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Did You Know?

Given that UFC bombed in the ratings on FOX yet again with another 1.0, I have to wonder if the Did You Know on RAW will make reference to that, or if they'll really go balls to the wall and use Magic WWE Math to show that they somehow beat the Olympics at some point last week.  Maybe by totalling the viewership of all three hours of RAW, plus two hours of Smackdown, plus replays?  How would they pull that one off, I wonder?  


  1. Has any of the Olympic wrestling been on TV?  If so and the ratings were low enough...

  2. Did you know that WWE programming has been watched by more viewers than Olympic curling, ping-pong, skeetshooting, and the UFC... you know the same UFC that Brock Lesnar: current job guy, was the champion of?

  3. I'm sure the WWE Universe has more Tout users than Olympics viewers, so there's that, no matter how petty

  4. I think for fun, we should start a campaign: every time WWE airs a Did You Know, people will pledge $1 to Linda's opponent, either in the primary, or the general election.

  5. It's too bad.  That was a spectacular night of fights for the UFC.

    As awful as UFC 149 was, last night was some high quality violence.

  6. I wouldn't worry TOO much about Chris Murphy making Linda submit in the general election #Connecticut #thestatesoblueitsviolet

  7. Sounds like a blast.

  8. Have Chael Sonnen fight Anderson Silva again. Who cares about who's the number one contender.

  9. That's too bad that the UFC show didn't do so well because it was a great event. Hopefully, people will take notice and the company will stack the next card with some great fights.

  10. Worst_in_the_WorldAugust 5, 2012 at 8:09 PM

    So UFC bombs in the ratings, but the whole post is snark aimed at WWE? Ok.

    Anyway, is it fair to say that the overall audience for pro wrestling is larger than that of UFC, but UFC fans are more willing to actually pay for the big events? Or at least, one seems to be a TV rights fee business, and one a PPV business.

  11. Once again, Fox's promotion of the UFC events is the problem. I didn't even know there was UFC on Fox last night until seeing this post, and Fox is the only broadcast network I watch.

  12. I watched more two-man canoe this week than WWE. Holy fuck, they need to promote that event more, it's awesome.

  13. Fox has done everything possible to light their investment money on fire with regards to the UFC.  They put TUF on Fridays and made them extremely DVR unfriendly and wondered why people weren't watching.  They don't promote the live shows on FX or Fox enough and on the rare occasion they do they just say the names and don't add any extra hype.  Even the boxing commentators on Showtime pretend to know a little bit about the sport or the competitors when they read the plugs for Strikeforce between gritted teeth. 

    No wonder Dana was wearing an ESPN shirt last week.

  14. It's my blog, I can snark where and when I want.  

  15. I think any chance to snark at WWE can't be wasted. 

    Your theory is probably right, and this is what I was thinking when I read the post. 

  16. DID YOU KNOW: 13 million combined viewers watched Monday Night Raw, which was more than all cable televised Olympic events combined. #YourAssBettahCallSomebody

  17. Fox's first show was a disaster and turned me away from it totally.  45 minutes of bullshit filler, a 45 second fight (can't remember the exact length but damn it was short) and they had NOTHING else to go on after that brief fight. They just did more filler to end the show. I watched it at the time, wondering "When is the first fight going on here..."and nothing came on, it was just more filler bullshit. The only thing saving it was that Joe Buck wasn't present for the event.  Spike TV's old prelim's for free was more entertaining, why they didn't take that format and give viewers an ample amount of fighting is beyond me.

  18. Yeah, I totally agree. I can't stand Cain Velasquez though, so seeing him bite it in about a minute was OK with me, but the 45 minutes of nothing beforehand was inexcusable. You know, I'm not a big UFC fan to begin with and every time I try to give it another shot they pull some bullshit. Dana White's douchebagginess is a big issue for me too, if he stayed off TV I'd be a lot more inclined to watch.

  19. Worst_in_the_WorldAugust 5, 2012 at 8:43 PM

    Yeah, I wasnt petitioning Congress for an anti snark law. Just saying it was annoying, IMHO.

  20. I like it!  Better send that one to Vince.  

  21. It doesn't seem like ESPN is interested in anything that doesn't involve sucking off Tim Tebow.

  22. Well, that was more of a "sneak preview" event more than anything, but it was a pretty disastrous start. The following FOX events have been more like the typical TV cards on Spike and for the most part, have been pretty good, but FOX has not promoted it at all and some of the main events feature guys who, well, shouldn't be main-eventing anything.

  23. Can we finally all admit that the whole mma fad peaked years ago and has been in steady decline since?

  24. Chael and Anderson's fight sold a million PPV buys.  It didn't break their all time high but it was in the upper upper echelon.  If that means the "fad" is over then I want in on this action.

    MMA like all combat sports is about fights.  When the UFC delivers big cards with their big stars, people watch.  When you main event a card with Uriah Faber, no buys. 

  25. The worst part about Fox's card was that there was a ****1/2 star fight on the undercard that wasn't shown so we could get 45 minutes of Brock rambling incoherently.  If they just called an audible and decided to put that on TV after the HW fight ended quickly people would have loved it.  Spike would have let them do it.

  26. "Two-man canoe" sounds dirty.

  27. Worst_in_the_WorldAugust 5, 2012 at 9:06 PM

    Maybe not a dying fad, but (like boxing) it's not something that lends itself to being a strong weekly TV draw. Like boxing MMA is all about big fights, and there's only so many of those.

    As a very fair weather UFC watcher (I watched the Silva fight with some friends and will watch the occasional PPV) I'm not sure if there's anything that could get me to follow UFC week to week on TV the way I would wrestling or regular sports. But that doesn't make it a fad, just a different business model.

  28. Damn right you can. To very loosely paraphrase Taker's old theme, keep SNARKING SNARKING SNARKING SNARKING....

  29. One of my best friends admitted to me she had a threesome the other night. Two-Man Canoe would be a good nickname.

  30. Did You Know: The amount of snark posted to the Blog of Doom is proportional to the number of diapers Scott had to change that day?

  31. UFC on FOX 1: Network makes the choice to just have one fight on the show, thus robbing fans of seeing the fantastic Ben Henderson/Clay Guida undercard bout that would've made instant fans of casual viewers.  Incredibly dumb move, compounded by the fact that JDS/Cain ended up quickly and abruptly.

    UFC on FOX 2: A poorly-selected fight card made up of fighters who aren't known for being tremendously exciting, leading to rather a snoozer of an event.

    UFC on FOX 3: A very fun card headlined by up-and-comers rather than established it gets little mainstream attention.  In fact, you argue it got no mainstream attention given that FOX scheduled the show for the same night as Cinco de Mayo, the Kentucky Derby, a Mayweather fight, the NBA playoffs, the Stanley Cup playoffs, baseball, etc.  One of the busiest overall sporting nights of the year and FOX decides it's a smart move to put a UFC show into the mix?

    UFC on FOX 4: A fantastic card of exciting, knockdown-dragout fights featuring some big names....and still no ratings because FOX put it up against the unstoppable Olympics. 

    So that's four shows, three of them quality products, but hamstrung by network incompetence.  The UFC Is putting on quality shows here but FOX is giving them nothing but extra stress.

  32. Did You Know? That more people watched Monday Night RAW last week than the Summer Olympic 4:00a.m.?

    Did You Know: That Monday Night RAW got more Touts than the Olympics?...even though the Olympics have about several million more Facebook Friends, you know a service that actually has a useful purpose unlike Tout? Oh and the Olympics got a mention on Facebook from Nicole Kidman recently who just happens to be a bigger star than all of RAW's "celebrity" guest hosts combined?

    But hey, WWE did get a mention from huge A-lister Clark Duke...wait a minute, who in the hell is Clark Duke? Wasn't he the annoying weird guy from that awful "Sex Drive" movie?

  33.  call her fingercuffs

  34. Mind... BLOWN!

    That had to have been an accident right?

  35. Rule of thumb: If its 2 dudes, its not a threesome, they ran a train on her.

    Its only a 3some if its 2 chicks.

  36. Every time "do you know?" comes on, my 1st thought is, "do I care?"

  37. Remember when WWE used to actually reference other sports and do it with respect? Especially in (you guessed it) 1997, when they brought in Ken Shamrock and highly hyped his UFC career rather than ignore completely.

    Oh, and he actually won his first match in the company.

  38. Lol.  I like that official ruling.  It's as if someone turned to a judge, and The Fuj laid down the law.

  39. Interesting that no one ever brought that up when the detractors argued that Brock shouldn't have won because it would have sent the message that the UFC was superior to WWE. Especially considering that Shamrock was the biggest name in UFC history to that point. If he debuted today however, he would have been squashed by Santino on PPV, who in turn would have been squashed by Alberto Del Rio for the nine millionth time on RAW the next night.

  40. Linda's opponent in the general election will win even if he has no money. Now if Linda moved to Arizona or Texas on the other hand, she would have a good chance at winning.

  41. Two-Man Canoe? I think we just found Kelly Kelly's new nickname.

  42. I must pre-emptively beat this joke into the ground!

    SNARK UP! cause your the next one in line for the kill. You don't believe me but I'm betting that you will.

    SNARK UP! I'll let you live a little bit with the pain that I bring you know it's only the beginning.

    SNARK UP! cause your the next one in line for the kill. You don't believe me but I'm betting that you will.

    SNARK UP! I'll let you live a little bit with the pain that I bring you know it's only the beginning.

    SNARK UP! cause your the next one in line for the kill. You don't believe me but I'm betting that you will.

    SNARK UP! I'll let you live a little bit with the pain that I bring you know it's only the beginning.

    I'm snarkin' the limit inside you!

    Stop beggin' someone to hide you!

    I'm snarkin' the limit inside you!
    Don't run away, snark it on STRAIGHT TO ME!

  43. In my defense, I'm just watching 1997 now so I had no idea how they brought in Shamrock other than being ref for the Austin/Bret match at Mania.

    In this case, not only does Ken beat Vader, basically their monster heel at that point, by submission, he is offered by Shawn Michaels to be his tag partner against Owen and Bulldog for the tag titles (although he still tags with Austin anyway).

  44. Damn straight. It's a pity this show didn't do well either because it was awesome. I guess it goes to show that sometimes the sizzle is just as important as the steak.

    Wonder how long they will keep these shows around.

  45. That sucks. All four fights were good. The last one was spectacular. However I have no interest in Jones v machita 2. Jj fucking zombie strangled him the first time. I want to see jones go heavyweight after Henderson.

  46. If Linda moved to Texas or AZ or anywhere that has a functioning Republican party she'd never make it out of the primaries.

  47.  The Devil's Three-Way, according to How I Met Your Mother. And really, if you don't take Neal Patrick Harris' word for it on sex with females, whose can you take?

  48.  Not just in Scott posts! When you sign on as a writer Scott emails you a running tally of how many diapers he's changed that day and you adjust your snark-level accordingly.

    Actually between my kid & work it seems like I do nothing but wipe other people's asses, my snarkiness could more than carry the weight.

  49. Well, considering that Neal Patrick Harris doesn't like having sex with females, perhaps we could take the word of Justin Timberlake?

  50. Or if Linda would just run for the House of Representatives she could probably win as well. Or statewide office. Or anything but senator, really.

  51. He was also in Hot Tub Time Machine, and had a small role in Superbad.

    I'm not proud that I know that, but there it is.

  52. I think you're confused. This is not the 'post your iq' thread.

  53. So many excuses.

  54. LMFAO!!!

    ...But seriously... its not a threesome...

    Its fucking gross.

  55. [insert kevin steen joke here]

  56. ...

  57. Maybe if UFC didn't have such a hard on for being a legitimate sport and put on fighters that aren't 'the best' but are entertaining. Like Kimbo Slice. He's just fun to casuals want to see a 15 minute BJJ stand off.

    Get the sluggers on the fox show.

  58.  We get it Fuj, you hate steen, but i find that ironic considering the most successful person you managed was the MUCH fatter Yokozuna ;)


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