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SummerFest Countdown: 1993

(This is a new rant from the Anthology version of the show a couple of years ago, so nothing new to say here.)

The SmarK Anthology Rant for WWF Summerslam 1993

- As promised, I'm finally getting around to this one, to go along with the 1993 RAW rants. Once again this is the version from the Summerslam Anthology, which is the PPV version without all the annoying licensed entrance music and references to the WWF.

- Live from Auburn Hills, MI.

- Your hosts are Vince & Bobby.

Razor Ramon v. Ted Dibiase

Dibiase attacks to start as I have to adjust my TV set to mute Ramon's hot pink outfit. Ramon comes back with the fallaway slam and chases him out of the ring. Back in, Dibiase chops away in the corner, but Razor puts him down with a pair of clotheslines and sends him to the floor with a third. Dibiase is bumping pretty freely for a guy with a destroyed back. And Ramon slingshots him back in to continue the abuse, but Dibiase leverages him into the corner and chokes away on the ropes. More choking and a backbreaker gets two. Clothesline gets two. We hit the chinlock, but Ramon fights out, only to walk into a knee. Dibiase puts him down again with a neckbreaker and a suplex, which sets up the Million Dollar Dream, but Ramon comes back and bails. Dibiase pulls off the turnbuckle in the meantime, but of course goes into it, and the Razor's Edge ends Dibiase's career at 7:28. Dibiase was obviously slowed down a lot by injuries, but this was watchable and got Ramon over. **1/2

Meanwhile, Undertaker talks with a hick about why he turned on Jake the Snake. Ah, the WWF Hotline.

Todd Pettingill interviews the Steiner family at ringside, and the sister accidentally calls them "Rob and Scott". KAYFABE, lady.

WWF World tag titles: The Steiner Brothers v. The Heavenly Bodies

Cornette is wearing a neck brace to sell an injury angle from SMW, because he's OLD SCHOOL. The Bodies toss Scott and attack Rick to start, hitting him with a flapjack, but Scott clears the ring and suplexes the crap out of Pritchard. Back in, Scott gets a nasty press slam on Dr. Tom and adds a backdrop on Del Ray. Over to Rick, who casually flattens Tom with a clothesline, and the Bodies regroup on the floor. Back in, Scott hits them both with atomic drops, but turns his back on Pritchard and gets bulldogged as a result. The Dr. adds an enzuigiri to put Scott on the floor, and Del Ray gets a somersault plancha off the apron, then back in for a hurricane DDT. Pritchard goes to the chinlock and they slug it out, but Del Ray comes in with a superkick for two. Back to Tom for some choking and a racket to the throat from Cornette. Del Ray tries another DDT, but Scott reverses to a northern lights suplex and then hits a butterfly bomb on Pritchard. Hot tag Rick, who gets the top rope bulldog on Pritchard for two. He powerslams Del Ray, but Cornette tosses in the racket and Del Ray gets two as a result. The Bodies set up for the moonsault, but Del Ray hits Pritchard by mistake and Scott finishes with the Frankensteiner at 9:26. Short but non-stop action. ***1/2

Intercontinental title: Shawn Michaels v. Mr. Perfect

The build for this one was basically "Buy this show because they're going to deliver a **** match and we promise", which had people quite excited to see it. Unfortunately, the lesson here is that there's no magic formula for predicting a great match and this proves it. They trade hammerlocks to start and Shawn grabs a headlock, and they mess up an armdrag spot off a criss-cross. Perfect works the arm and they do a nice headlock reversal, which leads Shawn to back off. Shawn slugs him in the corner and Perfect fires back with chops, then catches Shawn with a clothesline out of the corner for two. He goes to the armbar and Shawn fights out in the corner, but goes up and lands in an armdrag, which gets two for Perfect. Perfect holds the armbar and Bobby and Vince are going way over the top already selling it as a match of the year. There's selling the product and then there's insulting your audience. Shawn tries a dropkick and Perfect catapults him over the top to counter, but he goes to chase and Shawn superkicks him and then follows with an axehandle off the apron. Back in, Shawn works on the back with a series of elbows and whips Perfect into the corner. Another trip to the corner and he follows with a backbreaker. Perfect comes back with a dropkick and backdrop, and an atomic drop gets two. Perfect lays him out with the forearm for two. You can see they're trying too hard here and the results are sloppy spots and too many dead spots. They fight for a backdrop and we get a Perfectplex, but Diesel pulls him out to break it up. Shawn and Perfect brawl on the floor and the ref gets bumped in a weak spot, allowing Diesel to send Perfect into the post for the countout at 11:19. Yeah, not good -- no chemistry together, terrible finish, just a disappointing mess. How could they possibly promote this is as a classic before the fact and then book it to have a COUNTOUT finish? **1/2

1-2-3 Kid v. IRS

Kid gets a quick two count off a high kick, but IRS faceplants him and stomps away. Kid fires back with a dropkick for two, but IRS elbows him down and tosses him. He slingshots Kid back in, but Kid lands on his feet and slides into a rollup for two. Nice spot. IRS quickly cuts him off again and drops an elbow for two, then goes to the abdominal stretch. And it's chinlock time. Kid makes the comeback with the kicks in the corner and follows with a moonsault press for two. Majastral cradle gets two. High kick into an enzuigiri gets two. And then IRS gets the Write-Off clothesline out of nowhere to finish at 5:40. This was really weird, basically booked as a squash with Kid as the plucky jobber who loses in the end. Good stuff from Kid, usual sleepwalking from IRS. **1/2

King of the Ring match: Bret Hart v. Jerry Lawler

Tragically, Lawler has suffered a crippling knee injury due to a horrific car wreck in the jungles of Detroit's road system, so he's unable to compete. Lawler's old-style dedication to the lie is awesome, as he completely sells the ridiculous story, complete with cartoonish ice-pack on his knee. So instead Bret will face the "court jester", Doink.

Bret Hart v. Doink the Clown

Doink throws water at Bruce Hart, causing Bret to attack and slug away on the floor. He sends Doink into the post and we head back in, as Bret fires away in the corner, sending Doink to the floor again. Doink comes in via the top rope, but Bret crotches him and drags him back in by the wig. They brawl to the floor again and Doink sends Bret into the stairs, then back in for an elbow from the top. Bret fights back, but Doink puts him down with a kneecrusher and wraps the knee around the post and gets two. Back to the knee with an STF, and then it's the stump puller, but Doink releases and stomps away. He goes up to finish with the Whoopie Cushion, but lands on Bret's knees in a painful looking spot. Bret comes back with the legsweep and middle rope elbow and finishes with the Sharpshooter, but Jerry Lawler runs in for the DQ at 8:53. So with Lawler miraculously able to walk after all, he beats on Bret with the crutch. Vince calls it a "ripoff" and a "fraud", which you'd think he'd be against saying about his own product. Luckily, Jack Tunney earns his pay by coming out and forcing Lawler back into the ring.

Bret Hart v. Jerry Lawler

Bret beats the hell out of him in the corner and backdrops him, and Lawler runs away, so Bret hits him with the crutch, but Lawler gets it and fires back. So they're even, I guess. After some more abuse with the crutch, they head back in, and Lawler somehow manages to sneak the crutch in and nail Bret behind the ref's back. Bruce Hart losing his shit at ringside is great stuff. Bret's finally had enough and makes the comeback, firing away in the corner, and he pulls the straps down in a nice touch. Backbreaker gets two. Piledriver (another nice touch) and he gives Lawler the Batista thumbs down and finishes with the Sharpshooter at 6:30 to become undisputed King. BUT WAIT! He refuses to break the hold because he's just so pissed off, and the ref reverses the decision to make Jerry Lawler the one true King of the WWF. So there you go, Bret gets revenge, Lawler gets the crown, everyone is happy. Well except for the fans, but it's in the "We want to see Bret Hart beat the shit out of Lawler again" way, so it's fine. This was truly a Russo-esque epic, but with an actual story being told and a really good Bret-Doink match as the prelude. I'd still go **** for the whole thing and I'm tempted to add another 1/4* for Lawler getting wheeled off on the stretcher and holding up a hand in victory on the way back. Sadly the Survivor Series payoff to the whole crazy thing failed to happen. Damn rape accusations.

Marty Jannetty v. Ludvig Börga

Börga attacks fröm behind and pöunds away in the cörner, then puts Marty döwn with a clöthesline. Nice bit as he launches Marty intö the air and then hits him with a kidney shöt ön the way döwn, and föllöws with a beating in the cörner. Blind charge misses and Marty tries a cömeback, but Börga clötheslines him döwn again. Marty tries a sunset flip and gets slugged döwn, then Börga göes tö the bearhug. Marty finally makes a cömeback with twö superkicks, but Börga catches a bödypress attempt and pöwerslams him. Törture rack finishes at 5:17. 1/2* Not a particularly impressive squash.

RIP match: Undertaker v. Giant Gonzalez

So the mysterious Rest in Peace match is…a no-DQ, no-countout match. Whoopee. This logically should have been Undertaker v. Mr. Hughes because they spent weeks building that feud on RAW and it went absolutely nowhere. Undertaker goes right for the choking in the corner and hits a series of clotheslines to give us our dose of Gonzalez's goofy selling, but the Giant tosses him. They slug it out on the floor and Gonzalez hammers him with a chair. When a 7 foot tall guy can't even make a chairshot look scary, he's a shitty wrestler. Back in, Undertaker crawls for the urn, but Giant pounds him with forearms until Taker slugs back. Gonzalez has exactly ONE face while he's selling, and it's the one where he puffs out his cheeks and gets a look on his face like he's mildly retarded. But with things at their darkest and the match at its shittiest, Paul Bearer returns with another black wreath, or perhaps it's a big zero to signify how many stars this match is worth. So Paul takes out Harvey Wippleman and retrieves the urn, and that hopefully means a finish is imminent. The Giant stops wrestling, thus immediately boosting the quality of the match, and goes after Bearer, but that just makes Undertaker sit up. He comes back and clotheslines Gonzalez because that’s the only move he knows how to sell, and so we get 10 million of them until he finally goes down. And what does Undertaker finish with? A flying CLOTHESLINE of course, at 8:01! But in the grand scheme of things, it's over, and that's what matters. You'd think this would be rock bottom, but amazingly Undertaker would manage to have EVEN WORSE matches with Yokozuna and Underfaker in 1994, so I can't give it full negative stars in good conscience. -*** Vince notes this brings new meaning to the term "rest in peace". Uh, what new meaning?

The Smoking Gunns & Tatanka v. Bam Bam Bigelow & The Headshrinkers

You know, the psychotic behavior of Hell's Kitchen loser Van makes more sense now that I found out he's Luna Vachon's son. Bigelow pounds on Tatanka to start and puts him down with a shoulderblock, but Tatanka fights back with a backdrop. They each try a bodypress and collide as a result, but Billy and Fatu tag in. They exchange shots until Fatu drops him with a superkick, but Billy recovers and gets an inverted bulldog off the top. Fatu powers him down again and the Headshrinkers double-team him in the heel corner. Over to Bart, but he walks into a Samu elbow and he's cowboy-in-peril. Back to the heel corner for some headbutt-related abuse, and it's the great spot where Bart rams Fatu's head into the mat and it gets no-sold, allowing Fatu to clothesline him down. I'm such a mark for that spot and I don't know why exactly. Bobby gets a cute joke about needing a "swat team" to control the samoans (WINK WINK) as Samu pounds Bart down in the corner. Bigelow in with a double-team elbow, but he misses a blind charge and takes a great bump into the post. Hot tag Tatanka and he chops Bigelow into a slam, and follows with a DDT. Flying bodypress gets two. Bam Bam beats him down, but it's the PISSED OFF RACIAL STEREOTYPE comeback…until Bigelow cuts him off with an enzuigiri. AWESOME. That is just all kinds of badass. Samu with a diving headbutt for two, but the Gunns have had ENOUGH and storm in. The heels get rid of them and continue beating on Tatanka, including a TRIPLE HEADBUTT OF DEATH. I was wondering why I loved this match so much earlier, and now I remember. All three go up for diving headbutts and miss, and Tatanka rolls up Samu for the pin at 11:14. All that craziness and THAT's the finish? Bam Bam was in the zone here, baby. ***3/4

Meanwhile, let's waste some time by talking with the guy who drove Lex Luger's bus around.

WWF World title: Yokozuna v. Lex Luger

Luger gets a decent reaction, but Vince had to be disappointed in the general apathy of the crowd here. Yoko tries the sneak attack, but Luger fires away and tries a rollup. Yoko casually blocks that, but misses the Hulkbuster and Luger works on the leg. Elbowdrop gets two. Yoko tries his own elbow and misses, and Lex pounds him in the corner. Yoko chokes him down and Fuji tosses slat, but Lex manages to evade that and continues to fire away on Yoko. He can't get the slam, however, and Yoko puts him down with a superkick and tosses him. They brawl on the floor, but Yoko misses a chairshot and they head back in. Luger goes up with a double axehandle and then goes up with the STAINLESS STEEL FOREARM OF DOOM, but it only gets two. Apparently the elbowpad saved Yokozuna. Clothesline gets two. Fuji tosses the bucket in and Yoko uses that for two as the near-falls get more melodramatic. Belly to belly suplex and Yoko chokes away on the ropes, then adds a backdrop suplex for two. Pretty close to a backdrop driver there, actually. Yoko goes to the nerve pinch and then drops the Hulkbuster, but it only gets two. He sets up for the buttdrop, but Luger moves and makes the MADE IN THE USA comeback. Yoko tries the corner splash and misses that as well, and Luger finally slams him. The STAINLESS STEEL FOREARM OF DOOM knocks Yoko right out of the ring, and Luger wins…by countout…at 17:55. Like, why wouldn't Luger even TRY to get him back in? Pretty good effort from Yokozuna, actually, as he was clearly carrying things here. *** Watching this match and comparing to the previous six-man, it struck me that the six-man was FUN. I was watching it and getting sucked into the storyline and enjoying the flow of the match and enjoying guys obviously enjoying themselves. This, on the other hand, was not fun, because Lex Luger has no sense of humor that's ever evident and even worse the commentary from Vince felt like "You have to cheer for Lex Luger or else you're a dirty commie child molester who rapes puppies!" And really who wants to cheer for someone with THAT kind of emotional blackmail hanging over you? At any rate, wacky Vince outguessed himself here, as a title change would have solidified Luger's turn and made him into the star he could have been, but delaying it until Wrestlemania just confirmed the label of "choker" that Luger's character has always had and sabotaged his own cause.

The Pulse:

This is very much of a niche show, with a couple of really good matches you can enjoy if you get this as part of a bigger set (like this one), but nothing you'd want to get the standalone show for. Recommendation to avoid.


  1. Love that triple diving headbutt spot. Reminds me of the only cool thing in Ready to Rumble. The Four Post Massacre where Bam Bam, Saturn and I think it was Prince Iaukea and Hammer all hit 4 top rope moves on Jimmy the King. 

  2. Shawn was so roided in 93, he really wasn't having that many great matches. They were still good compared to everyone else though. I bet if you throw Perfect and HBK together in 95/96, you get your 4 star match.

  3. Since the blog has been in this sort of mood this week...

    "The only thing Shawn was on was beer.  Bloated up like a toad." - Kevin Nash

  4. Heel Jerry Lawler was so awesome back then. I always laugh at that bit he did where he introduced his mother, who was a twenty-something woman.

  5.  Ha, that cracked me up too.

  6. WCW waited too long to pull the trigger on Lex, and in turn, that not only solidified the "choker" label but also as a guy just outside the main event picture. I don't feel that people ever truly bought him as a legitimate contender. I can even remember reading in the Apter mags that same sentiment.

    To get off topic, Randy Orton and Sheamus are this generation's Lugers. I know they have like 20 world titles between them, but WWE has no faith in either one of them to carry the promotion. Since last summer, the hierarchy has clearly been The Adventures of John Cena < CM Punk < The Exploits of Daniel Bryan < World Heavyweight Title. 

  7. Rough time for the WWE here.  A crapload of awful wrestling talent:

    Jerry The King Lawler
    Ludvig Borga
    Heavenly Bodies
    Smoking Gunns
    Giant Gonzalez

    I am surprised it took WCW until 1996 to start beating them.

  8. "Bam Bam was in the zone here, baby."

    he was ON for most of 1993. his work justified every second of his push.

  9. I don't disagree that WWE had some bad talent around this time, but then you made a list that had two bad wrestlers on it. Heel Doink was awesome and could wrestle a good match, and the Smoking Gunns are a great example of the sum being greater than the parts.

  10. Matt Bourne Doink, Lawler, The Heavenly Bodies, The Gunns (as a team), & Tatanka are all good wrestlers.

  11.  can't agree.  First off this was a decent show.  Some perfectly acceptable wrestling (TM Scott Keith) and a great Lawler/Hart angle.  It's not remembered fondly because UT/Giant Gonzalez was so horrific and because Luger was made to look like a chump with that stupid after match celebration. 

    As for your list, Doink could work and heel doink was cool.  Lawler may not have been a technical marvel but he could work a crowd.  Heavenly bodies were quite good.  Gunns were ok, certainly not awful.  Tatanka was ok also. 

  12. Luger's NWA/WCW reputation certainly did not help. While Vince did not overtly acknowledge what happened in other promotions at that time he did sign Luger fully aware that he was already a known national quantity. Luger should have won the belt just to stick it to the braintrust of WCW that "we know what to do with Luger and you don't," but instead they just added to Luger's "choker" reputation. Interestingly they took advantage of Luger's "turncoat" reputation the NWA/WCW to craft the Tatanka heel turn.

  13. Something I like to think of as the Matt Bourne quandary: if you were in charge at the time, and saw the level of work he was producing as Doink, would you try to repackage him as a more "serious" gimmick to give him a bigger push and give Doink to someone else, or do you keep him in the gimmick that's actually over but will never be taken seriously enough to let him get above comedy midcard status? Bourne's matches as Doink were some of the highlights of early Raws but, really, are you gonna have a clown gimmick main eventing a PPV? I'd say take the risk of repackaging him as Matt Bourne and letting Keirn or Lombardi or whoever take over Doink, because you'd at least still have the Doink gimmick getting heat and you can work on building up Bourne from there.

  14. Heel Doink was an amazing gimmick. Here was this sadistic clown who seemed to be a goof but had a sadistic streak a mile wide. Doink was certainly a step up from Big Josh. Heck I probably would have taken the gimmick further. The Doink gimmick was made to confound expectations in that it was ironic that this clown that was supposed to make people laugh instead made people cry. What ruined the gimmick was making it less serious and turning him into a straight clown. That along with the change of the person behind the makeup, ruined Doink. Matt Bourne made that gimmick work, subsequent Doinks could not hold a candle to the original.

    Anyone has any idea why Matt Bourne left the WWF?

  15. Agreed all over.

  16. I would go with Del Rio as the generation's Luger.

  17. I can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me. I'm 99.9% sure Shawn admitted doing roids.

  18. So many times watching raw I forget that the crappy color commentator used to be greatest heel ever. Lawler played the evil scum bag heel so well. That feud with the Hart family was epic. Wow lawler used to get heat that would make vickie guerreros look like the ryback jobbers.

  19. Doink, lawler, heavenly bodies were all awesome and tatanka was super over.

  20. Nope on Shawns DVD "Heartbreak and Triumph" he discusses the 1993 steroid deal. Apparently he was taking pills a lot and says he probably was given some on accident which explains why he only had trace ammount when he failed the test. I don't know why he would lie since he admits to lots of drinking and pill popping. I have never seen this show save Taker-Gonzales II. Gonna check it out.

    And evil Doink was awesome. He really could have had a longer stint. Too bad it was 93' and he couldn't be completely sadistic(think 'It') I think a sadistic Doink(Borne version) vs Taker feud would have been cool.

  21. Were the Heavenly Bodies highly entertaining in SMW? Because they were boring as shit in WWF.

  22. And let's also make it clear that the statutory rape accusations against Lawler were dropped(no Michael Jackson settlement either) when the girl(allegedly white trash drugged out family) admitted she was lying to piss off her dad, or something

  23. I don't blame them for not having faith in Orton, given his tendencies to do embarrassing shit and getting popped for wellness violations. And I don't think Sheamus has really been around long enough call him this generation's Luger.

  24. I'd say keep him as the clown, and book him to become more & more psychotic. Maybe alter his look a bit for credibility reasons. I mean The Joker is everyone's favorite villain & he wears clown makeup.

  25. The 18 second match also made Sheamus look like a backfighter. Rather than have a competitive match at Wrestle Mania, he chose to blindside his opponent. That's not a top face move.

  26. To be fair, we're talking about the type of fella that steals cars.

  27. They just didn't look like wrestlers.  And the Gigolo might have been the ugliest guy on the roster without Giant in his name... but they tore the house down against the Steiners. 

  28. I can just imagine Borne as Doink winning the IC Title... and the decorations that strap would have for his reign is worth the idea alone.

  29. I think you stumbled on to the next Lawler joke accidentally.  Vicky Guerrero comes out after a Ryback squash to talk and Lawler says, "Wait a minute... didn't we just hear Ryback say 'Feed me more!'  Do we really need to hear it again?"

  30.  Drug problems? I think I hear that somewhere.

  31. There was a debate in the Nash thread about what a terrible worker he was, and he was compared to Yokozuna.... well, here's Yokozuna, carrying Luger to a *** match. I realize that doesn't make him Flair or anything, but Yoko carrying a match to *** is better than Nash ever did with anybody. 

  32. The lone match you chose to seek out from this show was UT/Gonzales? 

  33.  I think if they would turn him face, he could be a big star. AFAIK he always was a face, before he came to the WWE.

  34. I think it's more about my own perception. Sheamus is supposed to be this big deal, but he's had one high profile feud (with HHH) and he didn't exactly come out of that looking like a big star. 

    Consider that Sheamus never loses. Ever. He is almost as unbeatable as Cena. They've spent a lot of time building him up this way and despite all that, he's nowhere near over enough to headline a PPV. And isn't it a bad sign when you win in 18 seconds and the guy you beat comes out not only looking better but also spends the next three months having higher profile feuds, fighting for the title and getting talked down to by The Rock? 

    Because of the WWE not really caring about how valuable a championship is Sheamus won't completely be a Luger, but I don't envision a scenario where he becomes the star HHH thinks he'll be. 

  35. You know Lawler was an awsome heel when 19 years later your still kind of pissed off that the decision was reversed. 

  36. Shawn doesn't look roided up at all during this match. His tights are practically pulled up to his chest to hide his gut.

  37. How exactly is Luger a "choker" in a sport was a pre determined outcome? If anything Flair is a douche for not letting him go over just one time.

  38. There's a match on a Colosseum Home Video not too long after this where Johnny Polo and Gorilla spend the whole match talking about how fat Shawn is.

  39. When Yoko was in-shape, he was pretty damn good for a big dude.

  40. Just because no one I know in real life would care I just wanted to say I was target and found venagence 2007 and no way out 2003 on dvd for 1.99 each. Pretty sweet

  41. It's more along the likes of the fans see him as a choker... someone they're afraid to get behind because he'd just let them down again.  He always got so close to the mountain top only to take a tremendous fall down almost every time.  He can only fail so many times before he's just the guy who fails... it's hard as a fan to get behind a guy like that.

  42. Yeah, when Del Ray did that gyrating hips thing, I wanted to vomit.

  43. True. Still, I remember when the accusation went public, no one was really surprised due to Lawler's penchant for younger ladies.

  44. The Shawn vs Perfect match on the WresmatctleMania 7 PTW special is so much better than this match.

  45. I was a huge Luger fan and a mark too and I was so angry that he DIDN'T EVEN TRY to bring Yoko back in the ring... SOOOO STUPID! DAMN!

    Today I'm still angry why they they didn't even try to give Luger the title. Yoko could have won it back at the Survivor Series. And compared to many current "former" champions, Luger was a charismatic enigma...

  46. He used to live around here and had many run-ins with the law, spent some time on house arrest, etc.  Definitely a bit of a troubled guy.

  47. I think part of the problem is that the mark magazines (PWI and such) pushed the label first.  I don't think there was any intention of giving him that label to hurt his career, but it certainly matched his booking.  I don't think he ever really escaped that.

    I wonder if Flair had not left WCW in 1991 and he'd beat him if it'd made a difference to his career or not.

  48. Yeah, I think it was really dumb, especially given how they built the whole thing up with the bodyslam, the bus tour, and themed Summer Slam after his costume haha.

    Then you do a count out victory and celebration that makes the guy (and the fans) look like a total fool.

    It's like the perfect by the numbers booking on how to kill someone's gimmick.  I mean at least with Cena they follow through on all the pushing him down everybodies throat.

  49.  Kayfab. Plus the guy's from Buffalo.

  50. Yes they were, and no they weren't. The tag match at SummerSlam is seriously one of the better straight tag matches the company ever had.

  51. Both seltzer water and the never-ending handkerchiefs would have to shoot out of that belt.

  52. At Target? Those price points don't make any sense for them. Weird.

  53. Well sure in kayfab but on the net act like he actually choked in those matches.

  54. I'm getting to the point where I realize that a guy with a Napoleon Dynamite icon is probably going to have shitty taste.

  55. Christopher HirschAugust 9, 2012 at 2:59 PM

    1 good match, hell of a run.

  56. Seriously, can the current writing team just look at how Lawler acted in the '90s and get him to start acting like that again? Face Lawler is terrible.

  57. Yeah, that's something we don't like to talk about around here...

  58. Luger's big problem politically and with the fans was that he was just a saner version of the Ultimate Warrior, in other words someone who just did not care for the business, felt it was beneath him, and was not really one of the boys. It says a lot that Flair was more willing to put over Sting than to put over Luger. Those with the power to put Luger over felt he had to prove something. Plus, Luger always came off as a douche to the fans. He was a natural heel but as a babyface who was supposed to carry a company he came off as forced. Luger always had an above it all attitude. That came across to his fellow workers and it came across to the fans as well.

  59. Plus they had so little faith in him that when all the suspensions and injuries occurred they had to move over Punk and the guy he beat in 18 seconds over to the Smackdown tour to headline it. Kind of defeats the purpose of having a champ for each brand when the whole purpose for it was to have each champ headline two separate tours.

  60.  Yeah, no doubt.  They were pretty much useless to me as a fan for their entire run. 

  61. Buffalo's got a hell of a wrestling tradition, but surprisingly little in the way of homegrown stars. Luger, Beth Phoenix, Mikey Whipwreck, The Destroyer, not a lot else.

  62. The only 2 shitty wrestlers on that list are Borga and Gonzalez.
    Bourne-Doink was awesome, period.
    Lawler was never a technician, but knew how to work a match and a crowd as well as anyone.
    Bodies could totally hold their own against any team.
    Gunns and Tatanka weren’t great, but weren’t BAD by any stretch either.

  63. Marc Mero too.

  64. I'm calling it Fat Fat.  He looked closer to Samoa Joe than CM Punk.

  65. I was about 9 for this ppv and REALLY wanted Luger to win. After that match my dad, who didn't like wrestling, started calling him Lex Loser to annoy me. Then he blew the WMX match against Yoko, and I realized my dad was right...sigh...

    It's just something that became part of his character b/c he had so many big time matches that he blew, and it stuck.

  66. ...i dont get it...

  67. Beth Phoenix isn't from Buffalo, she's from Elmira, she just went to college here. Adrian Adonis was born here though.

  68. Thats what im saying.

  69. And for all we know, he could have been drunk off of whiskey and Guinness.

  70. Greatest celebration of a countout victory EVER!

  71. Jerry went on to pay it forward by losing in that same manner to Michael Cole.  Twice.

  72. The Michaels vs Janetty cage match?

  73. Hell, Jack Nicholson was lauded for his work as the Joker in 89, yeah wrestling has always been "behind", but seriously, nobody likes clowns.

  74. I don't know, I think this is sort of people confusing a good heel with a douchebag and buying the WWE Jim Ross line he uses to castigate guys not on good terms with Vince ("so and so just didn't love this business").  Flair didn't want to give the title to a lot of guys -- Sting included.  He seems like a pretty nice guy in his shoot interviews actually and like someone who doesn't take himself quite as seriously as some guys do about titles and winning and all that.

  75. LOLZ cuz she's FAT!

  76.  Ah, she's a lot closer to my local area than I thought then, they still cover Elmira news in the Watertown paper.

    It's Upstate NY Day here on the blog! Oddly enough the other night I was reading through some stuff about the old Buffalo/Cleveland territory around the net.

  77. Lol yes. I had a weird run of watching every Gonzales WWF run match on the Tube. You'd think a guy that huge would have a killer chokeslam...but no.

  78. That is bizarre. I work at a Target, and the best WWE deal I've seen is Edge's first DVD for $5. With my discounts, thouse dvds would be like $1.70 for me!

  79. Watch the MITB match between Punk and Cena last year, a deathly serious, single shot for the WWE title by CM Punk before potentially leaving the promotion, and tell me both guys aren't having the time of their lives out there.  

  80. Book him as someone else. Waylon Mercy or someone more vanilla. Slow build to a reveal that he's both Doink and this other character. Have Doink be some kind of scary supernatural force that takes him over some times.

    Then you could move on the gimmick to someone else eventually while Bourne wrestles as his 'main event ready' character. Thinking about it, it'd be kind of like Venom.

  81. Not until you answer my question first!

  82. I know that between Hogan and Luger, Vince was determined that someone other than Bret be The Guy. But even as a then mark I always thought Bret should've gotten his rematch and big win here. Once Hogan wouldn't do business with Bret (if that was ever really the plan), why not just do the same exact thing they did at King of the Ring--minus Lawler's beatdown--and have Bret-Yoko at SummerSlam? Bret hadn't gotten his rematch yet, and in the meanwhile became King of the Ring. Within kayfabe it was the only logical option. They even had a heck of a cage match around this time that would've made a great main event. Then Luger could've kept his superior Narcissist gimmick, won the Rumble, and challenged Bret at WMX. Or Owen wins the Rumble, and the friction starts his heel turn and their feud. Or Owen costs Bret the title against Luger, and that starts their feud. Whatever. All of the above are better than an extra six months of Yoko as champion.

  83. Poor Heavenly Bodies. If they'd looked anything like actual superstars, they could've been bigger. They had real talent, but Del Ray especially looks like just some guy dragged off the street.

  84. I love the Bret/Lawler match. One of my all-time favorites.

  85. A 4 star angle/match, two 3 plus star tag encounters (the Steiner one is a little underrated here IMO), two decent matches, two squashes, a stinker, and a good main event. How is that a recommendation to avoid show?

  86. I agree with Will McGuire, how on earth is this a recommendation to avoid with so many bouts at 3 star or over? Crazy!


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