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BOD Saturday Afternoon Thread


  1. Buddy came over, we're gonna sit in the garage and watch Animal House on VH1 (while he plays hockey on the Xbox he brought with him haha)

    This day will set a new bar for laziness.

  2. The party is just starting here, but we've been going hard all day over at Come check out Danimal's weekend round up. Devin Harris gives you everything you need to know about Smackdown and Rock Star Gary takes a look at King of the Ring 93. Come check us out. We're having a good time!

  3. The daily thread that has been up for 5+ hours has all of 14 comments. Not exactly a realistic alternative to the daily threads on here.

  4. My TEW Attitude skin so far:

  5. so I Google Image searched the Glee girl playing Supergirl because I had no idea who she was, and everything that turned up was her Fappening photos of her getting fucked.

    I imagine she's like "OK, I need to play Supergirl so the first thing people don't get when they Google me is someone taking pics of me getting plowed"

  6. I didn't say it was. I said we were having a good time. Can't beat the great community here. Just doing our own thing and letting the bros here know about it.

  7. Reading up on the MLB rule changes.

    If this had happened 15 years ago every Nomar game would've been 90 minutes shorter.

  8. He's promoting a separate site, and trying to take views/comments and thus money away from the site you are currently using.
    Regardless of how entertaining he may be or whether he means to be or not, that to me is seriously uncool behaviour.

  9. C'mon man, there are way more fun ways to be a dick to Dan.

  10. Hall of fame's getting smaller and smaller every day

  11. Upvote for plowed.

  12. Extant1979 - iTunes SuperstarFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:02 PM

    That's right, DoomBots. I am no longer Mr. Cable Access. I have been rechristened! I am now the iTunes Superstar!

  13. You're right. He's a nefarious villain as callous and calculating as hitler, bin laden and child slavers.


  14. Video game trolls are definitely the worst ones in the net, bunch of sexist pricks.

  15. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:03 PM

    If Scott or a mod got beef with it they'll squash it. And I seriously doubt any regular here will say "shit Danimal has a blog(with same posters from here) fuck the blog of doom!"

  16. No one is taking any money from here. It is very easy to visit both places.

  17. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:03 PM

    He doesn't owe you an explanation.

  18. Adam "Colorado" CurryFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:03 PM

    I don't think that rule will make much of a difference, they can still fuck around all they want, they just have to have one foot in the box while doing it. Or just call time. The rules about warm-ups and commercial breaks should help though.

  19. Exactly.

  20. WIth offense on the decline, this might actually work.

  21. The Legend of Billie Jean: great movie.

  22. I was just reading through the iTunes licencing agreement.
    Honestly, I don't think I'd have installed it if I'd read it first time around.

    '..will not use this software to aid in the manufacture of biological or chemical weapons.'

    Who the Fuck do you think you are Apple?
    If I want Anthrax on my iTunes I'll fucking have it!!

  23. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:04 PM

    I liken Danimal to the Repo Man. The sneaky villain is REPOSSESSING Scott's blog hits.

  24. She was in Whiplash

  25. Extant1979 - iTunes SuperstarFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:05 PM

    While I don't owe you an explanation, I'll give one anyway, because I'm a self-promotion whore.

    The podcast I do for my paper is finally downloadable on iTunes. Major multimedia victory for me!

  26. I've stayed blissfully ignorant of most of that debate

  27. You ever seen a girl play video games!?

  28. It's such a bipolar game, there are so many fans that want games to end 13-10, and there are fans like me that have been going to games my whole life praying to god that I finally get to see one where NOTHING happens lol

  29. Extant1979 - iTunes SuperstarFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:05 PM

    Shit... I may be in trouble.

  30. You are aware there are degrees of bad right?
    I can think someone has done something I don't agree with and not consider them to be on the same level as Hitler.

  31. Going to one has nothing to do with going to the other. No is suggesting anyone stop coming here. We're just having fun over there doing our own thing. It isn't some sort of war.

  32. No one is taking food out of Scott's mouth or money away from this site. You're exaggeratong and coming off super sensitive, bro.

  33. Seriously uncool behaviour? How lame are you?

  34. Nice! You do the whole thing? Or do you force others to record most of it?

    Because I'd obviously do the latter only.

  35. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:07 PM

    I've stopped playing online games for the most part because people are annoying.

  36. I hated that movie, because she's just a girl who said that I was the one.

    But...the kid is not my son.

  37. I appreicate a good pitcher's duel but not everybody has the patience to sit through groundballs and flyouts. Anything to speed the game along is a good thing.

  38. Oh... was it Kirby's Adventure?

  39. I 'm exaggerating?
    I made a comment about me feeling that promoting a competing site was kinda shitty. And I've been accused of comparing you to Hitler, Bin Laden & Child Slavers.

    If someone mildly disagreeing with you upsets you this much then I worry about how you would handle trolls if they turned up on your new site.

  40. Mortal Kombat 9.

  41. You know how womens' tights will often say 'denier' on the packaging? I wish I could find a woman who wears the kind that say 'allower'.

  42. That's a song. The movie is great.

  43. I gave up online games because they just aren't fun. No matter how hard I work some kid with no bills will always have more hours to collect better stats and gear and all that nonsense.

    They're unwinnable games, fuck that.

  44. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:09 PM

    I'm actually kinda looking forward to eventually growing a bit older and being able to talk baseball with my dad.

    Reading and baseball are two things I'm really looking forward to when I become a mature person but until then FOOTBALL AND VIDEO GAMES!

  45. It's not a competing site you dunce. He's not taking traffic or money away from this site.

  46. I'm worried about how upset you are. I haven't said anything at all that makes me seem upset. I just think you're overreacting, bro.

  47. ....YES, the Belushi buffet scene...dude was in the movie for like 14 seconds total and just owns the whole thing

  48. Adam "Colorado" CurryFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:10 PM

    Same here. I didn't even bother renewing my XBOX Live subscription last time around. Good thing too, my 360 is about to die on me.

  49. I was watching my girlfriend playing GTA V and Rogue Legacy on our PS4 just this week.

  50. Extant1979 - iTunes SuperstarFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:10 PM

    I'm the host of the show, joined by my minions, as I direct conversation each episode. Then I make one of them produce it before it gets uploaded.

    It started as a vanity project for me, and it turned into the most fun we have each week. The show may suck - I don't think so, but YMMV - but it amuses me and my staff, which is really all that matters.

  51. While I disagree with your main point, I do agree the reaction is pretty lol at the moment

    So anyway, why do you hate Jews Adam?

  52. Adam "Colorado" CurryFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:12 PM

    Or some asshat will ruin everyone else's fun, like those wankers in GTAV that don't even try to win, they just wreck everyone.

  53. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:12 PM

    For me online games lack sustainability because I'll go through phases where I'll play it nonstop for a few days and then do nothing but watch Netflix and then do something else and then come back. I like single player games where I can play, walk away and come back to it at my own pace.

    The only multiplayer game that lasted for me was the Halo series. I played Halo games from 2002-2011 but even my fandom in that died with the recent games being shitty or broken.

  54. Haha, for sure man, you've still got plenty of time to dick around before anyone has any expectations.

    Wait until you stop hearing the word "potential" tossed around at family gatherings, that's when you know it's time to grow up

  55. The pitcher can throw a pitch if the dude has a foot in the batter's box.

  56. I thought he hated black people

  57. He hates fun.

  58. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:12 PM

    I tried GTA V online but invariably some dickhead would kill me while I was trying to do my own mission.

  59. Upvote for revealing my latent antisemitizam

  60. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:13 PM

    I've kept my Xbox gold just for the occasional free game they release every month.

  61. She might like Kirby's Adventure more.

  62. Pretty sure I don't hate black people either...

  63. Adam "Colorado" CurryFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:13 PM

    Ah, I see. They can still call time after every pitch though.

  64. I keep my Gold account for all those sweet-ass discounts. Just got Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed for $5 yesterday.

  65. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:14 PM

    Oh god PLEASE! I can't wait for that word to go away. I'm in the wasting potential phase. I can't wait for the "he used to have potential" era of life.

  66. Ump doesn't have to give them time tho.

  67. That's badass, I've long thought about doing some kind of weird clip show, like a goofy 60 second news thing to throw on the site. I'm just missing the motivation and a designer that wants to spend that kind of time putting it all together.

    Like everything else on the list it's being pushed into the "Some time after August" category

  68. He's just like a heel in 2015 WWE!

  69. Adam "Colorado" CurryFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:15 PM

    I would do that if I wasn't out of memory.

  70. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:15 PM

    A heel 99-Present.

  71. I always love the aside look when he's peeping through the chick's window.

  72. You know because girls.

  73. Like, I saw people calling a girl Sarkeesian bitch.. I don't get the hatred people have against her.

  74. What's wrong with Kirby?

  75. If it was me, I'd be more than just "pretty sure" I didn't hate an entire race of people you racist.

  76. I have a policy of refusing to play any game that has a 'Season Pass', because of this (unless it's now years' old).

    In my local game store, the newest Call of Duty + enough points to get the Season Pass is about $140.

    I'm all about emulators and my 'magic' Wii hard drive now.

  77. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:15 PM

    I upgraded long ago to a 250 GB Xbox(also helps my original 20 GB piece of shit died so I had no choice.

  78. Extant1979 - iTunes SuperstarFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:16 PM

    Online games, to me, are just the latest evolution of playing a fighting game at the Arcade. I'm going through Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat and about to face the boss, when some punk kid who spends way too much time at the arcade comes in, puts his quarter in and proceeds to beat the ever-loving shit out of me and steals my game.

    When it happened at the arcade, I could shove the little punk to the ground and take my game back. I don't have that option with an online game.

  79. Nah man enjoy it!

  80. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:16 PM

    I hate games that already have DLC announced and release dates set for DLC at the launch of the game.

  81. Adam "Colorado" CurryFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:17 PM

    Yeah, that's not the sort of thing one is on the fence about.

  82. Maybe if they'd stop stealing hits from the BoD he could make up his mind for sure.

  83. Austin and Savio Vega was the original Miz/Kofi Kingston

  84. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:17 PM

    I wanna be past my prime already!

  85. LOL we were just watching that, I love the girl, she's in a totally silent room and he's just BANGING THE FUCK out of the ladder against the window and she doesn't notice

    It's soooooo fucking absurd hahaha

  86. Adam Wright hates black people and Jews. This has been a pretty eventful thread.

  87. I can see why people dislike her, but none of it deserves the vitriol and death threats, ditto for any prominent female in the business. It's appalling the kind of things people do towards them; one just cancelled her company's booth at PAX because she's been threatened by a video user brandishing a knife and being in a throng of people on the floor, she's pretty vulnerable. Jesus Chrsit, people, it's fucking video games. That and people who do "swatting", made worse that police can't track down swatters (or don't want to) and don't take cyber threats seriously ("just block them or turn off your account")

  88. The Caribbean Strap match at Beware Of Dog is a really underrated forgotten classic.

  89. Violent hangover today. One of those nights where I fell asleep with all my clothes on.

  90. Extant1979 - iTunes SuperstarFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:19 PM

    I started up the podcast last September, after months of "we should do this" conversations and realizing I could do it for free and no one actually gave a shit.

    Up until this week, we were just posting them to our website. I doubt anyone other than our families were listening. Now that we're iTunes, I have to get the ad staff to start selling it, so we can monetize it. It's a shame that our ad staff think a podcast is something you wrap around a damaged pea.

  91. Don't worry about that, I don't think

  92. The one good thing about my PS3 dying is that my 250gb HDD was almost out of space and now I can get a 500GB PS3 relatively cheap.

  93. Theberzerker, #HUSSAPPROVEDFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:19 PM

    So I downloaded the WWE App to see if I could Chromecast the Network from my phone (works better for Hulu), didn't work right, so I quickly dropped it and moved on, but didn't delete the App...holy shit I am now though. This is absolutely a WWE product, it is annoying as FUCK. Every 45 minutes I get some needless annoying reminder post, as if I don't think about wrestling every hour of the day I'll just forget that even exists. Christ, they must have imprinted Vince's brainwaves into the coding or something, because this thing is every bit as annoying as they are.

  94. Did you forget it because it involved a Puerto Rican you racist?

  95. And this has now crossed the line from being mildly amusing to just being offensive attacks.
    You are aware people will read that shit and think it refers to reality.

  96. He admitted to being anti-Semitic and saying that he's only "pretty sure" he doesn't hate black people down thread. The code words are all there. The guy is racist.

  97. Adam "Colorado" CurryFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:20 PM

    I'd be fine if my usb ports didn't suddenly stop working, I have a shitload of flash drives around.

  98. Extant1979 - iTunes SuperstarFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:20 PM

    Just turn off notifications in your settings.

  99. You can't chromecast the network.

  100. This place is getting weirder and weirder.

  101. Yep. All this GamerGate talk has only opened the floodgates to what was already there: a boys club with rampant misogyny.

    But of course, it's all about ethics in game journalism. *rolls eyes*

  102. He's a bit phoofy for a video game character, no?

  103. Theberzerker, #HUSSAPPROVEDFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:21 PM

    I did, but they keep coming for some reason...?

  104. I know. John Edwards is being reasonable and Adam Wright is hating minority groups. What's going on here?

  105. He probably liked seeing a Puerto Rican get whipped with a strap

  106. Adam "Colorado" CurryFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:22 PM

    And racism, don't forget that.

  107. Theberzerker, #HUSSAPPROVEDFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:22 PM

    You can, but it's pretty laggy, like any other kind of tab-casting. They need to get on that shit already.

  108. I would hope so. This way they can finally realise what a racist sack of shit you are.

  109. I've studied genre roles in college (looks for Judith Butler), If tv, cinema, and all kinds of media dictate genre roles, why people think games don't act like that. It's just stupid shit I see a bunch of guys saying. She's totally right.

  110. You hate Jews? Who does your dental work?

  111. The first ever Stone Cold stunner! It was anticlimactic and unspectacular, and Vince & Lawler didn't even really call it, but HISTORY!

  112. Working right now and WizardCon is going on right down the street.
    Paige is literally two minutes away from me signing autographs and I can't go and see her :(

  113. Extant1979 - iTunes SuperstarFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:25 PM

    Finally watched the Paul Heyman doc on the Network. I'm not sure if it's healthy to be inspired by that dude, but I am such a big fan of everything that guy did. It was an amazing doc, too. Probably the best thing WWE has ever produced.

  114. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:25 PM

    Man up you sissy! Flip your boss the bird, KICK WHAM STUNNER and play Austin's theme on your phone as you bust into WizardCon.

  115. Hulk Hogan at KotR 93 is no more muscular than Bret Hart.

  116. Adam "Colorado" CurryFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:26 PM

    As long as you're not financially inspired you should be good.

  117. Guy's been around for a long time. Worked in the AWA & Alabama. Guy's covered alot of ground from starting at MSG taking pictures.

  118. "Slimmed down to 275 to get that speed advantage against the 505-pound Yokozuna!"

  119. Adam "Colorado" CurryFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:26 PM

    Or just act like you gotta shit and sneak out.

  120. The Sega Saturn Slam of The Week reminded me that I forgot about today's new Sonic Boom episode. Time to pause Raw...

  121. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:26 PM

    WTF guys I leave for 5 minutes to watch Jesus Christ Superstar and someone is accused of being a Jew hating christ killing racist and I miss it?!

  122. Extant1979 - iTunes SuperstarFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:27 PM

    Also, don't know if this has been discussed, since I haven't been around much this week. Saw this on a NEWZ site:

    "The mystery pair of legends will join “Macho Man” Randy Savage, celebrity inductee Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rikishi in the elite class. Who will enter the WWE Hall of Fame the night before WrestleMania 31? Could it be a team famous for their camouflage gear? Could it be an ultra-popular pair of brothers or family members? How many tag team championships have they held? Is it possible that we will see a current Hall of Famer earn a second nod and join Ric Flair as a two-time inductee?"

    Post a few spots up say the tag inductee is the Bushwhackers. WWE continues to fucking troll its fans. Absolutely love it.

  123. I love Jesus Christ Superstar and I'm not even religious. I saw it live too.

  124. Will the Shao Kahn entrance return for HHH this year?

  125. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:29 PM

    I went to a secular middle school and they showed it and I went to a religious high school and they showed it. And it played in both demographics.

    I'm convinced Macho Man took inspiration from Judas' outfits.

  126. Oh lord, Sonic/Eggman Freaky Friday Flip!

  127. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:30 PM

    At the risk of encouraging fucking thievery and uncool behavior of the highest order Mr Rockstar Gary posted his review of that very show on the Blog that Danimal built.

  128. Theberzerker, #HUSSAPPROVEDFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:30 PM

    "I can't lose to that 5 foot midget, brother...after all, I beat the 9 foot tall Giant Andre!"

  129. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:30 PM

    And if that's not enticing enough I post MY thoughts on the show as well!

  130. All I want in life is Punk to return to the WWE someday and do this as his WM entrance:

  131. I think Dudleyz seems more likely, however if Harlem Heat ever competed in Camo then they would fit every clue.

  132. Theberzerker, #HUSSAPPROVEDFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:31 PM

    'Lil Sweet sliding' out on his kneeeees!"

  133. I made a mild comment about Danimal promoting his own wrestling blog, so Danimal & a couple of mouthbreathers decided this either made me a racist, or was worthy of making us accusations of being a racist to try and run me off the blog.

  134. This is kinda where I fall, I'll play a game a bunch for a few days then I won't touch video games for weeks. I still keep trying to get back into and beat South Park The Stick of Truth.

  135. Show the boss a picture of Paige. That ought to do it, male or female boss.

  136. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:32 PM

    It's been a while since the blog had an angry mob.

  137. Your mouth spits out racist vitriol.

  138. Extant1979 - iTunes SuperstarFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:32 PM

    Once I discovered the NWA and saw Paul E., he became my favorite manager and commentator. I've been watching him do his thing for more than 25 years now.

  139. You probably would only want Bubba to be inducted.

  140. Heh, I'm watching Animal House as well.

  141. Theberzerker, #HUSSAPPROVEDFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:33 PM

    Enough, this is getting annoying for ME, and I'm not even part of it.

  142. Nobody is angry. This dude just decided to turn himself into a victim instead of no selling it.

  143. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:33 PM

    You should have told him to HUSShhh

  144. Don't you know everything's alright, yes everything's fine.
    And I think I should sleep well tonight. Let the world turn without me tonight.

    If this were the 80s and new heels came in to challenge the Big Dog I'd have vicious Broadway heel Aiden English assault Cena singing a modified "Hosanna"

  145. Guys, I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I heard a rumour that adam wright was the one who actually assassinated Martin Luther King.

  146. Extant1979 - iTunes SuperstarFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:33 PM


  147. I think I'll pass.

  148. Theberzerker, #HUSSAPPROVEDFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:34 PM

    That's for erotic scenes with my valet, Hussy Hyatt.

  149. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:35 PM

    Shame. You'll never know how myself and RSG felt about Bam Bam/Bret.

  150. Extant1979 - iTunes SuperstarFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:35 PM

    I mean, I would assume the Dudleys, too, just saying what I saw on a different post on the same site. Someone's having some fun with people.

  151. Because that works? ignore the bullies and they'll get bored and go away, meanwhile let them do/say what they want.

    I do not take racism lightly and I certainly do not enjoy being accused of being a racist.

  152. Theberzerker, #HUSSAPPROVEDFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:35 PM

    They're having fun, Maggle?

  153. Man, Guiliani is clownshoes.

  154. I remember seeing him on the cover of the "heel" version of PWI (can't remember the name) with a black eye thinking he looked like a wrinkled orange old man. I actually thought that the magazine had done that on purpose to make him look bad (since it was the "bad guy" publication).

  155. IYH: D-Generation X to finish off '97 at 3:45?

  156. Lighten up Francis.

  157. I had the same problem...very annoying.

  158. Theberzerker, #HUSSAPPROVEDFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:38 PM

    Anyone else here familiar with the band Killing Joke? I just loves 'em so, I does.

  159. MLK is the only assassination into which my cop dad thinks a conspiracy had to have happened.

  160. So, I'm thinking about signing back up for the network. I have a feeling that Fastlane will deliver something since expectations are basically zero. Thoughts?

  161. Only the 70s could produce King Herrod throwing bagels at Jesus Christ after he refused to walk across his swimming pool.

  162. Part of the problem of the internet is a lot of comments lose their tone and take on a life of their own. I was taking the danimal/racist stuff down below as a Fight Club, Fat->too fat, blonde->too blonde type of razzing rather than any real belief of your beliefs.

    ...that and I'm still not 100% sure the danimal stuff isn't some long con. The whole banned/not banned/numerous extra accounts thing was weird to begin with

  163. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:39 PM

    I think every match besides the divas match has potential to be entertaining.

  164. Theberzerker, #HUSSAPPROVEDFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:39 PM

    It's gonna deliver us one boring ass letdown of a Wrestlemania, that's for sure.

  165. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:39 PM

    Summerslam 1994 was pretty sweet sauce. Women's match was badass, Razor/Diesel was really good and while I still don't think the cage match is a classic I liked it more than I used to. The Taker match sucks but as a Taker fan I love the return and debut of PurpleTaker.

    There were timing issues in the back half though. I still don't get why Taker/Taker closed. Not even from the perspective of being grumpy that the title match with Bret didn't close but because it created a lot of stalling in the last half.

    They had to stall in order for the cage to be set up and then had to take the cage down again. Would've been a lot easier to just close with the cage match.

  166. I'm looking forward to the Divas match, paige is brilliant in the ring and whilst Nikki isn't on the same level she has improved massively over the last year or so.

  167. I think Bryan/Reigns will be an easy **** and be dramatic as balls. The rest is a meh Raw.

  168. Theberzerker, #HUSSAPPROVEDFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:41 PM

    ...I will not make a joke about Paige being the whitest Diva on the roster, I WILL NOT........

  169. Well, past 20 minutes, you're gonna have the audience buying every single pinfall and submission hold as possibly it, that's true.

  170. Also, Alicia Fox and Sasha Banks aren't involved.

  171. Watching Superstars. It's probably better Adam Rose's trust fall didn't get over. Those poor Rosebuds would have to catch and carry Big Show every night :(

  172. The divas annoy me so much b/c Paige was money in nXt. And now.........

  173. And adam wright is from England!

  174. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:42 PM

    Are they a Batman themed band?

  175. I hope so. But I can only imagine the amounts of overbooking and Show/Kane usage being heavily debated at Titan Tower this afternoon

  176. Theberzerker, #HUSSAPPROVEDFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:42 PM

    Sadly, no. Though everyone thinks the one shirt of theirs I have is for that story too.

  177. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:43 PM

    Damn there's so much potential to draw from that one story alone!

  178. Sonic Boom the game sucks, but the cartoon is tremendous.

  179. Bryan is probably the person on the planet that could get Reigns over as a babyface. So of course they won't let him and it will backfire again.

  180. "We've got to keep Roman strong, so I'm thinking...KO punch by Show, tombstone by Kane, curbstomp AND briefcase shot by Rollins?"

  181. He's certainly not making it easy to stop.

  182. The Amazing GamecockFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:44 PM

    I wonder if it has something to do with business being down and Vince not fully trusting Bret's position on top.

  183. Theberzerker, #HUSSAPPROVEDFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:44 PM

    In all seriousness, started post-punk then went new wave, then industrial rock, then just all around heay alternative sound. The singer's inhuman roar is something to behold. I highly recommend...*thumbs up, cheap HUSS*

  184. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:45 PM

    I hope Bryan has been watching a lot of Bret/Diesel.

  185. The Amazing GamecockFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:45 PM

    Fucking love The Black Keys "Weight of Love" and Alt-J "Every Little Freckle".

  186. Starting to watch Tough Enough on the Network, i don't remember it ever airing in the UK originally so apart from knowing the winners i'm coming in completely cold. Hopefully it'll turn out to be a decent watch.

  187. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:46 PM

    Stone Cold makes it entertaining all by himself.

  188. The Amazing GamecockFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:46 PM

    The original Tough Enough? It was a great watch.

  189. Everytime I listen to a version of the ECW story I always leave it thinking had Paul just invested $35K in a good office manager he might have survived a little longer.

  190. Art "AllAmericanBoy" VandelayFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:46 PM

    If you don't fully trust a guy on top don't put him there because if you don't believe in him you are just setting him up to fail.

  191. How do you have all this time to watch PPVs?


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