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Hey Scott,

You mentioned not too long ago that it might be better at this point to have Brock Lesnar drop the World title to Cena and have Cena drop it to Reigns, but I was wondering: what does the WWE do with Rusev then? Common logic was that Cena beats Rusev at Wrestlemania, so does WWE push the win back a month to one of their lame PPV's, or give the win to someone who could use the win to give themselves a kickstart/elevation/whatever? The whole "This is Your Life, Ryback" thing WWE did on Raw tonight kind of implies Ryback would be a good (or at least likely) choice, and if Daniel Bryan comes back as a surprise Royal Rumble entrant he could probably use the win to get heat back onto him since the World Title would be occupied for a while.

I think, if my Google Translate is accurate on WWE bullshit politics to English, that the Ryback push is a fuck you to CM Punk rather than any serious attempt to make him, since Punk buried Ryback in the podcast.  But that's just a theory...A GAME THEORY.
​Pretty sure we're still getting Cena/Rusev.  If the Bryan thing works out, they can do Brock/Bryan and Rollins/Reigns.  The Cena deal is just too easy and obvious not to go with.  ​


  1. Completely off topic but im watching Raw and Tyson Kidd needs to lose the headphones. It looks like natalia is married to a damn 12 year old.

  2. I actually haven't looked at the Ryback push as Punk-related until Scott mentioned it was such. It makes total sense and is hilarious, if there's any truth to it.

  3. I read that yesterday. Very cool article and I really liked how they pumped up the Okada-Tanahashi feud. I'm not a big Japan wrestling guy (not because of the wrestling style but more because I don't exactly know who the players are) but I think it's cool that there's a place in the world that's doing some engaging stuff.

  4. edge/cena at mania has already been signed

  5. Actually im quite surprised. With Ryback, ,Ziggler, Rollins, and Rusev they're slowly starting to give these guys some credibility. No doubt it was probably completely accidental. But still, there is hope.

  6. If Punk was really thinking, he would have buried Cesaro in his podcast.

  7. It was kinda sad seeing edge get the hacksaw jim duggan/ seargent slaughter old guy treatment.

  8. Except for the old wrinkled man boobs he's sportin'.

  9. It's like they're fucking up the big things Vince is paying attention to and getting right everything he thinks is an afterthought. I'm shocked.

  10. Yeah, there is no way they're serious about Ryback.

  11. No way! It adds to the douchiness of his smug character!

  12. I have to say that I actually enjoyed Ryback getting a chance to get out there and tell his story. Is he Jake Roberts on the mic? No. But anything to find some depth to these guys, give us something about them is a good thing. I saw this somewhere is, it kind of reminded me of when JR would sit down with Foley and Goldust. I thought showing the flashbacks and then the giant scar on his leg was a nice touch.

    At this point, I just want storylines I can sink my teeth into. Right now the only guy trying to be something is Rollins ... he's three dimensional. Everyone else is just so boring. Maybe Wyatt, but I'm not sure he's recovered from the Cena burial yet.

  13. it's only sad because it means we're getting old

  14. Sexy Flexy Biff KensingtonDecember 30, 2014 at 6:37 AM

    I've said it before and I'll say it again; the WWE should partner with NJPW and air a show on the Network. The two styles are different, and anything that could get new subscribers would be a good thing.

  15. Whatever they do with Rusev at 31, they need to ditch the Russian gimmick afterwards. Otherwise, he is just Umaga 2.0. It's not the worst fate in the world for him but I think he can do better.

  16. I dont even think it's even plugged into anything. But yeah I get it. I just imagined other classic douchey heels like 98 rock wearing them. He's gonna have to lose them eventually if his desires are to be a main eventer.

  17. Though I just thought that sean michaels wore leather chaps, so what the fuck do I know?

  18. So if they have Rusev defeat Ryback at Royal Rumble and Cena at Wrestlemania who could legitimately beat him yet still be at the US title level?

  19. I doubt Vince and HHH have any aspirations to push Tyson Kidd to the main event.

  20. You know, I didn't think Punk could be any more of an unlikeable shithead. But here we are.

  21. Hell yeah! I haven't read the article yet, but good for NJPW. Their brand of wrestling is definitely for the wrestling fan. The matches have a lot of drama since there's no Cena and instead a handful of about 4 or 5 guys that rarely lose, but they do lose. The style itself is largely based on reversals, so when you learn what a guy's moves are, you really buy into the match when they start trading their big moves. And the Bullet Club is just ridiculously awesome for Americans since we get to experience what Canadians did with the Hart Family.

    Okada/ Tanahashi is one of the best fueds in wrestling history. They're both at the absolute top of their games and the outcome is always in doubt.

  22. Rule suggestion just for fun: If a heel team is only losing by a couple votes but would make a better match in the next round, have heel/manager shenanigans put them over anyway.

  23. Well, that's enough for me to buy the PPV. but poor JJ..... he doesn't get a mention past the first paragraph. So much for his fed getting some exposure from this.

  24. Extant1979 - Mr. Cable AccessDecember 30, 2014 at 9:51 AM

    Jay, the guy who wouldn't do an interview for the show.

  25. No offense, but what's the point of running such a lop-sided poll/tournament? Out of 100+ choices, there are only, like, ten viable ones.

    Hart Foundation

    Maybe "The Outsiders" for cool factor? "Rock & Sock" for the parties involved? Booker & Goldust for on-screen chemistry? Other than joke votes, nobody's gonna vote for The Basham Brothers to win this thing.

    Sometimes less is more, narrowing the field down to the top ten or twenty would promote more votes and better discussion.

  26. Related to my post below, what about some discussion for the WORST tag-teams of all time? Not just in terms of talent or longevity, but also the "slapped together" teams we often get, or Super Teams consisting of feuding top-level stars.

    Rikishi & Rico
    Cena & Otunga
    Booker & Test
    Bradshaw & Taka Michinoku
    Idol Stevens & KC James
    Rock & Taker

    Just a few ideas to start.

  27. I also dug "Red State", and was expecting some sort of Cronenberg-ian body horror epic from Smith, the way he was hyping the "walrusification" of the lead. Instead, we got half-baked moose-shit.

  28. Well so far his fed is basically a logo and a bunch of autographed 8x10s of Karen Jarrett

  29. That was Miz&Cena!

  30. All the 10 fans in Us will be happy

  31. I'm wondering if this IS his fed. Show some NJPW POVs,some CMLL or AAA PPVS,maybe even something like BOLA. He wouldn't have the cost or hassle of actually putting on shows,just being a middle man. He could have a PPV every month,it just wouldnt be the same roster every month.

  32. It's good to see you back. We had a bit of a threadjack one day wondering what happened to you. We were saying good things about PWG, ROH, and NJPW and you weren't saying anything, so we were wondering if you were ok.


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