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5 Writing Changes To Save Wrestling

Nothing we haven't all bitched about here before, of course.  


  1. The Ghost Of Meekin's MoobsDecember 4, 2014 at 7:34 AM

    That's Caliber's next article sorted then

  2. He just sort through and elaborate on much of BoD opinion?

  3. I'm waiting for,"Top 10 reasons we think our readers can only understand things if they're in a numbered list.

  4. #6: Stop writing shitty movies that lose your company 35.8 million fucking dollars

  5. Nothing can save wrestling at this point. Vince is senile as seen from the Austin interview and when he dies, the company will be run by his idiot daughter and doofus son-in-law.

  6. I just came for the Caliber Winfield jokes

  7. That promo script in the article is one of the most pathetic pieces of writing I've ever read. They pay people real US currency for that shit?

  8. I think it's cute the way they gave a star rating after every line.

  9. "Hi five, bro! That's a real zinger there!"

  10. Gawd clickbait writing is so out of hand it is ridiculous. Cracked isn't as bad as shit like Buzzfeed... but it is still irritating.

  11. :: Caliber Joke ::

  12. They're really using Bray Wyatt's promos as an example of how great an unscripted promo can be? These are indeed dark times.

  13. Things I hate:

    1. Irony
    2. Lists

    ;) or so

  14. You mean you DON'T enjoy a bunch of voodoo gibberish?

  15. And people wonder where that loss is going to be made up from. Definitely not from firing Brodus.

  16. There's a fair amount of folks online who think Bray's promos are [i]awesome[/i]. I'm baffled. Maybe like a year+ ago, but now, especially this Ambrose feud? No.

  17. Bray Wyatt seems to only have one purpose. To save people. It gets old quick. Bray may have his character patted down but his promos are all about his delivery. He can talk about flowers and ponies and I bet you everyone will call it a great promo because of how he said it. Still, he talks a whole lot of nothing.

  18. Who actually appeared in one of their movies, No One Lives. Which surprisingly didn't make that list. I guess it only lost a million dollars.

  19. Had he had more success in his feuds, people wouldn't be so critical of them. It's a lot of hot air because Cena ended up clean as a sheet and he jobbed to Jericho.

  20. I don't mind lists if they keep it to one or two pages, but each item doesn't need its own page. That shit is annoying.

  21. If you write for them, they give you a kit.

    In it they explained that they tried traditional articles, but whenever they had a "list" article, the readership increased exponentially. And unlike WWE, they opted to just give the fans what they wanted.

  22. You've written for them? Link?

  23. At first I didn't get why people were cracking Caliber jokes.

    Then I remembered. And my unintended "cracking" pun became intended.

    For those who have forgotten:

  24. That list is all kinds of awful (besides the clickbait). Just terrible.

  25. Nah I like that wins/losses don't matter to Wyatt, it kinda fits his character. You're right that it's just hot air though because nothing actually ever happens in his feuds. He just says he's going to show people the light or dark or whatever and then doesn't actually do anything except wrestle them. Not his fault, of course

  26. I miss those times, like Hulk Hogan as World Heavyweight Champion of the World.

  27. Well Hogan will be world champion again at some point in 2015, so you can relive those days very soon

  28. He's either your cup of tea or he's not, but he's a shining example (or was) of how a promo doesn't need to make total (or partial) sense if it's delivered with conviction by a guy you can feel believes what he's saying.

  29. The daughter who willingly distanced herself from any role of true consequence in the company and the son-in-law who created and maintains the company's strongest weekly show/brand, you mean?

  30. I think HHH might surprise you once he's fully in charge. Hope so anyway

  31. The problem with "Bray doesn't care about wins and losses" is that he has to care about SOMETHING instead. It seemed like he did, too, with the whole "embrace the hate" thing. If he doesn't care about wins and losses because he cares about changing his opponents and showing them the monster inside, that's fine.

    As long as that happens.

    That doesn't happen.

    A wrestler who doesn't care about wins or losses, wrestles, loses and then keeps wrestling is worse than a jobber. At least you get the impression a jobber WANTS to win.

    That's why the only real support Bray has left are people who pop for the entrance/image and/or hope they can get him back on track.

    To someone who wasn't invested in the dude and pulling for him from the start, now he's just a schlubby directionless goober in white pants with a dorky glove and a tiny tank top.

  32. I love near the end of the article, they have a title of "Death of WCW II" that's a link to TNA.

  33. Particularly because I would hope that guys who are as familiar with each other as HHH and Jericho could improv a segment effortlessly.

  34. They pay people to write 2 Broke Girls, The Millers and 2 and a Half Men so yes.

  35. Yep, agreed. It's a shame because he's a character they can do so many awesome things with

  36. Looking at buckdiddy and Dougie team and cry plagiarism at this entire was pretty funny.

  37. I like his promos just fine. I enjoy the language, the way he tells them. You'll never hear him say "I don't own an explanation to you people!", which is the one line that makes me want to piss all over the screen every time I hear it...and I fucking ALWAYS HEAR IT from these asshole writers.

  38. As stated, nothing revolutionary to us, but a really well written, thought out, and pretty fucking funny article. FIVE...STARS. One that definitely reaffirms my decision to just watch for certain segments and then peruse the Network for PPVs & the occasional good bio piece. There's just no excuse, unless you're 6 years old or a drooling invalid, to watch even 2 hours of RAW at this point every week.

  39. Well said. I'm in the minority that liked the Cena feud and matches, even though Bray lost. The story made sense with Bray only caring about converting Cena, and even though Bray failed, it worked. It hurts that the writers have tried similar reasoning with heels against Cena multiple times since then, but whatever...

    Everything after that is where Bray fails. He's just some fat weirdo that's never done anything, while being a heel with a unique cool entrance that sung a nursery rhyme. The writers suck.


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