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AVClub v. WWE Network

Man, when even articles about the Simpsons are scoring off you, it's desperation time.  


  1. YankeesHoganTripleHFanAugust 5, 2014 at 7:38 AM

    The Lesner/Cena package was awesome last night but I do kind of wonder how Brock is going to make Cena pee? During the match is he going to force feed him water then kick him in the groin or something?

  2. It seems like some thing Miz is completely irredeemable in the ring, which I simply just don't think is true. He's a forgettable, mediocre wrestler, but with the right character that's perfectly fine. Honky Tonk Man made one of the best title runs ever without any in-ring ability, and in fact the lack of workrate may have added to his aura. I agree with Dougie that Hollywood Miz is killing it, and being some master in-ring technician wouldn't really add anything to it.

  3. I don't think Reigns and Ambrose are fighting for the same spot, though. They're both fine with what they're doing right now, to say the least, and while a day may come that they cross paths in a way that Ambrose's street cred, so to speak, threatens Reigns' popularity. But I don't think they're anywhere near that.

  4. just as Leonard answered I am taken by surprise that a single mom can make $7907 in a few weeks on the internet . Anybody can make money easily her. To make money click FINANCIAL REPORT in ------------------ web site-----------WARPJOBS.COM

  5. I saw gotg last night. Solid popcorn flick but I dunno, a little too cartoony for me but Vin Diesels voice over work was pretty dope

  6. Also please please please god let Brie Bella vs Stephanie go on last. I really feel like there's some momentum behind this!

  7. Not this time. This is a Capture the Flag match, more or less.

  8. Like I said earlier, just accept that you'll be stuck in 18 miles of traffic. DEAL WITH IT. :)

  9. Its funny seeing dougie troll about miz being good and posters actually bite on it and agree. Miz is the worst wrestler of all time who's not a genetic freak or a girl. Is his "new" gimmick entertaining? Couldn't tell because I don't watch raw anymore on account of how bad it sucks but IMO push a guy who can work a match. Not a f list celebrity (and I say that as a big fan of the real world and rwrr challenge) on his 16th minute of fame. Sorry, it's over for the miz

  10. Watching Flair Steamboat Chi Town Rumble...sooo I'm not going to bitch about the network at the moment.

  11. Nooooooooo

    Normally I would, and last year it wasn't that bad (it was bad though, just not THATbad) but I've actually started to talk myself into thinking this closes the show and I'm already doing the math on how much time I'll save.

  12. Wwe divas division!!! Where bad acting, bad writing, and bad wrestling COLLIDE!!!

  13. Was that explained during the segment? I honestly fast forwarded through it.

  14. intestinal fortitudeAugust 5, 2014 at 8:17 AM

    I watched the Diesel interview, and that tiny crowd and those sad, local carnival level fireworks going off in the ring just looks so low rent

  15. Cole mentioned the way to win is to climb the turnbuckle and get your flag.

  16. It's a flagpole on a pole match?!?! Vince Russo is back!

  17. DAMN YOU. I was gonna reply within 8 seconds, and you did within 5.

  18. not nearly as bad as roman reigns.. and miz has improved.. hes not that bad in the ring.

  19. You gots ta be fast to keep up with me, baby!

  20. To quote Vince McMahon.

    NO CHANCE! That's what you got! NO CHANCE IN HELL!

    that Brie-Steph goes on after Cena-Lesnar. Even WWE isn't that stupid.

  21. umm right now reigns makes khali look like shawn michaels.

  22. No interest in Trish-Mickie? You must not have been watching, because lesbian overtones aside, that had fantastic build.

    And yeah, the build to this has been great and Stephanie has been working overtime to get her heel character over, while Brie generally puts the place to sleep.

    I tell ya, that McMahon chick? She has a future in this business.

  23. They should give out a 6 month subscription with the purchase of a ppv. Theyd get 100,000 more subscriptions.

  24. Exaggerated?

  25. Joey's kind of a dick sometimes, but he's a great on-air personality.

  26. Watching the July 1995 Raws, Nash didn't do himself any favors with this run, no matter how badly the office positioned him. He's definitely the worst guy who every had a lengthy run on top, by a lot.

    The corny, dated jokes, the Don Pardo impressions, the awkward delivery. That was all bad enough. But on top of it, he never showed any vulnerability. For the guys who were most successful on top, they always made you think that maybe, this time, the threat against them was going to be too difficult to overcome.

    For an entire year with Nash on top, it was just one substandard opponent after another, with Nash seemingly half-interested in taking them seriously. They spent three months with Sid as the main challenger by positioning Sid as a coward. Yes, monstrous , perma-over Sid is too scared to get in the ring with Diesel.

    And knowing what we know about the clique's influence backstage, I can't imagine Nash was just going out there and executing Vince's bad vision. He had to have a hand in shaping that run. Truly a bust. He's the Ryan Leaf of World Champions.

  27. CruelConnectionNumber2August 5, 2014 at 9:20 AM

    I can't agree. Nash was awesome in 1995, dude was busting out planchas and having **** matches with guys who could actually work. The comedy... not so much, have to agree with you. But is it Nash's fault about the opponents? Was Bret going to get classic PPV matches out of Mabel? A Sid that hadn't hit (for him) a good stride like he did in 96? Tatanka tag main events? He wasn't lazy in 1995-96, his opponents were just generally no-talents.

  28. Maybe the main problem was, that they only pushed the clique. Bret Hart went from World Champion to Bob Backlund and Jean Pierre Lafitte and Hakushi and Jerry Lawler and Isaac Yankem...

  29. You like 'em married, huh?

  30. John Paul was one half of the Top Guns in the AWA in the late 80s. He and Ricky Rice were one of Verne's numerous ill-fated attempts to recreate a hot young babyface tag team after they lost the Midnight Rockers to Vince.

  31. That's not a bad idea, you should try to pitch that to them.

  32. Yeah, it could actually work, and welcome to the BoD!

  33. I think it can apply to both of them now.

  34. You better have some sort of standup routine.

  35. ........Thank you sir.........

  36. Hope you have fun here.

  37. If nothing else it would goose the numbers.

  38. Still, it would be better than practically begging the audience for subs.


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