Place to be Nation presents a fantastic feature than recaps all of the major angles in the world of wrestling that took place in the 90's as well as links to matches and interviews. It is an excellent feature and look back at the decade that should be able to drum up some discussion. Some of the highlights include:
Mankind winning the WWF Title on RAW (link to the match included)
The debut of Shotgun Saturday Night (link to the entire show included)
Plus links to a fantastic AJPW Women's Tag Match, Dustin Rhodes vs. Arn Anderson from WCW Saturday Night and more.
Click on the link below and give this a read.
Mankind winning the WWF Title on RAW (link to the match included)
The debut of Shotgun Saturday Night (link to the entire show included)
Plus links to a fantastic AJPW Women's Tag Match, Dustin Rhodes vs. Arn Anderson from WCW Saturday Night and more.
Click on the link below and give this a read.
AJPW's Women's wrestling in the mid 90's was fucking awesome.
ReplyDeleteAnd I loved the Shotgun Saturday Night Concept.
Also, Mankind winning the title was such a great moment and Vince's facial expression at the end was priceless.
AJPW rocked with their HW, NJPW had a better Jr division.
ReplyDeleteJust about everything listed is more interesting than 2015 so far.
ReplyDeleteI was at the Foley/Rock match... unforgettable moment. My fave live show ever.
ReplyDeleteMust be awesome to remember.
ReplyDeleteSuper J Cup in 94 and 95 are awesome. See those now if you have not already.
ReplyDeleteThat must have been incredible to see live.
ReplyDeleteI still get crazy goosebumps when I watch it. Place was just insane.
ReplyDeleteBenoit was superb in 94 and should've won in 95, the motherfucker was a walking 5 star match.
ReplyDeleteVince's face at the end was priceless.
ReplyDeleteAnd Schiavone giving away the results on Nitro was memorable for the wrong reasons.
ReplyDeleteI remember getting USWA on cable as a kid. Always watched that and GWF.
ReplyDeleteI like the AJPW main eventers and overall style better than NJPW, but New Japan had better variety. The juniors of course, but NJPW could give you a shootstyle match, a high-flying juniors contest, and a crazy hate-filled brawl all on one show, plus they brought in guys from other promotions more. All-Japan tended to be more formulaic up and down the card, though a magnificent formula it was.
ReplyDeleteMisawa, Kobashi, and Kawada were fucking incredible too.
ReplyDeleteDisco was awesome back then; Disqo not so much.
ReplyDeleteI liked Disco too. Guys like him brought some fun to the WCW mid-card. But the Chartbuster? Gimme a break.
ReplyDeleteI always assumed watched ROH. She was doing the Angel's Wings too at one point.
ReplyDeleteWow. I could totally see Rollins being sleazy enough to pull that off.
ReplyDeleteI recall hearing she actually caught heat backstage for using the Styles Clash, so I doubt it.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping to see Cena doing a stunner a WM 28.
ReplyDeleteEveryone just wants to rip off the Bucks, man!
ReplyDeleteI think the ship has sailed on Austin returning for one more match when he turned 50.
ReplyDeleteHe will procure that thing on anyone, Maggle!
ReplyDeleteIf indeed WWE is butthurt about Rey "not taking care of himself," they have no one to blame but themselves. I'm sure Rey wasn't the one begging to come back prematurely from all of those surgeries.
ReplyDeleteKalisto is clearly in line to be the "new Rey". Hell he should be in that spot now.
ReplyDeleteI liked his previous finisher better. The one he allegedly learned from his uncle but could never remember. Every time he went for the finish he would screw it up or get confused and the opponent would roll him up. He even brought a blueprint to the ring one time to finally execute it properly. It was a fun WCWSN comedy angle there for a while.
ReplyDeleteThe Stunner and the Rock Bottom I can see being recycled eventually. The Pedigree, however, along with any knee-related offense will be retired out of respect for the greatest WWE superstar/champion/hero/legend/GOD to ever grace the ring.
ReplyDeleteRight. I'm sure it was Rey's idea to rush back from surgery before he was ready.
ReplyDeleteThe Diamond Cutter was still very much in public memory and linked specifically to DDP when Orton started using it. Orton's character was different enough from DDP's though to use the move without people automatically thinking of Page. I think that's key if anyone starts using the Stunner.
ReplyDeleteThe joke is that Dean Ambrose has been reduced to a bumbling idiot clown. Get it?
ReplyDeleteHow many Rey masks are being sold though at this point? Lesnar shows up more than Mysterio these days. Do the kids in the audience today even remember Rey?
ReplyDeleteHe might've. As heartless as it sounds...if you don't work, then you don't eat.
ReplyDeletePunk explains in his shoot, he they ask the guys to come out after the surgery. Not everyone is a iron man like cena.
ReplyDeleteI sometimes think he'll forever be remembered as the last entrant in the 2014 Royal Rumble...if for nothing else...that unforgettable reaction by the fans when they realized Daniel Bryan would not be in the Rumble.
ReplyDeleteB+ players
ReplyDeleteDidnt Santino use a Stunner-variant for a while? That's one of his finishers in WWE '13 at least.
ReplyDeleteGiven that Rey is still being paid his (I imagine sizeable) downside guarantee, plus merch royalties... I'm sure the fridge is well stocked at the Mysterio household.
ReplyDeleteRey's time as a real top-level draw has come and gone. Despite his small stature, he's too old - and accomplished - to be taken seriously as an underdog.
ReplyDeleteAt the same time, he's lost so many matches in his career that staying around to put other guys over lacks any real impact. See also: Jericho, Chris.
In fairness, Rey does deserve a better sendoff than being booed out of Pittsburgh, but the guy is done. Let him go. If he wants to go finish up in AAA, or join Chavo in Lucha Underground, it's petty to hold the guy against his will. WWE's desperation to keep Mysterio under lock and key is either a sign of extreme cattiness or an indication that WWE is in bigger trouble/feeling threatened by competition than we all realize.
ReplyDeleteHe should be used as a mentor and have a final feud with Kallisto to pass the small maked luchlibre guy torch to him.
ReplyDeleteAnyone remember Dusty Rhodes learning the Weaver Lock from Johnny Weaver in his war with Tully Blanchard (or Flair or Horsemen in general)? It was a nice way to tip the cap to a local legend and show Dusty needing to add more to take them down. I wholeheartedly back Austin "training" an up and comer to use the Stunner. the comedy alone with Austin saying you need to down some Steveweisers would be worth. Shit you could even have him go Jake on the guy and back a heel to take him down at some point if Austin can't wrestle again.
ReplyDeleteThe Wellness policy has been quietly phased out. No one is getting busted anymore. I think Ricardo Rodriguez was the last guy to get popped and that was like 2 years ago.
ReplyDeleteHe used it fmost of his career, but more as a comeback move than a finisher
ReplyDeleteYou know they should give Reins the Rock Bottom already, they want him to be Rocky as it is, it would only help him out.
ReplyDeleteWasn't Truth doing it too?
ReplyDeleteEugene used it (Yes I know, that was part of his gimmick)
ReplyDeleteReigns can't lift anybody. He's the weakest "powerhouse" in the business. He can barely get guys up for the Samoan Drop, meanwhile Rollins can powerbomb guys twice his own size.
ReplyDeleteMedium Middle Child "eh, he's alright" - Roman Reigns
ReplyDeleteJudging by his expanding gut, the fridge might not stay stocked for long...
ReplyDeleteDisco Inferno's Chart Buster > Austin's Stunner.... Church!
ReplyDeleteYeah adopting the stunner isn't going to solve the issue of his shitty booking. And yes its different when the move you're adopting was taken from the biggest wrestling star in history.
ReplyDeleteYou can't spell "Vindictive" without using V-I-N-C-E.
ReplyDeleteKnowing Ambrose, he'd probably fuck the move up every time and end up Stunning himself.
ReplyDeleteIt would have to be introduced in a manner similar to the debut of Bryan's running knee...two guys beating the shit out of each other with everything in their arsenal...until one of them busts out the Stunner to get the pin. Then he would earn the right to "own" the move.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, he's good now. But in that timeframe you were talking about (returning from injuries, etc.), I don't believe that he had such a secure deal. Maybe I'm wrong about that.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Disco, he was saying how little he liked NJPW last night when Alex Greenfield was trying to praise it
ReplyDeleteSelf Stunner, Sister Abigail, yadda yadda.
ReplyDeleteHe hit Henry with the Samoan Drop pretty easily during one of the Shield tag matches, and the match he just had with Rollins featured him doing the Rampage deadlift powerbomb.
ReplyDeleteI like this idea, and I feel like it could be used in contexts outside of Steve Austin and the Stunner.
ReplyDeleteExactly. I'm glad that you are one of the great minds who can conceive and appreciate this most hilarious of jokes.
ReplyDeleteIt's rather complex, high brow comedy. Not for the masses.
ReplyDelete"Listen up son, first ya drink a beer, then ya kick that sumabitch square in the nuts, then ya grab his head and flop down on yer ass. Lemme show ya..."
"...jackass..." #DRINK#
The ballsy Vince of the 90s would have introduced a ZM Drunk character by now.
ReplyDeleteI originally read that as "Stunnering him (or both guys) or himself". Now I like the idea of Austin clearing the ring with Stunners, and where there's no one else to hit with it, Austin just shrugs his shoulders and gives himself the Stunner.
ReplyDeleteOr the heel uses it to piss people off. And if they don't let anyone kick out of it, I think it'd get the heel more heat. Finally, when the time is right, they could have a face kick out and make it a big deal.
ReplyDeleteHmm. I've always thought that having a heel do it *to* Austin would be the only way to get it over. But yeah, a babyface just pulling that out with no fanfare, just out of nowhere...I could get down with that.
ReplyDeleteEugene was the last one to do that, was he not?
ReplyDeleteThe best, I want this stuff on the network.
ReplyDeleteI hated her so much for doing this. And not in a "heel heat" way...just that this stupid, skinny bitch thinks she can just steal a move from someone because Taker is putting his dick in her every night. I fucking LOATHED McCool. And her stealing moves was only the tip of the iceberg...this 98 pound, anorexic looking bitch doing power moves like she's fucking Diesel made NO SENSE whatsoever. But she did it anyway, and she got away with it, because she was Taker's ring rat.
ReplyDeleteShe was Taker's fucktoy. Who was going to give her heat for stealing some indy guy's finisher? Not saying she shouldn't have gotten her (lack of) ass chewed, but still...who's high enough up, and would give enough of a shit, to do that?
ReplyDeleteCorrection: they want him to be Rocky Maivia...or maybe Smilin' Diesel. A Samoan Cena, as it were. Reigns could never be as cool as the Rock was in his prime.
ReplyDeleteDon't remember him doing it. Must investigate further.
ReplyDeleteYeah, but they seem to be ashamed of that character now.
ReplyDeleteI loved Disco almost all the way thru his run. I thought he was the perfect type of guy to contend for the tv title.
ReplyDeleteMaybe give it to Big Show...
ReplyDeleteWait.. Raw has a gimmick match between Dean Ambrose vs Bray Wyatt?? Finally a fresh matchup to kick off 2015!!!
ReplyDeleteCp munk > zm drunk
ReplyDeleteWow, you've got some issues man
ReplyDeleteWhich is why Vince would do ZM Drunk.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we can get Rey's protege vs. The new stunner guy at wrestlemania!
ReplyDeleteHe actually did do a really good Stunner, but I thought it was called the Last Dance?
ReplyDeleteBig Show doing Nigel McGuinness' Tower of London would actually be pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteHe deserves a send-off, at least.
ReplyDeleteHe could always just buy CP Munk from Chikara, they probably wouldn't charge that much.
ReplyDeleteIf I'm remembering correctly, Truth did that awesome variant where he throws the guy backwards from a dragon sleeper, THEN sits out into a Stunner. In the video games I think it was the "Osaka Street Cutter."
ReplyDeleteShit, have Ambrose and Reigns feud with Rock & Austin as their mentors so they could both use their big moves. Rock and Austin wouldn't even have to wrestle, and for some reason I can see Reigns doing well as Hollywood Rock 2.0 if they didn't want a face vs. face feud.
ReplyDeleteHow did the miz getting the figure four from flair work out?
ReplyDeleteGo with the bearhug, it worked for Bruno for so many years.
ReplyDeleteWell plaid, sir.
ReplyDeleteSin Cara has the field of vision of a blind aardvark.
ReplyDeleteI'd pay to see that just for the visual.
ReplyDeleteHe did a show for the local indie fed when I was in high school, and I had him autograph a caricature I'd drawn of him (as I do for most every wrestler I get a signature from, so I can have a unique piece of memorabilia in addition to saving money on 8x10's), and the dude seemed SHOCKED that anyone would have done fan art of him.
ReplyDeleteWasn't he wearing the mask in that "Free Mysterio" video that he did for that AAA show a while back?
ReplyDeleteYou'd have to tie in Ambrose and Bischoff being related somehow.
ReplyDeleteIt IS possible to give yourself the Stunner, provided you're flexible enough to kick yourself in the stomach and wrap your arm all the way around your head.
ReplyDeleteI'd blame the failure of the Miz using the Figure 4 more on Miz being a face (or, just Miz being Miz - and I even sorta LIKE the Miz) than it being a bad idea for a veteran to pass down a move.
ReplyDeleteHe did the Stunner but dropped into a split, making it "funny"
ReplyDeleteI could see Kevin Owens adopting the Stunner.
ReplyDeleteNo you wouldn't. This company doesn't give two flying funnels of frog shit about continuity.
ReplyDeleteI thought they blurred it but I could be wrong
ReplyDeleteI've been watching Rey since his early-90s AAA days, and it will never cease to boggle my mind that he has managed to pull off an over 20 year career with that insane style of his.
ReplyDeleteI already know how his HOF induction speech will end: "I wish Eddie was here."
Wow...almost 2 months...
ReplyDeleteTongue-in-cheek as this is, Reigns busting a Destroyer out of nowhere would draw a monster reaction.
ReplyDeleteRollins freakish strength aside, Reigns may not be a Cesaro or Cena, but he's not exactly all-show like Ryback or Mason Ryan.
ReplyDeleteThe Samoan Drop is mostly the guy bumping pushing off of the dude delivering it, and the the other part is technique, which Reigns isn't super hot on.
TKO into a Stunner?
ReplyDeleteHe was using the F-Cinq for a while after all, a TKO ain't that different.
He's a low-rent Foley, not a low-rent Austin.
ReplyDeleteThat'd be so fucking nuts.
ReplyDeleteI'm still waiting for the Cena moonsault.