year, could you imagine Harley Race doing some stupid shit like that.

  108. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 6, 2014 at 11:08 AM


  109. End of discussion.

  110. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 6, 2014 at 11:09 AM

    I totally marked for a JBL appearance. Not that I expected, or wanted him to accomplish MUCH, but what they gave us was really bad.

  111. I'll add the little people's court or whatever it was called. So much of the Hornswaggle stuff is just soooo cringe-inducingly bad.

  112. ...I actually kind of liked it as black comedy.

  113. The fact that they continued the "mystical" crap for the Taker/Kane feud in 2010/2011(?) is even worse.

  114. The problem is that while there's not enough data available to determine if it's a trend (yet), there's enough to suggest that Ronda may not be as much of an attraction as Dana wishes on her own. In fights with some suspense or really high-quality trash talk to get people in (like Tate), sure.

    But suspenseless fights like last night's or against McMann at 170? Not nearly as much buzz (and 170's buyrate was nothing to write home about).

    That's symptomatic of the UFC's ongoing problem with putting together cards that will draw (no fighter can sell a PPV by themselves), but Rousey just destroying cans and removing arms in less than 2 minutes may not be a viable revenue source moving forward. In a way, it has the potential to suffer the same issues Tyson's fights did in his heyday. It's hard to convince people who are buying in to see that one fight to put that money down if it's gonna be over before they can crack a second beer (or in last night's case, get the first one out of the fridge).

  115. Virgil's Gimmick TableJuly 6, 2014 at 11:14 AM

    It is if you aren't a pretentious douche and you enjoy badass action movies.

  116. Have you seen it?

    Just checking.

  117. Bob Barker was the exception.

  118. Aw come on, Shawn talking jive was funny.

  119. I'm not ashamed to admit I thought that musical chairs segment was booked perfectly. Plus it was all about guys (and Ms. Keibler) wanting a title shot, so there was something tangible actually at stake. Somebody put some damn thought into it, at least, and I can respect that.

    But yes, Watts' philosophy sums things up perfectly. Wrestling bookers or writers are not comedy writers. The funny stuff almost invariably has to come organically. Jim Cornette and Ric Flair could be hilarious, but that's because of who their characters were and what their reactions were to various setbacks.

  120. All of Jay Leno's involvement in WCW. Ever single but of it made me roll my eyes.

  121. Also, that's TOTALLY not Rikishi in disguise!

  122. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyJuly 6, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    I've just remembered the whole Bischoff/Austin Redneck triathlon bullshit that dominated the Bad Blood 3003 PPV. The worst part was the pie-eating contest which if I remember right they implied that Bischoff and Austin would get into the ring... and go down on some ladies... seriously? I mean I knew it wouldn't come to that for obvious reasons but still just to imply it really grossed me out. And then it resulted with another unfunny Mae Young joke. The worst most offensive part was that shit was on freaking Pay-Per-View and wasn't it the first Raw brand PPV?

  123. That whole DX Little Peoples court. Come on, we're suppose to suspect a whole other building is under the ring?

  124. I think This Is Your Life is vastly overrated--I really think it should have ended with one last "memory," Mick showing footage of the '99 Royal Rumble, then leaving the Rock laying in a pool of his own blood. But I admit it did work for the audience, and that was because it wasn't overly scripted. As Mick recounts it, they told the actors, "Come out, then I'll say some stuff, then Rock will say some stuff, and you'll leave."

    Showster was just Big Show doing his own thing, I think. Maybe comedy should only be attempted if the wrestler himself is pitching it.

  125. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJuly 6, 2014 at 11:28 AM

    Oh god I have to relive that PPV in 989 years D:

  126. Both were stupid, but man did it get them over in storyline terms.

  127. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyJuly 6, 2014 at 11:30 AM

    Yeah I meant 2003 not 3003... I blame my hangover!

  128. He and Chavo must have the worst feud of all time.

  129. HHH dressed as Kane humping a corpse

  130. Catherine White, Mick Foley, and "Lost in Cleveland" has to be up there.

  131. Nope, they turned it into one big joke with Hornswoggle.

  132. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJuly 6, 2014 at 11:33 AM

    Most of the stuff on total divas is pretty insulting to the intelligence, started watching season one today...I think they tried to pass off one of the funkadactyls hitting an Uso with a hurricanrana as a genuine shoot and that being ok with management, like one episode after Stephanie tore Eva a new one for pretending to be a dancer.

    This may have been covered in the total diva reviews or whatever, I didn't read them for spoilers

  133. Dennis Rodman, Karl Malone, Jay Leno or anything in WCW in 2000.

  134. The Immortal Hoke OganJuly 6, 2014 at 11:34 AM

    Moves: The People's Elbow, The Worm, The Five-Knuckle Shuffle; removing monitors from the table before putting a guy through it; Referees in general (ref bumps, missing heel cheating, etc)

    Angles: Vince's limo exploding; Mae Young and the Hand; The Brood's entrance/"shit" dumped on the Spirit Squad; Royal Rumble '94 shenanigans;

    Bonus: Every time a dude makes a surprise entrance in the Royal Rumble and 14 dudes stand around waiting to get hit.

  135. The Immortal Hoke OganJuly 6, 2014 at 11:35 AM

    Every "authority figure" other than Vince McMahon

  136. "I get stupider as a human being every time WWE attempts comedy."

    Also when you use words like "stupider".

  137. Another one....
    A guy looks in a bathroom/dressing room mirror and sees his opponent is behind him. He turns around, his enemy is gone, but when he looks into the mirror again, he's back!

  138. Any segment that involves exaggeratedly terrible singing or dancing strongly tests my ability to continue viewing.

  139. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 6, 2014 at 11:36 AM

    WCW in 1993 in General was awful.

  140. R-Truth getting blown up by Mcgrouber.

  141. Scott Hall came up with the gimmick,so I assume it was a Crow/Desperado hybrid.

  142. The Immortal Hoke OganJuly 6, 2014 at 11:38 AM

    The camera capturing shenanigans backstage that are supposed to be "secret"

  143. Yup. Tell me, WWE, how does Raw stack up against the Sunday prime time NFL game?

  144. It's wrestling. I don't tune in expecting Breaking Bad level realism.

  145. Play along Dougie.

  146. Still can't believe that made it to TV.

  147. ...says the man with no intelligence to insult.

  148. Seeing Zack Ryder's thought on Rosa Mendes.

  149. I'm sorry it's still real to you dammit.

  150. Talk about fertile ground and lots of choices.

    Warrior in the mirror.

    Mae Young birthing a hand.

    "Invisible" cameras being omnipresent.

    I don't think this has ever been brought up, but during Jake Roberts' brief stint in WCW, he had the glove on a pole match with Sting. Plenty about this was really insulting, including Jake holding a snake to his face pretending that it was biting him. But, the part that always annoyed me was that Jake had really started to put on weight, and there was NO FUCKING WAY he was going to be able to climb that pole. Fucking dumb. Bear in mind I'm a Roberts mark.

  151. Saying that stuff insults your intelligence where the whole thing is based on one man's ability to whip someone into the ropes and they will have no choice but to bounce off at a full speed run is hysterical to me.

  152. You might as well as me not to like ice cream.

  153. So...judging by your screen're in....New Zealand?


  154. I think he's Australian.

  155. The Immortal Hoke OganJuly 6, 2014 at 11:47 AM

    You're not wrong

  156. and...suddenly I want to see this. Never heard of it, actually.

  157. That was very deep of you.

  158. HLA. Up until then I thought Bischoff was great as Raw's GM. I quit watching wrestling for a long time after that idiocy.

  159. I become more stupid?
    stupid becomes me?
    WWE makes me more stupid?
    stupidity is the WWE?

  160. I have seen that movie many times, and I just don't see the similarities. I get The Crow look, but which character in Desperado? We are talking the Banderas flick, right?

  161. And Cole saying "this is the first time the JBL character has been in the Royal Rumble match." DON'T SAY CHARACTER ON AIR!

  162. It was a coincidence everyone was watching during that segment.

  163. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 6, 2014 at 11:51 AM

    There's a certain suspension of disbelief that we all inherently agree to play along with.

    Then they take it a step further, and it's dumb.

    Little people running through a wall because there's a tunnel painted on it Wile E. Coyote style is a bit much.

  164. She's been caught once already.

  165. Except for the fact that we're talking about things that subvert the narrative of wrestling and fly in the face of the accepted logic. We accept certain rules, tropes, and archetypes as part of the narrative in order to buy into the suspension of disbelief. With this QOTD, we're looking at the outliers, exceptions, etc. that ruin the viewing experience and make everyone roll their eyes.

    It's not a difficult concept (for anyone not named Dougie) to grasp.

  166. Professional wrestling is inherently dumb. I'm sorry you're not smart enough to grasp that concept.

  167. I've said this a lot on here, but the segment where Undertaker "kills" Paul Bearer and buries him in cement was so intelligence-insulting that it made me stop denying wrestling was fake at 12 years old. Honorable mention goes to Eddie Guerrero's mom's heart attack.

    In fact, I'd like to nominate the entirety of 2004 SmackDown as the most intelligence insulting wrestling segment.

  168. This. I can't find anything close to the Katie Vick angle in terms of being offensive.

  169. The Immortal Hoke OganJuly 6, 2014 at 11:55 AM

    Sure, the "suspension of disbelief" is part of all fictional entertainment, and as fans we have always allowed for a certain amount of the inane and ridiculous. I simply agree with his point that the very nature of the in-ring product (the rope-whip example) necessitates a great deal of that suspension of disbelief.

  170. The stuff with Eva Marie pretending to be a dancer was such a cliche sitcom plot that would make any reasonably smart person realize how fake the show is.

  171. HHH was the best part of that whole thing. Aside from stealing Lemmy's look.

  172. You fell the same way about the Transformers films?

  173. McMahon being the higher power, completely going against the previous few months worth of storylines. I mean, Vince really went through several Ministry shit-kickings and god knows what else, to what, get one over on Austin again? No amount of retroactive continuity could make that shit make sense.

  174. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 6, 2014 at 11:57 AM

    I'm not sure I get what you're asking here?

  175. I have tried that before. There are buildings in this world with Hoss-sized holes in their walls.

  176. The Immortal Hoke OganJuly 6, 2014 at 11:57 AM

    Yeah, that cement bath thing might be #1

  177. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 6, 2014 at 11:58 AM

    Largely ice cream parlours that close their doors early?

  178. Pfft. No. Thou shalt not trash those hallowed halls.

  179. We could make a list about Kane moments.

  180. Imagine HHH's daughters finding that RAW on the Network. "OK, girls, you can watch the network, just nothing from October 2002, sweeties."

  181. That got me, along with his reaction to the "BAM!"

  182. also at least weird: someone makes a "surprise" entrant and the camera instantly zooms in on all the fans who mentioned the guy on their sign?!

  183. The best one was last year, when they bragged about their abridged WrestleMania replay on NBC beating CBS, ABC, and Fox's Saturday Night summer programming.

    Do they seriously think their viewers can't just go to and quickly realize all of those "facts" are bullshit? It's just an extremely pathetic instance of a company desperately seeking mainstream acceptance. Respectable entities don't have to remind you every 5 seconds how popular they think they are. They let the content do the talking.

  184. They won't cancel it. They'll just move one of the high... er... ish... fights off the midcard up to the main event.

  185. -Setting JR on fire
    -Killing Paul Bearer twice
    -Watching Eve go into the ambulance.....
    The list could take a while.

  186. The Immortal Hoke OganJuly 6, 2014 at 12:02 PM

    1,000 comments. Easy

  187. The Immortal Hoke OganJuly 6, 2014 at 12:02 PM

    Buried Alive matches

  188. the Repo Man once tried that with the British Bulldog, too (hilarious, who "non suited for children" this seems from today's point of view).

  189. Why in the fuck is Buscemi's voice dubbed?

  190. Two always immediately come to mind, for different reasons

    1) Russo's horseshit with the Goldberg/Nash/Steiner match where Goldberg "wouldn't go for the finish." Just so awful and insulting on so many levels. Way to make me remember I'm watching fake fights by men in their underwear, Vince. Asshat.

    2) The Triple H-Booker T WM19 feud where Hunter suddenly became a n**** hater. So lazy, out of nowhere and completely stupid. It's no coincidence this was around the time I first started dipping in and out as fan.

  191. Jumper cables to the ball sack.

  192. The Immortal Hoke OganJuly 6, 2014 at 12:03 PM

    Yeah, any of those "what you are watching right now is REAL" moments.


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