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August Classics: Shawn Michaels vs. Vader - SummerSlam '96

Oh look! Another HBK tantrum classic.

Summerslam 1996 Shawn Michaels vs Vader WWF... by EmilMoeller


  1. I was all for Shawn keeping the belt here.

  2. Me too but he didn't have to make Poor Vader cry.

  3. Last time I bothered to research was probably 10 years ago and HistoryofWWE only had it listed once. I'm not surprised if it did happen a handful more times, but definitely never anywhere where a WWF production crew was available.

  4. Calling that group a collection of losers is a horrible insult to the Dungeon of Doom.

    Animal's brother....not the former executive vice-president of talent relations and former general manager of Raw and Smackdown?

  5. Whenever I saw you write "atomic noogie of death," I thought it was just you saying that he did a shitty cobra clutch or something. I never knew the motherfucker used an ACTUAL noogie as a finishing "move."

  6. Oh shit, he's not actually related to the massive family of Samoan wrestlers? Mind = Blown.

  7. It seemed to be his biggest issue, especially later. No mind-blowing promos or anything. He was popular and the crowds loved him in the mid-'80s, but he didn't have much beyond that.

  8. The Ghost of Faffner HallAugust 10, 2014 at 3:24 PM

    In fact that match against the Japanese guys is so insignificant that in Ax and Smash's RF Video shoot, they don't even remember who their opponents were, which Wrestlemania it happened at, or even whether it was Ax or Crush who was in the match!

  9. Hands down the greatest SNME ever, solely based on the scene where Bushwhacker Luke offered up some Fromunda cheese to his cousin Butch.

  10. LOL, no The Terminator was Marc Laurinitis. He had a cup of coffee in WCW 1993 as Fury of the Wrecking Crew (Rage was Al Greene, AKA Master Blaster Blade). Good times....

  11. I always heard him referred to as "lock" but yeah I guess it was Sarge. Pretty sure the game's announcer called it a cobra clutch.


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