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Supercard Strategies

(Sent in by reader Brent, THANKS!  I've just been burning off my common cards to train people all this time.)

On Supercard:  I'm about 500 games in and have a few pointers.

So, the way the game works is like this: It's purely "who has the biggest numbers". As you play more games, you'll gain EXP, which slowly moves you up tiers and unlock more and more rare cards, unless you want to pay money for the chance of them early on. Not sure why you'd want to do that, because the game always has you up against people at around the same level, but there you go.

You can organize your cards by rank, and what you should do is put two pairs of male wrestlers who are at the top of your rank and who have complimentary symbols (the coloured arrows)- If you put two complimentary cards together, they get a bonus while tagging together. Then, you can increase your cards numbers in two ways: You train them by sacrificing cards, or you can combine them with identical cards to turn them into "pro" cards and that will give them a big stat boost. You can only combine once, and doing so sets the level cap for your card back to zero, so the ideal strategy is to level your card up all the way to the level cap, then to combine so you can do so again. This is the real trick to winning against your peers, as many people don't bother doing this. Also, it does not appear to have any effect if you combine two cards with levels as opposed to one leveled card and another non-leveled card.

While playing, pick your cards based on the attributes that will be judged. Use your stat boosting cards: You can only do it once per game, but there is no reason not to. The special abilities are activated randomly, and while you should take them into consideration, don't count on them. I suggest leveling up your diva first, as she will always compete alone and many people neglect them.

Eventually, you'll pick up cards of higher rank, which will totally outstrip your older cards, even if they are fully leveled up. (Well, not totally true: If you followed my advice your fully leveled card should be able to beat a card one rank up provided they don't have many levels) So, you replace them, make sure the men have a good tag team partner, and continue the process.

The real kicker in the game is the King of the Ring mode: Once you have a two full rosters (basically, once you have two diva cards, as the male wrestlers and support cards are plentiful) you can submit a roster to compete: These cards basically get locked down for a day or so, as the game spends a few hours getting a king of the ring bracket together, and then automatically battles each team round robin style, about one match per hour. Your cards have a stamina bar which does down every match and as it does so your cards stats will decrease. You can increase this by using energy cards which you get randomly for exhibition mode: Herein lies the hook, as in order to have your team do well enough to qualify for the actual king of the ring (and the fantastic rewards) you have to either log in every couple of hours, gain the energy cards randomly and use them to refresh your roster OR you can pay to have them refreshed once OR to have a bot automatically refresh your lowest card every match. Thankfully, it appears not too many people are doing those last two, and i'll find many watches that I won when both my and my opponents cards were completely exhausted of stamina, but you certainly can't count on that.

Final pointer:If this game scratches your OCD itch like it does mine, make sure to hold on to your cards that aren't part of your roster until you can combine them to make a pro card: The card catalogue that you build counts both regular and pro cards, so if you want to be a compleationist (for which there is no reward I've seen as of yet) you'll need to combine every wrestler card: Do so before you start burning them for levels!

Brent Hirose.


  1. Stranger in the AlpsAugust 19, 2014 at 11:03 AM

    I just started playing this. I've run about 56 matches and I'm 44-12. I ran one KOTR, which took place rather quickly, and won. I've got Roman Reigns as my champ, although The Miz has better numbers, and in tag action I always go with my Jericho and Cena cards because of their compatibility and already jacked up stats. I came across a rare AJ card and use her as my Diva card, since her stats are well above normal Diva card stats.

    I can't believe I just typed all that.

  2. The Love-Matic Grampa!August 19, 2014 at 11:06 AM

    I've never read so much and understood so little.

  3. you are not alone.

  4. I'm super addicted to this game. My record is 308-105. I've managed to roll with 2 sets of compatible cards (Xavier Woods/Jericho , Big Show/Goldust) and that's really worked out well for me.

  5. Adam Rose is my top card. My cards suck.


    gotta be fair in who we yell ay

  7. that's how i was when i read "sex for dummies"

  8. Is there a rehab center for those addicted to this game yet? I believe I need it!

  9. What productive lives we lead.

  10. Started playing it 2 days ago, 101-30 baby!

  11. The sad part is Eva Marie is my best Diva card.

  12. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's heard of it, it's both repetitive and addictive.

  13. Couldn't this have been just named the "No Girlfriends or Wives" Thread instead?

  14. Yeah, that would have worked.

  15. Unless this is exactly like With Authority in every way, I can't help but feel my nostalgia inhibitors and hearthstone addiction are going to doom this thing before I even get a chance to enjoy it.

  16. (Ogre voice)


  17. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 19, 2014 at 12:18 PM

    I downloaded this last night and it's addicting as fuck. Thanks for the advice, as John McClane would say.

    I do feel a little sad that my top card right now is a Rare Justin Gabriel.

  18. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighAugust 19, 2014 at 12:29 PM

    Played 300 games in like 2 days...

  19. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighAugust 19, 2014 at 12:29 PM

    My SGT slaughter rare card is dominant

  20. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighAugust 19, 2014 at 12:35 PM

    My slaughter and Austin tag team is tough to beat

  21. Barrett and Big E. make a great team.

  22. Eva Marie is the fucking Brock Lesnar of the Supercard Divas' division. If I see her pop up, I know my AJ doesn't stand a chance, power ups or not.

  23. My general strategy is to save whichever common diva tickles your pickle (figuratively speaking, unless YOU are CM Punk) and level her up (perhaps later trading her in for any rare diva cards you happen upon) and the rest?

    If you get a guy you like, maybe save him and hope to combine him later, but otherwise, I just feed them to my rare/super rare cards.

  24. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 19, 2014 at 1:01 PM

    Good to note. I got a UC Summer Rae then another, so that girl is beasting for me and I've just been feeding all the Diva cards to her and my UC AJ. With my other R/UC cards being Hogan, HHH, Bray, and Brock, I've just been feeding them my common cards, so I guess I'll keep doing that! Good to know I can only combine a guy once.

  25. Thanks for introducing me to a new time destroyer at work.

  26. I'm rocking a rare Jericho and a super rare ADR as one team and a rare Big Show and super rare Swagger as the other with a common pro AJ. Been trying to keep them all kinda equally leveled up and it's been working for me. I'm at like a 5 to 1 W/L ratio, but I'd like to get a better diva card sometime soon.

  27. Hmmm...this is the second time I've Scott mention this and it seems like everyone loves it. Fuck I'm gonna have to download and play this now. I've been looking for a new mobile app thing to play while I wait around and whatever.

  28. I love it when neat stuff is released exclusively to cell phones belonging to the Apple and Google Overlords.

    Did I say love? I meant hate.

  29. You are in a comment section of an internet wrestling blog belonging to a quasi-famous wrestling writer. Just thought I'd remind you of that.

  30. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 19, 2014 at 1:32 PM

    It is; I got it last night and it hooks you pretty damn quick.

  31. My record is 1027-168. My line is a maxed out super rare of Orton, Edge, Andre, and Ziggler and a maxed out pro rare AJ. I also have a maxed out super rare of Brock on my bench.

    I fucking can't stand the King of the Rings. 3 days is too long and they freeze your roster. And also, it should be easier to get super rare, especially when your at the super rare++ tier like I am. Still a fun game though.

  32. It's easy enough to emulate, though.

  33. Emulating apps? Now you're talking my kind of language!


  34. iPad is not a cell phone.

  35. The higher the + number, the higher the status bar will climb and the closer you'll get to the next tier and get better cards.

  36. Tablet, cell phone, aside from pretentiousness and screen size, whats the difference?

    ....You kids and your technology and your jeans and your heroin.

  37. Them city folks think they so special, what with their running water, and their shooooes.

  38. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 19, 2014 at 1:51 PM

    Yes, and it doesn't jam any pay-to-play stuff on you; you can if you want, but there's nothing to halt or gimp your progress.

  39. And I'd like to remind you that I was making a joke.

  40. Cooler_Than_GuntherAugust 19, 2014 at 2:06 PM

    this is a popular and substantive phenomenon

    i must on principle avoid it and say i don't get what the big deal is

  41. I felt really bad when I used my super rare Ted DiBiase card to train my super rare Bad News Barrett Pro card. But then Bad News Barrett became my MONSTER card, so there.

    My one complaint is the weird place the Diva cards have. They're both REALLY important and non-important at the same time. And the paucity and lack of diversity of diva cards (are there only, like, three divas on the roster) is frustrating.

  42. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 19, 2014 at 2:36 PM

    Officially addicted, been playing for about an hour and a half now and I still want to keep going. The advice about how to continuously feed my main deck has really opened up the game and ever since I hit Super Rare tier, I just want to keep climbing.

  43. Divas are actually pretty important. If you have a really good one, you're almost unstoppable. As for what divas they have, I've seen the Bellas, Summer Rae, Eva, Nattie, Tamina, AJ, Naomi, Cameron, and Steph.

  44. I started this when I first saw Scott post about it last week and I am now 567-62 with almost a full Super Rare hand. A fully trained up Rock is the one non-Super Rare card in my Exhibition deck which basically serves as a low-end Super Rare. It is literally pointless to keep the Commons and Uncommons once you fill out a Rare or Super Rare hand. What I've been doing is building my deck up to the max of 100 cards in Exhibition matches and then training the shit out of my top cards with all the low enders.

    The KOTR function has got to be shortened or at least add short term options. Three days is insane and you have no ability to charge up your hands while you sleep. So somebody who may be awake in another time zone has the advantage.

    This game has HUGE potential for development. I can see real-time match-ups against other players being massively appealling. The current Exhibition mode is simply you against somebody else's deck with the AI controlling their moves. They should also add leagues with title belts for each division.

    I'm hoping Supercard is in the very early stages of development because it could be so much more.

    BTW- I saw somebody who had an Epic card with a low number of matches. They must have got EXTREMELY lucky and picked it up. I guess it is possible to get those cards early on.

  45. I have a Super Rare Naomi which has won me an enormous amount of matches. I rarely play anybody with better than a Rare diva card.

  46. It is by far the best free game I have ever played.

  47. Fuck dude, I thought I had no life. You have like double my match count. And I'm married with a baby.

  48. You can buy those cards I think, the epic Razor and Savage looked sweet. I always play those guys because they are easy to beat.

  49. My max rare pro AJ can actually beat a lot of super rares with it.

  50. Oh yeah I forgot you can buy them. That kind of defeats the purpose. I'd rather earn them the hard way. I haven't come across anybody with a monster deck yet with anything better than Super Rare's so I'm assuming most people are not buying high end cards.

  51. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 19, 2014 at 3:22 PM

    Taking a break, 63-3. I found my new daily BART-commute pastime.

  52. Yep, my rare Eva Marie is a monster.

  53. You just made me feel better about myself.

  54. Have fun getting off next time, you won't want to stop.

  55. Since you are going up against people with similar total levels off points, the best way to win at exhibition is to get a great tag team, a great singles guy, and let the rest of your cards be terrible. My 3 great cards and two terrible cards will almost always best an opponent who has five very good cards. I concede the divas match and almost always win the single and tag matches.

  56. I train my Rare Cards to about level 12 or so, because when you combine them and go Rare Pro they will be worse than if you had them trained all the way, although they will have a higher ceiling.
    I'm 321-69, tag team of Rare Pro Kane and Rare Rey Mysterio, another team of Rare Dolph and Rare Pro Yokozuna. Super Rare Naomi who has lost two matches. I'm Lovin It.

  57. It works perfectly on my Nook.

  58. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 19, 2014 at 6:25 PM

    I'm at home right now and the only reason I've stopped is because my battery died.

  59. 16-1 to start, and got a Rare Eva Marie card early on that destroys all divas. Nice.

  60. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieAugust 19, 2014 at 8:12 PM

    This was hardly supercard strategy, you just explained how to play, all of that was available in the rules section.

    King of the Ring is so bizarre and massive I kind of like it, won my first won but lost in the semis in another cause the finals took place while I was asleep...and I don't mind, it amuses me.

    I believe my exhibition record is like 800-80 though so I'm gunna have to chill out on it soon.

  61. Yep, she is a blessing.

  62. Im clearly late to the party. Supercards?

  63. WorldGoneWild PhotosAugust 19, 2014 at 10:08 PM

    Yeah, go ahead and level her up and hold on to her. :)

  64. WorldGoneWild PhotosAugust 19, 2014 at 10:09 PM

    What's the benefit of the 2 terrible cards vs. two better cards?


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