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Story of the Yes! Movement

Until Southern States Wrestling gets some new matches to air (hopefully from the Thanksgiving Extravaganza held last Wednesday), here's a different kind of rerun that I found while checking out the new YouTube section as I while away the last few hours of my free month on The Network:

While it suffers from the usual WWE spin (some other guy was actually the first to call Daniel Bryan a Goat Face...guess he wasn't anybody important), this 163 second video highlights the tremendous entertainment potential of the top-notch WWE production crew that is constantly wasted by a senile chairman who's only agenda is to entertain himself.

If only Beau James had these kind of resources at his disposal...


  1. Extant1979 - Mr. Cable AccessNovember 28, 2014 at 4:31 PM

    So, what is your deal with Southern States, Zana? You own stock in it or something?

  2. I gotta say, even though it wasn't the original plan, once the company decided to change the 'Mania plans to include Bryan, they really knocked it out of the park. I thought pretty much every segment involving Bryan and/or the Authority and/or Evolution during 'Mania season was great. It's just a shame Creative can't do that well during the other 80% of the year.

  3. You and all these Blog of Doomers don't deserve an explanation.

  4. If Beau James had those kind of resources, we'd either be in a Second Civil War or a Third World War. Why? BECAUSE HE'S A FUCKING NINCOMPOOP!

    ... nah. The nincompoop part has nothing to do with it. Not directly, at least.

  5. They left out the part where they tried to make it a Big Show thing, but it didn't quite work. God imagine if that worked.

  6. Not to be that guy, but I loved how I pretty much called how Wrestlemania was going to go down, and everyone called me crazy because no one believed Triple H would actually let himself be a stepping stone to a bigger match.

    (the only part I got wrong was how the match with Triple H would get made)

  7. Show did get the crowd doing the YES chants on all the RAWs around that time though (although the crowd shat on him on PPV), and I'm pretty sure he was always intended to be an unimportant feud for Orton in between bigger feuds like the feud with Bryan and the feud with Cena.

  8. "........................."

  9. Oh, joy. You're back.

  10. Charismatic eNegro Jef VinsonNovember 28, 2014 at 6:36 PM

    I like how accurate they were with HBK's hairline.

  11. The Wyatt family thing was a bad detour. The abeyance stuff with the title was awful, too. But yeah, some of it worked really well.

  12. I'm talking about 'Mania season. The Wyatt/abeyance stuff took place before that.

  13. I think Jesus wouldve corrected someone nicer than that. You should apologise. It's small things like that, that goes unnoticed.

  14. Where have I heard that before?

  15. I gave up trying to live up to Jesus' standards a long time ago.

  16. Stone Cold's explanation for aligning with Vince McMahon.

  17. I was thinking Seth Rollins on Smackdown when the board got all mad. Oh well, either/or.

  18. Big Show's promo the night after he helped Johnny Ace beat John Cena. Because WWE.


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