This is a real thing.
Commence jokes now.
Dude, 90% of my casual wardrobe consists of Affliction merchandise and even I think that shirt would make me look like too much of a douchebag. I do think it's amusing that selling price is $9.99 though.
If the T-Shirt didn't cost 9.99 I was going to raise hell.
ReplyDeleteThey don't seem to understand that the problem for most people isn't the price point. Most people who watch Raw even semi-regularly know how much it costs and if they wanted it, they'd have got it by now. You can only attract so many subscribers on price alone.
ReplyDeleteThey would be better off hyping the content (historic, current or both) or making Network-exclusive things that really make the viewer feel like they're missing out by not having it. I can't really believe they don't seem to realise this.
Were selling 99 cent shirts at the forum. You can design them anyway you want but after you place your order, I'll edit it.
ReplyDeleteThis shirt should be free.
ReplyDelete"I banned someone because I didn't like their name"
ReplyDeleteIf that's not you abusing your power I don't know what is.
"I banned someone because they had a homophobic name and refused to change it after multiple warnings."
ReplyDeleteI sort of feel like Lou from Major League: "This team has completely lost its focus."
ReplyDeleteCoincidentally, that's the fee I charge for my detective skills.
ReplyDeleteI may have to buy that walking advertisement.
Right. I'm sure you didn't go ahead and change it for him because you can do that in these forums. I'm sure you gave him more than one warning too. I'm also sure you gave him ample time and didn't overreact because for once in your life you have power.
Keep proving me right champ. Change the forums how. I said you should abuse your power like I said you would. Keep dancing puppet
I gave him hours to change it. And I just deleted his account the first time. He came back with another homophobic name again, then I banned him.
ReplyDeleteAnd I didn't change shit for you. I asked people what they wanted and put up a poll. Keep standing up for the rights of homophobes, it's a good look!
Don't forget...shipping and handling.
ReplyDeleteLol. Maybe he didn't know his account was deleted? There's tons of possibilities, not everyone lives on the blog like you. but of course you have the power so you have to use it!
ReplyDeleteLol I'm not asking you to give me credit. That's beyond you, everything is your idea. I and everyone else know better though. The only person you're fooling is yourself.
I told him I'd delete it if he didn't change it. He came and went multiple times after the warnings. Any other theories on why this poor guy was persecuted for hating gay people?
ReplyDeleteDefinitely needs an asterisk with "with six month commitment" in microscopic letters.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you watched closely an documented everything he did during that time. All the posts he made things he read etc.
ReplyDeleteI understand. People at npp were mean to you,
You saw a chance to get even and banned one of them. Woohoo! Makes ya feel like a big man don't it? You get more pathetic with every post.
So my fellow wrestling fans over at Penny Arcade are marveling at just how bad the Attitude Era was from the AE week on the Network.
ReplyDeleteActually, they never mention me in their thread. To be honest, it's a blow to the ego.
ReplyDeleteI don't post on the forums and don't really care to be honest, but if I were you I would prolly tone down the defence of someone being banned for a homophobic username. It's 2014... I think anyone is fully justified to remove people from social discussions if they have the inability to create a constructive user handle. That's kinda, social interaction 101.
ReplyDelete"Who's the senile thing?"
He's a fucking troll. A small, insignificant, worthless troll. And I honestly have no clue why Cult's even giving that shit the time of day. Post count help? Practice? Who knows.
ReplyDelete(Edwards is the troll, for anyone confused.)
Better also be $9.99, in that case.
ReplyDeleteHow is it homophobic? Maybe dude is gay. I'm not defending as much as pointing out that I was right about cunt status.
ReplyDeleteSo, here's what I don't get.
ReplyDeleteI think that the company, on some level, knows that people chant "9.99" while making a jerkoff motion with one hand. I don't think they're totally blind to how people are reacting to the 9.99 thing and why.
But for a company in cost-cutting mode, even though I'm sure these shirts cost them $0.11 a unit to produce, who do they think will buy one? And why?
I want one of these.
ReplyDeleteIf anything, King will actually look like less of an asshole in this shirt than he does in his usual shitty getup.
ReplyDeleteEh, I always tend to engage trolls because it's not skin off my back and I like to see them fall over themselves when you call them out on their shit.
and if the moderators around here had some balls they would send him (along with a couple others) packing.
ReplyDeletewell they did hype Nitro when they put that up
ReplyDeleteSo is it safe to assume that you are the one who created that account just to see what Cult would do?
ReplyDeleteI'm, quite frankly, shocked John Edwards hasn't brought up my preemptive ban on the Big Show. A pretty gross misuse of power on someone who hasn't even signed up yet!
ReplyDeleteNope. I didn't have to do shit, to make him abuse his power, just sit back and wait.
ReplyDeleteWould've never knew either if he didn't come here to brag about it.
ReplyDeleteYeah, just have him wear it, he won't have to say it anymore, just pint at it.
ReplyDeleteI'd buy one at a live event. If I attended a live event. Mainly because I'm a prick.
ReplyDeleteI know this requires comprehension beyond that of a twelve year old so you'll have trouble with this but, it's not about the dude with name. It's what the community finds offensive.
ReplyDeleteMods really don't do any policing here. Say what you about flair4dagold but at least he tried to do it.
ReplyDeleteThis latest melt down seems manufactured by the forums for the forums. The whole thing seems to be getting out of hand.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't call that an abuse of power. I'm pretty sure Scott would delete someone's account here too of their username was fag mcfaggotry, or something along those lines.
ReplyDeleteWhat meltdown?
ReplyDeleteThe community being you right? I'm sure you polled everyone before you banned him. I'm sure you changed his name (because you can do that) and he changed it back right?
ReplyDeleteJesus I can't tell if you're slow on the uptake, or if you're really this dense.
It's like they don't remember how Triple H won the war all by himself riding a tank.
ReplyDeleteIt's more John Edwards trolling Cult than it is a meltdown.
ReplyDeleteScott can't delete accounts, he's not a disqus admin. (:
ReplyDeleteLike I've said prior, I'm sure cunt status did everything he could before deleting his account or banning him. Wait he didn't? Somehow I'm not shocked. I get it you're an admin so you gotta throw in your two cents too, but c'mon he could've handled it better
I'm just a lowly moderator of the video game board. I can pin threads and rearrange the order of posts, but thats about all I will do. Unless someone goes all apeshit or something, i don't plan on using any moderator abilities. I just want to talk about video games on the forum, not world domination.
ReplyDeleteNot that, just the rampant racism, sexism, and homophobia.
ReplyDeleteI still wish the WCW execs would have sent Meng out of that garage door just to see how DX would have reacted.
ReplyDeletelol now I'm editing people's names. For my next trick, I will go in your mind and edit your ideas. INCEPTION Second EDITion coming to a theater near you!
ReplyDeleteThe Edit Express sounds like a good name for the BoD Raw. Or is that already a thing?
ReplyDeletelol cunt status. HILARIOUS.
ReplyDeleteNo, I said you could edit names, not that you did. You really aren't the sharpest spoon in the knife drawer are you?
ReplyDeletePost count makes sense. Maybe I should do more of that so I can quickly get my post count up to at least 1,000.
ReplyDeleteThen why interject? Cuntstatus is dancing for me right now, and I'm rather enjoying it.
ReplyDeleteGlad you like it furry tits. It describes you pretty well if I do say so myself.
ReplyDeleteOh, there were plenty of servings of those three food groups at the time, sure.
ReplyDeleteWhile the most recent round of HHHistory is ridiculous, I did agree with Hunter on why WCW should've let them in. Failing that, sending out Haku and watching the coolest bunch of anti-authority rebels run away would've worked too.
ReplyDeleteSo, yeah, can we talk about that Affliction thing.....
ReplyDeleteBecause I like the forums and want to see it succeed. Constant trashing of it from someone who has no interest in it whatsoever just seems over the top. I'm not necessarily defending Cult; he can fight his own battles. I'm trying to defend the forum as a whole. But This whole back and forth is probably just turning more people away from it, so I'm done with the discussion.
ReplyDeleteTo everyone else: i enjoy this blog immensely and love the discussion here. If you love it too and want an additional supplement discussion, then come check out the forum. That's all it is, just a supplement for the blog to carry on the conversation to another level.
Can i get a free week trial of the shirt?