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WWE Battleground Live Thread

Kickoff Match: Cameron vs. Naomi

Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins
Chris Jericho vs. Bray Wyatt
Jack Swagger vs. Rusev
AJ Lee vs. Paige for the Diva's Championship
20 Man Battle Royal for the Intercontinental Championship
The Usos vs. The Wyatt Family in 2-out-of-3 Falls for the Tag Team Championship
Kane vs. Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns vs. John Cena for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship


  1. Since everyone and their mother can see the main event ending coming a mile away, what are the odds that they swerve us and put the belt on someone else, so that Cena can win it back tomorrow night? You know...just to go with something...ANYTHING different.

  2. That 'Best of the Worst' on the Brawl For All got me. I started cackling uncontrollably when Bart got knocked all the way to All Japan.

  3. The jungle of Tampa, FL?

  4. I don't doubt at all that it started off as a shoot, but I wonder how legit those last Bart Gunn KOs were? Were those legit, too, or was Bradshaw taking a dive?

  5. The fact that Cameron was the only person from that Tough Enough series to make the main roster is a joke.

  6. I can't wait; the funkadactyles match should be the moty

  7. Love the set for this PPV. Really unique.

  8. Even the Miss USA chick seemed 10 times the prospect than she did.

    Never underestimate the power of blow jobs i guess!

  9. Lost my connection already geez

  10. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 20, 2014 at 5:34 PM

    kickoff is fandango vs rose

  11. Not a bad card actually.

  12. "It favors everyone but John Cena."

    Yeah. But they aren't John Cena. And CenaWinsLOL

  13. I thought the guy who got runner-up would've made a good heel. I heard they had that huge dude win because he was already under contract. Such a great show with Austin, but awful for execution because Network execs started to dictate who was cut and the WWE picked the wrong people. Go figure!

  14. That's the role that Rose should be playing. He should be the guy that gets the crowds going.

  15. Yay! My favorite announce team of all time!

  16. Is Disco Inferno going to come back for a one off?

  17. Unscheduled pre-show match!

  18. Wouldn't a four way be better under elimination rules?

  19. I think they should give Christian an opportunity as a color commentator. He seems comfortable on the mic and such.

  20. Take a drink every time we hear "Mountain Dew" tonight.

  21. Put the belt on Fandango.

  22. Can't protect Reigns that way.

  23. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 20, 2014 at 5:35 PM

    jbl really has a limited moveset when it comes to commentary

  24. I will. I'll drink Big K in protest!

  25. I prefer elimination but I don't know if one way is better than the other.

  26. Was still on fringes of watching at that point. What was the deal with the winner? Maybe misremembering but he comes out, makes an ass of himself, pisses off Vince and Austin in the ring, gets stunned and is never seen again? What was the point?

  27. Dq/ count out/ run-in

  28. MikeyMike, WitnessJuly 20, 2014 at 5:36 PM

    For once lol.

  29. Yeah, putting Layla and Summer Rae with Rose is really going to save him.

  30. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 20, 2014 at 5:36 PM

    werent layla and summer rae acting like heels on sd?

  31. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 20, 2014 at 5:36 PM

    that's not very pg, jbl

  32. And weren't they with Dolph? Rose is stealing Dolph's heat!

  33. I question the wisdom of developing angles on Twitter.

  34. Having 10 people come out with rose doesn't make me like him

  35. Cole: It's Adam Rose's birthday!
    JBL: Who cares?


  36. MikeyMike, WitnessJuly 20, 2014 at 5:37 PM

    Layla is so so hot.

  37. Guy was big but couldn't wrestle.

    WWE LOVES guys like that! Sort of like how hot chicks love bad boys.

  38. Yes. I love elimination matches. I've always hated the triple threat/fatal four way stipulation where one fall wins the whole thing.

  39. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 20, 2014 at 5:37 PM

    i'll tell her during her afterglow this evening

  40. Virgil's Gimmick TableJuly 20, 2014 at 5:37 PM

    He might injure his jaw from talking though.

  41. I'm sure this would be somehow compelling if anybody gave two shits about Fandango anymore.

  42. What if... he came out with 15 people?! 20?

  43. My fav is when Benoit/y2j made austin submit but austin wasn't eliminated.

  44. Predictions:

    -No contest on Ambrose/Rollins. They'll brawl violently and either both get counted out or get double DQ'd.
    -Wyatt over Jericho because LOLJerichoLoses
    -Swagger over Rusev so they can send Rusev back to NXT to repackage him. Apparently, they want to put the kibosh on his gimmick with the recent Ukraine events.
    -AJ over Paige.
    -Ceasaro wins Battle Royal.
    -Wyatts beat Usos, but it's gonna be a hell of a match.

  45. "Fandango cannot believe what is going on here"

    He isn't alone.

  46. Rose just has such a generic moveset. He'd better come up with something unique.

  47. Why not?

    He can win 2 falls that way and still lose. Much better than Kane chockslamming him through a table while John Cena AA's Randy Orton.

  48. I doubt he'd win it back the next night. If they take it off him tonight (big if), it's probably because Brock winning the title now makes absolutely no sense unless he signed for more dates, and Cena beating Brock makes even less sense.

  49. That's a DQ ref! DQ HIM!

  50. That should be a DQ win for Fandango!

  51. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 20, 2014 at 5:38 PM


  52. If they are doing that stupid song, it would make me want to punch all of them

  53. So are they ever gonna let NXT call-ups wrestle longer than 4 minutes matches?

  54. Go ahead and release Fandango. He's not doing anything, has lost his entrance, etc.

  55. Is adding Summer Ray and Layla and upgrade for Rose or a downgrade for the broads?

  56. Debut = going over Jericho at a WM.

    Current match = job to doomed gimmick on preshow.

    That's a long fall.

  57. I think Rollins goes over but with interference from Kane or something like that to protect Ambrose. Have a blow-off match at SS.

  58. And where is this angle even going? What possible way can it end that helps anybody?

  59. Did Hugh Morrus ever break 5 minutes?

  60. I don't know if I want to see Rose in a match longer than 4 minutes. But I get your point.

  61. I approve of Layla's new bouncing gimmick.

  62. Pre Show: "So, who does everyone predict wins in the main event?" "John Cena." "John Cena." "John Cena. There you have it, John Cena retains the title." Geez, even WWE acknowledges it before the show even starts. Unless that means he's actually going to drop it tonight.

  63. Yeah, that's my secondary prediction for that match.

  64. They have like 10 hours of TV each week but still focus on 2-3 minute matches for all the guys that get called up. Makes no sense.

  65. It's almost as if they shouldn't have wasted whatever credibility Jericho had left, isn't it?

  66. I think he failed a wellness test in developmental after that. He wasn't that good either. And yeah, having him fell a slap from Vince like getting blasted by a shotgun (he actually bumped from that!) didn't help him.

  67. MikeyMike, WitnessJuly 20, 2014 at 5:40 PM

    I approve with her enhancements.

  68. My dad thinks Cena is dropping the belt tonight.

  69. Are you guys pumped to see Cena pin Kane tonight?

  70. Yeah, I'm just confused by it.

  71. I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but I don't care for JBL.

  72. So the preshow is on now, I assume? Totally legit, legal, and in no way pirated streams don't show those. =/

  73. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 20, 2014 at 5:41 PM

    i see magoonie!

    right there!

    that guy!

    with the clothes!

  74. I saw it pointed out somewhere (Uproxx maybe?) that one major problem with NXT call ups like Rose is when they're down in NXT, they keep adding little things to the gimmick as time goes on, making it feel fresh, but on Raw, it's just the exact same thing over and over and over until people get sick of it.

  75. You think Jericho had a talk with Triple H or whoever clearly saying... "I'll be happy to put the guy over... if you're actually going to do something with him. Don't 'Fandango' Bray Wyatt."

  76. What a thorn in authority's side that Cena is with all his make a wish appearances and his squeeky-clean image. He's truly a corporate public relations nightmare.

  77. More like should have actually done something with the gimmick. But, either way is correct.

  78. Watch Orton eat the pin...just because.

  79. How do they go about just, announcing that nights are "historic" for no particular reason? How dumb to they think their audience is?

  80. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 20, 2014 at 6:00 PM

    I'm about to send you my post PPV interview.

  81. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 20, 2014 at 6:04 PM

    *Walks in on your interview*

    Oh no...we're not done. We're just getting started. You're "partner" dragged you into a war you can't win. Remember. What happens next is on your head.

  82. < Finisher: The Throwback (floatover bridging butterfly superplex)

  83. Not compared to his face run.

  84. TM CooltrainerBretJuly 20, 2014 at 6:08 PM

    You've got spark. I'll be sure to kill your heat nice and easy.

  85. Nice work jolly ole chap. You're still racist though

  86. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 20, 2014 at 6:09 PM

    *A disturbance is heard in the back as Vinson's French valet walks into the locker room as kbjone is giving an interview. She flirts with him and as he starts thinking with the wrong head she hits him in the face with a fireball. She retrieves the tag belt as Vinson takes the mic from the interviewer.*

    BURN BITCH!! BURN LIKE YOU JUST HAD A ONE NIGHT STAND WITH LITA!!!! I told you that you aren't allowed to have nice things!

    *Turns to camera as my valet puts the boots to kbjone*

    Petuka! Now that your life partner is going to spend the next few weeks getting skin grafts and watching MASH reruns out of his one good eye in a burn unit it appears that you have time on your hands. I DARE you....come see me on RAW. Avenge your bitch-ass partner! COme get his belt back.

    And as for YOU Harris..what the *BEEP* is wrong with you? I give you the opportunity to stand on Mount Olympus with the GODS and you shuck and jive it all away? Really?? Bayless I blame this on you. The violence that I'm about to unleash is on YOUR hands!! Let's see you get funkay in an iron lung, assh*BEEP*

    *Petuka runs into the room with a chair. Vinson pushes the interview in the way of the chairshot and runs out of the room*

  87. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 20, 2014 at 6:12 PM

    *Runs past you while being chased by Petuka...pauses long enough to shoot you a dirty look*

  88. I only ask for one t-shirt and making BoD '15 for the Sega Genesis.

  89. TM CooltrainerBretJuly 20, 2014 at 6:14 PM

    Or, as they call it in Maffewtown:


  90. TM CooltrainerBretJuly 20, 2014 at 6:16 PM

    Way to put over the midcarders.

  91. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 20, 2014 at 6:31 PM

    Seriously? I will get pinned, tap out or whatever it takes. I like doing the interviews.

  92. TM CooltrainerBretJuly 20, 2014 at 6:37 PM

    Kidding, kidding.

    *Watches anxiously as the show climbs to 0.57 commentrate.*

    *Hopes Rick shows up soon*

  93. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 20, 2014 at 6:48 PM


    Next time I want to take their double team move for the pin.

  94. TM CooltrainerBretJuly 20, 2014 at 6:51 PM

    I work with the finish Bayless gives me, although I've got an idea for tommorrow's match.

  95. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 20, 2014 at 6:57 PM

    No problem. As long as they go over in the end in a tag match.

  96. My head writer booked your segment.

    Plus, I voted for Obama. Not racist.

  97. Well, that was a nice match.

  98. We're all over.

  99. Yes, after SummerSlam, it's all us.

  100. Tobes of Hades, lit by flickering torchlight

    The netherworld is gathered in the glare
    Beard Money takes the cavern to the north light

    The sign of Eth is rising in the air

    Beard Money, knight of darkness

    Centurion of evil, devil's prince

    Across the River Styx, out of the lamplight

    His nemesis is waiting at the gate

    PrimeTimeTen, ermine glowing in the damp night

    Coal-black eyes shimmering with hate

    Beard Money and PrimeTimeTen

    Square for battle, let the fray begin

    The battle's over and the dust is clearing

    Disciples of PrimeTimeTen sound the knell

    Rejoicing echoes as the dawn is nearing

    Beard Money, in defeat, retreats to Hell

    PrimeTimeTen is victorious

    The land of the Overworld is saved again.

    *snorts, grunts*

  101. So Tommy... what's it like thinking you can run the yard? Stranger... congratulations. But there are more writers in the world. Keep me in mind.

  102. *shakes head sadly*

    Still no love for the decent, hard-working people on the imaginary ring-crew.

  103. "Joedust brings forth a logical argument backed by facts and numbers as to why that isn't the greatest handshake..." I live my gimmick.

  104. (Archie sits in the boiler room. He bleeds from the forehead but doesn't seem to notice. We see him sitting at a workbench, and hear a faint clanging sound underneath him.)

    "Tonight, masked one, tonight I showed you a glimpse....of Riverdale.

    But clearly, our story remains unfinished, masked one. I would give you credit, devil, if I ever considered for a moment that you deserved anything more than my scorn. My utter contempt.

    My hatred.

    Uncle Caliber, Uncle Caliber! You didn't warn me about the masked one, did you, Uncle Caliber? You told me that I would be tested on the road to redeeming your name, you told me I was your chosen apostle, YOU TOLD ME!"

    (Archie slams his left fist on the table. Looks up and breathes.)

    "Forgive me for doubting, Uncle Caliber. Even a momentary loss of faith on the road to RIverdale is unacceptable. I pay penance to you, Uncle Caliber."

    (Archie SLAMS his own head into the workbench! The cut on his forehead starts to flow with blood, easily a .6 Muta.)

    "So, where were we, masked one? Ah, yes. Your road to RIverdale, masked one. You've begun your journey along the speckled cobblestones that will bring your to the light, but it's clear to me that you need a....helping hand.

    Archie Stackhouse is a gentleman above all, masked one. Educated in the finest of manners by Uncle Caliber, During my sessions at the Winfield Dungeon, he strove to make me the most complete of all men, and he warned me that others might not be as....receptive to his messages as I was.

    I lapped up my lessons like a kitten sups his milk, masked one, and now I know what I must do. You've seen the darkness of Archie Stackhouse's world, masked one, and now I must do my duty to Uncle Caliber and GM Bayless and bring you to the light."

    (The CLANGING intensifies beneath Archie's feet. He looks down and smiles.)

    "Let me introduce you to a dear friend of mine from Riverdale, masked one."

    (Archie pulls out a crowbar stained with blood. The curved end is wrapped in barbed wire.)

    "This is Jughead, masked one! He's ever so eager to make your acquaintance, to become your friend, your....blood brother. And Jughead is hungry, masked one.

    Keep your kitchen utensils, masked one. Once I break all of your fingers, it's doubtful you'll be able to use anything other than a straw for nourishment. Once I snap your neck like a twig, you'll be little more than lollipop for the children of Riverdale to point and stare at - the world's largest dessert treat!

    Our game of capture the flag is over, masked one. I will remove your mask so you can finally SEE the glory that is Riverdale. I do this for you. I do this for Uncle Caliber. I do this for GM Bayless.

    I do this because it is my purpose. It is my mission.

    Tomorrow night, at BOD Raw, the first stage of Riverdale begins. All the way to BOD Summerslam, we'll walk together down the road and tour the sights of Riverdale together, all the way through the final stage of your own personal flames.

    You think this war is over, masked one? We've only just begun. Jughead and myself will see to it.

    Welcome to Hell. Riverdale."

  105. Cup of coffee! *clapclapclapclap* Cup of coffee!

  106. Final 6 in a battle royal again…this is becoming a theme. Looking forward to reading the full show.

  107. 'Taped from Seattle, WA, as evidenced by Brian Bosworth sitting ringside and making a jackass of himself.'

    Odd that you claim not to follow or know anything about American football, yet you're familiar with an obscure player like The Boz.

  108. Austin vs. Dude Love: one time when Russo booking actually worked. And a rare time you'll hear Anne Murray's name mentioned on wrestling.

  109. I think the flying legdrop through the table spot messed Austun up, too.


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