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Mookieghana on the Network


  1. Cooler_Than_GuntherAugust 12, 2014 at 2:10 PM

    lol at "over the top, over the top, over the top... oh look, it's canda on tv, over the top, over the top..."

  2. " What segment of the fan base were the
    Oddities supposed to appeal to?"

    Ummm... outcasts and rejects who aren't accepted by society?? Aka, 90% of wrestling fans?

  3. June 30: WWE reported 699,750 paid subscribers at the end of the second quarter

    Haw! I knew they didn't reach 700K. Good! Fuck em in the ear, i hope this whole thing blows up in their faces now.

  4. I got an e-mail that WWE Network waived the 6 month commitment, cancel at anytime. I think I'll finally bite for the Monday Night Wars stuff.

  5. They should go $9.99 for a year commitment, $12.99 for six months and $19.99 for one month.

  6. Might be tough now that they've already changed the month by month price to $12.99.

    Obviously prices will go up eventually, but doing it in Year 1 seems very unlikely.

    That brings up another point, they announced the $19.99 price less than 2 weeks ago! Now they've dropped it to $12.99?

    Who's in charge at Titan? These are Huge decisions and they're changing their minds about them at the drop of a hat.

  7. It seems that the Oddities were WWF's New Generation version of ECW's Raven.

  8. Seeing the launch content for the wwe network in canada, I'm assuming this is going to be similar when we get it in the uk....there no way its going to be over the top with the sky sports deal...

  9. The price change shows that their research groups are flawed tremendously. No one is going to go for a 100% increase within a year. Shoot, people complained hardcore about Netflix going up $2 or so. How were they NOT paying attention, since they like to say the Network "is just like Netflix!"?

  10. The Oddities were channel changing bad.

    And for some reason, I found Drunk Hawk hilarious.

  11. Nitro on 8/10/1998 was basically a Clash of the Champions-style show as they had FIVE title matches in 2 hours. Additionally this preceded the Warrior's tenure in WCW.

  12. This network launch in Canada is a fiasco. The billions of dollars Rogers is paying is worthless when you're alienating a large swath of dedicated fans.
    This country - with its RAW viewership still creeping near the million mark in '97, a third of what they were achieving in the US with ten times the population at the time - helped keep WWE alive.
    Since then the company has gone out of its way to screw with this country. First, they punished us by withholding TV because we DARED to react to wrestlers we like - face or heel - instead of the way they wanted us to. Somebody needs to let WWE know that Canada developed that mentality BECAUSE of what they did over the course of '97. Instead, this knowledgable fanbase is labelled as "Bizarro World." I guess it's bizarre to think for one's self.
    And now, this bullshit.
    Congratulations, WWE. You're finally doing it. You're finally killing your most dedicated market. Way to go.

  13. That's awesome because I might just order the Network right before PPV's that are 3 weeks apart and get 2 PPVs and a month of the WWE Network for $12.99.

  14. They did? I never got said e-mail.

  15. Now you have me freaked that that's next on their list.

  16. Bret seriously SHOULD have tagged Owen at the 1994 Rumble. Just sayin'.

  17. Well, a 6 share of 234842 channels is still more impressive than a 13 share of 200 channels.

  18. Today was my 6th monthly payment date and I finally got an email about renewing. Opted for automatic renewal.

  19. As of last week the answer is no, and as a result I needed to go the way of Unblock-Us.

  20. I'll repeat this again: They deserve every bad thing they get at this point. You go only for those short-term bucks and show no long-term vision, you eventually get bit. W-C-Fucking-W.

  21. They would kill Canada anyways because it doesn't seem like they have a Canadian draw in the wings. Unless they actually give a shit about Sami Zay-BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  22. CruelConnectionNumber2August 12, 2014 at 4:53 PM

    Last week the Network wasn't available in Canada...

  23. CruelConnectionNumber2August 12, 2014 at 4:55 PM

    Billions? That makes zero sense.

  24. There's enough Reigns turn + future title run = Diesel '94-95 smark talk as it is, thank you.

  25. Mister_E_TakeItEasyLionAugust 12, 2014 at 5:00 PM

    Most assuredly not, and I've pared my services back as far as I possibly can.

    Right now my only media expenditure is 55/month for 60 down/10 up 320gb service from Rogers. I needs my interwebs and that's the best deal that I've found so far.

  26. Why haven't they given some monster heel the gimmick where he wants a knockout ten count rather than the pin?

  27. Obviously wasn't in their contract in '98

  28. The Rock going corporate even though he never officially turned face. The fans took a dump on him and then cheered in glee as his career went down the tubes in early 97. He had every right to join up with Vince.

  29. Mister_E_TakeItEasyLionAugust 12, 2014 at 5:08 PM

    My biggest takeaway was that they grouped Hungary into a list of "high English proficiency" countries along with Netherlands and Belgium, and that is ridiculous.

  30. You blame Russo for WCW loading up Nitro?

  31. The U.S. Version with Unblock Us is what I got last week.

  32. You thinking of going the route Scott went!

  33. I couldn't care less about all the minor griping, i mean wow a huge multi-billion dollar corporation can be assholes sometimes news at 11 but the main problem is...


    I mean not even close, it's basically an Ontario and the Maritimes only operation when it comes to cable. So everyone outside of that region can basically go fuck themselves.

    At least on Day 1, this time next year or earlier who knows maybe all is right and the WWE Network is available on dozens of cable operators line-ups along with the over-the-top online option. Probably not but there's a chance.

  34. Kevin Steen-A-Mania!

  35. Have you seen this Canadian WWE Network debacle?

    This is what they give their 2nd biggest market while Ivory Coast and Mongolia get the full package?

    Like i said,Fuck em. Let it all fall apart until Shane-O-Mac comes to the rescue.


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