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BoD Daily Update RAW Preview

Major Cutbacks Ordered by Vince McMahon

Vince has reportedly made major cutbacks which has been far beyond what has already happened. The dollar figure going around regarding the cutbacks are into the eight figures mark.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Adam Rose Update

Rose's match against Damien Sandow at Money in the bank was considered his "Pay-Per View Chance" and the fact that the crowd did not get into the match has made things worse for him with Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn.

Credit David Bixenspan, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter


  1. With the cutbacks Adam Rose's posse has been reduced to an invisible dog leash.

    Where are the SNMEs I thought they went up today?

  2. Rose's gimmick is ten years too late.

  3. So a minimum of $10 million in cutbacks. Woof.

  4. It was DOA.

    His debut segment was pathetic. It was the worst way to introduce someone as a new character.

    A gimmick that relies on production needs as much production as possible and it looked as low rent as you could get

  5. Needed more rosebuds?

  6. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 7:52 AM

    SNME was never on the schedule to be added today. This morning they put up Raw #101, Raw #102, and Piper's Pit from Mr. T from The War to Settle the Score sandwiched between.

  7. I think pyro is an easy first cut. Raw doesn't need it.

  8. Needed anything to make it not look as low rent as it did.

  9. They posted on Twitter that it would be up today.

  10. It's a shame the Shield already had the enter through the crowd gimmick as Rose would have got the audience more on his side if he'd come in through the crowd with his posse

  11. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJuly 7, 2014 at 7:54 AM


    Cut out the Hollywood writers, purchase a booker instead, tell the talent 'make us some money, or you're out'.

    I must be sort of right, cos STONE COLD SAID SO:

  12. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJuly 7, 2014 at 7:54 AM

    I miss the 'pyro and ballyhoo' of the old Attitude Era Raws. It always got the crowd pumped and upped the adrenaline.

  13. Still see zero wrong with his debut. If the crowd didn't like it, so be it. Maybe it was an NXT only gimmick.

  14. I remember a Hyatte quote from the old Mop-ups, "Raw starts, and the WWF blows another cool million on pyro". Sounds about right.

  15. I was going to say some of the lighting and the Tron/HD set, but I assume they already own those and just have to operate them. Pyro is a consumable that they can avoid.

  16. Maybe the Repo man will come back... And not as an employee, if ya catch my drift!!

  17. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJuly 7, 2014 at 7:57 AM

    They needed to go 'the whole hog' with it, rather than build it up.

    I still fail to understand the logic in not going all-in with this kind of gimmick.

    You can't be half pregnant with this one, and you can only make a first impression once.

    It was doomed to fail after a half-hearted debut, imo.

  18. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJuly 7, 2014 at 7:57 AM

    I still think the fact that his followed were called prolapsed arseholes was a bit of an issue...

    I never quite got over that one.

  19. They should go back to making it look like RAW was taped from some low rent bingo hall in 1994.

  20. so you think adding a few bells and whistles and pyro would have turned him into a major player? The crowd would still have had the exact "What the hell is going on??" vibe one way or the other. no amounts of cheap pyro would have changed that. Zero difference would have been made.

  21. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJuly 7, 2014 at 7:59 AM

    Didn't say pyro, necessarily. More people, just a more grand entrance.

    It was so 'who's this indy guy?'.

  22. Brilliant, also bring back squashes and goofy characters!

  23. Yep, they need to get over this inferiority complex they have when comparing themselves to everything else on TV and go back to doing things the pro wrestling way.

  24. he could have had 300 people following him and dancing. I still stand by my opinion that nothing would have changed. The crowd's reaction was not "this is so indy", it was "What the f*ck am I watching?" Remember that the overwhelming majority of that crowd were casual fans who have never seen NXT. they were more shocked than disappointed.

  25. Rose's NXT character seemed pretty interesting, no idea why the radical overhaul was needed. I guess someone saw 'Get Him To the Greek' and thought it'd be hilarious.

  26. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJuly 7, 2014 at 8:01 AM

    I do that PG didn't help this character, either.

    They were party goers, who didn't drink, or even hint at doing drugs... It always made it feel a bit whatever to me.

  27. Yeah... that isn't what cutback means.

  28. Yeah what he said. It's not good for a struggling (in the eyes of share holders) service to make promises on twitter and not fulfill them.

  29. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 8:02 AM

    You're right, they did. Still have 14 hours to do so.

  30. Man that was just about as many cliches as you could possibly squeeze into one post.

  31. They should have had Jonny Manziel come out with the rosebuds, rolling up 20's like he was about to snort some coke.

  32. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJuly 7, 2014 at 8:03 AM

    Cutback = saving on money.

    Not employing 20 Hollywood writers would be saving money.

  33. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJuly 7, 2014 at 8:04 AM

    I was honestly going to write 'and any other cliché you can possibly imagine'.

  34. true but when their regular routine is to have stuff up by morning they should probably stick with it.

  35. They make like $10 an hour or something


  37. Raw Preview: same old shit.

    Cutbacks: drop all the celebrity cameos. Cut back on catering. Cheaper writers. Fire Kevin Dunn. Leave NXT alone.

    Rose: I think Rose was used perfectly last week in the Twisted Tea segment. Use him to schill various products in a wacky segment each week. It's perfect use of a mid carder and it brings in revenue. Win-Win.

  38. Now we're talking!

  39. RAW Preview: Santino turns heel on Cena


  41. LOL where you read that? The writers I think make like 6 figures.

  42. There is no chance they make 6 figures. Pretty sure that guy that was responsible for the most viewed post in BoD history said he made $10 or maybe it was $12

  43. 10 Milion in cutbacks could just be scraping The Marine 5, 6 and 7

  44. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 8:08 AM

    They've already cut the bandwith (numerous complaints on FB about poor video and freezing... I know it's happened to me over the past 8 days many times after not one problem) and started pre-taping the Raw Pre-Show so it looks like the Network is being cheaped on, already. Whatever. I wonder if the new Network periods offers $10-a-month for 1 year or $15-a-month for 6 months to lock more people in.

  45. Living in Connecticut? Impossible that they are paid barely above what someone at McDonald's makes.

  46. No way. Who would work for that little? The only thing I found was this by Schrerererre

    Please tell me how much do WWE writers make? What is their usual starting salary? Are they entitled to company benefits? What is their traveling schedules like?

    The assistants usually start around $30,000 a year and it goes up from there. A guy like Brian Gewirtz can make six figures. Yes, they get company benefits like health insurance, 401K, etc. For the most part, they go to all the TV tapings and PPVs. They make occasional trips down to developmental to scout talent. And, they put in a lot of time leading up to the shows via meetings, conference calls, writing and re-writes. It's a job you really need to love to do because you don't get much of a life outside of work.

  47. That would be the smart thing to do. I'll be interested on what happens with the bandwidth.. It was pretty bad for MITB so one would think they will expand it back out some from there.

  48. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 8:10 AM

    What a very NWA-ish episode of Raw this is... Jim Cornette on commentary. Macon, GA. And jobbers including Rip Rogers, Mark Starr and The Italian Stallion (his spaghetti eating championship was immediately mentioned by Cornette). And SID SID SID SID

  49. Yeah, it's probably time to get out of movies, if they're needing to trim the budget.

  50. The goofy characters are making a comeback.

    Sandow, Rose, Emma, etc.

  51. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 8:11 AM

    Movies are making minimal profits now due to being just one of several co-distributors and WWE is OCD about having a a Hollywood presence.

  52. I truly believe Vince thinks they are just one hit away from breaking out.

  53. The co-distriubtor thing works, but they don't need to be making movies in house.

  54. *flips the bird*

  55. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 8:12 AM

    That's BS. The lowest level entry employees START at $12. Interns without benefits started at $10.

  56. I imagine this is try for the karen gillian movie or the Halle Berry movie but for the Marine where they are sticking their wrestler in the title role they must be the primary financier.

  57. It would have certainly increased his chances of getting over as a midcard act.

    Besides England, no other crowd has really cared about him

  58. Another thing is, there are tons of these reports and Vince and Dunn don't like him, etc etc, yet he's undefeated. I guess I'll just believe it when he does start going on a losing streak. (and hey, it could very well happen very soon. Just saying i'll wait)

  59. Hey, it is what it is! Let's play it out and see where it goes.

  60. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 7, 2014 at 8:19 AM

    Rose reminds me of something that I would see at a Bingo Hall.

  61. On the interview process and pay:

    "Pay was $13 an hour with time and a half for overtime, and there was lots and lots of overtime. I worked 50-60 hours every week.

    Interviews were pretty typical. They
    asked me questions about past job experiences, why I wanted to work for
    WWE, and made sure I knew the high demands I was getting myself into. I
    don't think a degree would be enough necessarily. The other writer's
    assistants got in because they had a good amount of TV experience. One
    of them, the oldest, used to be Howard Stern's personal assistant for a
    few years. Another worked on Maury. Another worked for ESPN. I had an
    internship at CNBC while in college, have a documentary that's played
    around the world (rather not divulge it) and had some people put in a
    good word. Plus I was hired by a clueless dude as stated earlier. But a
    big part of interviews is also just being clean-cut, professional and
    charismatic and acting like someone that people would want to work

  62. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 7, 2014 at 8:19 AM

    Holy Shit, what job is this?

  63. Something about telling stories!

  64. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 8:21 AM

    Damn they hit a home run with that Sycho Sid theme music.

  65. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 8:22 AM

    Writer's assistant = Coffee and printing out paper's aka being a bitch. Not a writer.

  66. So the question is what now? Is he likely to get dropped or repackaged?

  67. Don't be a lemon!

  68. Still not a useful response. Show me how much a writer makes, the show me how many of them there are and come up with a total... then tell me if they wouldn't save just as much by cutting someone like Ryback or something.

  69. SNME 1-13 is now up...along with the 06 episode

  70. He is what, 3-0 on WWE TV and PPV?

    That means nothing. Xavier Woods even won his first few matches

  71. I pasted you something below. I'll paste it again.

    Please tell me how much do WWE writers make? What is their usual starting salary? Are they entitled to company benefits? What is their traveling schedules like?

    The assistants usually start around $30,000 a year and it goes up from there. A guy like Brian Gewirtz can make six figures. Yes, they get company benefits like health insurance, 401K, etc. For the most part, they go to all the TV tapings and PPVs. They make occasional trips down to developmental to scout talent. And, they put in a lot of time leading up to the shows via meetings, conference calls, writing and re-writes. It's a job you really need to love to do because you don't get much of a life outside of work.

  72. didnt read the preview so if they mentioned it my b. I really hope they let Santino give a serious farewell on RAW, it would only be right. Yeah he was corny, but once in a blue moon he got a chuckle out of me and he'll be missed.

  73. Let's check with Logan Scisco.

  74. While that looked awful and I was afraid guys were going to hit the ceiling on back bodydrops, I would be open to the idea of more basic looking entrances and every arena having it's own unique look. This would allow for more weekend shows and such

  75. Not seeing it on iPhone.

  76. I had to refresh for it to show up. not sure if the push out to mobile devices would be delayed or what.

  77. Stranger in the AlpsJuly 7, 2014 at 8:30 AM

    I read something that the cutbacks include delaying the production of Tough Enough for the Network, as well as pushing back production of a new season of Legends House. So the Network is involved in these cutbacks as well, as far as new original content goes.

  78. Is it listed under Vault?

  79. Damnit they edited out

    Animotion - Obsession from the opening...

  80. I wonder how much money they'd save if they ditched the crazy entrances and pyro and crazy video screens and lighted displays, and just had guys walk down a basic ramp like how wrestling shows used to look. And didn't color the crowds red and needless shit like that.

  81. Cleveland fans with a soul should boo him out of the building on his first game back.

  82. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 8:35 AM


  83. If it does, Jabari Parker is probably kicking himself right now.

  84. First shot he makes, the arena will erupt.

  85. This is still pretty incomplete but if Gewirtz is making 100k it is pretty easy to assume that everyone else is making less than that. Which means the whole staff and their assistants are probably worth about a million dollars in salary... which you would have to replace in some way.

    So my question remains how is that a significant place to cut budget?

  86. I don't see them on my iPhone yet.

  87. Some dude posted all the records, and he was something like 10-0. Let's see what happens I guess! (I don't really care that much either way, i'm more of a BO-LIEVER than a Rosebud.)

  88. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 8:38 AM

    Why? The odd ones out are Waiters and Bennett.

  89. So if the Heat beat the Spurs this year, does LeBron even consider leaving?

  90. He intentionally tanked a Cavs workout to avoid being drafted by them, now they may get LeBron.

  91. Love how people were whining earlier in the thread about them not being up as of 9am eastern. :)

  92. Yep he wanted to be in Milwaukee, now he's stuck with Jason Kidd and buttfarts.

  93. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 8:40 AM

    I believe so. he wants a max deal, Wade's health is not improving and the team is not any better than it was.

  94. 95% of his memorable moments were in a non-wrestling role, so I hope he stays around for years to come. GM or manager or something.

  95. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 8:41 AM

    That I know, but he wanted to be the man on a team. Playing on the Cavs wouldn't have got him that, with or without LeBron.

  96. I think that would probably save a ton and make it more enjoyable.

  97. I figure that since they already have the spotlights and video screens, it shouldn't cost that much to still use them. It's just extra stuff like new sets and pyro that could be costly.

  98. And he lives an hour from Milwaukee, I believe.

  99. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 8:42 AM

    Managing would work...maybe even his own show.

  100. As the person who was whining........shutup

  101. He wants to be stick there FOREVER!!

  102. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 7, 2014 at 8:43 AM

    That would be stupid.

  103. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 8:43 AM

    This is where these player's logic is stupid. You give me a million a year and I'll play ball for the Ku Klux Klan league.

  104. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 7, 2014 at 8:44 AM

    No way.

  105. Exactly what I said.

  106. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 8:44 AM

    The ones that hated him should continue to hate him or be labeled a hypocrite.

  107. Six figures can mean 500k and up too. I highly doubt anyone would take this life consuming job for only 13 dollars an hour. Cutting a couple of writers can probably save them close to a million. In the end, who really knows because we are all basing our info found on the internet. I would to like to think cutting off some of their writers would actually MAKE them more money. Too many chefs in the kitchen.

  108. Why? Letting him are still wrong for ...not what you did but how you did it

  109. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 8:45 AM

    Now he has money, fame and he'll be around his dumb-ass friends that will influence him to do dumb shit.

  110. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 8:46 AM

    You take it if you want to get in the door.

  111. This is Cleveland dude. They'll welcome him back with open arms because they have nothing else.

  112. It's a tough spot if you have someone on your team you hate and in the end you're love for the team tends to outweigh your feelings for one person..and god knows Cleveland just wants to win....SOMETHING

  113. i know that is what will most likely happen.

  114. I wouldn't have been surprised if he wanted to play in Utah, honestly.

  115. Cutbacks: Time to close the training center in Florida that produces cookie-cutter WWE "Superstars". Other than shutting down entire divisions (movies I'm looking at you) I'm not sure what they can cut to get 10mil+

    Adam Rose: So....pairing him off against someone who has been made to look like a fool for the past year plus and it doesn't go over, that's Rose's fault? This company is run by idiots.

  116. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 8:47 AM

    I love the Knicks but hate J.R. Smith.

  117. Maybe. Bosh apparently wants big money, so maybe he would leave either way. And if Bosh leaves, maybe LeBron looks elsewhere.

  118. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 8:49 AM

    Monday Trivia: Who is the only WWE Hall of Famer to no-show their induction?

  119. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 8:49 AM

    Billy Graham?

  120. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 8:50 AM

    Right era, wrong person.

  121. Exactly. I have worked campaign job where you work 8am - 11pm 7 days a week (and more as the election gets close) for like $1300 a month... sometimes you have to do shit like that in order to do what you love.

  122. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 8:50 AM

    With the Cavs luck he'll trip over a water cooler and blow out his knee.

  123. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 7, 2014 at 8:50 AM

    Plus, he's going to be working a lot as, you know, AN NBA PLAYER. Milwaukee to Chicago is over an hour drive.
    It's not like Cleveland to Akron which never has traffic and is literally 30 minutes away.

  124. I'm not the biggest follower of this stuff by why did Wade opt out? What kind of deal could he possibly come up with better than stick the Heat with his contract? He is done as an effective player over the course of a season or hell.. for more than one round of a playoffs.

  125. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 8:51 AM

    I believe he was going to restructure his deal so the Big 3 could stay and they pull in another player.

  126. so in other words if Lebron does go else where he has totally fucked Wade

  127. There's a lot of deceased guys that fit under this.

  128. Bosh won't move until after Lebron decides what to do.

  129. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 8:53 AM

    No-show = Invited but didn't show up.

  130. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 8:53 AM

    Houston REALLY wants him to sign.

  131. Whatever. LeBron carried a diminished Wade to two more championships. He doesn't owe Dwyane anything.

  132. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 8:53 AM


  133. He may very well go, but I think Lebron has to decide first , then everyone else goes wherever.

  134. All the glitz, glamor and fame that comes with playing in Milwaukee. It's the same set of circumstances that cut Glenn Robinson's career short three years earlier than it should have ended.

  135. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 8:53 AM

    How do we know they didn't invite Andre?

  136. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 8:54 AM

    He was there.

  137. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 8:55 AM

    Thank you. I'd even go so far as to say Wade is not a starter in this league anymore. He'd be a great spark off the bench though.

  138. "Welcome Back! Welcome Back!"

  139. I'm not crying for Wade but Lebron probably could have figured out if the a heat restructuring deal would have worked out and told wade sorry but no, allowing wade to collect his pay day. I mean it's dumb how they work these contracts to begin with so that a guy like Wade has all the money coming to him when he can't run a simple defensive play

  140. would he? you can go on youtube and watch a montage of him against the Spurs, on offense he might have a spark, but as the video showed there is that whole...getting to the other end of the court and guard that he was actually embarrassing to watch.

  141. Santino carried many a RAW with a skit or quick promo during some lean creative times in the late 2000s.

  142. That's why you give him 12-16 minutes off the bench.

  143. Think I read from Meltzer that tonight instead of the RAW post game show, they are putting up a preview of the Monday Night Wars series.

  144. "You still got it!"

  145. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 8:58 AM

    Just got a pop-up ad for another Free Week Trial of WWE Network. That plus the lagging video issues encountered over the past 8 days doesn't thrill me. Stop giving people shit for free.

  146. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 8:58 AM

    Listed at 11pm.

  147. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 7, 2014 at 8:59 AM


  148. There's only three real chefs: Vince, HHH and Steph.

    Everyone else is there to put sprigs of parsley on the plate.

  149. Cleveland fans sound like those desperate girls with no self-esteem who let their boyfriends fuck around on them as long as he doesn't leave them.

  150. No one will pay him what he wants to only get 12-16 minutes of playing time in return.

  151. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 9:00 AM

    He was there and probably drove everyone there in the limo.

  152. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 9:00 AM

    CORRECT. He was working as the Spanish announcer with WCW in 1995 and didn't want to possibly create issues with his job, so he no-showed.

  153. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 9:01 AM

    Savio Vega accepted for him. You win the No Prize.

  154. He can go sit down with Allen Iverson, then.

  155. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 7, 2014 at 9:02 AM

    Cool, I remembered him being involved with WCW somehow but that was about 90% wild guess.

    I'll wait by the mailbox!

  156. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 7, 2014 at 9:05 AM

    Posting that letter was the dumbest thing he ever did .

  157. yea. If this does happen the best thing that will come from this is the destruction of Miami. Assuming Lebron and Bosh go....surely they won't resign wade to play 20 minutes at best. That city will go back to not caring about the team and probably booing Lebron and Bosh when they come to town. because... Miami.

  158. The Knicks would. They always spend stupid money.

  159. That Adam Rose character is so 1995 New Generation. The performer doing it isn't doing anything wrong, the character simply does not work.

  160. Me too. I think most Knick fans are the same as us too....

  161. Bye-bye, productive day.

  162. Did WWF induct him just to dick with WCW?

  163. Are you telling me that Andrea was a bad deal for them?? *gasp*

  164. I didn't have any of the previous online services or on demands for WWE how does the Monday Night Wars work? Do they just bundle a given weeks Raw and Nitro? They don't do any editing do they?

  165. Just wait if they hire Steen. Then there could never be too many chefs. #Farva

  166. If I'm LeBron, I go back to Cleveland, which has the young players to be a force to come for years. Since he left, his public image has suffered and going back would help fix it. LeBron would really become the "hero" of the league and not cheered against like he has been since he became a Heat member.

  167. He'd be the hero to the Cavs, everyone else would still hate him.

  168. There is zero reason to care about anything he does. He's not a heel or a face, just some dude with a feminine demeanor who is a "partier".

  169. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 9:10 AM

    When he comes out --- "Ha ha ha, anything can happen here in the WWF, what a ride!" and "I can barely hear myself think, McMahon, these fans are blowing the roof off the Bob Carpenter Center!"

  170. I think its a whole newly produced show. But I am not clear on if it will be a talking heads type deal or what. Guess we will know more tonight.

  171. What a lemon'y thing to say. And he's a face, isn't he? He's only wrestled heels so far.

  172. Speaking as a Raptors fan from Toronto, I KNEW when Bargnani was eventually traded, it would be to the Knicks.

  173. Only based on who he faces but the character has no motivations to either side.

  174. CruelConnectionNumber2July 7, 2014 at 9:12 AM

    Nah, I think it was because he deserved it, unlike today when they induct people to sell tickets to a HOF. Only 700 people attended the '95 in Philly at a hotel.

  175. Previously on wwe 24/7 they would play an episode of raw and nitro back to back. There were some minor edits like music and editing out any wwf mentions. Other than that, the shows were complete. Later on they would edit out any segments with Benoit. Seeing as the network has left Benoit intact, I don't see him being removed.

  176. [shouts Obsession at screen over generic music]
    At least they used the classic generic SNME music rather than some other generic music. Also gonna figure out how to get a cutoff SNME shirt like Mr T and Hulk had.

  177. "Rose's match against Damien Sandow at Money in the bank was considered his "Pay-Per View Chance" and the fact that the crowd did not get into the match has made things worse for him with Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn."

    I still don't get the gimmick, so I'm happy.

  178. I disagree. I think the NBA/ESPN would spin it as if he was righting a wrong, so to speak. Plus, you know he'd give a press conference showing humility and saying how he's "home" again.

    The sports world and its fans eat that shit up.

  179. Maybe his motivation is to have fun?

  180. Barry Windham, not a great promo guy.

  181. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 7, 2014 at 9:14 AM

    He has a group of a half a dozen "partiers" that follow him around!

    How can you not GET that? It's really quite obvious that you should love... or hate(?)..

    Huh. I don't actually get it either.

  182. I think you're overthinking it.

  183. That's not a reason for someone to want to watch him,

  184. I think they are trying to make him the white version of the dancing black stereotype that hypes the crowd up. It doesn't work at all.

    They might want to try him on a tag team with Heath Slater. It wouldn't hurt to have a jobber team for upper echelon teams like the Wyatts to squash and keep their heat.

  185. That's not that far a leap. He can't keep up anymore.

    If Wade was still a force, LeBron wouldn't even entertain leaving.

  186. I seriously doubt people are going to buy into that shit. Cleveland fans will, of course, but everyone outside of that? Naw.

  187. Cost cutting measures seem to not jibe with lower midcarder who has an entourage.

  188. I still love how the Raps were barely a .500 team, then they dump approx. 32 million a year in salary (Rudy/Andrea), and they suddenly become super strong. Talk about win-win!

  189. Also, they would cut away from the show every once in a while and show a brief clip of someone being interviewed about a specific angle, but that was very rare.

    They also had Mitchell Cole intro each episode giving a preview of what was to come and have him at the end of the episode tease what might happen next. I'm imagining/hoping the Monday Night Wars series is more in-depth than that because otherwise, why wait nearly 5 months for nothing special?

  190. The Bushwhackers and all kinds of intolerable comedy characters had the motivations of "having fun".

  191. When I think cookie cutter I think the place that trained or converted Rollins, Ambrose, Bray, Bo and Big E.

    Nice joke. Liked it better in 2006.

  192. "You deserve it!"


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