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October Classics

In all honesty, I wanted to go with Benoit-HHH from this show as I felt it was the best match on this card. However, even I had to object to some content in the video clip I found. So I went the safer route and chose Rock-Angle instead. Still a good match, screwy ending aside.

10-22-00 The Rock vs. Kurt Angle (WWF Title No... by puropwgwwestuff


  1. "However, even I had to object to some content in the video clip I found."

    Benoit choked out Steph!?

  2. The Benoit vs HHH match from this show is way better. Also think of all the damage this did to Kurt Angle. All the people who say, oh Kurt is a time bomb, he can't go back to the WWE, here's why! Watch away!

    When you posted the Rey vs Eddie match the other day did people realize those bumps lead to his death? Is death really the bright line? At wmxxx Daniel Bryan destroyed his neck and lost the strength in his arm! What a feel good moment!!!! Let's toss on some Foley matches and try to pin point where he got the swiss cheese memory!!!!

    My point: If you like to say you can't watch Benoit matches but you still watch wrestling you are 100% a hypocrite of the highest order.

  3. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 21, 2014 at 1:10 PM

    The setup for the match showed clips from RAW of Benoit headbutting Stephanie intentionally.

  4. HHH went over. Very offensive to me!

  5. "However, even I had to object to some content in the video clip I found."

    Are you kidding me?

  6. Roger Goodell suspended Benoit for two RAWs.

  7. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 21, 2014 at 1:19 PM

    No shit. I made the decision. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

  8. Whatever happened to Dock Muraco's weekly match round up? I liked it!

  9. Why even mention it?

  10. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 21, 2014 at 1:26 PM

    I have no issue watching Benoit matches, and of course, post some here on occasion. This is probably the first time I was kinda sorta iffy on one of these.

  11. A very good match indeed, eclipsed by the one they had a few months later at No Way Out 2001.

  12. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 21, 2014 at 1:28 PM

    To pre-emptively explain why I chose one match over the other. Someone is bound to ask why.

  13. Honestly, I know it's been 7+ years, but I'd have no problem at all if we never saw a video with that piece of garbage featured in it posted here ever again.

  14. Angle?

    What did they ever do to you?

    (Also for your enjoyment:

  15. I actually have that DVD and it was absolutely one of my favorite WWE DVDs up until you-know-what. I only have it still because I've read it's something of a collector's item now.

  16. Oh I made this post in support of your previous Benoit videos. I back this feature!

  17. It's sat on the bottom of my DVD collection since then, also. I'm not going to get rid of it, but I'll probably never watch it again either.

  18. Gunther the Nasty LoserOctober 21, 2014 at 1:41 PM

    I really hope one of the Oct matches will be the Good Housekeeping match b/w Chyna and Jarrett

  19. I've heard worse ideas around here... not many, but enough.

  20. Gunther the Nasty LoserOctober 21, 2014 at 1:43 PM


  21. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 21, 2014 at 1:43 PM

    Look Lisa! If you pause it you can see the exact moment his neck breaks!

  22. Yea, but now this is Benoit thread #214939 rather than talking about a match

  23. The Ghost Of Meekin's MoobsOctober 21, 2014 at 1:45 PM

    The blisters on his hands caused by furious masturbation have prevented him from typing

  24. Gunther the Nasty LoserOctober 21, 2014 at 1:46 PM


  25. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 21, 2014 at 1:49 PM

    Loser what are you still doing here? I thought I advised you to go kill yourself?

  26. Alon the same lines, I get really annoyed every July/August, when we get some of the talking heads saying how hard it is to watch football now, given what these guys put their body through. Oh, shut up. You're gonna watch, and you know it.

    It's particularly irritating when it comes from people who make a living off sports. It's like if they say, "It's too bad these guys are turning their brains to mush," they feel better about themselves, or something.

  27. (sadly unable to find a still photo of the moment of impact from Owen tombstoning Austin. So, this:

  28. Good match, but as others (including Stranger himself) have said, Benoit-HHH is better. Whatever.

  29. I have no problem with watching Benoit matches myself, but some people feel legitimately unsettled watching his matches, and don't just refrain from watching them for moral reasons.

  30. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 21, 2014 at 1:52 PM

    Given his Beniot love and HHH hate. Bret Hart's head must have exploded.

  31. Bullshit. None of those other people murdered anyone.

  32. That's his FREAKIN' neck, and don't you ever forget it!

  33. I hear Randy Savage also gave her a head...butt...

  34. You mean they have actually had great matches and angles during this time of the year? Get the fuck right out of here.

  35. Gunther the Nasty LoserOctober 21, 2014 at 2:01 PM


  36. Sounds like Sieg heil! Sieg heil! etc. etc.

  37. holy shit that's awesome

  38. Just themselves for your entertainment. Enjoy you're blood sport!

  39. Gunther the Nasty LoserOctober 21, 2014 at 2:06 PM

    He played "Evil" from the Melissa, and I thought of you.

  40. That you know of! I'm still not sure about Bryan. He's got shifty eyes.

  41. Well, I don't think Benoit was trying to conquer Atlanta, Georgia for the Canadian Empire.

  42. Seriously, you're too harsh on Triple H.

  43. Then you fell for it.


  44. Great matches? Absolutely. Great angles? Eh...this was the height of my fandom and even the fall of 2000 was kinda weak, storyline-wise.

  45. Okay, being from Philadelphia, I can easily explain why people have issues with Benoit.

    Right now, and every couple of years, Mumia Abu Jamal does something in prison that gets press and everyone in Philly gets up in arms about it. Why? Because he's a convicted cop killer who got off death row thanks to certain circumstances involving the trial. The problem is also that for some reason, a lot of celebrities took up this guy cause going as far as to believe the guy is innocent.

    So the most recent thing everyone is up in arms about is some rink dink college in Vermont or Rhode Island had students elect him to be the commencement speaker at their graduation, so everyone is pissed off about that, and worse, the widow of the cop he killed has to deal with seeing the man who killed her husband be celebrated by plenty of people around the country as some folk hero.

    How does this relate to Benoit? Well, he does have surviving relatives who have to have those events of Benoit follow them around for the rest of their lives. Yet, there are neck beards out there who STILL think he should be put into the WWE Hall of Fame. And his son wants to get into the wrestling business, and you know no matter what name he goes under if by some wizard's spell he actually gets into the WWE, are going to be chanting "Benoit" at him.

    Too long, didn't read, shut up and drink your coffee Mar.

  46. Nah, we have a similar guy down here named Chad Louviere. Fucker should have been executed nearly twenty years ago, but is still filing appeals from death row.

  47. Gunther the Nasty LoserOctober 21, 2014 at 2:40 PM

    But Rikishi did it... for the Rock

  48. i just don't feel that The Rock's matches were consequential when stacked against other "classics" of the time.

  49. I read it, but it's a tortured analogy and it started off bad with the insinuation that being from Philly somehow gave you special dispensation to understand something that isn't all that hard to understand: some people can't bear to watch Benoit matches anymore, and that's fine. Some can separate the man and his actions from his TV character and still watch his matches, and that's fine too. And like with anything else, some people on both sides will be obnoxious assholes about their viewpoint.

  50. Virgil's Gimmick TableOctober 21, 2014 at 2:57 PM

    You'd love to hear him cry? You'd love to feel him die? That's not nice.

  51. Virgil's Gimmick TableOctober 21, 2014 at 2:57 PM

    So is he gonna pop out of the mirror with a pillow and a bible now?

  52. Yeah, that storyline was a bust. Austin's return was tepid until his January match with Triple H. Before that, Triple H/Angle fizzled out. Jericho was spinning his wheels in a feud with Kane, I think? It's definitely revisionist history to think that fall 2000 was just firing on all cylinders, storyline-wise. There were some good matches, but the usual fall swoon happened even at the company's peak.

  53. True, there's guy like that elsewhere, but does that guy have celebrity supporters like Ben & Jerry's, Ed Asner, Whoopi Goldberg, and the Beastie Boys?

  54. I still hate Rikishi ruining King Kurt's moment. They should have just let him dance in the midcard until it got tired.

  55. But he did it for the Rock, Bruddah!

  56. Yeah, there was some weird shit going on at this time. I love the Radicals reforming against Triple H, then two weeks later they're helping him try to run down Austin again.

  57. What, specifically, do you mean by "consequential," especially in comparison to others?

  58. So the Radicalz were heels the entire time after being faces for like the first two weeks, right? When did Benoit turn face? Or was Benoit/Angle at WMX7 heel-heel?

  59. He probably went to Bound for Glory and has been celebrating ever since.

  60. Which he did on HHH's orders!

  61. Especially considering Rock/Angle isn't that great of a match (especially compared to their incredible No Way Out match a few months later). Just posting the awesome Benoit/HHH match would have led to considerably less discussion on the topic.

  62. But...but...the folksy "okay" at the beginning really sells his common-man cred!

    "Okay, being from Philadelphia, I can easily explain why people have issues with cream cheese..."

  63. Hindsight being 20/20, why wasn't Big Show the culprit of Austin's drive by? He's the one who benefitted the most from it.

    Then I just remembered Show was at fat camp at this point.

  64. Still think it shoulda been Jericho. The storyline already said the driver had blonde hair. Plus, Jericho could have used it more than Rikishi.

  65. Gunther the Nasty LoserOctober 21, 2014 at 3:38 PM

    Since the PPV is on Sunday, we have all next week for the Bellas match to be featured in the October classic match!

  66. Or they can just post it as this is a wrestling blog and he was a great wrestler

  67. That's exactly the point; they've chosen to do it to themselves. Benoit's son and wife did not.

    Listen, I will watch Benoit matches, but I can't say I enjoy them anymore and I don't think anyone's a hypocrite for drawing the line at murder.

  68. The reveal of Rikishi sucked but "Who Ran Down Austin" will always be a personal favorite angle of mine.

  69. Um..........................................................

  70. There is no good HIAC finish anymore. Because Vince McMahon has created the one streaming website out of FIFTY BILLION that must remain PG. I didn't even think that was possible.

    I cant get blood on Vince's internet, but I can get softcore porn on Hulu.

  71. Gunther the Nasty LoserOctober 21, 2014 at 3:46 PM

    I love how Scott was all like, "Who wasn't present and has blonde hair? Billy Gunn, case closed"

  72. That's right, that did happen. I haven't seen that episode in a while.

  73. Yeah, it was crazy how over he was. I still remember the chants he was getting as him and Benoit are just STARING at one another. I only use "somewhat face" because he still acted the same as when he was a heel, but he was going against a guy who had the gall to attack his wife, so fans were like, "yeah, we got your back".

    And the hard heel turn on Austin happened the same night he had that mini-DX reunion with the Outlaws and Chyna against the Radicals.

  74. I know this is sarcasm, but THE VIKING SPACE LORD does not care for your sarcasm.

  75. Wouldn't they get more money from beer companies advertising on their show than they would Toys R Us or fucking K-Mart?

  76. Any organization that does this (Yes, EVEN TNA) would get my money that night.

  77. it's one company...Mattel. Which is why when Jericho recounts how Vince claimed Flair and Batista blading (separate incidents in his new book) would cost the company millions of dollars in sponsors I actually laughed out loud.

  78. I thought Test could have worked too if he had been the one to replace Austin in the match and win.

  79. Edge/Taker and Taker/Trips.

  80. Coincidentally (not really), this was when Kreski stepped down and Steph took over the mantle.

  81. Definitely afraid Rollins will take a stupidly dangerous spot that won't even finish the match (Kane breaks up the pin, of course), let alone blow off the feud: because Ambrose-Rollins is still getting good reactions, I'm afraid WWE is going to keep giving screwy finishes all the way to Wrestlemania if possible.

  82. Honest curiosity. Can we can name some PG shows on TV that have blood? Certainly PG movies have blood at times. Just seems more "g" rated and an arbitrary thing to please a certain sponsor and/or Network President like the Justin Roberts tie incident.

  83. It was hard not to be sympathetic for Triple H pretty much going back to July '00. He did the noble thing by standing up for his wife after Jericho kept insulting her, then got caught up in a complicated love triangle which The Rock and Mick Foley deliberately instigated for shits & giggles.

  84. Here is what Vince doesn't get. Numbers bring sponsors. Since the free PPV's are the biggest asset of the network right now, he needs to make them MUST see. It's the one avenue he can bring all the blood, and anything else that sits in the toolbox without giving a shit about hourly ratings and USA network geeks looking over his shoulder. And GOD FORBID you make PPV's something special to get people to fork over their $10.

    People come to the network if it's special TV. If it's something you cant get on RAW. Vince gets to that point, he will get sponsors beating down his door. .

    But again......the big "6 month renewal" PPV ended in a DQ finish, so there you go.

  85. G ratings eliminate poopy jokes. You just got fired.

  86. Gunther the Nasty LoserOctober 21, 2014 at 4:13 PM

    I'm just sick of every time Benoit's name is mentioned, someone feels the need to go on a rant. We all know what he did. People can do what they want with regards to his career, but there's no need to beat the rest of us over the head with it.

    Mentioning Benoit's name isn't code for "but tell us how you really feel about him, even though your opinion is no different from millions of other people and doesn't add anything new whatsoever to the a discussion that we really don't even need to be having anymore."

  87. Taker/H was a good match, but didn't utilize the cell well. The Edge match was really good, up to the post match spooky.

  88. Falling school.

  89. I don't care if there's blood, just book someone to win and continue to book them strongly.

  90. Let's "bee" friends

  91. A lot of people were hoping for Jericho. He was kinda directionless at this point.

  92. Rock/Jericho for the WCW title happened this day in 2001. Should have picked that instead.

  93. I get it, but Kane didn't just rip open the door, he Tombstoned 'Taker too.

  94. I think that Edge-Taker is the best.

  95. I don't think the feud needs to necessarily be blown off. As long as the story is advanced that works for me

  96. I think the BoD needs to "Play it out and see where it goes."

  97. Benoit turned face the Raw before WM17. They had been teasing a face turn for months with him taking out the other Radicalz--which seemed to be a face turn--but then he was teaming with Angle against Austin/Rock.

    The Raw before Mania, Angle issued an open challenge. Benoit answered it, put him in the crossface and tapped him out, completing the turn.

  98. Getting hung by meat hooks?

  99. That finish would make both men look like wussies. Mankind fell off the cage twice and still got up to have a proper match. Even Vince McMahon took a helluva bump off near the top of a different cage and kept going.

  100. Would anyone have even noticed the headbutt?

  101. At what moment did Foley show up in the ring? I was watching highlights somewhere and the way he delivered his version of the $9.99 joke and then flashed a cheeky grin with a thumbs up was my mark out moment of the night by far.

  102. Was the Ambrose, Rollins and Foley exchange a part of Main Event? Because I don't see a mention of it in the RAW recap but I've seen the clip of it happening

  103. You weren't a fan of Kane and Jericho fighting over spilled cup of coffee? Blasphemy!

  104. No, no, I meant for my own blog. Sorry. Should have been more clear.


  106. He lived in Fayetville. Lived in a pretty remote area. The road wasn't paved.

  107. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 21, 2014 at 4:50 PM

    There is an order to these things, man. You can't just go around haphazardly picking videos to post.
    It will be up tomorrow.

  108. Mumia is innocent. Fuck that cop.

  109. That guy is probably guilty.

  110. Owen Scale hasn't been busted out in awhile.....

  111. All the great feuds involve coffee:

    Dozens of others... I think

    Case closed.

  112. they do? Because all the shows my daughter watched on Nick and Disney (she's 9 now) sure had a lot of poop and fart jokes

  113. It would be just like the opening of St. Valentine's Massacre!

  114. I get what he means. There didnt seem like as many "Event matches" compared to Austin's era.

    2000 Rock was consistently great but it all blended from when Austin went out until WM-17.

  115. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

  116. I thought he was playing for the Vikings?

  117. No no no. Candyman rules state he appears "from behind" with a bible and a pillow.

  118. Too dangerous.

    How about a spinning neckbreaker with extra spin?

  119. I know FUCK ANGLE!!!


  120. You're not damned if you do. This is a wrestling blog and you casually post great wrestling matches. If one person is offended you post a Benoit match they can just keep on scrolling

  121. Shows that air against Raw have blood I'm almost certain outside of sitcoms.

    So like any Law and Order show, Hawaii Five-0, any cop show, hell the majority of USA shows have blood on them.

  122. Seriously, doesn't any other company besides Mattel make action figures?

    Who made those Breaking Bad figures that they're selling at Toys R Us that parents are currently freaking out over?

  123. You tease Stranger. I demand Benoit videos and the accompanying pearl clutching! How else will I know which murdering wrestlers I'm morally superior to?

  124. Coffee made Roman Reigns a main eventer!

  125. but are they PG or TV-14? I'm honestly curious, but I do know for a fact some PG movies (not even PG-13) show blood. I simply don't buy that sponsors will go running into the hills at this point if two guys blade on a ppv 3 times a year. Much like the tie choking incident, I think it is some kind of personal issue for either Bonnie Hammer (even though she's not over the top of ppv/network or SyFy) or for the goons at Mattel (who rumor says were the ones who freaked out over Bryan choking out Roberts with a tie because somebody's sister or something had been choked to death). Remember when Vince had a huge set of grapefruits? Sadly they have shriveled up to nothingness

  126. atheist apartment
    Lucife's lounge

  127. I think the biggest thing that a HiaC match can do for this rivalry , seeing as how we are still have a year away from the only appropriate time to blow off the biggest feud of the year, is to give it a highlight spot and based on the (somewhat obligatory) appearance of Foley and his remarks, it would seem that is what this match will really be about. Those 2-3 huge spots that can be replayed from now till the next time you have a feud as fit for the setting and star as hot as Ambrose. Now the chance they let someone take a potentially career altering bump is most likely off the table, but the burden falls entirely on Ambrose and Rollins to tease the audience with the possibility of legitimate danger while still delivering a match that highlights the "insanity" of the Rollins and Ambrose angle. I am fascinated by this match because it really is kind of a make or break moment for the feud, the lofty expectations that these two smark favorites will be capable of delivering rather than disappointing, when in reality there isn't much these two could really do to match much less upstage the expectations. IMHO The best thing WWE could do is play off the juxtaposition of their co main-events, by keeping Cena/Orton relatively tame( or possibly overbooking it to diminish the impact of the in ring action) and letting Ambrose and Rollins really tear it up and give us a match that will truly signal the dawn of whatever era we seem to be entering.

  128. All of them.

  129. not to mention stunt men would also be landing on a crash pad

  130. That spot would be retarded in a WWE videogame, much less in real life.

  131. Nothing can return Cell matches to what they once were. Just having a PPV of all cell matches shows WWE doesn't get it.

    I just want a clean finish and Ambrose to move on. They have to be careful with him, he's losing steam with the Cena crap.

  132. How is that creative? It's the same goddamn thing as the Big Show/Lesnar ring break superplex, which was re-done recently with Big Show and Mark Henry

  133. Crime dramas and medical dramas (the only two types of TV shows that do blood, really) are TV-14 across the board.

  134. Mezco, a company that a quick perusal of their site seems to specialize in collectibles and probably has no interest in branching out into several mass-produced lines of cheap action figures for kids.

  135. Probably not, actually.

    Plus, beer hardly needs the advertising. Beer is beer. It's always there and people who want it know where to get it. There are new toys all the time that need advertising and toys are a hugely profitable market. Beer is liver poison (and delicious and I love it, but let's be real).

  136. Cena got his hands on Orton in a cell already. It happened in 2009. Orton won, then Cena beat him in an iron man match 2 weeks later. They also had a TLC match this past December unifying the titles...point being they've faced off in every situation imaginable---nothing to see there.

  137. "Yeah, finally getting to see Cena and Orton face off is a dream matchup. It's up there with Hogan-Flair in the late 80s"

    I understand the comparison. Cena and Orton have wrestled dozens of times in the last 7 years (including in HITC), whereas in the late 80's Hogan and Flair had not yet faced off or interacted at all.

  138. Cole says "You've gotta be kidding me" about everything

  139. I hope! I would like to see Ambrose pin Rollins clean. Then have them face off at TLC in a TLC match for the MITB briefcase, with Rollins winning there.

  140. I was being sarcastic. Thought that was obvious

  141. Pretty much every known law of physics and human anatomy would like a word with you.

  142. I still can't believe Raven survived that table spot against the pitbulls

  143. That sounds incredibly dangerous. To do a spot like that, you have to take the Curb Stomp well, because otherwise it just looks shitty, but the way Ambrose would have to take that, he'd be at serious risk of landing on his neck, and that's if Rollins doesn't fall on his head from that height.


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