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Sporting News: WWE Network is not doing well

Finally, the column you've all been waiting for: What I love and hate about the Network in easy to digest point form!  Share and enjoy with all your social media type people. 


  1. A question (well, 2 questions, really);

    Do their subscriber numbers take into account overseas users who shouldn't have it in the first place? (In which case, will this drastically limit their potential worldwide launch growth?)

    Also, do you think they need to implement an "only one person can watch at a time" for each account, as account-sharing must surely damage their numbers?

  2. "The live stream makes for some primo random background noise when I’m
    working on other things. It’s really comforting as a fan to just have a
    Clash of the Champions show you’ve forgotten about pop up, or a really
    good old TV show."

    It's too bad they're too prideful to pitch this as a reason to order, it's their strongest case. If "Best of the WWF Vol. 2", for instance, was on in the background right now, this moment would be improved.

    I love the idea of it being an actual channel with 24 hour a day programming, but these recaps and rewinds and countdowns all really, really suck. I want PTW, TNT, WCCW, WCWSN, AWA on ESPN, Superstars, early Coliseum videos, and that amazing hour of Championship Wrestling fromm 77 that they started airing on Classics on Demand about 2 years ago, with Superstar Graham having just won the title. That show was great!!

  3. I agree with all your points, Scott. Particularly when it comes to the different interfaces based on platform. I only get the network on my PC and my iPhone. Neither one has resume. Plus, I think the interface on the iPhone is easier to use. The PC just feels too clunky.

    I saw that they said that they would start supporting some smart tv's this month. I hope mine is one of them and I hope the interface is decent like with my Netflix and Youtube apps.

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  5. I agree with you about the smart TVs. I watch it by pc and ipad, but I want it on a bigger screen

  6. I got the network for the PPVs. I will occasionally watch Countdown, nxt, and main event if I'm bored. In the 5 months I've had it, I watched one old ppv from start to finish and a few other matches that were mentioned on the blog.

    If the product doesn't improve, I won't renew in a few weeks. I'm willing to bet that a lot of subscribers are just like me in that way. I can easily live without nxt (which I can watch on hulu) and main event (where nothing ever happens). i'm also willing to bet that once I cancel, I will get a gift or a discount if I renew again.

  7. I think that yes, anyone who is watching the network internationally is being counted in that number.

  8. Eat a pallet of dicks

  9. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 3, 2014 at 2:32 AM

    Vince: "No.....That's not true....That's IMPOSSIBLE! NOOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOO!!!"

    HHH: "Vince, can you take this news a little more seriously, this isn't an appropriate time to make a Star Wars joke."

    Vince: "......What the hell is Star Wars, goddammit?!"

  10. I thought that about international subs being hit. The hardcore fans abroad are already watching through other means and counted in the numbers, so all you have left to aim for are the lapsed fans or the fans who aren't overly interested in ordering the network.

    And they're gonna have a hell of a time convincing them. Price point is absolutely crucial. They get that wrong it will ruin any chance of success overseas

  11. The amount of non U.S. citizens who are subscribed to the network now numbers in the hundreds at best.

    It will have no noticable effect on the international launch numbers.

  12. Hold that 10 for Johnny B. BadAugust 3, 2014 at 3:18 AM

    "If the product doesn't improve..." You haven't liked the ppv's so far? I'm surprised. For value for my dollar (like you, I watch the new ppv's and fit other things in when time permits), I'd give each of them an A. Even the last one-for a $30 show (or, much worse, a $45 show) I would have been super annoyed. For $10, I had a blast and didn't at all feel like I was wasting my time. The thing I love about the Network (and maybe this is assisted by my recent goal of watching wwe ppv's & SNMEs chronologically- 2 weeks in & still not through 1985) is that it returns the "innocence" of my fandom. I care a lot less from a critical standpoint than I used to
    simply because, these days, I always feel like I get my money's worth. And I'm super excited for Summerslam this year.
    All that said, I'll agree that every single criticism of the Network I've read has been valid. For what I'm after, I'm still loving it. Id sign a 5 year commitment at this price if I could.

  13. TM CooltrainerBretAugust 3, 2014 at 4:04 AM

    Yeah people really overreact to the effect of that IP trick, although maybe a non-IWC Canadian/Brits cursory googling could reveal that workaround on reddit or something.

  14. What about my other point then - the number of account-sharers?

    I know the likes of Netflix don't really bat an eye at it, but when the numbers are on a knife-edge like the WWE Network's, you'd think that'd be something they'd want to address?

  15. speaking of Star Wars, I heard this yesterday.

    Found it hysterical.

  16. I didn't subscribe to the network when it came out, and still haven't. With the amount of WCW stuff not on there, perhaps I made the right call.

  17. Coming from someone who liked the company until around 1999, the lack of WCW is ridiculous. They're missing out on adding a lot of fans because of it.

  18. So buy the extension and plug your iPad into your tv? Or run a cable from your pc to your tv? There are solutions to your wants with the hardware you have and a nominal investment.

  19. So, the Monday Night Raw recaps have hit July 1995, about a month or so away from the début of Monday Nitro. If Nitro (or the Monday Night Wars) doesn't début to coincide with when Nitro actually débuted against Raw, I will be annoyed. But still not annoyed enough to cancel my subscription, since I'm still pretty happy with what I get for $10 per month.

  20. I'm shocked that there haven't been more customer surveys for the Network.
    You're spot on, though, in that someone who has more of a fan's perspective would help with programming. At least, it would shut some of us up every now and then.

  21. For me personally, they would have to really increase the price for the network not to be a no-brainer. I find it worth it, just to be able to watch, say, Flair-Steamboat anytime I want.

    But I can definitely see where a large number of casual fans would have no interest in watching the old stuff, and maybe only ordered Wrestlemania and perhaps the Rumble. So, without so much of that content that they could be putting up, it's suddenly not a great buy.

  22. Yeah. Hell, I'd volunteer for the job and they wouldn't need to pay me a six figure salary to do it (although that would be nice - maybe I could tie it in with a performance bonus). I don't necessarily think a fan would be the person to run the entire technical operation, but they should have a very strong consulting role. It just seems that there's a lack of planning about what stuff is going up and when. No reason for that.

  23. Unless they have some grand plan for unveiling Nitro, if they don't start showing them with the Raws from September 95, fuck them. Granted, I'm still not cancelling my account, but still, fuck them.

  24. I'm in the same boat. It's really what I've been looking for, and after sitting through almost 3 years of really crappy Raws, I'd like the payoff to be the start of the MWNs in their entirety with the PPVs.

  25. I understand what you're saying, but you really can't please everyone. Aside from PTW, Superstars and TNT, I personally don't want to watch any of what you listed. It's such a tough balancing act because really they have SO much stuff available, that everyone wants something different.

  26. Absolutely they should crack down on that, one account per IP/Mac address or something i don't know.

    No way should 5 friends who live across town be able to share one account.

  27. I guess we have about two weeks or so until we find out, no?

  28. I think bad point #2 is the main one. For current WWE fans, other than PPVs and Main Event, why would you pay for it? There's no content, while there's ~20 hours of wrestling on TV which is hard enough to keep up with. This is where WWE Network is really failing, and it's beyond me. At least, have studio shows and some filler content with the current wrestlers.

  29. I just don't get their disconnect between the good product they had with 24/7 (albeit with limitations) versus what they have now. I still can't believe only 150k or so people had 24/7 at its peak because I loved it, but I know it wasn't carried by all cable companies.

  30. They really should bring back Livewire and run it with Renee and a visiting WWE superstars. I remember when Steve Austin came on there one time and ranted and raved with Sunny and Todd, which was quite funny. Unfortunately, with public cuts this isn't going to happen.

  31. I don't care at all about old stuff. What I want to watch is Raw every week and PPVs. Since Raw's not on there, the only draw is PPVs, which just isn't enough since I can just as easily watch them elsewhere, just as I do with Raw (I don't have cable TV). If they put Raw on the Network I'd sign up immediately for ease of watching versus what I do now.

  32. Something as simple as improving the current product would boost Network sales, because as it is the Network right now only really appeals to the nostalgic fan and younger hardcore fans who can convince their parents to pay the monthly fee

  33. Yup. I know it's basically shooting themselves in the foot to do it, but RAW being available on the network (Not even live, the same week would be fine) would get me to subscribe, even with my shitty connection. Of course, they would then have to make RAW entertaining on a consistent basis.

  34. They're rolling right up to 1996 with Raw right now, so I'm sure that come September there will be a dump of Nitro and Raw episodes from that era to entice people to renew. Plus, the Monday Night War is supposed to debut at that point.

    They got people to sign up but held off on a lot of footage they'd really want in order to get them to renew. Seems smart to me.

  35. Austin was also probably told "Go and say stuff and get over" which I doubt they would allow now. I shudder to think what one of those shows would look like in these insane micro-management days.

  36. Holding off on some makes sense if you are going chronologically with the Wars, but not putting up other stuff seems silly to me. Hell, it would take someone 28+ years to watch all the footage they do have and even watching all those 2+ hour RAWs/Nitros would take a good several years too.

    I mean, if they want to hold off forever on the Prime Time Wrestling, then they may not get my money until then. Other fans may withhold their subs until they see what they want as well.

    Having a defined content schedule would help them, though. That way, people just don't have to rely on the WWE's goodwill.

  37. Although I want to subscribe, I might just wait until late October to do so. That way, I get Survivor Series, Rumble, and WrestleMania as part of the 6 months.

  38. Great article. I access the content on my PS3 occasionally. Typically on Tuesdays when they have Main Event and the Wrestlemania show. Part of my sub is that I'm trying to "do the right thing" with the current PPVs. I feel like they are meeting me half way with a fair price point.

  39. I think the "censoring" issue is overstated. Other than Pillman and music, what other examples do we have? And I have ZERO issue with censoring Pillman

  40. You say "other than PPVs" but that's a HUGE selling point if you're just a current WWE fan. If they're not signing up to watch the PPVs, they certainly aren't signing up to watch a studio show and some filler content with current wrestlers.

  41. Don't think you'll want to re-up after 6 months?

  42. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieAugust 3, 2014 at 8:38 AM

    Incoming a chewbacca ripoff and someone who speaks like Yoda, finger on the pulse baby.

  43. "So overall, it’s well worth $10 a month and then some just for what is offered now, but I’m a bitter internet blogger so it’s my job to never be happy with what I have."

    This quote was perfect and sums up how I view everyone's complaints about the network. Personally, I love the network and will be a subscriber for life. Are there a few tweaks that could improve the network? Yeah, but overall it's what I've always wanted as a fan. I get that people want stuff like WCW Saturday Night or ECW on TNN, but there is so much good stuff on the network already that I can't really complain. They're not any more random in how they add content than Netflix or Hulu. I never expected every single episode of every wrestling show to be uploaded immediately. What they promised was every ppv event ever and we've been given that plus a whole lot more.

  44. They also promised the Monday Night Wars series and didn't deliver....

    I just think there's different things that will make certain people subscribe over others and it's not the same for each person. Hence the difficulty in expanding the audience of this product.

  45. Depends on my experience, but I would rather my $60 pay for the more important shows I guess. I still have a while to decide if I want to get it for SummerSlam, though.

  46. For those of us who had wwe 24/7, where the censoring could be downright brutal at times, the network is actually pretty good in comparison. Obviously music is going to change at times, but that's not as big of a deal for me as it is others.

  47. Maybe I speak for myself, but not hearing the same music takes me out of the "moment." Like, would the Sandman's entrance be the same without "Enter Sandman"? No.

  48. All they did with MNW was push back the debut to coincide with the new subscription cycle. It's not like they announced that they were never going to air it.

    And they never said MNW would be there at launch. It was always scheduled for the summer. Last time I looked at the calendar, it's still summer.

  49. yeah but you knew going in that music would be censored. I've actually been pleasantly surprised at what has been left in (e.g. Funk choking Flair with a bag)

  50. IIRC, at the launch press conference they hyped it as an original series that would be airing near launch. At least that's the impression they gave via their rhetoric, so I can understand where some people wouldn't be happy.

    They also promised a lot more of the video vault (which some thought meant Coliseum Video era) and then scaled that back to "40 current releases!"

    Basically, I think they overhyped a bit, just like what they were selling the investors on.

  51. Music being changed is not a big deal for me except for when it comes to ecw, where music was a huge part of the show. Sandman's entrance or any New Jack match are hard to watch on the network, but I expected that going in.

  52. True, which is why I haven't really subscribed yet. No reason to watch some ECW pay-per-views where the music isn't the same. I can watch the originals out of a box I have at my house.

  53. The issues with the network can be boiled down to three points:

    1. Compelling product that makes anything current must see TV.
    2. Find the right mix of compelling original programming to grab younger fans or fans that don't care about the archives much.
    3. Find the right mix or archival footage to please old-school fans.

    do those three things and the network makes it Obviously doing it is a lot easier than typing it and there are some other technical types issues (like Scott touched on with crossing platforms) but ultimatey if you provide a compelling product, interesting original programming, and full archives, then the network sells. I think right now they are 1/2 for 3 and slinking towards 0 for 3 if they don't start getting some archival content up.

  54. ECW is the only one that the music annoys me

  55. Yeah. I can stand it for the WWF/WCW shows. I guess we can blame Paul E.

  56. I think a lot of people got excited for more than what WWE promised. Monday Night Wars was announced as a "coming this summer" program.

    They pretty much delivered everything that they promised they would show. People wanted more, though, and that's where the disappointment came in (although, I agree on giving up on WCCW and ECW. That's just stupid). They never once mentioned WCW Saturday Night, Prime Time Wrestling OR any AWA or syndicated content. Ever.

  57. Well said and I'd fully agree with that. Hell, I would sub right now if they just had 1 season of Prime Time up (but I'm in the minority in making that a big demand I guess).

    My biggest fear is that they move too much away from the wrestling nature of the Network and start throwing tons of weird reality shows on there at the expense of any of their archive.

  58. I don't fault people for being disappointed some of that isn't there, though, when it was on 24/7. Since this was 24/7 on steroids (*snicker*), people might've figured that would beef up the live stream instead of showing a pay-per-view 3x a day.

  59. One of the weird things about the network that annoy me: HDMI out is not supported via Android, and the TV out I have makes me use chrome as their JavaScript to check display sizes refuses to work properly with Firefox and is. It's silly how easy these few problem could be fixed, because despite all this and not having an app on my new smart TV for it, I'm still all TAKE MY MONEY VINCE!

  60. Labor Day weekend, 19 years after the debut of the program?

  61. If you can't cancel before six months, and are automatically billed for six months, how did people cancel? Use a bum credit card?

  62. Considering that those shows would cost a lot of money to produce and the fact they are in cost-cutting mode, I don't see this happening. At least not until they start making money on the network.

  63. MikeyMike, WitnessAugust 3, 2014 at 9:19 AM

    It's cheaper and more cost effective to just get the network. Seriously, $10 is a steal!

  64. Evidently that or just cut off payments via PayPal (although I heard that was just 5% of the total). I bet they had some angry callers that they let cancel as well. Maybe some kids stole their parent's credit cards too, who knows. I found that 128,000 cancellation number quite alarming. If they had prohibited the cancellations, they would've hit nearly 900,000 subs.

  65. I run HDMI from my PC to my TV, but it gets to be a hassle after 5 months. I'm ready for my smart tv app already.

  66. Considering that if they purchase in January and get the Rumble and Mania for about the cost of one show, plus all the other content, I don't see how it's anything but a great buy.

  67. Yeah, it's right around the corner. They should hype the hell out of it on Raw.

  68. I truly and honestly don't understand it.
    Maybe...MAYBE they were waiting for the six month re-sign period, but when those first numbers came out, I thought. Here we go. We're gonna see some good content now, boys.

    I wholeheartedly agree about the search function. The timelines are all screwed up.

    But as ever. PPVs for ten bucks a month, so. Fine by me. Even if WrestleMania was taken off, I'd be down with it.

  69. I'd buy that toy.

  70. I still wonder how many of the "on the fence" suscribers are still buying the actual PPVs. I think Extreme rules had a rather respectable 35k buys, right? Some are being phased out, but there are still SOME PPV outlets that you can buy from, right?

  71. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieAugust 3, 2014 at 10:06 AM

    ugh, put $10 on the combined outcome of 8 AFL games for a $1200 return, 7/8 >_________> FML.

  72. That was a really interesting way to take Drax.

    Dude has been written by so many writers that he really is a blank slate and I don't know if the "Only takes things literally" thing has been done, but I really liked the concept. It actually allowed Drax to have quite a bit of comedy without forcing Big Dave to stray too much from his comfort zone. Everyone killed it in this movie.

    I agree with the Gamora complaint, but really. I loved the movie. Just loved it. Along with Days of Future Past, we had two of the best comic book movies released since the Avengers/Batman summer.

  73. I wonder now, if booked correctly, how a return to the WWE would go over for him.

    I really felt he got given a weird hand. I think there were people who liked him, but nothing was going to sway the crowd from DBry at that point. And aligning with HHH at the beginning was confusing.

    If he came back out in a month or two, depending on the storyline, it would go much better for him.

  74. Right. Any of that income is just extra for the company at this point. Some people can't get the Network due to technical issues, so hey, if they want to pay $50 for Extreme Rules, let them.

  75. Ugh, I hate cumulative betting, specifically for that "all or nothing" scenario. 8 separate bets = very nice little profit there. BUT...

  76. I think there's plenty of "on the fence" non-subscribers, which is why I also think WWE shouldn't be panicking. That Extreme Rules number was just about doubled domestically for MitB, I think. So, it comes down to:

    1. The stigma and fear of being "locked in" to a long-term contract with automatic renewals (the network gives the option of turning this feature off, but older folks in the internet age have been burned by rollover payments). The network is more up front and fair than any other streaming service in this regard, in my opinion, but not enough people realize that.

    2. Wanting the traditional way of watching it on a TV and not digging the various new ways to get it to pop up on a TV screen.
    3. The pockets of areas in the US where reliable high speed internet is not available.

    These issues will be overcome with time, I believe.

  77. Yep, and those 400k americans that bought WM, basically "bought the network", money-wise. So any other PPVs bought from them, or if they buy the network later on = $$. So while it's definitely not a profitable year, they will probably keep their heads above water and weather the storm, especially with all the cutbacks.

  78. Yeah, great point about the amount on regular TV. There is a part of that would like to do nothing but watch wrestling every single night, but it's not really possible or worthwhile, so I try and keep up with as much new stuff as possible. Maybe when I retire I can find the time to watch WCW from the beginning in order.

  79. I think they'd get a sudden sharp shock as they realise that most people don't even care that much about Raw, that it's just something they have on in the background. I doubt they'd get a huge amount more subscribers even if Raw went exclusive.

  80. Exactly. No reason to cut off your traditional PPV outlets if people are still buying them the conventional way.

  81. Yeah really, as I understand it, Heyman had no rights to use that music at all really, and was just begging to be sued.

  82. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieAugust 3, 2014 at 10:30 AM

    they were mostly under even odds except like two, so by nice little profit it'd be like...$20 tops haha HOWEVER i think i have learnt a lesson that 8 games might be too many, maybe just 5-6 in future.

  83. taking a 256-1 chance for a 120-1 return? Bad odds, mate

  84. It's always sad to watch that WWF Attitude ad with Gorilla Monsoon, Freddie Blassie, Killer Kowalski, Ernie Ladd, and Pat Patterson. I think that's the one that made Vince cry when he saw it. Patterson is the only one left who is alive.

  85. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieAugust 3, 2014 at 10:37 AM

    they weren't flat outcomes, they were margin-assisted.

  86. Either they BEAT the spread or they don't. 256-1 odds

  87. $20 profit > $10 loss. :)

  88. Adam "Colorado" CurryAugust 3, 2014 at 10:49 AM

    Random: I would totally plow that Sprint chick from Nascar. Even in a fire suit she's hot as fuck.

    Later on dickheads, I'm off to work.

  89. you don't know where Danica has been :P

  90. Adam "Colorado" CurryAugust 3, 2014 at 10:51 AM

    No, not Danica, the blonde chick that just stands there looking hot in the winner's circle after the race.

  91. If only he'd freeze when you looked at him.

  92. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieAugust 3, 2014 at 10:52 AM

    I really don't follow you here. If each of my eight picks were paying $1.10 to come in, how does that automatically equate to 256-1 odds?

  93. ..and the trophy girls have all my favorite parts-Cletus T Judd #ILoveNASCAR

  94. Depends if it's a spread or not. if it's straight up bets, it might be more than 50/50, but if it's spread related, those usually come close to 50/50.

  95. Yeah, there are a few exceptions, but you at least need a little light humor and fun.

  96. each game is a 50/50 propostition. 2 to the eighth factor-256.

  97. Danica is one of the most overrated athletes in sports.

  98. Absolutely. I'm getting tired of the vague announcements like "coming summer 2014...Monday Night Wars!" Fuck that. I want a defined schedule telling me when specific each show is going to be added to the network and a general estimate of the timeline of episodes. I'm starting to get tired of waiting for NWA on TBS, Prime Time, World Wide (stuff that was on 24/7) and stuff they haven't shown yet like Mid-South. The NWA/JCP and Mid-South library alone will keep me a subscriber for life but I know that's not everybody's cup of tea.

  99. Will job for food.

  100. Not to mention the NWA/JCP library of World Championship Wrestling on TBS, WorldWide, NWA Pro, Main Event and Power Hour. I could get lost in that shit reliving 1985-89 all over again.

  101. my friend's step-mother makes $73 every hour on the computer. She has been out of a job for 7 months but last month her pay was $7220 just working on the computer for a few hours.


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  102. Nail on the head.

  103. I know someone who said they called and just talked their way out of it, saying they never used it/couldn't afford it, blah blah blah.

  104. Such a shame it's not doing well. Last night I watched a Saturday Night's Main Event episode and it took me way back to that era. That was worth $10.

  105. Watched Raw from 1997. Probably one of my favorite years of wrestling.

  106. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 3, 2014 at 1:13 PM

    Twice more. At least twice more for me.

  107. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 3, 2014 at 1:14 PM

    Laughed my ass off.

  108. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 3, 2014 at 1:15 PM

    The brick joke that comes from that moment in the climax of the movie (courtesy of Gamora) is even better

  109. Same here. My subscription has mostly been used for the monthly PPVs. I've indulged in some old stuff and shows like Countdown and Rewind are neat, but nothing really all that special. And yes, if the product doesn't get better soon they might not have me for a little while.

  110. I found a really strange edit the other day in the Rock/HHH Iron-Man match from Judgement Day 2000. Outside the ring, Rock irish whips HHH into the ring apron. Right at impact, the camera cuts to Shawn (in the ring as the ref) cringing at the impact. So it must have been really hard impact to HHH's back....but so fucking what?

  111. But those guys were all pretty old when they passed. The retirement match at THAT'S sad to watch. Savage, Warrior, Liz, and Sherri.....all dead.

  112. I think you have subscribed and you're just working a gimmick of a non-subscriber. Or maybe not. Either way, you should subscribe.

  113. not true. He made deals with the publishers for free advertising once ECW started to become big enough to be noticed. Before that? Not sure. I've heard he paid royalties, I'v heard he didn't. Not like a million indy feds don't use music without paying royalties every night across America.

  114. probably just used the 24/7 version or the DVD version rather than going back and changing it. Not a big deal for me and not "censorship" for content. Now the blurring of the WWF logo? That gets annoying.

  115. Yeah, but I don't think that match made Vince cry.

  116. It's just amazing that all that bitterness between Bret-Shawn culminated in a real life screwjob at Montreal. You couldn't have written that any better.

  117. I thought Vince cried at that History of WWE video. Even my girlfriend at the time, who HATED wrestling, thought it was amazing.

  118. No pun intended, but 1997 just feels so Raw. You felt the WWF was truly fighting for its life, and it just made for some great TV.

  119. HBK was on fire once he finally embraced being a heel.

  120. It's awesome to watch. They were getting killed in ratings but were putting on incredible shows.

  121. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 3, 2014 at 4:30 PM

    My #1 favorite year of wrestling

  122. This x1000. I only saw Man of Steel a few months ago and dear God that movie was sooo bad and it's biggest problem was in talking everything so deathly serious it actually made the Superman myth seem more ridiculous than in any prior film

  123. People want those countdown shows? Really? At least the stuff we agree on was a draw at one point. Recap shows have never drawn a dime.

  124. I guess we're Kevin Bacon.

  125. My theater erupted in laughter.

  126. Then they get Seth Green to voice him....

  127. Maybe. But if you can order the Network in January, then apparently cancel it a few months later, as we've recently seen, then you could theoretically have the Network for only a few months a year. That isn't enough for the WWE to make this work. Plus, if the product is really cold, then they may not even get those buys.

  128. It's stupid to censor content on a service that people have to pay for. Name one movie HBO or Netflix has ever censored or edited.

  129. It does not surprise me that cable companies would be ignorant of good content.

    It took Time Warner Cable 10 YEARS to carry the freaking NFL Network and it took that same company 5 years to carry Epix, long after Epix had been established as the best premium movie channel.

    If Classics On Demand hadn't shut down, Time Warner probably would have waited until 2017 to finally carry it.

  130. How does any of that make it not a great buy? If anything, you get an even better deal! Rumble and Mania for $30? How is that a ripoff?

  131. The end credit scene... SPOILER SPACE
    ...aaaaaand Howard the Duck returns to live action before Wonder Woman.

  132. One way to get around the RAW and Smackdown issue would be to just put up the latest episodes of their overseas recap shows Afterburn, Bottom Line and Experience.

    Those shows have all the important stuff from RAW and Smackdown without the terrible filler plus they already film those shows for the overseas markets so it's not like it would cost anything and neither of those shows have aired in the U.S. since 2005 so it's not like they'll violate their NBC-Universal deals so why not just air those shows instead?

  133. Yep, he returns to live action before Wonder Woman. We need a Cornette Face equivalent for DC/WB.

  134. TBF I think that and the Batman pic were taken in sepia. Or do we know for sure that they were full color, to put it loosely?

  135. We all loved the Nolan Batmen films, but blame them for this. Because no one at WB is smart enough to realize that dark and realistic works for Batman, and that's why we accepted it with open arms. All we want is an atmosphere that works for the selected character.
    (As a sidenote, no, not everything in the Nolan films held up. Or to put it in Nolan Bat-Language, "NOOOOOOOOO, NT EERTNGNDE NOLANFLMS HLDUUUUUUUUUUP!")

  136. Hoping said lead holds up against the Teenage Mutant Ninja Crabs, er, Turtles (was thinking of Megan Fox, sorry for the slipup...)

  137. Not to mention the whole ordeal helped create the Mr. McMahon character. Between the fans' hatred of him and the rise of Austin, it was all so perfectly timed.

  138. I vaguely remember that. Got a link that I can see it?

  139. Wow, I must be missing something because imo that was one of the worst movies cranked out in years. Outside of three or four cute lines it was basically a Disney cartoon, talking squirrel and all.

  140. They're caught in the "you have to spend money to make money" dilemma. If they don't produce compelling original content then all the WWE Network a library. And that only appeals to a segment of the market--probably the segment that is already subscribing to the Network.

    To get new eyes, they've got to give them things that new eyes might want to see... You either spend the money it takes to try to get those new eyes or you have to make do with what you've got.

  141. Adam "Colorado" CurryAugust 4, 2014 at 12:09 AM

    I wouldn't say that. Everyone knows she sucks and is only employed because of the Go Daddy money.

  142. Not only no customer surveys...but, from what I can see, no way to leave any feedback!

  143. I love the Countdown shows. I also love the Legends of Wrestling shows. I wish they had shows that recapped Raw/Smackdown etc.

    And yes...everybody likes different things. That is one of the many ways that running a network is/was/will be a huge undertaking with lots of risks and false moves.

    But, if they're not committed to it...if they're not willing to invest in making it something...then it will be nothing.

  144. Fuck Image Comics for not bringing out a Savage Dragon or Invincible
    movie when Dark Horse comics had a guy with toxic farts teaming up
    with a guy with a sentient shovel.

    Wait, this is how this works, right?

  145. Thanks! That's fantastic. Still gives me goosebumps.

    Hell, they could do an ad similar to this with guys that are still around and hype REALLY classic stuff on the Network. I don't know how much old school stuff they have or could put on there.

  146. I'm almost 46 years old. I'm probably not the target demographic of GOTG. (Or maybe I am, as an old comic book nerd. Who knows how Marvel works...)

    At any rate, this movie was AWESOME. The Star Wars of this generation? Sure. My favorite movie since Return of the King? Absolutely. A movie I will probably watch 100 times in my life? Yup.

    It was SO MUCH FUN! And that's basically what's been missing from so many movies that I've seen lately. Sure, Hunger Games isn't going to be "fun" because that's not what it's about. But so many superhero movies are dark, grim, dystopian, etc. GOTG was FUN! Bright! Colorful!

    I can't say enough good things about this movie.

  147. My wife saw that and pointed it out to me. I laughed!


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