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Adrian Neville Update

There is talk within the company that Adrian Neville will be promoted to the main roster soon and with a new gimmick.

Credit Mike Johnson, Article on Injuries Suffered at the TLCS PPV

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  1. Habit. A lot of us are wrestling zombies. There's that thing buried somewhere deep in our brains that say "ooh--wrestling" and we watch. But even that eventual burns out and a lot of us wander away for weeks, months, years...

  2. "with a new gimmick."

    Uh, what was wrong with "dude who's pretty damn good in the ring?"


    Sorry, sir.

    VKM: Damn millennial.

  3. Odds Dean Ambrose is left out of the Royal Rumble match so as not to distract from the Golden Samoan?

  4. How would he distract? He's being reduced to a comedy act. They have plenty of time before Rumble to really hammer home to the fans that AMBROSE is a joke.

  5. We ARE right at the time of year where a Christmas elf is appropriate.

  6. They should sell, "DEAN IS A DUMMY" t-shirts. Really hammer it home to everyone.

  7. MikeyMike, JuggernautDecember 15, 2014 at 8:08 AM


  8. I'll predict Neville's new gimmick will be Sin Cara.

  9. Dude would be the most buff elf ever.

    VKM: I like his meaty elf thighs.

    You're creeping me out with that, sir.

  10. What does that even mean?

  11. So what happened last night with the braziliankid and the WEW site?

  12. Did they abduct him? Oh no, whatever will we do without the Kid.

  13. I saw the WEW trolls come in. Had no idea it was due to Braziliankid. Never know with that guy. He's a wildcard.

  14. If an abduction storyline lasted 4 months would you be ok with the ending being that the abductors let the abductee go and then they both went on with their lives as if nothing happened?

  15. New Gimmick for Adrian Neville huh?

    Kevin Dunn - How can we make fun of his big ears?
    Michael Hayes - That new Hobbit movie just came out
    Vince McMahon - The What movie?
    Stephanie - Another homerun PS! Book It.
    HHH - Sobs

  16. WWE is billing John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble as their "final battle."

    If history follows the "final" Cena vs. Orton match at Bragging Right 2009 and the "Once in a Lifetime" match against the Rock at WrestleMania 28, we'll see at least four other Cena vs. Lesnar matches.

  17. WEW actually has a fanbase? The fuck?

  18. Like Elizabeth Smart?

  19. HHH is sobbing all the way to the bank. Like he gives a shit.

  20. I think TNA did that with Samoa Joe

  21. You're an easy man to please.

  22. It could have just been one fat kid. Hard to tell online.

  23. Is this a hopeful question? Danimal, do you have someone? :( I think they're gonna want to prosecute if you let them go, I'm afraid. You may have to just... take care of it.

  24. That I am. Just make my trainwrecks entertaining, thanks.

    I think I was the only one cheering for Kane-Ryback lady night.

  25. I clicked over toi the injury article. How do these fuckers decide when and when not to kayfabe?

  26. Yeah, like I'm watching RAW after that horseshit last night...I'm gonna go play Quizzo at the bar instead.

  27. Just wanted to stop by and say that HOLY SHIT, Dean Ambrose is the worst. Just go away at this point dude.

  28. It means WWE week on Smackdown baby.

    Try and keep up.

  29. MikeyMike, JuggernautDecember 15, 2014 at 8:19 AM

    Dean's fine. It's how they're presenting him that sucks

  30. Dean's current act makes Roman look like The freakin' Rock in comparison.

  31. Can't tell if trolling, or serious. Either way, I vehemently disagree. He's just being booked really stupid.

  32. Sure, but the end result is the most embarrassing act in pro wrestling.

  33. Do you feel the same way about Johnny Manziel?

  34. Wonder if that was the magical website that Vince Jordan always referenced?

  35. I was wrong! Adrian Neville is actually the one who's going to become Zap Shocker, the evil electrician set to begin a feud with Ambrose.

  36. Sure, agreed he's booked bad. But the end result is an embarrassment, and if he's gonna be presented this way then he should get reactions to match. Everything about him (his fault or not, though I'd argue he's not exactly rising above anything) is God awful right now.

  37. I decided to skip TLC last night. Was it really the POS that Scott's review made it sound like?

  38. They are making him out to be a buffoon. It is embarrassing.

  39. A few good matches and a lot of bad booking/creative decisions.

  40. It's finally Rumble season!!!

  41. The only thing bad about the match last night was the finish. If Dean had won during any of the 6 fucking points he could and should have, I would have called it a **** brawl. But, opinions are assholes.

  42. Thanks. An exploding TV, eh?

  43. Zap Shocker isn't "real" enough. He'll be Zap Worthington.

  44. I'm sorry. Clearly, I'm special needs.

  45. Sigh...........................yeah.

  46. I like to think of it as WWE's furniture finally standing up for itself instead of waiting to be smashed.

  47. ... but it's now 2 months later, and Ambrose hasn't gotten a satisfying win over Wyatt either. Unless you consider him breaking Wyatt's chair as revenge. He got himself DQed last month for using a chair, and now he lost because a TV blew up in his face. Wyatt comes off even worse in getting two wins that he didn't even earn as he was beaten pretty soundly both times. WWE is trying to protect both these guys with the booking but its having the opposite effect, and highlights why you don't pair two protected guys together.

    I wouldn't be surprised if that's it for these two, and tonight they put Ambrose back with Rollins, while maybe pairing Bray with someone he can go over to build him up for that rumored Undertaker match at WrestleMania. Rowan perhaps.

  48. Sounds terrible. Think I'll skip Smackdown this week.

  49. Maybe he really is a buffoon backstage and they are making it his gimmick.

    Kind of like how Daniel Bryan wasn't a big hugger so they made him one on TV.

  50. Yeah, how do you book one of your hottest babyfaces to lose to a ghost and a TV in the same year?

  51. Can I just say this about Bray and Ambrose - I love both of them and clearly last night they are willing to do crazy shit to get that bullshit brass ring or whatever. But for a company that says over and over they are telling stories - can someone tell why the fuck Bray and Ambrose are even feuding? What is their issue? Why do I care that they are doing this to each other?

    If I'm an NXT guy, I do everything I can NOT to get called up.

  52. For the uninitiated, what was Adrian Neville's gimmick before?

  53. I think they get paid more when on WWE TV rather than NXT.

  54. Adrian Neville can come up as a Hobbit in search of the One Brass Ring.

  55. Whoever runs ticketmaster should be shot in the face

  56. "can someone tell why the fuck Bray and Ambrose are even feuding? What is their issue?"

    Something about a ghost and Bray really sucking at converting people to his way of thinking. In other words, nobody fucking knows.

  57. High-flying soccer hooligan.

  58. He was "wrestler", so that obviously won't work.

  59. "There is talk within the company that Adrian Neville will be promoted to the main roster soon and with a new gimmick that Vince will quickly tire of like he did with Fandango, Bo Dallas, and Adam Rose."


  60. Extant1979 - Mr. Cable AccessDecember 15, 2014 at 8:32 AM

    Absolutely agree.

  61. Always a plus. Get away from the swamp folk.

  62. I have yet to see a Ryback match that I've felt was very good.

  63. "From the people that brought you "Friday The 13th Part IV: The Final Chapter"

  64. Extant1979 - Mr. Cable AccessDecember 15, 2014 at 8:33 AM

    I've been to two of the Raws at Barclays, and I've skipped the house shows. If they do another PPV there anytime soon, I'm in as long as I can afford the cheap seats.

  65. I miss 90s No Doubt so much.

  66. I saw them open for u2 and they kicked ass.

  67. Extant1979 - Mr. Cable AccessDecember 15, 2014 at 8:35 AM

    They should make him a LOTR-style elf, since he already looks like one. And he can flip around the way Orlando Bloom did in the LOTR battles. It's a perfect fit!

  68. MikeyMike, JuggernautDecember 15, 2014 at 8:35 AM

    Just gotta Bolieve

  69. I never really got them. I figured they were a chick band.

  70. I mentioned a month ago that WWE had something going with Ambrose. He was making subtle jabs at people, illustrating himself as an ahead of the curve babyface who was winking at the smart fans. One of his famous quotes was, "I think I saw that security team with Adam Rose" or something like that. And his subtle lines were getting over as hell.

    So what does WWE do? They turn him into not only a babyface who falls for cliched tactics, but also into one of the dumbest babyfaces ever.

  71. No no. Elf. He's got the ears.

    Seriously though, they are going to kill him with some stupid gimmick.

  72. It's all starting to come together now.

  73. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieDecember 15, 2014 at 8:36 AM

    That's what we get in Australia on free TV, still a struggle to get through.

  74. Extant1979 - Mr. Cable AccessDecember 15, 2014 at 8:36 AM

    The Kid is leading an invasion gimmick onto the BoD?

  75. THIS week? More like EVERY week.

  76. Ambrose as an edgy badass face was so easy. It was right there.

  77. Extant1979 - Mr. Cable AccessDecember 15, 2014 at 8:36 AM

    They either flip a coin or toss a dart.

  78. Aw, that's too bad. I'll miss seeing Neville wrestle.

  79. I'm pretty sure Dean will be one of the last four in the Rumble.

  80. I'm not too far off from feeling as you do. It's like... I get nervous when he comes out, because I ask myself "dear god what dumb thing are they going to have him do/do to him tonight?" They've drained his Cool Meter all the way to zero for me.

  81. First to enter. First eliminated. Fuck you fans.

  82. One of the elements that 1996-1997 had that was the real kickoff for the attitude era was the fact that there were several guys all going for the belt, and any of them could have held it. (Hart, Austin, HBK, Undertaker, Sid) They were all feuding with each other simultaneously, but with the belt in mind. WWE should adopt this approach, with guys like Rollins, Ambrose, Ziggler, Cena, etc all announcing title intentions and making the belt the focus, while putting all those guys on an equal level.

  83. They might as well go full Sting at this point and have friends turn on him every 2 months. He can't really look any dumber than he already does.

  84. Unrelated question: If the Lions win next week and so do the Packers, and the Packers beat the Lions, does anyone know what the next tie breaker is? They'll be equal in head to head wins and equal in divisional wins? Is it strength of schedule, victory or something else?

  85. Straight answer: he's a wrestler. NXT has a lot of guys who don't really have a gimmick.

  86. Who's everbody got as their last 4 in the Rumble?

    I got Reigns, Rollins, Orton and Big Show for some reason. With Dean as #1 entrant.

  87. Brock LEsnar vs a Table for Rumble

  88. HEY! Don't besmirch the series. 1-4 and 6-7 were great, 8 was funny and acceptable. Nothing else happened after that as far as I try to remember...

  89. I'd agree with that. You could maybe sub Show for Kane. I'd say Reigns and Rollins last two.

  90. I think it's conference wins.

  91. Oh, I forgot to mention. That will be tied as well.

  92. That fucking idiot in Part 6. Jason is dead. He's in a
    grave. Just leave it the fuck alone. But nooooooo.

  93. It reminded me of the Cell match against Rollins. I pegged both around ***. There's something about Ambrose in these gimmick matches that I still can't really put my finger on but they just don't click for me. Bad finishes of course, but before those there's just something missing to me. But I get some people being more into them. I think we all pretty much agree the finishes have been the shits.

  94. This was my fear when they first paired Ambrose & Wyatt. Neither guy was in a position where they could afford to suffer a decisive loss, but both were in a position where the NEEDED a decisive win. I know this is a stupid question...but how could the writers not see that?

  95. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieDecember 15, 2014 at 8:46 AM


  96. idea. Yeah, it might be strength of schedule. Total wins/losses of teams they've played.

  97. Kane-Big Show-Rollins-Cena

  98. I'd love seeing Rollins outsmart Ryback to dump him.

  99. I agree with Reigns and Orton, and then maybe Ryback and one of Ziggler or Harper.

  100. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieDecember 15, 2014 at 8:49 AM

    Cena would wrestle Brock and make the final four of the Rumble in the same show :/

  101. Goddamn Tommy Jarvis, he just COULDN'T let it go.

  102. He's a dancer!
    He's a party animal!
    He's inspirational!

    These really aren't much better than:

    He's a garbage man!
    He's a clown!
    He's a Mantaur!

  103. If Ambrose is in the Rumble, look for him to be tossed out by Michael Cole's headset.

    Final Four: Reigns, Big Show, Orton, Michael Cole's headset.

  104. Cena, Rollins, BIG BEEFY ROMAN REIGNS and Kofi so there's a face.

  105. Supposedly Vince didn't "get" Bo Dallas' gimmick and that's why he got cut off at the knees. Why Vince feels like HE needs to "get" a thing or no one else can, I have no idea.

    If I'm an NXTer, I don't WANT to go to Raw while Vince is around unless Triple H personally protects me.

  106. "Ermagahd! You gotta stop Jason! I tried to kill him but I fucked up!" Overact away, buddy!

  107. Vince is the common man! He said do on the podcast.

  108. Just to make Reigns look like Superman, it'll be him, Rollins, Kane, and Big Show. How on earth will our hero overcome the odds?

  109. Cena wins the belt from Brock, wins the Rumble, and the main event of Mania is a 25 minute Cena promo

  110. Why is WWE is trying to be TNA all of a sudden ?

  111. Somebody gettin' sued!

  112. Vintage headphones!

  113. Go to ESPN's playoff machine and play the remaining 2 weeks out. It'll take care of the tiebreaker automatically, I believe.

  114. "You have to kill him! I did once, but I brought him back and I guess I can't do it again!"

  115. Why do I have a bad feeling it's gonna be A New Day for Adrian Neville?

  116. The kid has a real chance of pulling off the upset.

  117. He'll be the first entrant, trip over the mat, flip over the top rope and be eliminated before #2 even comes in.

  118. So they train Neville up develope his character and fan recognition, bring him to the main roster and make him start all over again with a new gimmick? Sounds good.

  119. You forgot the banana peel and hornswaggle spraying him with party foam as he falls out.

  120. Extant1979 - Mr. Cable AccessDecember 15, 2014 at 8:55 AM

    Reigns, Ziggler, Rollins and your choice of the heel du jour: Rusev, Wyatt, Kane, Show, etc.

    I think they'll have a fresh final four, so they'll make a big deal of "We're guaranteed a first time winner"

  121. haha what an ass that guy was

  122. Has Vince Jordan defended the show anywhere yet?

  123. Wow, I'm dumb. Packers would win the division, because they'd then have the better record.

  124. Reigns, Ziggler, Rollins and Ambrose

  125. He's still on self imposed hiatus.

  126. I wonder if gravity will remember Neville if he comes up to Raw.

  127. I think Dean's biggest problem might be that maybe he doesn't have an advocate backstage who wants to make him a star. Steve Austin was spinning his wheels before Bret wanted to work with him and Chris Jericho was an IC level guy when The Rock wanted to put him over for the WCW championship.

    Rollins and Reigns seem to have management on their side but Dean doesn't have that guy (I'm assuming). Sure, he's main-evented a couple of PPVs this year but he's also looked like the biggest imbecile at the end of them.

  128. Who cares? Stop putting him over by mentioning him.

  129. Umm, he's one of Triple H's guys.

  130. I was certain he'd be back for the PPV.

  131. Well, as Ambrose pointed out on the Jericho podcast, a lot of times WWE is written for an audience of one. If Vince doesn't get it, he doesn't want it on the show.

  132. He just knows how angry and miserable we will be and he doesn't need that in his life.

  133. Don't you DARE talk about Mantaur like that!

  134. That FELLA is doing pretty well for himself.

  135. I think someone said he was in the nightly thread.

  136. You mean two time WWE champ Sheamus, fella.

  137. I forgot cage match. Stafford and Rodgers do battle to the death. Winner gets to be killed by the Seahawks. Congratulations!

  138. Reigns, Rusev, The Bunny, Brie Bella

  139. Like that means anything right now.

  140. Where is VJ to give last nights PPV a BJ.

  141. Got a guy who might be the second coming of a young Piper and he gets turned into Santino.
    Maybe they have contests backstage to see how stupid they can get before a guy can't get it over. Dean passed the condiments and slime challenges, but failed the exploding TV set one. Hayes might be getting a new ponytail holder with his winnings....

  142. Sheamus is one of the few guys who almost never seems to lose.

  143. Well, they really tried hard to get Sheamus over as a top babyface. The crowd just didn't respond to it at all. Ambrose would shine with Sheamus' opportunities.

  144. Cool. I need a new helmet for Christmas. Get on it.

  145. Big Show can't walk up a single flight of stairs, but at TLC, he conquered his biggest demon by winning a stairs match! He's a true inspiration to us all.

  146. But he's not over with the crowd. He gets Randy Savage chants.

  147. MikeyMike, JuggernautDecember 15, 2014 at 8:59 AM

    Have I been missing something or was Brie's "Blood's Thicker than Water" line her first explanation for why she joined her sister on the dark side.

  148. not indicative I know, but he was the second most over guy at the house show I went to last month. Cena #1, obv. Markiest mark crowd that ever marked.

  149. Ambrose always loses, but he never loses clean. I'd say he's one of their more intentionally protected guys. They make him look like a moron but they're tfying to protect him.

  150. His next storyline should be Ambrose getting a lawyer and suing the company who manufacture the TV

  151. What's being over have to do with having a backstage advocate?

  152. He's just a common man
    Working hard with his hands
    Hey he's Amehhhhhhhhrican Dream!

  153. He hasn't won a PPV match since June, a singles PPV match since he was a heel in 2013. If they're trying to protect him, they're doing a terrible job.

  154. I think Dean's biggest problem is that he needs a warranty just like the devices that are obviously trying to kill him.

  155. I was actually interested in seeing what sort of ridiculous rationalizations he could possibly come up with. He annoys me too but I felt like last's night show was a true test for him.

  156. Sting at least finished his feuds and didn't get distracted and forget about his previous blood enemy overnight.

  157. Just let Neville wrestle and to hell with gimmick modifications. A good wrestler can still get over despite what Vince says. I wanted to rip my hair outta my head when Vince told Austin that Ceasaro wasn't connecting. He was connecting fine till they stuck him with Heyman in an attempt to "develop his character."

  158. But you're in the UK and Sheamus is more or less a hometown boy (I know he's Irish and that's different from British but proximity is close enough).

  159. I really wish you guys would stop mentioning him. This is EXACTLY what he wants. It's all he ever wants. And you guys continue to give it to him hook, line and sinker.

  160. It's ALWAYS a clusterfuck when he loses. He always jobs but he never jobs clean. They are trying to protect him.

  161. MikeyMike, JuggernautDecember 15, 2014 at 9:02 AM

    You can tell Austin wanted to call bullshit. Austin was at WrestleMania!

  162. I'm just saying that if Dean had a well-known guy to work with to bring him to main-event level, it would help.

    I still think he gets to the main event as a heel because WWE wants their babyfaces to be a certain way.

  163. Is amniotic fluid thicker than blood? If so, she can turn on Nikki again because of the whole "died in the womb" thing.

  164. True. I hate his guts. He can never be forgiven for bullying Sandow like he did last year.

  165. Watching WWE and being a Redskins fan produce shockingly similar reactions in me.

  166. Like I said, he looks like a dope. But they ARE trying.

  167. Vince was the only one who didn't notice the pop Cesaro got at WrestleMania.

    He thought they were cheering for Big Show's weight loss plan being a success since someone was able to throw him over the top rope.

  168. After his explosive performance last night, word is that Vince is going to sign newcomer Sam Sung to a long term deal. Some suggest that this is the beginning of an angle that could culminate with Sung going over Ambrose at Wrestlemania. Nothing is set in stone, and plans can change before then.

    Credit BoD Newz

  169. Neville is coming in as Doink the Clown, because Dummy Dean needs a goofy partner.

  170. JBL sneezes, Ambrose is distracted and tossed.

  171. Yep. When he slammed Show out of that battle royal, I thought a star was born. I mean really, under Vince's current logic, Bret Hart and Ricky Steamboat, two of the most over babyfaces ever, would be midcard jobbers today because they lack "character".

  172. I don't see how losing a HIAC match because Wyatt hit a whatever he calls that move (it's not even a finisher) and then losing because a TV exploded on him is being "protected".

  173. Vince McMahon after TLC, "Now that's how you do a fucking PPV. Eat it, NXT."

  174. He never defended the US title. He never wins matches. He looks like a complete moron at every turn. Yeah, they are trying to do something to him alright. It isn't protect. It's keep from getting too over.

  175. I'd kill to see their booking meetings.

    Guys, i got it. Dean goes to hit Bray Wyatt with a monitor but it blows up in his face and Bray pins him!

    Uh but guys hit each other with the monitors all the time and nothing happens!

    Oh, well just make it a flat screen monitor that he randomly finds under the ring.

    People are paid money to come up with this shit.

  176. MikeyMike, JuggernautDecember 15, 2014 at 9:09 AM

    Scott mentioned that this was the worst PPV of 2014. I don't think that I would agree. I thought Battleground was worse.

  177. "Everyting is awesome!!!"

    -Vince Jordan

  178. If that's them trying, it's really fucking terrible.

  179. I enjoyed Battleground, but I was in a very good place with the product at that point.

  180. You're assuming competence by the writing staff. A dangerous mistake. They are trying to protect him, they just suck at it.

  181. Dean loses a hardcore match by getting hit in the face with a pie.

  182. He's being pushed but protected?

    Roman is being protected, notice the difference.

  183. The story Luke Gallows told about Vince giving him the festus gimmick pretty much seals my opinion that McMahon is pretty much at Russo level when it comes to story/booking ideas without the proper team round him.

  184. The only holdup in the signing was shipping the contract. Word is that Vince sent it over to Japan (where Shane and the Asians are, according to Vince) instead of South Korea.

    Credit BoD Newz

  185. I think they should protect Rusev and have him win a singles match and not enter the Rumble. Him getting tossed does him no favors.

  186. "Yep Mode" Abeyance Brown ©December 15, 2014 at 9:11 AM

    I hope someone from WWE takes a real good look at last nights threads, because we literally gave them 6 months of material to work with.

  187. Seen him mentioned twice. Dude's like Beetlejuice.

  188. They will blow through it during backstage skits in one episode of Raw.


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