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Sporting News: CM Punk sued by Dr. Chris Amann


  1. Will Jesse Ventura be taking part in this as well?

  2. *sees giant staph tumor on back*
    Chris: It's just fat. Eat less chocolate, you skinny fat ass!
    NFL Countdown crew: C.Amann, man!

  3. "Yep Mode" Abeyance Brown ©February 19, 2015 at 9:48 PM

    :looks at the calander:
    Took him long enough.

  4. "Yep Mode" Abeyance Brown ©February 19, 2015 at 9:49 PM

    That'll never get old.

  5. Wow, WWE is stupid to let this happen.

    If Punk wins, then WWE has pretty much admitted that they let him wrestle with a staph infection and routinely use a rigged doctor to force people to work who shouldn't be.

    No matter what happens, Punk (whose fervor is FINALLY dying down) is back in the WWE spotlight.

  6. "Your honor, the defense would like to call Christopher Nowinski to the stand."

  7. If Punk really did go to an independent doctor and have his staph removed. It should be pretty easy to obtain proof of the severity of the infection. If that's the case, I don't see Punk (or Cabana) having to pay anything out.

  8. That just makes me wonder what your thoughts are on The Brothers of Destruction vs. Kronik are.

  9. This could open a whole can of worms for WWE if it leads to more investigations into bad medical treatment.

  10. BREAKING: CM Punk has filed his statement of defense -

  11. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieFebruary 19, 2015 at 10:27 PM

    That was one of the things that I immediately noticed, Austin bringing up the lack of 'urgency', that Raw isn't must-see TV anymore, and HHH just ignored it and answered around it.

  12. Yeah, you do as the circus vet says, human being!

  13. If CM Punk has proof from AJ Lee's doctor that the Staph infection was real, well the case seems pretty cut and dry. If he doesn't, well the case still seems pretty cut and dry.

  14. I have never seen that, but that was great. I hope Punk brings this in as exhibit "A" for his defense.

  15. I'm sure Dr. Chris Amann will be fine as long as he has Clarence Mason on retainer.

  16. if someone makes a defamatory statement, and I repeat / publish it on my newspaper / TV show / blog / podcast, I have also defamed them.

  17. I'M AFRAID I'VE GOT SOME BAAAAAD NEWS. ......Your career is over.

  18. You could be talking about alot of guys on this show.

  19. I guess...Colt never said it was true or untrue he just gave him a forum to speak as far as I know.

  20. Think about what you are saying. Are you seriously saying that it is a defence to defamation for a newspaper to say : "I didn't say it was true - I just printed without comment the allegation that Quince McVahon was a senile old fool!"

  21. same reason why the publisher of the chris kyle book is also being sued by Jesse Ventura for defamation as Timothy says below

  22. Hindsight says Punk should've just mentioned him as "the main doctor".

    The stupid thing is, Dr. Amann is employed. He can't lose business unless he leaves WWE. If Punk testifies that what he said did happen and that's his side of the story, and that he has the right to be outspoken about malpractice, it's not going to look good for this asshole.

  23. What in the hell are they doing with Rollins? What's the plan? He's only their top heel and the only guy they've managed to build up without screwing it up...

  24. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANFebruary 20, 2015 at 12:06 AM

    In other news, WWE wishes Dr. Amman the best in his future endeavors. The least thing they need is the medical can of worms to be cracked open.

  25. I was shocked to see so many matches packed into 2 hours (factor in 4 matches taped for Main Event, and this was a very wrestling heavy taping, even if most of the matches were 4-5 minutes). Outside of the atrocious Big Show/Rowan match (2-minute match that was 2-minutes too long) and R-Truth getting a win over Barrett, everything went by so quick that it rarely allowed a chance to get boring.

  26. I don't know US libel law but if it's similar to the UK that wouldn't really cover Punk as, if Amann is 'the main doctor', he would still be identifiable.

  27. Virgil's Gimmick TableFebruary 20, 2015 at 1:31 AM

    Quit freaking out and take a Z-pak, Chris. You'll be fine.

  28. As much as it would be cool to think Montreal was a work. It doesn't explain Vince getting decked in the face back in the lockerooms afterwords

  29. Dr. Amman has suffered severe alienation of affection from the WWE Universe.

  30. WWE now has control over their employee's private affairs?

  31. There are a lot of things that annoy me about modern day WWE, but nothing more than the way they book the IC Title/Champion. If Vince truly can't remember how useful a strong midcard title can be to building the next generation of stars, building a compelling midcard and putting on exciting matches and feuds then he really is totally senile.

  32. And they've booked the IC champ the same way for so long. They never deviate from the formula and wonder why the belt isn't help elevate anyone. I'm still convinced that anything good the WWE does is all just a fluke.

  33. Cut and dry, unlike what the good Doc did to Punk's infection.

  34. Colt better prep some topnotch "Jewish Lawyer" jokes.

  35. Why would WWE let this happen? I am pretty sure not having CM Punk and Chris Amann testifying under oath in court about WWE's medical practices is worth a lot more than $1 million to them.

  36. Only just realised that Amann was on NXT talking about Sami Zayn's injury, they're giving him a push!

  37. What about Ryback's lawsuit?

  38. Horrible, but again I don't think it's as bad as it's made out to be. I've seen dozens of WCW matches that trump it.

  39. It has nothing to do with the WWE. They cannot stop Amann from filing a lawsuit if he feels his professional credibility is being hurt by falsified statements.

  40. Some baffling booking decisions, as we've come to expect.

  41. Highlight was the reaction Rhyno got. Watch the dad in the front row put 'earmuffs' on his kid to chant 'Holy Sh!t!'

  42. These cases are notoriously tough to prove. There are four criteria that ALL must be met.

    1) a false statement purporting to be fact; 2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person; 3) fault; and 4) damages, or some harm caused to the person or entity who is the subject of the statement.

    This is damage control from Amann so his side of the story is on the public record. That said, given how WWE works, I'd love for this to hit the discovery phase just to see who else comes out of the woodwork. This could backfire on Amann really badly.

  43. All Vince needs to do is tell Amann "don't sue, I'll owe you one, pal!"

  44. I would counter with a malpractice suit.

  45. Good. I hope Punk files numerous counterclaims and files a 3rd party cross complaint against the WWE. I guarantee you this gets settled before it goes to depositions. No way Vince will want any of further dirty laundry on this stuff to be exposed.

  46. Man, I can't WAIT to see the Undertaker come back and give Bray his comeuppance for all of the.... huh, what is it that Bray's been doing again?

  47. True, WWE cannot legally stop Amann from filing a lawsuit and taking it to court, but it's naive to think that they don't have other avenues of applying pressure to Amann to make him drop the case.

  48. Exactly. He will effectively drop this within months. Book it.

  49. As a fellow Illinoisan, I invite Mr. Punk to countersue in my home of Madison County, IL. We hand out awesome settlements and are openly hated by many large companies!

  50. "thankfully the ending to Monday's show was a bit more interesting than trying to figure out exactly when Bryan turned into a whiny loser who is using his contractual obligations to get back in the title picture instead of just winning matches like he did last year."

    ....huh? Bryan's path to the WM main event started with a clean loss to Bray at the Rumble, then complaining about not being in the Rumble itself, and then was finalized by flooding the ring area with fans and holding the show hostage until he got what he wanted.
    It was an amazing storyline, but I don't think anyone has ever gotten to the WrestleMania main event by winning matches LESS than how Daniel Bryan did last year.

  51. No it didn't. It started by pinning Cena in the main event of Summerslam, then beating Orton over and over but getting screwed out of the title. Then he kept getting beaten up until he fought back and did the Occupy Raw thing. It started because he had proven he was the best but got screwed by the Authority, not because he got eliminated early in the Rumble and then they came up with a backup plan.

    In hindsight, last time might have been better than last year.

  52. I hear a young Steph tried the belt on in 94, and Vince thought, you know...

    Seriously, blame the Attitude Era, as that's when all titles but the World jumped the shark.

  53. Now if only TNA stepped it's game up and lit a fire under....oh. yeah, we're doomed.

  54. Absolutely ridiculous in the Barrett match. R-Truth has NO value at this point... just have Barrett pin him and then have Barrett attack Ambrose... have a wild brawl to the back. Or Ambrose attacks Barrett after the match since that's the "wild card" part of his character. Anything but a stupid distraction finish which makes everybody look bad. GAAAAH!

  55. And did anyone knew or cared about a guy names "Del Wilkes"? And how should you know him? He was in WCW and then...away....and then suddenly there.

  56. The bro dude they cut to a few times in white who was marking out like a maniac.

    I knew about Rhyno from the spoilers and I still loved it.

  57. I never saw him get hit, did you? And what better way to add fuel to the story than going all out, right?


    "Get ready, it's time for 7 hours of Triple H!"

  59. "If nothing else, that segment proved that American healthcare is better than Russian, as Cena's eye went from the focal point of the match to ignored in the span of a week."

    Okay, that was pretty funny.

  60. Reminds me of the 9 / 11 conspiracy theories. You're giving McMahon far too much credit as an "evil mastermind" here. The guy runs a (formerly) successful wrestling promotion. He's not some kind of Svengali genius.


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