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Fwd: Piper bashes Linda

Wonder if Piper will go the 2003 route and be brought back just to have embarrassingly bad matches, and be asked to take a stinkface from Rikishi just for talking about Owen's death?

Piper's had a fairly steady gig on Vintage Collection recently, too, so it's especially surprising that he'd suddenly be biting the hand that feeds.  

In related news, the McMahon's personal worth has now dropped to $230 million after the election shenanigans, according to the latest WON.  So I'm thinking we can file this one under "failure".  


  1. Weren't the McMahons billionaires at one point?

  2. If she runs again in 2014, Punk can deliver a 'thousandaire who should be a millionaire' speech to Vince for WM30, which will have to be held in the Hammerstein Ballroom.

  3. Yes, but to be fair, the majority of people who earn that much money, never do so for long. Still, the McMahon's keep finding ways to burn through their fortune.

  4. They spent 100 million when they only had $330 million...totally seems like the kind of business savey guy we want in charge!!

  5. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 8, 2012 at 4:25 PM

    You know I honestly don't get all the Linda bashing. She wanted to become a Senator, she HAD to know it was a longshot but she went for it anyway. What's wrong with that? It's not like it was all of your money she was spending.

  6. Yeah nothing I love more than watching a rich person with zero qualifications or experience attempt to purchase a seat in the senate.

  7. So all these athletes are spending 100 mil?

  8. He was a billionaire after the IPO...but his wealth has deteriorated since then. But even now, I was stunned to see that he has lost over 75% of his wealth since then.

  9. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 8, 2012 at 4:25 PM

    Again cult it's her money. Yeah I think it was a waste because like I said it was a longshot but the point is, it was her's to spend. Besides lets be honest, at the end of the day do we REALLY care about the net worth of the McMahons?

  10. You know what that money could have gone towards? Health care and benefits for their performers that they feel the need to dictate the lives of, but then say "nope, you're a contracted worker, no benefits for you!"

  11. I don't care whose money it is. The act of spending that much is what bothers everyone. The only reason she got even this close was because of the money. She has ZERO qualifications. Ex-athletes and everyone else who runs has to do it own their own merits.

  12. nothing I love more than watching a rich person with zero qualifications or experience attempt to purchase a seat in the senate - and fail.


  13. Perhaps she could have started smaller, in civic politics or running the PTA, so she'd have some actual qualifications before jumping right into trying to guide the future of the country.

  14. athletes do NOT run on their own merit. Nor entertainers. Are you telling me Sonny Bono was really qualified to be in the House? Jim Bunning? Heath Schuler? Each party (but generally Republican) loves to find a name and run them. While one can educate themselves on the issues (Al Franken for one has been politically active and involved since he was 21 and an apprentice writer for SNL), let's not kid ourselves and think that being a big name isn't most of the appeal of these athletes/entertainers turned politicians,. Take away the name and Arnold never is governor of CA.

  15. Thank god because Arnold was the best governor ever. I wish he could run for president. My favorite ex-jock politician? Kevin johnson as mayor of Sacramento. So random

  16. I don't agree with you, but you're making good points. Here's an upvote

  17. I don't begrudge anyone spending their money in any fashion they want. I begrudge living in a country where my "freedom of choice" is based on who can raise the most money to run for office. Linda is just one reminder of how despicable our two party system really is.

  18. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 8, 2012 at 4:26 PM

    Cult, did you or anyone else EVER think she would win? No. Yeah, she spent a lot of money, (again her's not yours) but she took a shot. What's wrong with that?

    Mar, seriously don't get on your high horse about what the money "could" have gone towards. The WWF/WWE never gave health care and benefits to the wrestlers, I'm not saying it's right and frankly they should, but what makes you think that they would start doing that by Linda not running for Senate.

    Scott, you make an excellent point, so I will ask you; do you think this Linda hating is caused by the smarks not being happy with the current product so they want to take it out on her? Yeah the PG era isn't as much fun as the Attitude era, but you yourself said that the company has bigger problems then the lack of TNA, Cursing, Blood, etc.

  19. I thought Arnold WAS president..... Oh wait, that was The Simpsons Movie!

  20. You are completely missing my point. They have to put the work in and raise their own funds. They can't throw money at it like Linda did.

  21. What I don't get my own individualized response??? Lol jk

    Just two other things to add. Imo pg has less to do with linda and more to do with ad rates and toy deals. I don't see that genie going back in the bottle. And I think its possible they would make the show even worse.

    Also linda hadnt run for senate vince would have just blown it in.some other ill advised venture. Maybe a wwe amusement patk?

  22. Right. The reason why I have a problem with someone trying to buy a senate seat is because no one blades anymore in WWE.

  23. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 8, 2012 at 4:26 PM

    Well Jobber, for the same reason that your people don't get their own ring entrance, just "in the ring to my right" :) And you know...TLC the Ride sounds like fun. The roller coaster could have simulated taking you off a ladder through a table, and then back up into a moonsault.

  24. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 8, 2012 at 4:26 PM

    Thanks Bo

  25. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 8, 2012 at 4:26 PM

    Maybe not you Cult, but right after Linda lost someone asked the question; without Linda's campaign image to protect does this mean we will see a return to the attitude era. I am just posing the question, that's all.

  26. That money also could've gone towards building solid gold statues of herself. Yet again, her money. It's not like she took the "wrestlers getting health care" piggy bank and broke it, I honestly doubt if she didn't run wrestlers would have insurance right now.

    Am I glad she didn't get in? Well, I actually don't know any of her political stances, but it's probably a good thing. Did she waste an obscene amount of money? Yeah. Is anything gained from continuously ragging on her campaign efforts? Not really.

  27. Linda didn't raise her own funds? Yet again...HER money.

  28. Linda lost though. If anything it's proof of how money can't buy you elections.

  29. I mean these people have to fundraise and campaign to get people to give them money. And it is a lot less than 100 mil.

  30. if any other company's CEO treated their workers as bad as WWE and then ran for any public office under these circumstances I would be hostile, but for some of us it's even more vitriolic because we're so familiar with the product.

  31. well Kevin Johnson was born and raised in Sac and very active in charities. He actually started a foundation while playing and opened up a charter school company. For what it is worth, he's a terrible mayor according to what I read and my parents back home. As for Arnold. No. he sucked. And he was a liar. Claimed he wouldn't take campaign donations, then went back on it. As far as Governors go, he was middle of the pack. Not as bad as Reagan, Pete Wilson, or Deukmejian

  32. so we aren't allowed to criticized others for the poor choices they make with their money? Odd line of thinking. Forgive me and others, but with all the wonderful charities in the world or simply spending money on WWE employees, it's sad to see 100 million wasted on a vanity project.

  33. I'm not100% sure but they might be "worth" $330 or whatever at that point but the actual assets they own would have to be worth much more than that. Nobody would spend that much percentage wise to do what they did.

  34. I hate hate hate that they used Arnold instead of just calling him Wolfcastle in the movie. It's the same character, everybody gets it already, why change it?

  35. The amount of money wasted on elections in this country is outrageous. If we just had public financing of all campaigns and a level playing field for all candidates regardless of party, we'd have a stronger economy and a stronger democracy. The money wasted on all those donations to candidates and PACs could be better spent on anything else. Unless you're wealthy or well-connected, you can't run for the Senate because most people don't have $50 million to blow. Maybe the Job Creator (TM) will realize that they can't afford the cost of a 3rd campaign and we won't half to hear about it again.

  36. Nobody is disputing that it's her money and she can do what she desires with it. People just find it ironic that they have $100,000,000 sitting around to spend on a senate seat that would probably pay her $250,000 annually while apparently not having enough for healthcare or benefits for the workers that made her rich.

  37. usually I would agree. but I really am not sure if I would be so sure about the McMahons.

  38. I think most of us are not "hating", we are making fun. and to me this has hardly anything to do with their on screen product but more because this seemed like another of those typical "McMahon-ideas gone wrong"-plans - like the WBF, the XFL and I guess like the WWE Network.

  39. On a sidenote, looks like Piper is behind a project to get Portland Wrestling back on the air, kind of an interesting wrestling / reality show hybrid. Doubt it will work, but neat to see for people that grew up in the PNW.

  40. It was also the best part of Demolition Man.

    "So, President Schwarzenegger declared..."
    "Wait, what? They made him president?"

  41. We're allowed to criticize frivolous spending and I'm allowed to criticize boring discussions.

    I hate pretty much all business aspects of The Business. And we're not even discussing buyrates or ratings or merch sales, we're discussing what a promoters wife spent her money on.

    This has nothing to do with nothing.

  42. Kevin Johnson also might've had sex with one of his students...

    And he also made them lie to Oprah.

  43. So instead of sucking special interest dick, she sucked TV company dick...really don't see the difference here.

  44. millionaire that should be billionaire

  45. Don't forget WWE Studios! Although the upcoming Scooby Doo movie could be pretty fun...

  46. Exactly! I'm sorry but WWE can't pay poor Kamala's bills/treatment? The PR alone is something they could use to boost WWE's reputation in the mainstream media. Help Kamala become a spokesperson against diabetes, a cause they can get behind like anti-bullying and breast cancer.

  47. Wasn't there a recent controversy with Linda and the Republican party with how her campaign was trying to attract African American voters by telling them to vote for Obama as president and her as senator? Something tells me she's not getting another kick at the can...

  48. correct but the 5 conservatives on the Supreme Court feel otherwise and believe that campaign donations equal free speech, thus can't be limited. Public financing for all campaigns with no private donations would be magical. Believe in your candidate? volunteer.

  49. I just wonder how much side pussy a wife has to ignore over the years to get her husband to fund a 90 million dollar hobby?

  50. That would be really cool if it makes the air.

  51. Yeah, I think her republican card has been revoked for that one.

  52. Looks like its running now, I'll have to check out the episode this week

  53. doesn't it mostly go towards "awareness"


    Vince taking it pretty hard it appears.

  55. I'd agree no ones that stupid...but I've seen the way Raw is booked. Worth is calculated as Cash+Assets, either the wrong word was used or they are in fact that retarded

  56. woof, Vince looks BAD in that clip.

  57. He's just doing the math in his head. Also what a terrible speech.

  58. Plus he got eaten alive in 93. However a young jobber123 patterned his game as a young boy after kj

  59. So what if you spent money to promote conservative or liberal ideology, and not a particular candidate, would that be illegal?

  60. November passes
    Millions of dollars well spent
    What, who needs med care?

  61. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 8, 2012 at 4:50 PM

    Oh come on. Linda is pretty sharp and besides there are ex professional athletes in the Senate and House. Before they got elected were they REALLY any more qualified then her. My point is this, you could have rooted against her if you wanted, if you were living in her state you could have voted against her if you wanted. That's your choice I have no problem with that, (frankly I usually vote Democrat) But is it necessary to hate her for running. Hell, enough anti wrestling people hated on her, why do we have to do it too?

  62. If it's the same character? Why are you mad about it then?

  63. Mcbain>john matrix


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