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Now THIS is a burial...

Very minor Smackdown spoilers ahead...

In the "Naomi and Cameron better start looking for other work" file...

Heath Slater b "You wouldn't want to be" Brodus Clay when Clay was distracted by Mahal and McIntyre

Ouch. How the funky have fallen.  Sadly, the underpants gnomes on the writing team just couldn't get from "Funkasaurus dances" to "Profit" and now it looks like he's going going gone after they basically wasted months of everyone's time with the guy without ever having an endgame in mind.  I'm telling ya, that Show non-feud was a killer, because he never cared about getting revenge and looked like a geek.  Plus he got all fired up against Sandow and then lost that feud pretty damn decisively.  I think it's back to NXT for him soon, which is too bad because if they had just stuck to the original plan of the ENDLESS hype videos where he would a Mark Henry-like destroyer monster, they might have had something with the guy.  

Oh, and of course Ziggler loses again because you can job a million times as long as you're going to get a cheap win for the secondary belt to pay it off.  Guys always become instantly over superstar main eventers when that happens, don't they?


  1. Did feeding Brodus to Big Show even lead to anything worthwhile for Show? What was the point of that whole thing? What did it accomplish?

  2. "Guys always become instantly over superstar main eventers when that happens, don't they?"

    Daniel Bryan

  3. Depends on whether one of the Funkettes kissed Brodus to distract him before the match started.

  4. It taught Brodus Clay a valuable lesson.

    "Mattingly! I told you to shave those sideburns!"

  5. It was building Show up to... get pinned in a triple threat match against Cena and Punk, I guess?

  6. Not really.

    But basically what Scott said was that it never works that way. And while I'll agree it's not the perfect way to get someone over, Daniel Bryan and John Cena were both victims of jobbing a bunch, but ended up getting over. Only difference with Cena was that he won the U.S. Title instead of the WHC.

  7. I still disagree that a monster heel run is the right thing for him. He got over was in part because he wasn't generic monster heel #478120. Vince still has good instincts every now and then, and pulling the plug on RAWRANGRY Brodus Clay was the better call, even if they poured cement on him and dumped him in the sea, "Dick Tracy"-style. The good thing is that he still has a gimmick and charisma that can get him in good graces if he just gets a feud where he does come out on top, even if it's just a midcard, no-title run. People like the guy as he is, now just give us a reason to give a shit about Clay.

  8. Why they didn't keep Brodus' allegiance with Del Rio is a mystery to me. It would have been perfect to unveil the Funkasaurus character further down the line after establishing himself as a decent midcard heel who Del Rio desperately wanted to keep down as he saw him as a threat

  9. Everyone has seen his Elimination-from-NXT promo right? That thing was
    FUCKING BRILLIANT. You've taken away his dream, and now he's going to
    take away yours, vicariously through the superstars you love so much. It
    was AWESOME~!

  10. I wasn't sure about the generic 'monster' gimmick, either, until reading that... Sounds awesome to me.

  11. LINK:

    MUST WATCH~! "What you love I will take, cuz you took what I love"~! $$$$$$

    And you do know that!


    DO YOU SEE?!?

    /left hand killer of South Park

  13. See now that i watch the Simpsons, i get this reference!


  14. Awesome promo, I'd say the crowd reaction backs that up. Borderline silence to drowning him out in under a minute.

  15. Don't overreact. He can be an opening match comedy guy for years with this gimmick. The dancing fat guy gimmick will always get a cheap rise out of live crowds. He can open house shows losing to the next big monster they want to push for years.

  16. Give Naomi a shot at the Diva's title.

  17. Clay lost everything he had when Show completely dominated him in that first bear down.

  18. Like I said, pair him with Tensai and make them a monster big man tag team. The Funkadactyl that is the better wrestler gets kicked out of the group and she goes on to a solo career, while the other one becomes a heel manager like Woman (Nancy Sullivan)

    I will say, if that happens I'll miss him schilling Hot Pockets with Snoop.

  19. Funky's on a roll... to the unemployment line

  20. What about Daniel Bryan? There was a five month gap between him winning the title and getting over to any significant degree. In fact, he didn't even get over until he LOST the title.

  21. Heath Slater had to get his win back after losing dozens of times to the Funkasaurus.

    3MB is on a roll bay-bee!

  22. Somebody call his mama

  23. Could they be nuanced enough to pull off the face/heel tag team, a la Steen/Generico in their first ROH run, or even Sting/Luger pre-NWO?

  24. I feel bad for Clay. Why anybody wants to be a wrestler nowadays is beyond me. What is the point of going through the training putting up with B.S. from creative writers, WWE management and everything else just to be toyed with and be treated like crap?

    They wasted this guy and made him into a comedy act for no reason and when a majority of fans knew it was not going to last.

    Clay has shown potential to be a big monster heel. WWE desperately needs a young monster heel on the roster. Kane, Big Show and Mark Henry are getting old and are getting injured.

    They get Brodus Clay and what do they turn him? A dancer.

    I compared what the WWE has done to Brodus Clay with what WCW did with the late ike Awesome. They turned a decent to good big man into a comedy gimmick. You never do that to a big man.

    WWE may be a great company but damn they sure know how to waste talent.

  25. "I still like him better than Steinbrenner..."

  26. I'm sorry, the proper response is "why the funk not?"

  27. But Clay got over (for a while), had a merchandise (shirt, hat) and had a lot of TV time.

    I think he was similar to Zack Ryder in that he got over with a stupid gimmick that wasn't meant for him to get over.

    You're right though, I don't get all the punishments they seem to give guys that get over on their own. It's like they try to come up with gimmicks that won't get people over. What's the point of doing that?

  28. If TNA wasn't doing the same thing with Park/Abyss stuff, I could see Brodus doing that. I can buy him as the fun loving dancing fan favorite, but he also LOOKS like a guy who could snap and kill someone at any moment. Dude could get some mileage out of that, whereas a guy like Rikishi didn't get over in the serious role, once the dancing was done.

  29. What am I missing? Brodus is a big fat guy that hasn't shown much talent to me. Not everyone can be a main eventer, I think the guys understand that.

    Plus, they can turn him into a monster whenever they want if they think he is the guy. He even would have some reasons now, I was a dancing buffoon but now I'm pissed, like the Big Show stuff.

  30. Yes. I don't get why a sideshow type guy can't also be a credible fighter when the bell rings. He can be the dancing, smiling fat guy during his entrance and victory celebration, but go all-business, killer mode in the ring and actually, you know, win some credible matches with upper card guys.

  31. Was Heath Slater looking for work when he was jobbed 1,000 straight times? Now he is getting a push, and who knows he could be getting jobbed 5,000 times again in a few weeks. Brodus is jobbing now, but he could always be built back up.

  32. I wonder, is this the "we're testing your loyalty" stage of his career or did he piss someone off?

  33. But why bother in the first place? They spent all that time and time and money on the initial promos, invested months in the Funkasaurus gimmick complete with two valets and an elaborate entrance routine, had him squash a bunch of guys in less than a minute from January until September, and then just suddenly gave up on him? It's not like Slater ever had two seconds of thought put behind him before now, but Clay had some serious firepower behind him for most of the year.

  34. "You broke my heart, now I'm gonna break yours."

  35. Sorry Scott, this isn't a burial.

    It's 50/50 booking. Or in this case, 25/75 booking since this is the first win Slater got in like the several matches he got squashed against Brodus.

  36. Was Brodus really ever that over? Maybe they decided they invested all that in him and he didn't get over. Like they did with Ezekiel Jackson, like they did with Tensai. I won't say that isn't partially their fault, as they spun their wheels with him for too long, but I guess for the moment they decided that the work put into him is better off served putting over other guys.

  37. Oh, I'm pretty damn sure this is a burial. Not just the Slater loss specifically but the other ones leading up to it and the removal of his TV entrance as of late. He was literally booked like an 80s TV jobber in that match against Del Rio on Monday. This character isn't long for the world.

  38. He will never be a top guy, so testing loyalty is out of the question.

  39. Heyman is hanging around. so he can show Clay how to do the Borne Again gimmick.

  40. "Darryl....Darryl..."

  41. Well, he does do a nice T-Bone suplex.

  42. Damn, I totally forgot about the lack of entrance on Raw.

  43. I can't speak for any time over the past few months, but when that "La-DEES and Gentlemen..." part of his entrance hit at WrestleMania, the place exploded. Then they brought out 2 dozen women in big-butt padding for a big dance-off, so in hindsight, maybe that was the turning point!

  44. In the midst of all this concern over Brodus Clay, has anybody thought to call his momma?

  45. It's a control thing.

    You don't get over unless they want you to and on their terms.

  46. Wow that was an awesome promo, had never seen that before. Too bad it's not as fondly remembered as Wade Barrett's "winds of change" on NXT.


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