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Sporting News: CM Punk signs with the UFC

Figured I should get this one up pretty quick before the internet blows up again.  


  1. If UFC fans didn't like Brock because he was a 'sports entertainer', they are going to boo Punk out of the building. This basically gives Dana a license to print money for at least one PPV.

  2. Straight Dead Society.

  3. Shows what a joke UFC is. He's a glorified gymnast!

  4. This is just tremendous. This is a complete embarrassment to Vince, Triple H, and the entire WWE. I hope Punk does well, and I haven't exactly been a card carrying member of his fan club.

  5. Could be huge if they get Punk to teach these guys promo skills.

  6. I can see Triple H laughing his head off at this, calling up his buddy Kev and making jokes about how Punk thinks he's a tough guy. The irony that he's mocking the toughness of someone while on the phone with Kevin Nash would be lost on him, of course, but that's the H's for ya!

  7. Punk wouldn't even be able to beat Bart Gunn.

  8. I generally detest UFC/MMA but I'll probably watch a Punk fight. Very surprising news. Good for him if it's what he wants to do but I don't really see how he'd beat anyone of any worth with his late start.

  9. Great, Vince will never try to push anyone ever again. THEY ALL GO TO UFC EXCEPT CENA!

  10. Even in the era where they purposely book people to not become crossover stars Punk breaks that wall down.

  11. Roman Reigns may not be getting that push after alll......

  12. I've read a lot of MMA purists on cm punk joining the ufc and they are bitching about it nonstop. I wish these fucking idiots would realize it's about a huge buyrate for a ppv and bringing in new fans.

  13. Wow. This will either be amazing, a disaster, or an amazing disaster. I'll be watching for sure though.

    RIP Farva

  14. How soon will he quit because he isn't allowed to headline PPVs and the does a podcast ripping apart Dana White?

  15. I don't get the complaints. Either he goes in and gets his ass kicked and proves these so-called "purists" right or he goes in and wins and, as long as his opponent isn't some useless hobo, he has earned respect.

  16. CM Punk didn't draw huge buyrates in WWE so I'm not sure why UFC would expect him to draw buys for them.

    His internet geek wrestling fans will probably illegally stream it anyway

  17. I don't know anything about UFC. Is Punk/Lesnar even a remote possibility for this?

  18. Difference: Kevin Nash has never given a fuck about how tough he looks/is, just as long as he gets paid

  19. I can't decide whose tears are tastier right now, MMA fans or wrestling fans.

  20. Lesnar didnt draw huge buyrate for wwe either

  21. Lesnar didn't draw jack shit and went on to become the biggest draw in MMA history.

  22. No, they'd be in completely different weight classes. It could have happened in early UFC though.

  23. We will see


  25. Imagine poor Triple H. Some 1-0 or 2-1 no-name is a more desirable opponent than you, and he didn't even have to politick for the spot.

  26. Because all the MMA fans would pay to see the fake pro rassler get his ass kicked by a real fighter.

  27. Who's the current champion in Punk's weight class right now?

  28. Ah, that's what I figured. Thought maybe it would be a decent gimmick bout if they were somewhat evenly matched skill-wise.

  29. I'm sure Dana would like to change the rules around to get that match.

  30. Brock Lesnar would murder him in 10 seconds

  31. I wish PRIDE was still around and Punk was 10 years younger.

  32. Im a huge cm punk mark but I really dont think this is gonna work out for him at all. Am I the only one who thinks he doesn't stand a chance?

  33. Yes. No one else has said they don't think Punk would do well in MMA

  34. Determined or not, I'm sure Vince and HHH are pretty pissed right now.

  35. Comparing Lesnar, a legit amateur wrestling champion and genetic super freak, to Punk, who has no background as a legit athlete, is laughable.

    Maybe he'll get buys from hardcore UFC guys who want to see him get his ass kicked, but in no way is Punk in Lesnars league

  36. Lesnar's PPVs did well.

  37. So... You don't like CM Punk, huh?

  38. To me, this seems like Punk fulfilling something on his bucket list and flipping the middle finger to Vince and HHH.

  39. Yea. There was an increase in buys when Lesnar fought

  40. I didn't even consider it until this guy brought it up. I haven't seen anyone mention it anywhere.

  41. Is Punk going to bitch backstage if someone breaks his ribs?

  42. Yeah, it was those millions of amateur wrestling fans buying those UFC PPVs and not wWE fans.

  43. When he came back, shows with him did a noticeable uptick

  44. I haven't seen a joke like that made at all. This thread is brimming with originality and non biased opinions. Really fun stuff.

  45. I'll go n record with th prediction: he has exciting fights, gets a title shot, goes 3-2 and retires and draws very well.

  46. At least Brock had a solid foundation of being a nearly Olympic level amateur wrestler and entered MMA at 29. Punk won't have his first fight until he's 37 and has no actual competitive athletic background.

    Nice knowing ya, Punk

  47. No chance Punk ever gets a title shot and I don't think that something he's even interested in.

  48. I thought the "Nice knowing ya, Punk" was a tad overly dramatic and pretentious, but I enjoyed the majority of this comment.

  49. Love him as a wrestler. Laugh at the idea of him being a UFC murder victim.

  50. What is he interested in?

  51. Thanks for your approval?

  52. Lesnar would tear his arms off and beat him to death with them.

  53. Still overly dramatic and pretentious.

    Hogan for champion, brother. UFC CHAMPION, BROTHER!

  54. Hey, you earned it.

  55. Whatever happens here, I actually hope that it works out.

  56. The question is, won't Dana be throwing money away if he doesn't hype Punk's debut as some sort of main event? In other words, if Punk is stuck way down the card it seems like it would be a waste of everybody's time.

  57. It's not about getting wrestling fans to pay to see the wrrstler, it's about getting fans of "real" sports to pay to see the "fake" guy get his ass kicked.

    I mean, 2002-2004 Brock was nowhere near as popular as 2011-2014 Punk, but Brock still went on to become UFC's top draw. He may not have been a big star in wrestling, but UFC fans were lining up to see him get beat by a "real" fighter.

    Granted, Punk is no Viking Space Lord, he'll probably be used as more of a side-show attraction to pad the undercard, but just knowing that he was a decently popular pro-wrestler should be enough for UFC fans to open their wallets and root for blood. I'm sure that the novelty will wear off quickly, and I doubt that he'll have any real success, but they can definitely use him to draw some buys.

  58. Finally, a fight I'll happily pay to see

  59. Competing and sticking it to the WWE and not necessarily in that order.

  60. Competing? Not being the best? Not being champion? Please.

  61. I agree, and whatever happens, somebody is going to be making money.

  62. 2004 Brock was much more popular than 2014 Punk. More people watched wrestling then

  63. This whole thread is full of dick lickers.

  64. ??? Don't get your gimmick, brother

  65. You're thinking of it wrestling terms. MMA is a whole different beast.

  66. If the matches are entertaining. That's all that matters to most fans.

  67. You want a license to print money? Let Punk cut some heel promos while wearing a "Best In The World" shirt. UFC will be salivating to see him get his ass kicked.

  68. If he wins his first couple of fights and draws well, you're insane if you don't think he is getting a title shot.

  69. I don't think so. Why would Dana bring in Punk besides for his name value? That's not a bad thing, but, if that is the case, why wouldn't he be put front and center on the hype machine?

  70. He's NEVER fought professionally before and he's gonna be 37 next year. He just wants to compete, get paid and stick it to Vince/HHH.

    He's a confident dude but he knows enough about the sport to know FOR A FACT that he'd get seriously hurt if he gets in the ring with a title contender, let alone a UFC champion.

  71. He will. But hype and promotion isn't dictated by placement on the card like pro wrestling is.

  72. Probably not enough time for Punk's first fight to be the Saturday night before Mania, right? Would be hilarious to see that show fuck up Mania's buyrate.

  73. You're insane if you think he doesn't get smashed the second he steps up in competition. He won't get thrown into a UFC title fight without fighting a top contender first.

  74. Exposure and popularity aren't the same thing -otherwise, Bill Demott is more popular than Punk, just because more people saw the show that he was on.

    Punk moved a LOT more merch, even with the smaller audience.

  75. Depends how long he's seriously been training.

  76. Basically if Punk could win that first fight (aka they find him the right tomato can), then this will be a pretty big success no matter what happens after that. Wrestling fans will be psyched, UFC fans will be frothing at the mouth wanting Punk dead, and the second fight will be way bigger than the first. So yeah, a win in that first fight would be huge.

  77. If he fights at Middleweight - Chris Weidman.

  78. Funny thing is that back in the Hogan era, he didnt go on last when headlining house shows...

  79. Yeah April seems way early. Either way I bet his first UFC show gets more buys than Romania 31.

  80. Triple H will be in the corner of Punk's opponent....

  81. I called this a dumb rumor earlier today. Nice to see it elevated to a dumb story.

  82. More people in the world knew who Brock was when he entered UFC than people would know Punk right now. Selling a bunch of TV shirts is great but it doesnt mean folks outside of wrestling know who or what the hell a CM Punk is....

  83. You make a really good point. Have a great evening.

  84. I'd say that's a lock. People keep comparing him negatively to Lesnar and while Brock is more of an attraction, Punk has a much more dedicated and rabid fanbase.

    He won't outdraw Lesnar because Brock competed at the highest level of the sport, but he's gonna be a huge draw.

  85. Never, on account of the fact it's not Dana's fault if he doesn't win his way to the main event--it is his.

    What a bullshit false equivalency

  86. Then be fined for the athletic commission rules he's probably violating.

  87. Yup, and throw in how this looks to be the weakest Mania in god knows how long, I think it's a given.

  88. Punk would get absolutely destroyed fighting a champion.

    But Wideman is an easy opponent to market against Punk

  89. Probably not, what with wrestling being pretend and an expectation to protect your opponent existing that isn't there in MMA

  90. +1 for Bubsy reference

  91. Romaina
    that is fucking brilliant

  92. Ok, I know there were stories going around for a while now, but I didn't actually think it would, you know, HAPPEN. *This* I gotta see.

  93. Who are you to doubt Bart Gunn?

  94. I dunno, Sonnen got a title shot immediately upon moving to LHW due to his mouth and nothing else. I wouldn't put it past Dana.

  95. Exactly. I'll bet that Punk can get a UFC crowd more pissed than the MMA crowd from the movie Bruno's Straight Dave's Man Slamming Maxout.

  96. The following blog post has been paid for by The NEW New World Order.

  97. Could something like this light a fire under WWE to make the product better?

  98. Chael had over 40 MMA fights under his belt, Punk doesn't.

  99. His weigh-in promos should be glorious.

  100. Christ if he manages to win that first fight and then cuts a full on "I'm better than you" heel post fight promo--- that second fight would be a monster.

  101. Only if Punk challenges HHH to a match in the Octagon.

  102. Definitely. They'd have to assign him security.

  103. Nah, they'll make some snarky remarks and continue to put on a massively shitty show.

  104. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANDecember 6, 2014 at 11:06 PM

    Unless you want to see him die. The fake Lesnar match was probably an underrated contributor to the end of Punk's career. The real one would be the contributor to the end of his life.

  105. He needs to walk a fine line though because if he goes too "pro wrestling" with his interviews it could turn people off to him.

  106. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANDecember 6, 2014 at 11:08 PM

    Not true. Lesnar was out of the picture for awhile beforehand.

  107. Point being, Chael got a completely undeserved title shot simply because he could shoot his mouth off. He had 0 LHW fights and lost his most recent fight at WW. If there's any kinda opening, Dana's taking it.

  108. Virgil's Gimmick TableDecember 6, 2014 at 11:10 PM

    But he might DIE in there!

  109. Eh, that should be his marketing strategy. He WANTS UFC fans to hate him. It's exactly what Lesnar did there at his peak. ( including cutting some very pro wrestling style promos.)

  110. Punk and Lenar fights on the same UFC card at some point?

  111. No, the trick with Punk is to have the fans like Punk first THEN have him go heel.

    Punk doing the humble guy routine first, win a couple of matches, THEN have him go heel on everyone's ass.

    UFC purist might hate Punk, but unlike Brock, Punk can be likeable if not downright charming when he wants to be. Which makes the hammer fall all the more bitterly when he goes bad guy on everyone......

  112. No; expect Vince/HHH to have their minions slag Punk by claiming how he ran out after a huge losing streak, to cowardville (IE UFC).

  113. "Yep Mode" Abeyance Brown ©December 6, 2014 at 11:20 PM

    If they don't have them fight each other, that's money being left on the table.

  114. Wonder if that drifter that just lost a boxing match to Mickey Rourke is available.

  115. They aren't anywhere near the same weight class so that isn't a possibility. Lesnar fights at 265 and Punk's talking about fighting at Middleweight or Welterweight so he's looking at 170-185.


  117. I'm sure he's being paid pretty well for this. Colt should have a disgruntled MMA fighter on his podcast.

  118. Anybody that expects Punk not to get his ass handed to him right off the bat probably also thought that James Toney and Kimbo Slice were going to dominate the UFC a few years ago (and keep in mind that Toney and Kimbo were both better strikers and certainly less injury prone than Punk).

    Whoever his opponent's going to be, the strategy should be obvious: Go after the legs. There'ss no way he'll be able to get out of a heel hook without re-injuring one of his knees.

  119. And did you know they have WOMEN fighting in there now?

  120. Alright, out of all former WWE champions, besides Lesnar, who do you think would have done well in MMA? I'm going to go with Backlund and Angle. Which former WWE champion would I have wanted to see compete in MMA? The Ultimate Warrior. "LOAD THE OCTOGON WITH THE FUEL! LOAD IT WITH THE WARRIORS!"

  121. Yes, but if anyone goes for his legs he'll just put them in the go-to-sleep.

  122. It would've been really interesting if Angle had chosen to go into MMA rather than pro wrestling. He certainly had the work ethic necessary to move from amateur wrestling into MMA, and had the UFC been a bigger deal in the late 90's, I suspect he would've made the jump.

    Del Rio had a number of MMA fights in low-level promotions plus a few fights in Pride where he got destroyed (albeit against big names). Backlund and the Iron Sheik (former Olympic wrestler for Iran) are the only other two guys besides Del Rio, Lesnar and Angle that could've realistically done something in MMA.

  123. I feel like if Shelton Benjamin trained for MMA, he'd have done very well. Both the Steiners too. Maybe even Swagger.

  124. It's not exactly easy to pull that off when the opponent isn't cooperating.

  125. Angle in UFC around 1998 and he could have run roughshod. He had more wrestling ability than Coleman and had much better conditioning. He could have been a great.

  126. This is a clear sign Punk is never going back to wrestling, because if he loses his first fight and get humiliated like we expect then WWE has absolutely no reason to resign him. He'll be completely worthless as a draw and any aura he had about himself as a performer will be gone. The guy is either getting a shit ton of money out of this or he's lost his fucking mind by taking a short-term payout instead of looking at the money he could make over the long haul by milking merchandise and one last run with WWE in another two years.

  127. Well, at least he'll fulfill his life long dream of being able to put sponsors on his gear. I'll definitely be watching

  128. I can't wait for the UFC purists (I can't believe that's a thing) to lose their minds over this. Then the die hard wrestling fans will be talking about what a legit tough guy Punk is and how he'll be great. The truth, of course is somewhere in the middle. He probably has some skill, but he's too old to make a real go of this. Let's all see this for what it is, another pay day for Dana White.

  129. Violent Gentleman walk out shirts... can't wait.

  130. Nope.

    "The UFC officially announced one of the MMA industry’s worst-kept secrets – a six-year partnership with Reebok to be the exclusive apparel provider for the UFC, thus eliminating fight-night sponsorships, walkout T-shirts, sponsor banners, the whole deal."

  131. That's what I'm wondering. Punk made a statement saying his wrestling is over and this is his new career. I find that slightly ridiculous. I mean what serious chance does he have at going to the top in UFC? And if you're not there to try and be a champion then what's the point? I will be incredibly surprised if Punk never goes back to wrestling.

  132. It was pretty clear that he didn't agree with the business model.

    In a way, that's a step beyond Hogan & Hart. Hogan was only away for a decade because he found a new game in town and eventually got it to #1... not because he hated the business. Hart was away for a decade because he hated Vince... not because he ever hated the business.

    CM Punk hates the business.

  133. Those were the dark ages of MMA though, banned everywhere and the UFC was on life support.

    If Kurt came around 5 years later then he'd never have been a pro wrestler i think.

  134. True. But, there are no turnbuckles to do the Macho Man elbow drop off of, so his options are limited.

  135. The Condom Depot has been waiting for this very moment.

  136. So did The Ultimate Warrior, but he came back.

  137. Warrior didn't hate the business as much as he felt Vince was fucking him over.

  138. Ribbed For Her Pleasure


  140. Have to go to bed, kiddies. Goodnight,

  141. You left out Danny Hodge. He would have kicked everyone's ass and won every title in every weight class and he would have done it without even breaking a sweat.

  142. CM Punk wore a suit for the interview. That's one more time than he ever wore one for WWE.

  143. The Undertaker forced him to.

  144. Dana White has been one of the most brilliant business men of the past 10 years.

  145. Chance of going to the top? Slim.
    Chance of making money? Good.

  146. Shhh.....don't say that around Vince and HHH

  147. Apparently he didn't get that the UFC doesn't have a dress code. Hell, the owner of the company dresses like a change vendor at an arcade, I'm pretty sure Punk can wear whatever he wants in that atmosphere.

  148. Iron Sheik was a badass.

  149. That's true I guess, I guess I meant he was more in it for the money then actually being a wrestling fan.

  150. I wonder how the reaction would be if A.J. Lee walked out with Punk?

  151. Oh sure, I agree with the money part, but if he keeps losing he'll have diminishing returns on that front. Dana is going to have to feed him chumps all the time like Mick did for Rocky in Rocky III.

  152. Love that Undertaker tried to make Punk abide by the dress code in 2009, a full two years after they had gotten rid of the code the first time: "Vince, Punk is not following a non-existent code. I think we need to punish him."

  153. Punk should have walked out in jean shorts for the interview.

  154. Question: Who does Vince send in to interrupt Punk's first post-match interview to try and set up an angle, like he did with the Undertaker and Lesnar?

  155. I love how in the first Cabana interview, Punk brushed off WWE's insistence for a no-compete clause specifically targeting the UFC as if there was no chance of it happening.

    Punk is one sly dog. Good luck to him.

  156. "I consider John McCain the guy who started the UFC. If
    it wasn't for McCain I wouldn't be here right now. What people don't
    understand about mixed martial arts and the UFC is, what [McCain] was
    saying to the old owners is that you cannot put on fights in states that
    aren't sanctioned. It's illegal. You can't do it. You have to be
    sanctioned by an athletic commission, which we agreed with him on 100
    percent. John McCain wasn't saying this thing shouldn't happen, or it
    shouldn't be running. He was saying, if 'You're going to do it, it has
    to be sanctioned by an athletic commission.' We agree."-Dana White

    McCain invents UFC, Gore invents internet. How has this match not been booked at a mania yet?

  157. There would have been no outrage for that in UFC because everyone dresses like that for interviews. The reaction would be along the lines of "Eh, jean shorts. Whatever." whereas if wore that in the current WWE, Vince would be outraged one week and then he would make Roman Reigns wear the exact same clothes one week later.

  158. Two fights tops. That's all the money he makes. Why? Because once he gets his face smashed in the second time, no one will care.

  159. Actually on second thought, maybe Punk shouldn't get involved in this... he might be killed!

  160. Hell, bring AJ in too, she can take on Rousey. Of course, they'd either have to make Rousey crazy or a slut.

  161. HHH, naturally. The hilarity.

  162. He might still use "Cult Of Personality" for his music but I think "Heterosexual Man" by The Odds would be a far more fitting song for him at this point.

  163. So that happened.

    I can't wait to hear and read all the whining from MMA fans like they did with Brock.

  164. That just shows how happy he is to be there. A slap in the face to WWE.

  165. Yep, even though Brock brought them greater mainstream publicity.

  166. HH doesn't want to possibly die, he would nevee step into the Octogon, even to kick Punk's skinny/fat ass.

  167. I think the better Punk's mood is, the better it reflects in his wardrobe. He dressed like a bum when he was WWE Champion.

  168. It'll be worse, because at least Brock had a legitimate amateur wrestling background. Punk getting in the ring will produce heat like when Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan would step in the ring for a match.

  169. "Goddammit pal, you can't step into the Octogon, they'll murderize ya! Just give me a hug and forget it!"

  170. I just bet my cousin $20 Punk wins his first fight. Gonna make that paper!

  171. This is actually a work between Dana and Vince.....They are running a WWE invasion angle against UFC. All hell will break loose when Cena hits Dana will Silly String at the next UFC Press conference.

    (Runs out of the room and hides)

  172. Yep and HBK's gonna come out of retirement any day now. Right.

  173. You got it all right, except instead of Cena with silly string, it'll be Ambrose with ketchup and mustard bottles. And a hologram.

  174. Dave Meltzer on Punk signing with UFC*:

    "Wow... so he's really going for it. I mean--so okay, if he fights as a light heavyweight, that'll be... boy I don't know about that. Because at 185... but then that means... you know? I think--boy oh boy, that's really hard because... and it's not like everyone hasn't said, but if he and Dana had this idea... but okay, at the end of the day it's his--and I think the point of it... but on the other hand... wow, that's gonna take... at 37 you've gotta think--and believe me, those guys know this... well, it is what it is. I guess we'll see."

    (* not really.)

  175. CM Punk in the UFC is admittedly more out of place than Billy Zane in a Hillside Stranglers movie.

  176. Pretty soon there will be no internet left to break

  177. "Breaking the internet" has become the new "EPIC FAIL". I cannot wait for people to get tired of that phrase and move onto the next nonsensical phrase.

  178. Ahh, Bubsy. The poor man's 16 bit mascot.

  179. So AJ was in Vegas tonight too, posing with her hubby in front of the UFC logo.

    Burial incoming...

  180. Hopefully MMA fans that were upset about Brock realize how starved the UFC has become for stars. I'm a huge fan of both sports so I'm good to go.

  181. LOL.

    "Given Punk's age (36) and noted health problems, the chances of him becoming a top-level fighter seem slim, but given that this will put the screws to McMahon, more power to him."

    Why is him putting the screws to McMahon such a big deal? Did a business owner molest your dog at some point? =)

  182. That sounded close enough for me to take it as a gospel quote

  183. Punk will be more protected in UFC than he was in WWE.

    I suspect the first 2-3 fights will be setups. Punk might get like 5 fights before he probably retires and then goes back to WWE or whatever else is on his bucket list.

  184. That business owner had to be Dave Schrer. That poor dog.

  185. Even tune-up fights with tomato cans don't always go as planned.
    Just ask Kimbo Slice, Chuck Liddell and Mike Tyson.

  186. Out of curiosity what for? Did he slip out of a no-compete?

  187. Actually, if anything I think it would make HHH feel better. It would be one thing if Punk had told HHH off, *stayed* and given Vince a list of opponents he would be better off working with, ideas, etc. etc. that showed he still "loved the business". At this point I would think he probably has just written off Punk as always hating the business, like an "I told you so".

  188. Did I wake up in a universe where Brock didn't get an almost immediate title shot after fighting a few cans and also LOSING a fight?

  189. Who was the Chuck Liddell tomato can?

  190. Funny you ask: an actual tomato can. I lost $10,000 on that fight.

  191. Keith Jardine.

  192. I view the presumption that a 37 year old man with no fighting training is going to get destroyed in his first fight is less "overly dramatic and pretentious" and more "probably in the bounds of reasonable deductive logic".


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