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August Classics: Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels - SummerSlam '95

The Wrestlemania X ladder match between these two gets all sorts of love and stuck in so many DVD sets, but there is a segment of smarkdom that believes this match to be superior, and it was the saving grace of a mostly bad SummerSlam.


  1. I actually like this one better than WM X as they used the flow differently and such. Plus, like how they build off spots like Shawn trying to baseball slide the ladder but this time, Ramon dodges it and punches Shawn, plus working on his leg. Really a great match, the only reason to watch that show.

  2. I was there! My only real memory is trying to steal one of the folding chairs with the SummerSlam logo on it.

  3. Hakushi's space flying tiger drop was cool!

    But yeah not a great show, is Diesel vs Mabel the quickest genuine PPV main event ever?

  4. Yeah the working of the leg does make this stand out over all the other ladder spot-fests. The botched ending hurts the match a bit...but not too much.

  5. It's really outrageous claim to say this was better than their Mania match and anyone who says different trying to hard.

  6. This one is more memorable to me than the WrestleMania X one, but that might be because I saw this one live.

  7. If Shawn didn't throw the hissy baby fit, I would think of it more highly than I do.

  8. Perfectly acceptable. But the first ladder match set the standard and will always be better.

  9. Heh-heh, I loved the guy in the crowd saying "Do it again!" when Ramon was beating on Michaels.

    This is definitely a more entertaining match than the Mania X version, but MAN, that suplex to the outside was the bump of a lifetime and Shawn didn't even sell it. He became a much better storyteller after his hiatus.

    Also, why race after Razor when he's going to fetch the ladder? Let him cary it back, then nail him.

  10. If by "quickest" you mean "worst," then probably.

  11. There was always something about The Warlords scepter that I felt undermined him as a credible big man. Maybe it was that Phantom of the Opera mask. Whatever it was, he just didn't have IT. Would love to watch an extended Warrior vs Warlord match however. That would have been a lot of fun.

  12. Mister_E_TakeItEasyLionAugust 8, 2014 at 2:14 PM

    I haven't watched this one in years. I think that I will when I get home.

  13. Mister_E_TakeItEasyLionAugust 8, 2014 at 2:15 PM

    That's a big item to pocket.

  14. No, still think the one-minute disaster of Sting vs a wasted Jeff Hardy at Victory Road 2011 beats it out for that honor.

  15. Shawn treating that ladder like it's Vader or something.

  16. Definitely my fave ladder match.

  17. And that raw was still better than battleground

  18. Another Shawn temper tantrum? I think I'll skip it then. I've seen enough of that shit.

  19. Controversial opinion, but when it comes to the main event of Summerslam '95, the Crowd is definitely into Diesel, and he works a very competent match given the circumstances.

  20. This ones fairly entertaining.

  21. This is the classic "wore out the vhs match" for me, as when I was young I had a Coliseum Video Best of HBK that had this match leading off.

  22. Matt sydal youshoot... boring

  23. Yep, was a surprisingly HUGE pop when he got the pin.

  24. I kind of loved the tantrum as it actually added a ton of drama. Shawn had his opening, and fell off twice, if i'm not mistaking? Suddenly, we started thinking "Is Shawn gonna choke? Is Razor gonna steal this?" It was a "productive botch", if that makes sense.

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  26. Shawns tantrums were always pretty funny.

  27. Definitely better than their WM match. Also, I can't agree about this being a mostly bad Summerslam. Hakushi-Kid is a fantastic opener, Barry Horowitz gets his moment against Skip and rises to the occasion, Taker-Kama is surprisingly good (considering how bad it could have been), Bret Hart has his usual solid match with Issac Yankem, and even although no one was hanging out for Diesel vs King Mabel they didn't actually stink up the joint. Really the only bad match here is Blayze-Faye.

  28. And for historical purposes, the WWF PPV debut of one HHH.

  29. Mabel about canned after the match for the seated buttsplash spot to the lower back, if I remember shoot interviews right

  30. It's actually an ok power match, Diesels tope was impressive.
    Part of the problem for me was that I couldn't take his opponent seriously, he was still just a fat guy in a baggy purple jumpsuit, except now he also wears a crown. ..right.
    If they were going to push him as a world title contender he really needed a complete repackaging, something along the lines of the Big Daddy V persona he eventually would up as.

  31. Noooo way Diesel/Mabel is even close to being worst main event ever. Nope even Top 10

  32. I'd say it's top 10 for WWE easily. Anything 2000 WCW would likely eclipse it.

  33. Another decent match. And in a sign of things to come to he squashes Bob Holly, who gets the bare minimum of offence.

  34. This would be the match where they were told not to use the ladder as a weapon. Watch it with that in mind and it becomes a different match.

    ... and yeah, fuck Shawn for acting like a petulant child at the end.

  35. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighAugust 8, 2014 at 4:26 PM

    Rumble 2003 vintage vault is great just for
    the conversation about HHH vs Steiner. Must listen for my fellow blog of doomers

  36. What, did shawn Qu.... Nevermind. too easy.

  37. Well, the belt was positioned to high yes... but also positioned poorly on the hook.

  38. He left money on the hook! 10 years later, Jericho would invent a match to retrieve it.

  39. MikeyMike, WitnessAugust 8, 2014 at 4:56 PM

    Any good stories?

  40. MikeyMike, WitnessAugust 8, 2014 at 4:58 PM

    My opinion of which match is better genrally depends on which match I'm watching. Both *****

  41. You were allowed to take them with you, they did it for all the PPVs in the 90s. It was like the first 5 rows or something like that.

  42. Jesus they'll let anyone do a shoot now

  43. Really was. And im glad the "WYATT FAMILY VS. USO'S 4 3/4 STAR MATCH!!!" talk has died off

  44. I too am part of the contingent who thinks this was the better match.

  45. Yeah, they really could have built Horowitz into a solid midcard face on the back of this match. Shame they seemed to lose interest so quickly afterwards.

  46. Wrestling figures

  47. Then he proceeded or break Taker's orbital bone. He was careless.

  48. Matt Sydal is boring, so it follows.

  49. I remember being at Survior Series 95 and security fighting with someone who bought the commemorative seat and wanted to take it back. Since I was at the school at the time, I was too cheap to get those seats.

  50. I just remember this being an add on match since it was originally going to be Shawn vs Sid. Thank The Lord for changing the card.

  51. Well, statistically, if it were a sign of things to come, this would elevate Bob Holly and hr would be a champion within 5 years.

  52. Let's put it into perspective at least he didn't rape any girls.

  53. Not a single one worth the ippv

  54. Stay away at ALL costs.

  55. Shawn's selling was crap. He sold the leg like a pro, until he stopped. And he never sold the back.

  56. I just remembered todd pentingil interviewing diesel before the match and saying any thoughts? And diesel goes "I'm feeling a lil FUNKY." such vintage Nash.


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