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Sporting News: NXT Takeover Rival produces one of the best shows of the decade


  1. Seriously though, do we want them getting press this good?

    I wish NXT was like Fight Club. It's fucking awesome and we love it but no one talks about it.

  2. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANFebruary 12, 2015 at 12:01 AM

    At this point they should consider sending guys back down. Would it really be a career demotion for Big E to go back there as a star, instead of being sweaty?

  3. If by demotion you mean reduction in pay, then yes.

  4. Next time my nine-year-old son wants to watch wrestling, Balor/Neville is the match I'm gonna show him. As great as it is to have long-term storytelling where matches build on what's happened previously, there's something to be said for a kickass match that doesn't require any context other than "they both want to win".

  5. Why? You feel like Vince might hear the good word and decide something must be Dunn about it?

  6. Why does everyone give full credit to HHH for NXT? I'm sure Trips has final say on the product, but he doesn't book it does he?

  7. The only thing saving Triple H is Steph. If NXT was Heyman's baby, I'm pretty sure we would of had Vince publicy butt fucking Heyman on live tv by now.

  8. I bet if the product turner to shit HHH would be the first one blamed so yeah of course he will be the first to be praised while it's hot.

    We all know there is more to it than just one guy.

  9. I could easily imagine Vince/Dunn taking revenge later by booking call-ups like shit and "proving" they couldn't get over on the big stage. It's happened with Dallas, Emma and The Ascension but there are legit reasons for them all to fail. If Zayn or Balor get called up and flounder, then I'd raise an eyebrow.

  10. Yeah pretty much.

    If everything I've read about Dunn holds true (that he values Sports Entertainment bullshit over wrestling) not to mention him being locked in a power struggle with HHH, then I don't want NXT to even be on Vince's radar.

    What they have going right now is perfect, you know they would ruin it.

  11. Kevin Owens/John Cena could be a great feud. I understand that they'd botch it and he'd get the Bray Wyatt treatment, but if Owens is in the right place at the right time next time Cena puts someone over ala Punk or Bryan, my vote goes to KO.

  12. Written by Ryan ward..approved by hhh

  13. I enjoyed Neville/Balor more though I agree Zayn/Owens had a better story.

    In a weird way though Owens/Zayn felt like it lacked the intensity I was expecting until the finish. Aside from Sami's opening plancha after getting fed up with the stalling it lacked some intensity. I can understand that being as its their first match but with Zayn's empassioned "IM GONNA KICK YOUR ASS" promos I thought he could have come out hotter.

    Props for Owens using the powerbomb finish too. Powerbomb always are effective.

  14. Steph hands Ric a bag of cash. Ric drops to the mat like he's been shot. Steph gets the pin. Easy enough.

  15. Too similar to Rollins' finisher, though - can see why they'd want to avoid that.

    Speaking of Rollins, I reckon he and Balor could tear the roof off.

  16. To be honest, I agree with you on the opening - I expected Sami to sprint at the ring, hurling the belt to one side, and going straight for Owens without pause.

    That said, you can argue the opposite - that him going in smoothly and keeping his cool ties into the development of the character over the last year, and how he's learned to have a bit more head-over-heart in the ring. Which is great character build.

  17. Zack Ryder's Internet Title to become a real thing?

  18. This and the "I feel bad for the guys who get pushed to the main roster" posts I see in the other threads are hilarious. Triple H is 100% right that every single one of them would drop what they're doing in the middle of a ***** match on an NXT special if they got called to the main roster.

  19. ...against each other, that is.

  20. The irresistible force meets the immovable object, WM 3 all over again, baby!

  21. psst... hey Lou, what cures cancer?

  22. Just watched, wow. There couldn't be more of a contrast to how I felt after watching this compared to the Rumble.

  23. The attention to detail about everything in NXT makes it so, so much better - the line that got me in the Owens/Zayn promo was Owens talking about Sami, and he says "All he cares about..." then stopped and corrected himself to say "All he HAS is..." to me said so much about the feud between the two and plants the seeds that maybe this isn't just about Owens providing for his family, that there's a deeper rift between the two. It's layering the story and foreshadowing for the future matches, something that the main roster just doesn't do beyond "D'oh, you beat me this time, I'll get you next week" crap.

  24. If the rumors are true about Vince and Dunn being there last night, I bet both of them have pages full of notes of things to change.

  25. Yeah, I really really liked that as well.

  26. And there'll probably give those notes to HHH because they think that NXT still needs a lot of work.

  27. I think he meant things to change about NXT... ;)

  28. That pump handle... Whatever it was mad me legit shout Jesus Christ! at the tv. That looked murderous.

  29. Matches too long. No dancing black guys. Possibly see if someone can be dressed as a chicken.

  30. Matt_INDEED_Was_Bayless'd!February 12, 2015 at 6:18 AM

    I only caught Owens/Zayn when it was live (which was good), so I really need to see the rest of the show. Sounds like another spectacular show at Full Sail. What a shock.

  31. Apparently, part of the reason they failed was BECAUSE Vince/Dunn purposely made them look bad.

  32. You know it's a good show when Scott can be bothered to review it

  33. Kevin has been hitting fools with it for years. I'm guessing you've never seen his package pile driver?

  34. I have to disagree on Corbin/Dempsey. I thought it was a really fun, short brawl. Perfectly booked match for them.

    I skipped over the tag title match and the women's match last night because I got a late start and had to be up early this morning, but from what I saw I'd give Breeze/Itami 3.25 stars, Dempsey/Corbin 2 stars, Neville/Balor 4.5 and Owens/Zayn 4.25.

  35. Matt_INDEED_Was_Bayless'd!February 12, 2015 at 6:30 AM

    I get what you're saying. But 90% of Zayn's NXT character is his tremendous selling. It's a lot easier to see pain in someone's face if you can actually see someone's face.

  36. Matt_INDEED_Was_Bayless'd!February 12, 2015 at 6:31 AM

    I think he's just saying that they're good enough to be on the main roster. He wasn't saying that they'd be used correctly.

  37. I actually have seen that one. Just that was new to me.

  38. Paul, listen here pal. You're doing a bang up job. There's just a few things you need to fix.
    1) Some of these guys aren't connecting. They don't have the 'it' factor. Maybe you want to look less to these guys like Zayn, Owens, Itami, Neville. Now that Corbin kid, he's looks like a real star!

    2) You maybe went a bit heavy on the women there pally. They can't wrestle 12 minutes. That's barbaric! People could die! Cut it to two minutes tops, and maybe start scouring the strip clubs and model cattle calls a little more. Some of these girls don't have the 'it' factor. Take this picture of Kelly Kelly with you. We need THAT

    3) I'm not sure I cared. And for that matter, no one cares about wrestling. They care about stories and characters. Take that Itami/Breeze match. It's too rasslin. Maybe you have Breeze come out and cut a 10 minute promo calling Itami some racially charged things, and then you have Itami come out and and say 'Me so solly!' and kick him in the head. It can be a catchphrase for him! 1-2-3. That's a great match, pal.

  39. Matt_INDEED_Was_Bayless'd!February 12, 2015 at 6:34 AM

    Well, he could say no.

  40. Matt_INDEED_Was_Bayless'd!February 12, 2015 at 6:36 AM

    "Me so solly!" LMAO

    Vintage McMahon.

  41. It's brilliant, pal! The crowd can chant it when they know it's coming, we can make t-shirts, maybe we can do a string of backstage promos where someone knocks something over off camera and then the camera pans to Itami and he says it! It's gold. Paul, I'm taking him to the main roster right now!

  42. I don't know why I stumbled across this 15-month old article but I'd never seen this before, a BoD shoutout on Deadspin. That's pretty cool.

  43. Is it wrong that I'm excited for Corbin to make the main roster just because he's big? Finally, someone to take Big Show or Kane's "giant" role and let them start fading away.

  44. Matt_INDEED_Was_Bayless'd!February 12, 2015 at 6:43 AM

    Don't forget the oriental music, and the rising sun on his wrestling gear! HE CAN KEEP CHOPSTICKS BEHIND HIS EARS and toss them to the kids!

  45. Matt_INDEED_Was_Bayless'd!February 12, 2015 at 6:44 AM

    Corbin ain't Big Show/Kane big. 6'9", 280.

  46. You mean the role that Luke Harper and Erik Rowan SHOULD be filling by this point?

  47. So? It's supposed to be a developmental territory.

  48. Dammit. I can hold out hope for a newer giant.

  49. Like Matt said, not quite big enough. Same for Sheamus.

  50. Because he runs the show?

  51. Really? He looks 6'4 tops.

  52. Read my mind. VINTAGE WIGGUM~!

  53. It seems like a waste that a move that cool isn't a finisher.

  54. Matt_INDEED_Was_Bayless'd!February 12, 2015 at 6:53 AM

    Sorry, I should say....He's BILLED at 6'9". Your height on him is probably closer to the truth.

  55. "It astonishes me that the monkeys who produce the garbage for the main shows don’t watch these and LEARN."

    We don't know if the main shows are written by monkeys because of the 800-pound gorilla that is Vince McMahon. This has been well-established on many occasions, Scotty.

  56. Charismatic eNegro Jef VinsonFebruary 12, 2015 at 7:04 AM

    Requoted from yesterday:

    *HHH sneaks into the backdoor of WWE HQ hiding something under his coat. He bumps into Vince and Kevin Dunn as he turns the corner.*
    HHH: Hey...hey, Vince.."
    Vince: "Hey Hunter. What's that you got?"
    HHH: "Oh THIS? it's nothing."
    Vince: "Wait, is it the new Muscle and Fitness? I was waiting for that."
    HHH: "No. It's nothing...just.."
    *Kevin Dunn reaches in HHH's coat.* Come on! Let's see!"
    *HHH shoots Dunn a dirty look. Dunn hides behind Vince. Vince gives HHH a stern look as he holds out his hands.*
    HHH: *sigh* Fine. *HHH opens up his coat and holds it out.*
    Vince: What is THAT?"
    HHH: "It's a little project I've put together called NXT."
    Vince: "Can i play with it?"
    HHH: "NO! It's MINE!!"
    Vince: Stop being stingy and let me see it!!"
    Dunn *From behind Vince* "YEAH STOP BEING STINGY AND LET HIM SEE IT!!:
    *HHH shoots Dunn another dirty look.* "Fine, just don't mess it up."
    *Vince takes NXT in his hands. This isn't bad. You know it could use some hillbillies and dancing Negr..."
    Dunn: "OOh, let me play!!" *Reaches out to touch it which causes Vince to drop it and break it.*
    *HHH runs up the hall like a child having a tantrum while Vince chases him.*

  57. Charismatic eNegro Jef VinsonFebruary 12, 2015 at 7:06 AM

    "3) I'm not sure I cared. And for that matter, no one cares about wrestling. They care about stories and characters. Take that Itami guy and make him a Chinese food delivery guy. YEAH, put him on a bike with a basket full of fortune cookies that he can throw out to the crowd."


  58. I thought Tyson Kidd worked great in that role.

  59. I'd argue it's becoming a bit more than that now. But even if it were purely a developmental territory, taking away all the good wrestlers doesn't help the others develop does it?

  60. It's not Sami's job to develop Corbin.

  61. What kind of show do you think they'd have put on last night if all the good wrestlers were taken away from NXT?

  62. He's tall, not big. He's doughy in the middle and has no muscle definition - I don't buy him at all as the "monster" they are trying to sell to us.

  63. Charismatic eNegro Jef VinsonFebruary 12, 2015 at 7:14 AM

    HHH said they want to eventually treat it as a separate promotion and send main roster guys there. It would help increase numbers on the road.

    That would actually be a good angle for someone like DBry to get sent there.

  64. Charismatic eNegro Jef VinsonFebruary 12, 2015 at 7:16 AM

    LOL @ Cena losing to anyone.

  65. Fast Lane will definitely have more commercials for Wrestlemania than Rival did, so theres that.

  66. Fucking great show. I really, really liked the main event. The aggression, pace and story all worked for me. Even the chinlocks had intensity and actually fed into the finish. I'd have it at ****1/2.

    Women's title and Balor/Neville both ****. Top notch stuff. I like how a few weeks after Rollins debuted the Phoenix Splash in WWE, Neville did the second rope version. Superb.

    Just a brilliant show.

  67. Again, he's big for NXT, which is like being skinny for Lane Bryant.

  68. Big Cass is bigger... and you can't teach that.

  69. It's not. At all. And as for your second question, no idea, probably a shitty one.

  70. So you admit it's a pretty stupid idea then? PS the point of developmental is presumably to have people of different skill sets work together to help each other develop

  71. Good point. I was kind of half paying attention during the promo video but when that spot hit, I stopped and gave my attention... then started to think more about it. Kind of speculating what could be going on.

    I cannot remember the last time I did this for a WWE feud.

  72. That is literally not the point of developmental. The point is to develop guys that can help you make money. The only reason Balor, Sami, Owens, Neville, the divas are still down there is because WWE is a poorly run company.

    They can pump out all the awesome NXT shows they want with those guys and I'll gladly watch. That doesn't mean it isn't stupid.


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