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For old times sake

Hey Scott,

Love your work. We all know your eternal struggle picking between Mania 17 and GAB 89 for your all time fave PPV but for old times sake could you do a quick top 5 or even 10 of your all time fave PPVs? Besides NXT making Raw look ridiculous and Austin making Vince look ridiculous there's only so much of the Network to explore ya know ?

- Bash 89
- WM X-7
- Royal Rumble 92
- WM 20
- Backlash 2004
- Bash / Bash 96
- ECW November 2 Remember 95 (if it's still up on there)
- Halloween Havoc 95
- Halloween Havoc 98
- Summerslam 2013
- Money in the Bank 2011


  1. A fun stretch of PPVs to watch is the Great American Bash 96 to Fall Brawl 96.

  2. "- GAB 1996
    - Royal Rumble 1992
    - Halloween Havoc 95
    - Halloween Havoc 98"

  3. So for Scott, Wrestlemania 20 and Backlash 2004 are the only consecutive ones in his top 10

  4. And the two Bashs from 96, which Scott has decided to count as one.

  5. A wholly unoriginal, yet always fun topic. Mine:

    1. WM X-7
    2. Money in the Bank '11
    3. Backlash '00
    4. Royal Rumble '00
    5. Bash '89
    6. Canadian Stampede '97
    7. WMXX
    8. Spring Stampede '99
    9. One Night Stand '06
    10. WMXXX

  6. I will edit this throughout the day as I think of ones I forgot, I'm sure.

  7. Spring Stampede 1994 and 1999 were fantastic. Also the lack of love for Wrestlemania III just cause it was the biggest thing ever at the time, and Summerslam 2002 is criminal.

  8. Theberzerker Von HUSSingtonFebruary 16, 2015 at 7:48 AM

    Havoc '98 huh? With the Warrior/Hogan disaster? I mean, it's fun to watch in a morbid curiosity sense, but...
    Hallowee Havoc '89 was better than both those shows combined.

  9. Theberzerker Von HUSSingtonFebruary 16, 2015 at 7:49 AM

    SS '94 was indeed a fucking killer show.

  10. Admit it Scott, it was because of the Mountie that the 92 Rumble is one of your favorites.

  11. In no particular Order

    Summerslam 92
    Beach Blast 92
    WM 21
    Backlash 2000
    Fully Loaded 2000
    WM VI
    Rumble 2001
    Backlash 2004

  12. No Way Out '01 should be up there too.

  13. I found Backlash 2004 pretty uncomfortable to sit through when I watched it for the first time last week. Lawler commentating that Nancy (sitting at ringside) has seen Benoit choke lots of times was like an Arrested Development foreshadowing joke.

  14. Pretty much every Benoit match for me is some degree of uncomfortable, but you gotta judge a show by how you felt watching live, if you saw it live.

  15. Summerslam 2002 is tremendous but I sometimes wonder if it occasionally gets a tad overrated simply due to the momentous HBK comeback match? Most the other noted matches are more solid to good rather than great and I think a PPV needs two to three legit great matches to be considered.

    Of recent PPV's I'm glad to see SS 2013 get some love here. One of the great modern PPV's with two fabulous matches.

    No Mercy 2008 is another recent wildcard. Two fantastic matches and to the shock of most a really good Taker/Show match plus other solid matches as well.

  16. Both shows? What's the other show?

  17. For me there are six pay per views from 2000 on there, which shows you how insane a year that was:

    Rumble 2000
    Backlash 2000
    Judgment Day 2000
    Fully Loaded 2000
    Summerslam 2000
    No Mercy 2000.

    Speaking of Summerslams, a few of those are up there for me:

    Summerslam 2001
    Summerslam 2002
    Summerslam 2008
    Summerslam 2011
    Summerslam 2013

    Then there are the two holy grails

    Wrestlemania X-7
    GAB 1989

    Finally, for me, my other favourites (which all, imo, have insane match quality, fun moments, or both):

    Wrestlemania X
    Survivor Series 1996
    Spring Stampede 1999
    No Way Out 2001
    Wrestlemania 22
    Wrestlemania 23
    Wrestlemania 24
    Vengrance 2003
    Vengeance 2005
    Backlash 2007
    No Mercy 2008

  18. YankeesHoganTripleHFanFebruary 16, 2015 at 8:18 AM

    Wrestlemania XX was indeed a great PPV. I stopped watching for about 6 and a half years after SummerSlam 2005. What ever happened to Eddie and Chris?

  19. YankeesHoganTripleHFanFebruary 16, 2015 at 8:19 AM

    You forgot about No Way Out 2000.

  20. Backlash 2000 should be in the conversation. Solid lower card with a sick Malenko/Scotty match in particular, Benoit/Jericho, and then probably my favorite of the Rock/HHH matches from that time period.

  21. I don't rank it as high as the consensus usually does. The Cell match took a while to get going, The Rock vs Show match is mediocre at best with a deflating ending.

  22. Wrestlemania X-7
    Wrestlemania 20
    Spring Stampede 94
    Backlash 2000
    Judgment Day 2000
    Canadian Stampede
    Money In The Bank 2011
    Summerslam 2002
    Summerslam 2013
    Souled Out 98

  23. YankeesHoganTripleHFanFebruary 16, 2015 at 8:23 AM

    Yeah but that show was the rise of Angle and the Dudley's.

  24. Scott's having a laugh, right? Havoc 95? That's the Dungeon of Doom, isn't it? With the YETAAAHY!

  25. Backlash 2000
    No Way Out 2001
    Wrestlemania 17
    Summerslam 2001
    Vengeance 2005

  26. YankeesHoganTripleHFanFebruary 16, 2015 at 8:31 AM

    As long as we are on the topic, I want to say why Taker/Hunter in the cell at 28 is my favorite match of all time....You had two guys intent on killing each other. One wants to defend his legacy, the other wants to end it. They beat she shit out of each other...but there is this...I am a theater guy. Hearing Taker/Hunter and Shawn talking to each other MADE that match for me...Some might say Shawn crying in the corner was cheesy. In the moment it was awesome. When the match was over I was emotionally drained, I didn't even want to watch the rest of the show. The only match that ever came close to doing that to me was Hogan/Warrior. But at the time of that match I was 11.

  27. Wrestle War '91.

  28. I'm guessing Havoc 95 which wasn't great wrestling wise but had some good entertainment value with the storylines.

  29. Royal Rumble 92
    Summerslam 92
    Canadian Stampede
    Royal Rumble 2000
    Backlash 2000
    Royal Rumble 2001
    WM X7
    WM XIX
    WM XX

  30. was watching this last night. it's so good. It's pretty surprising nothing from 2000 made this list, really.

  31. It also had the Horsemen reuniting so maybe that's why he remembers it fondly.

  32. Yes, Backlash 2000 needs some love. That was a great show. So was Canadian Stampede.

  33. It's a shame that Rock/HHH match wasn't at Wrestlemania, but this PPV still kicks all kind of ass.

  34. Glad to see WM 20 getting so much love. That show was underrated for awhile, but it's really quite good.

    Anybody else also really like No Mercy '02? Or is that just me?

  35. Bunkhouse Stampede 88

  36. - Bash 89
    - WM X-7
    - Heatwave 98

    - WM 20- No Mercy 02(?) - The one with Brock-UT HIAC & Angle/Benoit-Edge/Rey - from Little Rock, AR
    - No Way Out 04 (the one right before WM 20)

    - Bash / Bash 96
    - ECW November 2 Remember 95 (if it's still up on there)- Halloween Havoc 98
    - Money in the Bank 2011
    Honorable Mention: From a pure wrestling Standpoint, IYH Canadian Stampede would be hard to beat

  37. Fully Loaded 2000 was a good one...forgot about that one

  38. Judgement Day 2000.

    Has 2 5star matches (Rock vs Triple H iron man and Benoit vs Jericho submission) plus a solid undercard

  39. My Client, bROCK Lesnar!February 16, 2015 at 9:47 AM

    No Mercy 08

  40. It really is too bad that WM16 was botched so terribly given all the pure gold that surrounded it.

  41. Ughhh. I haven't watched that match in years and didn't realize about the commentary. That's terrible.

  42. Book it right now man. What would you have done. It's a tough call because Backlash ended up being great, but they had to sacrifice their main show a bit.

  43. WrestleMania XX is definitely on my list, but I haven't watched it since seeing it live at MSG... I don't think I ever will watch it again either, don't want to ruin the memory

  44. Havoc 98 is a nice sleeper pick. Sure, there's Warrior/Hogan, but the undercard is loaded with star power.

  45. WTF? No Love for Heroes of Wrestling 99 eh?

  46. Not even Canadian Stampede anymore?

  47. Royal Rumble 2005 was one of my favorites along with Wrestlemania 21.

  48. My favorite PPV:

    Wrestlemania 3
    Wrestlemania 18
    Nash at the Beach 94
    Hogan vs. Muta, May 1993
    Wrestlemania 6
    Halloween Havoc 1998
    Starrcade 85

  49. Replace Havoc 98 with the Backlash/Judgement Say 2000 and you're onto something.


  51. No Canadian Stampede? Outrageous!

  52. I figured Stampede/Slamboree '94 would be up there.

  53. Slamboree 94 was fantastic. Last great show of the pre Hogan WCW

  54. Yeah. Why not? Bryan's win is one of the greatest moments in Mania history. The HHH/Bryan match was the best singles match of the year, in my opinion. Brock beating the streak, no matter what one thinks of the decision, was an unreal moment. The battle royal was great. Rock/Hogan/Austin was surreal. Why the incredulousness? It was an awesome show.

  55. Don't think anyone else mentioned it, but Vengeance 2003. Rey/Kidman vs WGTT, Undertaker/Cena was pretty good. Vince tapping an artery against Zack Gowan and Brock/Angle/Show triple threat.

  56. Agreed. Felt as if they were going somewhere really special pre Hogan.

  57. I actually prefer No Way Out 2001 to WMX7. Only thing that bugs me is the fuck-up at the end of Angle-Rock.

  58. One if my favourite moments in wrestling. Done before? Yes. But just so flawlessly done that time. And yes, Sting should have known better. :)

  59. Mmmmaybe Scott misread the question as being about PPVs with the best sets.
    In that case, Havoc 98 deserves its place in history.
    Goldberg's entrance was quite the spectacular sight.

  60. Havoc '89 is tremendous.

  61. It brought the goods, that show.

  62. My top 3 will always be

    Mania X7
    Canadian Stampede
    Backlash 2000

    Rumble 2000 and 2001 probably complete my top 5. Baffled by the love on here for Rumble 92, dont get me wrong, the rumble match is amazing but come on, Bushwackers Vs Beverley Brothers! Fucking Jamison!!!!

  63. For whatever reason I don't like Rumble 2001 that much. Rumble 1990 however... Love the Rumble itself and I'm a sucker for Garvin-Valentine.

  64. If One Night Only from 1997 counts, I'll put that on my list. Last three matches are all fantastic. If only the ending of Bulldog-HBK wasn't that horrible in taste...

  65. Royal Rumble 90/91/92 are all easy to sit through... timeless

  66. Right! I could watch them monthly and never grow tired of them.

  67. Bret/UT on that show is one of the greatest matches ever and no one knows about it... Bret casually ducking under UT's big boot and stomping the bad leg is artistry

  68. Yes! And Owen's battle with Vader may be my favourite Owen match. And I loved the audience backing Owen so strongly.

  69. One of the minuscule single brand PPVs that were any good

  70. The undercard is shit, but it has both an all timer of a tag match and HIAC, so it's a fantastic show just for that

  71. agreed! the home video was edited down to 2 hours but the full 3 hour ppv was around in the vhs tape trading circles of the time

  72. if you weren't watching at the time you don't appreciate the hype... the Rumble match was the show, undercard was just there

  73. Looks like we have a disagreement on how good the good stuff was. The Brock/Taker match, for instance, was fine but not as good as other streak matches and suffered from a complete lack of story leading up to it. The show had its moments, sure, but I don't think it was an all-timer.To each his own, I suppose.

  74. Vengeance 2005 as well.

  75. Yep, my first Rumble. "Its not a kilt its a skirt!"

  76. Watched the 90 Rumble match yesterday. Again, that match never drags. Still in my top 5 of Rumble matches.

  77. It certainly wouldn't be on my list of ten best PPVs ever, but that wasn't the question I was answering. I agree the Brock/Taker match wasn't very good, but the moment was amazing.

  78. A good underrated PPV is King of the Ring 2001 as well.

  79. I would throw Backlash '00 & No Way Out '01 in there.

  80. WrestleMania III, Survivor Series '87, Starrcade '88,
    Great American Bash '89, Halloween Havoc '89, SummerSlam '90, SummerSlam '91, Royal Rumble '92, WrestleMania VIII, WrestleWar '92, Beach Blast '92, WrestleMania X, Spring Stampede '94, Slamboree '94, SummerSlam '94, Fall Brawl '94, Starrcade '95, Great American Bash '96, Survivor Series '96, WrestleMania XIV, King of the Ring '98, SummerSlam '98, Backlash 2000, Judgment Day 2000, SummerSlam 2000, Royal Rumble 2001, No Way Out 2001, WrestleMania XVII, King of the Ring 2001, SummerSlam 2001, WrestleMania XIX, Vengeance 2005, One Night Stand 2005, SummerSlam 2008.

  81. Scott--

    You actually like Havoc '98? This is didn't know. Why do you enjoy this show?

  82. I tried to narrow it down, but couldn't. Post 2003 was hard since everything blends together

  83. I love it too and think it's a legit 5 stars, but it doesn't have a ton of rewatchability for me. Shawn crying in the corner was pretty cheesy even in the moment, but overall it was pretty epic stuff. I absolutely love them walking arm-in-arm up the ramp at the end. That offsets Shawn's cheesiness crying in the corner.

  84. WrestleMania 3, WrestleMania 4, WrestleMania 5, Survivor Series 1987, 1988, 1989, Summer Slam 1989, Rumble 1990, 1991, 1992, GAB 1989, Havoc '89, Starrcade '89, Starrcade '88, Starrcade '90, Wrestle War 1990, 1991, 1992, Spring Stampede 1994, Slamboree 1994, Bash at the Beach 1994, Super Brawl 2 & 3 there are more.

  85. It has a truly great opener in Jericho vs Raven and a great main event in Goldberg vs DDP. I can't remember what happened in the middle beyond Hogan and Warrior being utter shite.

  86. Vengeance 2005 is an incredible show, one of the genuine best.

  87. could not agree more. The early Rumbles are tremendously booked and I can watch over and over again.

    I kind of miss the Rumbles that didn't feature the entrance music and later on the titantron. Made the focus on the match instead of nonsense.

  88. I think the undercard was actually pretty good outside of the Bushwacker match. You had two title matches, a fun opener with High Energy. It was entertaining. Then of course the Rumble, still the greatest ever.

  89. I think I'm honestly alone but I thought the main event of Havoc '89 was really underwhelming (based on reading reviews years after the fact) with only Sting showing any sense of urgency or energy.

  90. I'm going to say WM8, Rumble 92, Summerslam 91, WM6, WM5, WM17.

    A couple of under the radar ones that I love:
    Royal Rumble 94: I know the Undertaker stuff was awful, but the hype of the match was awesome. Though the undercard was pretty good with the Razor/IRS, and the Owen Hart turn. Also the Rumble was awesome and thought that Ted Dibiase was pretty good on commentary.

    Wrestlemania 19: Just a stacked card. Great arena in Seattle. They really did an excellent job as making it feel like a huge event and it delivered (for the most part).

    Summerslam 97: Excellent card, gets overlooked a bit and is mostly remembered for the Austin injury and the HBK chairshot, but there were some excellent matches on it.

  91. So is Scott ever going to get around to reviewing the uncut Bash '89 like he claimed he would when the Network launched last year?

  92. Yeah, but...... Zodiac! And an unsolicited rogering from YETAAHY!

  93. Hey, now we're talking! And even WMIV gets some well-deserved love!

  94. Summerslam 89 has some sort of magic shimmer to it. The arena, the crowd, the style of the broadcast and the Summerslam colours, Harts-Buster (that should've ben for the titles or 2/3 falls), the Rockers six man, Rude-Warrior and even the Demo six man.

  95. Superbrawl II
    Beach Blast 92
    WrestleWar 1992

    WrestleMania XiX
    Summer Slam 2002

  96. Some similarities to the ECW/attitude style before that genre really took off. Hogan shows up and we take 10 steps back and its 1988 all over again


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