Vintage: You know, say whatever you want about Vince McMahon, but at least he chose to have his on-air Gold Club Wife Swapping fantasies with Trish Stratus. That'll always put him a peg above Uncle Eric.
Without trying to hold the guys to different standards, Vince gets the pass here. Yes, he was living out his lecherous old man fantasies on television, but at least he covered it up a little smoother than Eric by incorporating it into a stupid angle with a rock solid payoff. Eric had no end-game, other than “I’m gonna make out like a teenager on TV because I CAN!” And yes, if you INSIST this is the route you have to take, then I agree, do it with the hottest fitness model walking planet earth as opposed to the road hag from Cedar Rapids, just north of Hell.
CRZ: The definitive recap of this PPV was written back when it originally aired as a "News from Dayton," and although Google hasn't, Rick HAS kept a copy available to everyone.
Everyone should take a few minutes to read this. Rick Scaia, a relatively rationale man, was driven so mad by the stupidity of nWo Souled Out that he decided it was a better idea to shove thousands of hot pokers up his own ass than continue to deal with the pain of the show. Now, it’s probably a little extreme to turn ones anus into a molten mudhole, but that’s just the kind of program this was.
I don’t have a doubt in my mind that Worldwide is going to be a stronger show than Souled Out. Even with featured players Bobby Eaton and Madusa on tap, and even though TONY SCHIAVONE and “SOBER” BOBBY HEENAN are hyping a pay-per-view that actually already aired last night (with Heenan predicting Giant will win the belt), I am relatively confident that neither member of this particular announce team will start making out with anyone.
EDDIE GUERRERO vs. RICK THAMES (in a non-title match)
Let’s see ... bland US champion with no discernible mic skills for the time being against toothless smiling jobber. Sorry Eddie, I don’t care how cool you’re GOING to be, you’re still a wiener for the time being and I’m all aboard the Rick-Train.
Eddie armdrags Rick, who immediately complains of hair-pulling. Oh, this guy means business. Thames takes Eddie down, but a kip up has him back to his feet, as the fans explode in an “EDDIE” chant because the guy with the cue-cards told them to. Heenan starts trying to explain why Hogan’s the most hated man in history, but he’s not making sense, and I hear a little slurring. Are we seeing the re-appearance of Sober Bobby Heenan?!? It’s going to be a good night! Thames hits a mule kick, while Heenan starts carrying on about the fans who were imported to tonight’s event on 17 busses, and are called the “Eddie” people, with that being the only word they know. Come on Bobby, I know you can do better, have another drink! Guerrero rocks Thames with a European uppercut, and Heenan figures the “Fast Talking Eddies” loved that. Eddie hits the Frog Splash, which Heenan calls the “jackknife” because he has no love for Art Barr (may he rest in peace), and Guerrero scores the victory at 4:24. *
I think I’ve died and gone to jobber heaven tonight.
Heenan compares him to a Chia pet, or maybe the inside of a mattress. I guess he’s laying down tonight, rats. Payne works a keylock, but Eaton escapes and drives him to the mat with a hammerlock. Payne gets to the ropes, and challenges Eaton to a test of strength. Eaton wins – what the hell? Against THAT afro? So rigged. Payne jabs a thumb to Eaton’s eyes and screams “HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW?” Oh Billy, I never didn’t like you. Heenan breaks into “you so ugly” jokes that I’m fairly sure he stole from a repeat airing of the Fresh Prince. Eaton hits a swinging neckbreaker which sets up the Alabama Jam for the win at 4:07. 1/2*
Do you like Nitro? Here’s 7 minutes of video packages dedicated to it! And just like that, this show is half done. Well, it makes it easier on ME.
KAORU (with Sonny Onoo) vs. MADUSA
We haven’t seen Kaoru since the December 29 Worldwide when she was decimated by Akira Hokuto, but maybe the time off has led to some extensive training that will change her fortunes. Tony starts sounding like someone with something to hide, when Heenan asks about his friendship with her. “I’ve known her for many years, and yes, we’re good friends, and, uhh ... I like her a lot.” I hope he signed a pre-nup. The girls trade backslides before Kaoru goes back to her roots and utilizes The Bite To The Knuckle. Kaoru heads up, but Madusa does a handstand headscissors takeover to bring her back in. Kaoru fights back with a pair of Thesz Presses, but she misses a moonsault off the top and gets monkey flipped. She goes for another one, but Sonny holds Kaoru steady, so Madusa flies off and Kaoru pins her with her feet on the ropes at 3:27!!!! Holy crap! On Worldwide?!? Sonny demands his arms get raised, while Schiavone screams that they cheated. Heenan: “I bet when you were in school, you were a tattletale!” Tony: “Are you ready for the Pepboys Power Pin of the Week?” Heenan: “Sure, stool pigeon.” *
WILDCAT WILLY gets some rare TV time, doing his shtick during Juvi’s entrance. Rey is currently nursing an injury which caused him to a miss a recent TV title shot, so it’s incredible to see him battling through the pain to compete here on Worldwide tonight. Juvi chops at Rey and goes for a powerbomb but Rey shrugs off. Juvi charges, walking right into a spinning rana at warp speed that sends Juvi crashing to the floor. Back in, a standing switch sees Juvi nail a German suplex and gets 2. Juvi applies a rear naked choke, and Rey has nowhere to go. Unfortunately, this ain’t UFC, and realism ain’t our forte, because Mysterio manages to fight loose after about a minute in the hold with a backdrop. Juvi starts screaming in Spanish, and Heenan agrees. Tony: “What did he say?” Bobby: “If you would have got an education...” Tony: “No, you’re covering up your own deficiencies!” Bobby: “He was explaining why he and Mysterio wear masks.” Tony: “And why is that?” Bobby: “I’ll explain at the end of the program.” Juvi goes back to the rear naked choke, but gives up after getting nowhere. Rey hits a spinning heel kick, and a double jump moonsault gets 2. Next, Mysterio goes for a powerbomb and tells the fans he’s going to hit a standing moonsault. Of course, Juvi SEES that, so he just lifts the knees to block it. Juvi Driver hits, and a 360 guillotine gets ... 2?!? Go to hell, WCW! Bobby: “I’m going to predict that nobody will ever hold the Crusierweight title more than a couple of months because competition is so stiff.” Tony: “Well, Rey held it 6 months already.” .... you know, this stuff is EASILY verifiable, Tony. Why lie over something so trivial? A second Juvi Driver connects, but a springboard splash is blocked with a dropkick and Mysterio gets 2. Rey tries for a rear torture rack, but Juvi swings forward with a DDT and puts Rey up top. Mysterio manages to block the rana, and Juvi hits the back of his head on the mat. West Coast Pop gets the win at 8:45. These guys are capable of way, way more. Heenan: “Okay, I’ll tell you why they wear masks. They’re ugly!” **1/2
They wrap things up with a final sell for Souled Out. Call your local cable company yesterday!
"I'm Rick Thames, bitch!"
ReplyDeleteI felt terrible for Trish throughout that Mr McMahon is having an affair in public angle. The was constantly humiliated, in particular that tag match where they dumped all that weird garbage juice or whatever it was on her, bark like a dog all of it, she never really got her payback either. That she went to achieve what she did was amazing but still that angle was pretty messed up with no real revenge for her.
ReplyDeleteHer big payback was slapping Vince which was immediately overshadowed by Linda.
ReplyDeleteTo clarify where they stand on the list of Cool Things British People Do, I haven't been to one in probably 20 years
ReplyDeleteUNCOOL. I'm extremely cool! I go to bars and see hot bands.
ReplyDeleteSomething like that.
ReplyDeleteUnless you're a kid or have kids, there's no reason to go to one, I would have thought.
ReplyDeleteI'm just gonna take my kids to like, Megadeth or something
ReplyDeleteDidn't they use a unix system for Jurassic Park?
ReplyDeleteThat show was so great. I need to go back and watch it.
ReplyDeleteMy entire family goes to a professional one every year at Christmas it's a tradition for a lot of families even those like mine with no kids.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't trust our most brilliant attorneys to get dressed in the morning on their own.
ReplyDeleteUnix is used everywhere. Apple uses it as the core for all their stuff.
ReplyDeleteI have a few dumb dumbs but they were hired because they're dumb. Meaning, they do the lame shit like hand inserting and delivery and shit like that.
ReplyDeleteApple... core...
ReplyDelete... heh.
That's...not surprising.
ReplyDeleteI really wish I could say that was intentional.
ReplyDeleteLegit LOL
ReplyDeleteYou're terrible.
You know what really complicates the Mania main event booking? The fucking MitB briefcase. They HAVE TO have Rollins successfully cash it in. If they don't then how do they turn around and sell the next one as meaning anything when the last guy held it most of a year and couldn't capitalize? Yet to cash it in cuts the nuts off whoever is champion--especially if it's Reigns. So do they cut off both Bryan & Reigns and have Rollins cash it in directly on Lesnar? Does Bryan become the sacrificial lamb? Or does the briefcase not get cashed in, and it becomes another casualty of the Reigns push? Maybe they'll veer off completely and have Seth cash the briefcase in on Ambrose assuming he wins the IC belt. Whatever the case, you know the briefcase has to be taken in account somewhere, if only to just remove it from the equation, and don't think Vince hasn't probably changed his mind about it ten times already.
ReplyDeleteI'm off, i'll be back in several hours and i'll let you know how the show went.
ReplyDeleteScene I, Act I. Brian and Marv discuss last night's party near their school lockers.
Sadly, huge corporations seem to hire based on "we need a team to stick people on...system admin sounds harmless enough." I have to almost fight people to keep them from deleting everything.
ReplyDeleteThat's tremendous.
ReplyDeleteI work in a university. There's lots of academics who are incredibly skilled and knowledgeable about their subject but don't understand the simplest thing about computers, or basically anything at all outside their area of expertise.
ReplyDeleteThat's something I feel I would like to do with a group of friends.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I'm also big into public viewings of 80s slasher films.
That got me laughing!
ReplyDeleteThis whole confusion about pantomime makes me think of the ballet bit on The Simpsons:
ReplyDelete"Gonna see the bear in the little car, huh?"
Have a good time! It sounds like fun!
ReplyDeleteI'm eating guacamole. I'll let you know how it is when I'm done.
ReplyDeleteRollins still has until June of 2015 to cash in.
ReplyDeleteUpdate: Too much onions.
ReplyDeleteHomemade I trust.
ReplyDelete....If only Dean had the case
ReplyDeleteI don't really like knowing that the winner of Mania probably has a 2 month title reign tops though.
ReplyDeleteScene I, Act II, Caliber calls his mom on the phone as Marv and Brian walk by.
Chipotle. I prefer poor minimum wage workers to make my guac. There's also too much onions because I complained about it last time. These are spite onions.
ReplyDeleteI'd pay to see Vince dance to MC Hammer's Addams Family song.
ReplyDeleteI like to call it "Chipodle" because it drives my gf to violence. We (I) have fun.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't mind if people were stupid about stuff that's not their job, but this is literally the main thing they're employed for. I'm trying to help someone find all the commands a user ran and it's...challenging.
ReplyDeleteA guy I used to work with called it "Chapoodle my Noodle." I can't stop calling it that now.
ReplyDeleteWhat's confusing about panto? I mean other than when grownups are way too into it.
ReplyDeletePut together a Trish Stratus collage for the TEW Attitude skin loading screen. Uhh...brb.
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't checked it out yet, I'd highly recommend the "Games Done Quick" videos. No matter the game, there is someone in the world who can beat the thing crazy fast. Ninja Gaiden runs in like 9 minutes.
ReplyDeleteThose fitness shots she did were just wrong. Cloning NOW!
ReplyDeleteThat was easily the first great Raw episode. The famous 123 Kid win and a **** title change between HBK and Marty. No on to Slamboree 93.
ReplyDeleteWell, yeah, but the story was Trish was weaning Linda off her meds, which was how she recovered. It wasn't the greatest payback story in the world, I guess, but it was something. (Linda dramatically rising out of the chair was probably the coolest thing she ever did.)
ReplyDeleteJameis Winston has shoulder weakness. Hey, it's rough on the body when you're holding down drunken women to violate
ReplyDeleteTennessee Bound!
ReplyDeleteThat's just his excuse to get out of throwing at the combine.
ReplyDeleteAlso he seems to have a little Jericho paunch now. COME ON BABAY IM THE KING OF THE WORLD
ReplyDeleteActually, at this job not as much.
ReplyDeleteBut at my last job? Yes. People who literally had no business being in the position that they were in. Didn't understand basic, established, industry-wide terminology.
I know we joke about Steph morphing into Chyna, but let's remember Rock's ex did it first
Not yet hired Browns OC is currently getting Mariota ready for the draft. Gee guys I wonder if the Browns are using this loophole to see if Mariota is worth trading up to get? I hope they are, otherwise get DiFilippo to camp.
ReplyDeletealso, Vince didn't just make out with Trish on screen, he made out with Candace, Sable and Stacy (kind of).
ReplyDelete(and didn't he have an on screen thing with Torrie as well?)
no, they didn't.
ReplyDelete[source: living in Germany and watching the shows at that time]
The crowd going apeshit for Linda rising is tremendous. I also like Vince having to make sure he's in position to get nailed in the nuts
ReplyDeleteJust realized Earthquake is 4-0 at WrestleMania. I have no use for this information but I feel it's important.
ReplyDeleteThat just isn't attractive at all. Damn.
ReplyDeleteThere is no way Tampa is trading away their #1 pick.
ReplyDeleteThe current scuttlebutt is they draft Winston. TN could be bought at #2, possibly.
ReplyDeleteYeah I noticed he made sure to open up his stance also. That whole match quite the spectacle but I maintain my stance on the Trish thing. Glad she recovered she became a hell of a worker. Maybe the most unexpectedly dramatic improvement I have ever seen in a worker.
ReplyDeleteI think that's wishful Cleveland thinking.
ReplyDeleteI have no trouble believing this actually happened.
ReplyDeleteMost likely. I don't really want Mariota; I'd rather have Hundley for cheap.
ReplyDeleteBischoff wife >>>>>Vince wife
That's how you have to get for a fitness competition at that level though. She doesn't walk around like that normally. I have a friend that does this stuff, she's an absolute smoke show when not training.
ReplyDeletedig him up and shake his hand / appreciate the man
ReplyDeleteWAIT. Wasn't he in the gimmick battle royal?
ReplyDeleteSo Keith stole the pokers bit?
ReplyDelete... Ew.
ReplyDeleteto me it doesn't even have to do with their wrestling skills. I think having the occasional "giant" on the roster that always have horrible matches but look impressive etc. is fine.
ReplyDeletebut these two have been around for so long and have almost literally done everything there is to do in the WWE. if it was some "fresh faces" it would be at least a bit more enjoyable for me (if those guys could actually go in the ring it would obviously be even better).
This is why I can't have nice things.
ReplyDeleteI think when he first used it he did credit it to Scaia
ReplyDeleteNope. Timeandtherani ruined the dream. 4-1.
ReplyDeleteCrab legs don't strengthen the muscles?
ReplyDeletehis match against Sheamus.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Art :( One day I won't step all over your stuff, I promise.
ReplyDeleteI should have done my research.
ReplyDeleteI feel so bad laughing at this, but I hate Winston so fuck him.
ReplyDeleteI kind of agree. putting Reigns over strong at least make him look like a threat (which the weird Rumble booking this year didn't).
ReplyDeleteI'm leaving at 12 to get ready for my flight at 4. This is gonna be a looooong hour
ReplyDeleteconsidering how late and little the acknowledged the "Yes!" chant being a thing outside the WWE, I don't wonder about something like that anymore.
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard any of Austins podcasts other than the bullshit Vince one. But I'm through all of Jericho's (worth listening too). What are a couple good Austin ones to download? I think the koloff one is up my alley
ReplyDeletethe IRS character was great for was it was supposed to be (midcard heel).
ReplyDeleteSomeone had mentioned to me awhile ago that's the worst one and tbh I don't give a shit about Nash, his career, or opinions. Probably won't check that out.
ReplyDeleteThe Paul Heyman one was right before SummerSlam. It was a good piece of business.
ReplyDeleteAt one point, Austin stops rolling and pitches a scenario to Heyman about a comeback.
I enjoyed the Nash and Meltzer ones. I haven't heard too many others
ReplyDeleteCool I'll download both of them.
ReplyDeleteThe Nash one is actually good? Hmmm your the 2nd guy to suggest it, maybe I'll check it out.
ReplyDeleteGoldberg is still undefeated at Wrestlemania!
ReplyDeleteThe Streak lives!
His X-Pac one is great unless you don't feel like thug tears. He talks about his past drug problems and his suicide attempt in 2008.
ReplyDeleteIf you can get past Nash saying "fuckin" every third word, it isn't bad.
ReplyDeleteRVD is 4-0 at Wrestlemania.
ReplyDeleteHe has two Nash ones. The first is pretty in depth while the other more recent one they were basically plugging sponsors the entire time.
ReplyDeleteI'll check it out
ReplyDeleteControversial. He did lose that pre-show match!
ReplyDeleteAustin's show is pretty good even when he doesn't have a guest. Him and his friend Ted Fowler can have you cracking up just bullshitting down at the ranch about the rats, woodpeckers, etc.
ReplyDeleteThanks for clarifying. I'll def check it out if everyone is saying its good. I'll make sure I get the right one.
ReplyDeleteBlue Pants!
ReplyDeleteRoman Reigns is 2-0, dude!
ReplyDeleteSo is Rick Rude brah,
ReplyDeleteI hate the seats in coach busses.
ReplyDeleteNo ass support all the way to Montreal -_-
Listening to this classic at work:
These god damn Olympic style PED rats...
ReplyDeleteYeah, he's got a good 3 bottle of wine buzz going...
ReplyDeleteThat was Linda 30 years ago, but bischoff did wife swap with ddp, so he still wins.
ReplyDeleteScott once tried to argue she wasn't even a wrestler! She seemed to be holding pattern in 2001, just having endless matches with Torrie and Stacy
ReplyDeleteI once did a 12 hour coach from London to Aberdeen. After about 5 hours I was basically in absolute pain. That was a brutal ride.
ReplyDeleteNext week: Randy Orton vs. John Cena!
ReplyDeleteAberdeen Washington? Daniel Bryan's hometown!
ReplyDeletepowered by those silicon graphics computers
ReplyDeleteThe Bischoff ones were super-interesting. The HBK one had kind of a different tone than Jericho's with him. Meltzer was good, too, as was Wade Keller after the Rumble.
ReplyDeleteHis podcasts with Jim Cornette are good, as Cornette gives lots of interesting wrestling history (not his usual rants versus Kevin Dunn that have gotten old). I also enjoyed his one with Bret Hart.
ReplyDeleteIt was a magical flying coach.
Or swimming.
ReplyDeleteBattle royals shouldn't really count for win-loss
ReplyDeleteA coach couldn't swim the atlantic in 12 hours, silly.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if part of this is due to him also playing pitcher in baseball.
ReplyDeleteGot 18 Austin pod casts, including all the recommended ones. Thanks guys! I'm loaded with podcasts for these trips again.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sold on Mariota as an NFL QB.
ReplyDeleteTHE Coach could though.
ReplyDeleteBill Walsh could have...
ReplyDeleteShe rules. She rules so much.
ReplyDeleteBret's match with Berserker at this pre surser 91 msg show might be the worst one I've seen him have in wwe (the Vince match not withstanding)
ReplyDeleteI don't mean Mr. Perfect's manager The Coach. I mean Jonathan Coachman the Coach.
ReplyDeleteThat doesn't even look real.
ReplyDeleteI watching his Survivor Series tag with his brothers at Survivor Series 1993. This is extremely boring so far.
ReplyDeleteI hope he keeps having Wade come on to analyze PPVS, those have been some of my favorite listens.
ReplyDelete18 podcasts! You're gonna be quite the trash talkin' son of a gun once you've absorbed all these
ReplyDeleteBerzerker was an interesting character. Most of his matches were bad, but he actually had a **** match with the Undertaker on a Coliseum Video release. And this was zombie Taker, too. It was awesome.
ReplyDeleteIf they draft Winston, i may turn in my bucs fan card. Both qbs have bust written all over them. Trading down is what i hope happens, but i agree it's not happening.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe you.
ReplyDeleteGod that match is dreck. That whole show is boring as.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to remember what tape it was. I know it was a 1993 release. WrestleFest '93 I think.
ReplyDeleteThat match sucks so bad.
ReplyDeleteI liked the opening tag with Razor/Diesel/Kid.
ReplyDeleteThe opener is good. The main event is fine. However, running the Smokey Mountain tag match (which was good) in Boston was dumb.
ReplyDeleteIs there a good weekly podcast to listen to for MLB? It's hard for me to navigate the podcast market since there's so much damn stuff out there now.
ReplyDeleteIf Winston ends up being good do you come back?
ReplyDeleteWWF did some random shit. Here's Berserker and RIC FLAIR taking on Undertaker and Macho Man.
ReplyDeleteTbh my favorite basketball ones are from p2b so I'd check there.
ReplyDeleteHa, WWF loved those random tag pairings in the early 1990s, especially for Coliseum Video. I remember Rampage '92 having a Bezerker/Papa Shango vs. Undertaker/Ultimate Warrior pairing.
ReplyDeleteThis match is still going by the way. Accidentally saw the time stamp. Only halfway through.
ReplyDeleteAnd my Fantasy NBA season is done if Chris Bosh is out for the year. Son of a.....
ReplyDelete"Hand me that gimmick over by the gimmick. I need to gimmick this gimmick real quick"
ReplyDeleteJust have the doctor give him a z pack.
ReplyDeleteFantasy Sports are a cruel mistress. I lost my football championship because Andrew Luck played the worst game of the season at the worst time.
ReplyDeleteI'll never understand the hatred for Cabana, There are a hundred worse wrestlers, who contribute nothing to wrestling.
ReplyDeleteOr send John Cena to help him RISE ABOVE BLOOD CLOTS. Like why can't this impact someone NOT on my team? This year I was actually doing good in fantasy NBA since I got Brandon Knight in the draft late and made some other good late picks.
ReplyDeleteI'd never really leave, but goddam i'd never cheer for the guy either way. Some serious departmentalizing might br necessary
ReplyDeleteYeah, I lost fantasy MLB by .004 of a BA point last year. Lost a league by .001 of a WHIP point two years ago.
ReplyDeleteApparently Jesse Ventura had to retire from wrestling due to blood clots in his lungs too.
ReplyDeleteTrue. Wasn't his due in part to Agent Orange?
ReplyDeleteMy dad is huge into Fantasy Baseball and has been doing it for 3 years. First year he had the best record but lost his championship and the past two years he's taken the championship.
ReplyDeleteHe also does basketball but lost his championship last year. Guy is an animal.
I only do Fantasy Football and I kicked his ass in that lol. He finished .500 both years I played FF with him.
I had similar feelings when there was scuttlebutt that GS might draft jimmer fredette.
ReplyDeleteYeah that's what he said. I also learned he hated working commentary with JR.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm good at baseball and golf for fantasy, but I suck at hockey and basketball for the most part. Football I was good, but I just got mad at losing the title game 3 years in a row and haven't done it in a few years. I have awful luck in title games.
ReplyDeleteSo I went to the first game with my buddy, the 2nd time I met my dad up there, this time I'm bringing my gf. It doesn't seem like I should be jinxing anything but if something goes wrong tonight she's never coming again.
ReplyDeleteAs a whole the 1993 PPVS have been my least favorite year for WWF. Rumble's undercard was decent but the Rumble match is awful. Mania is average. King of the Ring is probably the best of the year because of Bret's 3 good matches. SummerSlam is actually okay but the main event is boring and the finish is dumb.
ReplyDeleteSo far Survivor Series has had one good match and a dreadful one.
We have to preform like the second we get off the bus too so I'm trying *really* hard not to get to stiff.
ReplyDeleteI've been telling her that all day and she's having fun with it because she thinks I'm playing around being silly but I'd push her into a shark tank for 65 regular season wins.
ReplyDeleteHaha she thinks she's being supportive and you guys are just joking around having fun. Little does she know. If the Warriors lose she will rue this day.
ReplyDeleteAgree. 1993 just goes off the rails and the company really dropped the ball on booking. Savage should've won the Rumble, Luger should've won at SummerSlam, etc. Luger not winning ruins SummerSlam '93 to me because it makes the whole show fall flat. I think if Luger went over that pay-per-view is remembered much more fondly.
ReplyDeleteThey should have had Diesel on Shawn's team. Diesel powerbombing and pinning all three of Bret's brothers one-by-one would have instantly built him as a credible challenger to Bret.
ReplyDeleteIts crazy how much better the WWF got when they pushed Owen
ReplyDeleteMy dad is so out of place when has to be the enforcer of kitchen related stuff and cleaning. Because he doesn't really give a shit, but it's just so none of us could deal with mom complaining.
ReplyDeleteMe and my friend realised recently that we've watched five Manchester United games together and United's record is 1 draw and 4 defeats in those five. We've decided not to watch the games together anymore as a result. It's not worth it.
ReplyDeleteThe Streak!
ReplyDeleteAn HOUR AND 20 MINUTES into this show and this Harts match is still going. There have only been two matches so far.
ReplyDeleteThe first match ain't that long. Has this match really been 40 minutes?
As the days of the season go by this is starting to become serious business.
ReplyDeleteHis loss kinda kills it. Otherwise it's a solid show. The Razor/Dibiase opener is fine, the whole Bret segment is good, the Steiners tag is really good, there's a good 6 man tag and the crowd is hot for the main event.
ReplyDeleteIt's unfortunate too, because those shows didn't have to be so bad. The over-emphasis on Yokozuna as anything more than a one-off monster of the week challenger was a misstep. He could have been used to build Bret's reign OR give Hogan someone to beat at Mania instead of a title match. Instead they gave him a couple title reigns. Luger could have been a great heel challenger to Bret's title, instead they made him a smiling Hogan clone. Bret should have just carried the belt indefinitely, with guys like Yoko, Savage, Lawler, Luger going after him all year
ReplyDeleteI wonder if my dad would do it to my mom. Hope so pops, hope so..
ReplyDeleteI don't get why they did it. Lawler's not in there, the whole match is pointless. The ONLY reason the match is there is so Owen can get eliminated and then push Bret, so why drag it out so long? They should have eliminated the knights in like a minute each.
ReplyDeleteYes. Luger over Yoko at SummerSlam, then you can always have the feud continue with Yoko's team vs. Luger's team at Survivor Series. If Lex is falling flat, put Yoko over him at the Rumble to re-gain the belt, with Bret winning the '94 Rumble against all odds. If Lex is doing well, continue his reign to Mania.
ReplyDeleteExactly. That's the worst thing is that the matches booking is that the Harts dominate and Owen is pissed because he was the only one eliminated. 10 minutes tops. Knights gone right away. Shawn survives for 10 minutes and eliminates Owen and then walks because he's outmatched.
ReplyDeleteIf Lex Luger slams Yoko and hits the forearm shot to win the title at SummerSlam '93, does he catch fire? Or does he still fall flat and we get Bret Hart back on top by Mania anyway?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure. The crowd at SummerSlam seemed really behind him honestly. You can't judge everything just from a live crowd but they were really behind him at their second biggest show. If anything he does fine as a stopgap until Mania X.
ReplyDeleteITS OVER!
ReplyDeletePart 2: Would they have been better served to hold off on Lex's win and do a chase to Mania 10? Lex doing the USA babyface turn, but not a Yoko match at SummerSlam? Luger beating other heels to build up a win streak, then winning the Rumble to earn his title shot, then a title win at Mania?
ReplyDeleteI think I've read every SK rant going back to the Netcop days, and I don't ever recall Scott attributing the HPUA system to Scaia. In fact, I just did a quick Google search for "Scott Keith Hot Pokers" (easily the worst search string I've ever employed) and got a bunch of results for old Keith rants, not one of which mentions that the concept was lifted from Scaia. Interesting.
ReplyDeleteThey seriously could have just scrapped it and done Bret vs. Shawn without the "Knights" or Hart brothers. Just do a re-match from the previous year's Survivor Series
ReplyDeleteI think it was a strike quick thing. If they do a slow build I still think Bret emerges as the crowd favorite over Lex but he was hotter than he had been and Yoko wasn't setting the World on fire either.
ReplyDeleteThe attempted triple flying headbutt is probably my favorite six man tag match moment of all-time.
ReplyDeleteDominated the BoD FF league again, my whole team got the shits during championship week and denied me a three peat
ReplyDeleteBuying a new couch today because I broke my futon. Dammit.
ReplyDeleteI always found it odd that they didn't try to push him sooner. He was around since the late 80s and Bret was always slated for a singles push. Bulldog benefitted from Bret's singles run early, but Owen never became anything until '93 and on
ReplyDeleteThe war?!
I like Luger, so honestly, I think he does. He's definitely in a better situation than just not winning the title, which cuts his legs off. Why should he be happy at the end when he wins via count out and he can't get another title match? Vince should've called an audible when the crowd started going nuts for Luger.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of fantasy sports, 18-0 in BoD fantasy hockey and currently out scoring everyone this week too. In the words of poet laureate Angelina Love, I'm tired of throwing around the same ol' hos
ReplyDeleteYeah, doing the long heel reign seemed ill-advised. Making Yoko the stopgap until a Luger title win at SummerSlam was fine, but this wasn't the NWA and Yoko was no Vader in terms of building a great dominant heel
ReplyDeleteI love Undertaker being on the patriotic team.
ReplyDeleteAnd if he has to fail at SummerSlam, have it be the catalyst for him turning back heel. He would have been a great elitist heel for Bret to feud with once he got the belt back. Keeping him the smiling patriot did nothing for Luger
ReplyDeleteExactly. There's lots of options if face Luger doesn't catch on. I never faulted Luger for jumping to WCW in 1995 because the company kept screwing him over. Luger as a heel in 1994-1995 instead of Tatanka and facing Diesel would've been great for Diesel's title run.