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The SmarK RAW Rant–11.05.12

The SmarK RAW Rant – 11.05.12

I’ve been laid up with the flu all day, so if I’m crankier than usual, that’s probably why. On the bright side, I ordered a 7” Android tablet off Ebay just because I don’t have enough computers clogging up my house as it is, and the guy sent me a 10” tablet instead. So now I get to be the douchebag sitting around in Starbucks and surfing the net on my fake iPad instead of my phone! Although I have to say, reading digital comics on a tablet instead of a laptop is like chocolate and peanut butter coming together in those commercials. If only I could access Marvel Digital Unlimited on it, I’d never have to leave the house again.

Finally, the WWE hierarchy explained by the website:


Sorta live from England or Ireland or whatever that island is.

Your hosts are Michael Cole & Jim Ross

So we now have an IMPORTANT sounding “last week on RAW” voiceover to set things up, and then Miz immediately quits Team Punk in a backstage segment with Paul Heyman. Well that’s a shame.

Rey Mysterio, R-Truth & Sin Cara v. Antonio Cesaro & The Primetime Players

Apparently Cesaro and Truth have been engaging in a TOUT WAR, because neither guy has anything better going on. JR notes that Cesaro could be a World champion, although once again, JACK SWAGGER. So it’s no big deal to be one. The Players get a babyface pop for some reason, and Young gets trapped in the luchador corner early on. Over to Titus and he tries a powerbomb on Rey, but it’s reversed and we get more double-teaming from the faces. Truth with a seated dropkick on Titus for two and everyone stops to yell at each other so we can take a break. At least no one got thrown out of the ring this time. Back with Cara messing up his ropewalk armdrag on Young, but Cesaro tags himself in and hits a backbreaker on Rey for two. Titus with a nice series of backbreakers, but it’s hot tag Truth. Sin Cara with a cool variation on La Mistica, into the 619, into the Little Jimmy to finish at 11:00. This is like the millionth six-man combo with the Players jobbing to the Luchadors, but this one sets up the US title match at Survivor Series at least. **1/2

Vickie Guerrero joins us to continue the thrilling Claire Lynch 2.0 storyline, as she recaps the stuff that happened last week, before Cena interrupts her. He points out what everyone else has been – that Vickie did everything as Smackdown GM that she’s accusing AJ of doing. So now she’s got footage of AJ and John Cena in a hotel, clad in towels at two different points. This went nowhere.

Meanwhile, Paul Heyman tries to recruit Wade Barrett for Team Punk, which is what they should have done in the first place.

Daniel Bryan v. Cody Rhodes

Cody doesn’t even get an entrance! Bryan’s reaction is even more over-the-top thanks to the hot British crowd. Bryan works on the legs with kicks and backdrops Cody to the floor, then follows with a dive onto Sandow. Cody gets the kick from the apron and they head back in, where Cody hits Crossroads for the pin at 1:56. Really? Bryan jobs AGAIN? *1/2 After the win, Cody brags that Sandow can beat Kane just as easily, so we get an impromptu match.

Kane v. Damien Sandow

We take a break and return with Kane in control, as he pounds away in the corner. The partners are both sent back the dressing room for some reason, and Kane finishes with the flying clothesline and chokeslam at 3:53. Total squash. *

Brad Maddox is out to explain his actions, and it’s a pretty good explanation. He spent thousands of dollars getting a developmental deal, and he was told that he wasn’t good enough, so he became a referee instead, bided his time, and then turned on Ryback without Punk’s knowledge. So this brings out Vince McMahon for a surprise appearance, and he wonders why CM Punk isn’t defending the WWE title at Survivor Series. Vince bullies Vickie into making Punk v. Ryback v. Cena, and I guess plans change yet again. This company is mind-boggling. Not only for changing the main event around at the drop of a hat, but for making such a big deal out of every authority figure change and then just having Vince come out and do what he wants anyway. Just last week he was all depressed because he couldn’t do anything about Vickie as GM! And we just had Cena and Punk in a three-way match at Summerslam! And never mind that Foley was so incredibly angry with Punk last week that he had to set up a tag match to settle thing, and now they’re not even in the same match anymore. But hey, they’re telling stories.

Sheamus v. The Miz

Sheamus clotheslines Miz for two, but Miz pounds him in the corner until Sheamus catches him with a Regal roll. Miz comes back with a clothesline for two, and goes to a chinlock. Sheamus with the forearms and they fight to the floor, where Miz runs him into the post to take over. Back in for the low kick for two, and another chinlock as we take a break. Miz to the top for a double axehandle that gets two. Back to the chinlock, and Miz with a neckbreaker for two. This endless match continues with Miz pounding Sheamus down in the corner until he finally makes the comeback. Flying shoulder tackle gets two, but Miz hits the DDT for two. Sheamus rolls him into the Cloverleaf attempt, but Miz escapes and hits Sheamus in the knee. Sheamus catches him with the White Noise and finishes clean with the Brogue Kick at 15:39. Total snooze. **

Meanwhile, Dolph Ziggler is now the captain of the Survivor Series team. Man, they’re just giving up on that thing completely. Also, tonight it’s Punk and Ziggler against Cena and Ryback. Luckily the guys in the truck have the graphic ready RIGHT AWAY.

Fandangoo is coming. I wonder what poor developmental geek gets this gimmick.

Eve & Aksana v. Layla & Kaitlyn

Why would they take a break between the entrances for this? Like people are going to see Aksana making her entrance and be like “Oh man, I better not switch over to football now!” Layla gets tripped up in the corner trying something and Aksana takes over with her terrible offense. Layla gets beat up for a while, and Kaitlyn finishes Eve with an inverted DDT (The Ratings Drop?) at 5:00. Just awful. DUD

Meanwhile, Alberto Del Rio bumps into Rosa Mendes. Well it’s not like her luck in romance could get any worse.

Kofi Kingston v. Alberto Del Rio

This is of course non-title, because why would anyone care about wanting the title? Kofi pounds away in the corner and takes ADR down with a headscissors, but Del Rio shoves him off the apron and into the railing. Back in, that gets two. Del Rio punts the ribs and chokes away on the ropes, but misses a charge and hits the post. SOS gets two off a missed armbreaker chance. Kofi misses a crossbody, but Randy Orton’s music distracts Del Rio, allowing Kofi to get the stupid rollup win at 7:50. I hate that finish so much. Another dull match in a series tonight. **

Primo & Epico v. Santino & Zack Ryder

This one will get the crowd fired up again! Apparently Ryback teaming with someone is a SHOCKER. Oh, Jim Ross. I remember when you had self-respect. Primo and Santino do a comedy bit, and Ryder misses a crossbody and clotheslines himself on the top rope. Team Colon beats on Zack and Epico gets a dropkick for two. Primo goes to the chinlock as the announcers WILL NOT SHUT UP about Ryback and Cena. They go on and on about the main event tonight and how it relates to Survivor Series. Finally it’s lukewarm tag to Santino and the cobra finishes Epico at 5:00. *1/2 Man, losing to Zack Ryder. That’s how far Epico and Primo have fallen.

Brodus Clay v. Wade Barrett

Clay is so funky that he breaks the satellite. Wade of course gets a giant babyface pop, and Clay gets booed as he does his usual offense and drops a leg for two. JR notes that there’s been a lot of speculation who will replace Ryback in the elimination match. Speculation by who? They only announced the change an hour ago! Barrett comes back with a sideslam and throws knees from the floor, which gets two. Barrett with a facelock, but Clay comes back with clotheslines and an avalanche. Another one misses and Barrett finishes with the elbow at 3:00. Thankfully this woke up the crowd. *

Heath Slater v. Jey Uso

Uso gets a legdrop and they slug it out in the corner, but Slater gets a cheapshot and goes to a chinlock as, yes, the crowd starts a “3MB” chant. I knew that would start happening. Slater with the AIR GUITAR OF DOOM and a rollup in the corner for two. More chinlockery and Slater puts him down with a spinkick for two. Aaaaaaaaand…back to the chinlock. Truly a third hour classic. Slater shrugs off the comeback attempt and finishes with the neckbreaker at 3:45. ½*

CM Punk & Dolph Ziggler v. John Cena & Ryback

They actually have the balls (or bollocks in this case) to start the match at the three hour mark. As usual, my patience for this boring show has long expired, so let’s skip through Cena playing face in peril for NINE MINUTES, leading to the hot tag to Ryback and the Shellshock on Punk at 9:34. It is what it is. We know that the finish is gonna be Punk stealing a win on Cena at the PPV, big whoop.

The Pulse

You can pretty much trace the killing of this incredibly hot crowd to the moment when Bryan did the job to the guy who didn’t even get an entrance. Hopefully they can go another week without totally overhauling the PPV card again. Maybe Jerry Lawler will announce he’s the fifth guy? Because wouldn’t that be awesome? On second thought, maybe I shouldn’t give them any ideas.

Another week, another boring three hour show.


  1. team zanadude's newsletterNovember 5, 2012 at 10:28 PM

    That is the greatest document in the history of PDF files!

  2. If Fandangoo is Tyler Black, I don't know what I'll do. But it won't be good.

  3. "Kofi Kingston v. Alberto Del Rio
    This is of course non-title, because why would anyone care about wanting the title?"

    If the champ's not doing the job, why make it non-title?

  4. That was, in fact, incredibly awesome and I had to keep looking at the URL cause I couldn't believe it was an official WWE thing.

  5. Man, I always wanted a job with "sledgehammering" right in the job duties description. The only thing missing was The Undertaker fit in somewhere.

  6. team zanadude's newsletterNovember 5, 2012 at 10:35 PM

    Well, it's not like WWE even takes it's own product fact, they wear they stupidity like a badge of honor!

  7. "Maybe Jerry Lawler will announce he’s the fifth guy"

    ...that's the first thought I had. Honestly, I can see them doing this.

  8. team zanadude's newsletterNovember 5, 2012 at 10:37 PM

    Because then you're telegraphing the finish. Because holding the I-C title is beneath ADR.

  9. team zanadude's newsletterNovember 5, 2012 at 10:38 PM

    He was almost married to Stephanie (also conspicuous by her absence), so that's gotta count for something.

  10. First, Cranky Scott, like Cranky Vince, is always welcome.

    Two, FANDANGOO? I know "fan" is for "fan", but "dangoo"...I don't know what that means.

    Three, yep, RAW writers getting drunk at the ol' flower shop.

  11. I can't see getting into Fandangoo period, since dancing is the least enjoyable thing I can think of. But I would love to see that last line "Mind if I cut in" be the biggest part of his gimmick. He sashays down during a match and when someone hits their finisher, says "mind if I cut in", knocks the guy out the ring, and gets the pinfall himself.

  12. team zanadude's newsletterNovember 5, 2012 at 10:41 PM

    Superfluous upvote for a Scott Keith response!

  13. Didn't watch Raw after I read the spoilers. It seems insane to me that they keep booking on a week to week basis. Other than monster of the week type shows, no other show on tv does this. And I was actually looking forward to Ziggler/Cena.

  14. Kaitlyn finishes Eve with an inverted DDT (The Ratings Drop?)

    OH TAG. Nice one, Scott.

  15. What the...? So they claim they get the joke and just carry on anyway like it's a total serious thing?

  16. reading digital comics on a tablet

    Ignoring the fact of course that like books, comics are meant to be held...

  17. Yeah, because you don't hold a tablet. You levitate it with your mind.

  18. At this point, the fifth guy might as well be Foley, because...why not?

  19. Can someone please explain the logic to me of doing a storyline like the AJ/Vickie/Cena/Dolph one? Is the soccer mom demo really that important?

  20. Yeah, but this way I don't have stacks of comics that I have to deal with later.

  21. Nahhhh, Tyler Black...ahem...SETH ROLLINS is doing just fine on NXT. He's going to be a big deal when they finally put him on the big shows.

  22. I don't even know what the payoff is supposed to be any more. Vickie already has AJ's job, so who gives a shit if they're doing it in a hotel? It was supposed to be leading to Ziggler v. Cena at the PPV, but now that's out the window so they don't even have a match that this is building up to.

  23. Would they be sadistic enough to drag this out all the way to TLC and we'd get Cena/Ziggler there?

  24. I was willing to ignore the ridiculousness of it all if it meant we got a kick ass Cena/Ziggler match out of it. Even the Claire Lynch saga gave us a 4 star Daniels/Styles match.

  25. When was the last time Foley wrestled? I can remember him having a cage match with Sting a few years ago, but that was the one and only TNA ppv event I ever watched.

  26. I find it interesting that Vince is now just fucking with Punk. It's sort of an alignment reversal of Vince/Austin. Vince is doing everything in his power to get that title off of Punk short of just stripping the title off of him. Punk wants in this Survivor Tag match, so he gets put in this title match instead.

    Also, it's funny they put out that hierarchy list and then totally use it on the show. Vickie obviously has no powers and is also in there for Vince to fuck with.

    Brilliant stupidity at its finest.

  27. "Apparently Cesaro and Truth have been engaging in a TOUT WAR"

    "Really? Bryan jobs AGAIN?"

    Then they gave Sheamus and Miz over 15 minutes.

    And people ask why I'd rather watch ROH instead of this shit...

  28. "Oh look! The iPPV feed went out again!"

    "Great. It's time for more terrible promos from bland indy geeks."

    "Wow! More guys in kickpads no selling headkicks for 20 minutes!"

    And people ask why I'd rather watch WWE instead of this shit...

  29. Here's hoping both promotions get their shit together.

  30. "Oh God! Another Aces & Eights tease!"

    "Lovely. Another backstage Hogan promo where everyone kisses his ass."

    "Nice to see everyone killing themselves for their craft, only for this company to give their top title to Jeff Hardy again."

    And yet I'd still rather watch TNA than all that other shit...

  31. But really, what would he need to do in a Survivor Series match? He could keep his ring time minimal, like in the Rumble. The other four guys would basically do the heavy lifting and Foley would come in for a Socko spot. Simple enough.

  32. Did the company decide his first gimmick wasn't shitty enough?

  33. D-Bry lost in 90 seconds? Hmmm

  34. Cause ADR has done nothing to deserve a title shot?

    I mean, Gabriel had to beat Cesaro to get a shot, ADR lost his PPV match.

  35. It's all about entertaining you, the WWE UNIVERSE, and putting smiles on your faces!

    At least until Linda loses the election tomorrow, then you're all losers who root for Zack Ryder and you need to be told who to root for.

  36. team zanadude's newsletterNovember 5, 2012 at 11:58 PM

    So...CM Punk is the face here, being manipulated into unfair situations by the evil authorities, right?

  37. Clearly, they don't even know at this point. Though, logic (HAHAHA) would dictate that... maybe Dolph costs Cena the belt at Survivors, then Ryback gets to lose again to Punk in a ladder or table match at TLC.

    Even better: Cena can get hit with a CHAIR, then they can have the dreaded CHAIRS MATCH in December!

  38. Agreed. Bret Hart was in the Nexus elimination tag a few years back and did fine... and Foley can take a few bumps I'm sure, so it would be better than anyone else they would parade in there.

  39. team zanadude's newsletterNovember 6, 2012 at 12:04 AM

    Maybe he and R-Truth will final get the tag title shot he won on NXT Season 4?

  40. I didn't, because I feel me and and Cult are both right here. We have 2 promotions that should be giving everyone what they want between the two of them, and they both do their best to totally suck ass.

  41. So we now have an IMPORTANT sounding “last week on RAW” voiceover to set things up

    Which is super relevant, because you totes have to know what happened last week in order to become fully immersed in the story of how, this week, we completely scrap the card we set up last week.

    WWE: We tell stories.

  42. What I don't get is why Vince McMahon has to ask Vickie Guerrero's permission to make a match. And even if he was just fucking with her and could have just made the match outright, why even give her the power to make matches if you're going to overrule everything she does anyway?


    I'd give one of my nuts to go back to the uniform blandness of a once-every-six-months, Tunney-esque authority figure, as opposed to the tangled network of bullshit WWE tries to sell as a hierarchy each week.

  43. I don't see how it would have been hard to just change the match to Team Foley vs. Team Heyman (instead of Team Ziggler, who has nothing to do with the issue anyway).

    Foley and Heyman already have a history with one another, a history which issues from Foley's problems with Punk, in that Paul has never lied to Foley before, but now that Heyman is backing Punk, the old friends can't even pretend towards courtesy anymore. It already works since Heyman more or less picked Punk's team for him, while Foley picked his own team. Neither of the teams' presumptive leaders would actually be competing on their own teams, so, again, it works out. Five guys representing their captain, versus another five guys representing theirs. It just nags me that a perfectly fine Cena/Ziggler undercard match built off of the AJ/Vickie/Affair issue (that could have gotten Ziggler over if he were the physical end of the heel side in the feud) is scrapped to go with a relatively uninspired WWE title match.

  44. Call me crazy, but I actually think Johnny Curtis has potential, so I'm glad to see him given another opportunity. Although Fandagoo doesn't exactly look like a winning gimmick, but I guess we'll see where it goes etc.

  45. There's the Scott I've always loved reading coming out...

  46. God I've seen more consistent storylines in Universe mode.

  47. Look forward to self-important assholes chanting "JOH-NNY CUR-TIS!" through every one of his matches. We're past the era where you can change a guy's gimmick without crowds heckling him and impeding him getting over. Hell, you can't even have a guy with a derivative gimmick, insomuch as Ryback is derivative of Goldberg.

    I guess Ryback still got over, but there's absolutely no way we should still be hearing Goldberg chants like we are.

  48. I find it ridiculous that every time they do one-on-one pairings between Team Hell No and The Rhodes Scholars (I refuse to put "Team" in front of their name, it sounds stupid as hell), Kane always wins and Bryan always jobs.

    Worse, I don't think it's a part of any story they're building.

  49. I didn't watch Raw but I hope Fandangoo is somebody trying to steal business from Fandango, ala Kramer having 555-FILK and stealing business from 555-FILM

  50. "Oh Look, SOA!

    Oh Look! Walking Dead!

    Oh Look! Tv's broke!

    I'd rather watch any of these than what RAW has been lately. I actually have considered just watching it on my Hulu, since its only 90 mins long on there.

  51. fuck this company.

  52. So... wait. Brad Maddox explained himself, which prompted Vince to come out, which lead to him undermining Vickie's power.

    Am I missing something, or are they?

  53. So did anyone notice the repeated promos for Super SmackDown Live! tomorrow night? Live from the UK! So I guess that is like a WWE definition of "Live", which differs from the one used by every other sports or television program, assuming that they're not actually going to have a show at 1 in the morning in the UK? I suppose the show will be "live" in the sense that it will be taped in front of a live audience, but I don't recall Cheers ever promoting a "Live episode this Thursday night", and it too was filmed in front of a live studio audience.

  54. basically "card subject to change" is not an information anymore but a threat.

  55. the only reason I can think of is stupid WWE logic: they know Bryan will be over despite losing anyway so they think they can utilize him in getting someone else over.

  56. Anyone seen the post-RAW video with Barrett and Cena? I know it's Barrett's home crowd 'n all but seeing those two acting all chummy together was so, so weird.

  57. Hell, I've seen Ed Wood movies with more coherency and more continuity than the current WWE storylines.

    And Mick Foley suddenly doesn't want to get revenge on Punk anymore, WTF?

  58. Yet they need to protect KANE? Sandow or Rhodes couldn't get an equal or bigger rub from beating a nearly 7-foot monster?

    Anyway, I think you're probably right, but it doesn't make WWE any less stupid for thinking that way.

  59. On the plus side, at least we're not hearing "Skip Sheffield" or "Ryan Reeves" chants during his matches so it could be a hell of a lot worse. Just ask Justin Credible, it's been 15 years yet people still chant "You're Still Aldo!" at him.

  60. That's why I buy all my Harlequin softcore porn books digitally now.

  61. Ive heard of Card Subject To Change but this is nuts.

    What next, Foley announcing in a Vince/Higher Power voice, "it was me Ryback" to explain who was behind the Maddox screw job?

  62. I hope they just acknowledge that it's Johnny Curtis. I don't think it helped Tensai that they kept referencing that he's a former WWE Superstar without mentioning his previous name.

  63. Why don't you just tell me the name of the movie you want to see?

  64. What did Vince say to a crying baby Shane?


  65. That's a cornerstone of their booking philosophy, though: only Main Event-certified non-giants get to hang in there with 300+ pounders.

  66. team zanadude's newsletterNovember 6, 2012 at 3:09 AM

    They don't really hate each other. It was just an act.

  67. Nobody knows who Johnny Curtis is. Not many fans were watching the last days of NXT, and plus Curtis was basically the blandest of the bland. He stands out a helluva lot less than, say, Albert as Tensai.

  68. team zanadude's newsletterNovember 6, 2012 at 3:10 AM

    Just like Punk suddenly didn't want revenge on Kevin Nash anymore.
    Who will suddenly decide that they don't want revenge on Mick Foley?

  69. team zanadude's newsletterNovember 6, 2012 at 3:11 AM

    Maybe it's the cold medicine talking Mark, but Kyle has a butt that won't quit.

  70. team zanadude's newsletterNovember 6, 2012 at 3:12 AM

    He takes the Jericho act to a whole new level!

  71. Caliber_Winfield_69420BoobiesNovember 6, 2012 at 5:29 AM


  72. I like how the only parts of New Jersey shown during the Wrestlemania commercial were: half of the Lincoln Tunnel, the sign on Route 3 directing drivers into the Meadowlands, and the stadium with the NYC skyline in the background. But that's the WWE's nonsensical quest for mainstream media attention, the region was ALWAYS NY/NJ.

    My wife put it best when she looked up from her laptop during the CM Punk promo and said to me: "Are you watching the presidential debates? I haven't heard this much bullshit on our TV since the debates."

  73. Caliber_Winfield_69420BoobiesNovember 6, 2012 at 5:30 AM

    Kyle's gonna be real upset when he finds out it's Bart writing these nice things you say....

  74. Dead trees are dead, man. We only have one Earth.

  75. It's weird that he was so bland too because from what I always heard, he had a Pillman-esque "Crazy Curt" gimmick that was supposed to be really good.

  76. LOL.
    roh blows

  77. im dyin over here lol

  78. Being that I live in Jersey, I can truthfully say that when you view the stadium from the other side there is not much else there. Especially since we have no Jersey Shore and A.C. is FUBAR.

  79. Yurple the Clown.

  80. Their story was told.

  81. We'll get the dreaded mixed tag match.

  82. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 6, 2012 at 7:29 AM

    The main event was fine but I was mostly waiting for the show to end so I could watch Gossip Girl. Still as a placeholder until we get Rock vs Punk, Cena/Ryback/Punk is fine with me.

  83. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 6, 2012 at 7:31 AM

    The Rock's Home Ec teacher?

  84. Pretty funny that they realized headlining Survivor Series with a handful of mid-carders was going to be disastrous. Even in the coked up days of Vince Russo I don't know that they completely changed the main event in the penultimate go-home show.

  85. I'm still a little confused as to why hooking up with AJ is so awful. As a few people here have mentioned, what is the endgame to this storyline? Are there any actual consequences if they are having an affair? The only apparent punishment would be AJ getting fired from Raw. And if she's truly a student of WWE history, she'd certainly know that the firing would only last until the Smackdown taping the next night. As for Cena, he's already been fired like 8 times and he seems fine to me.

  86. "Did you know? It doesn't matter if you miss Raw this week, because we'll spend a half hour next week recapping it. Also, all the matches and story lines will be changed, rendering last week's show completely irrelevant. Enjoy Monday Night Football!"

  87. While the flowchart was hilarious, the shot at Mike Adamle was a LITTLE unnecessary.

  88. Where is it you're from again Scott? Canada? America? Whatever that island is.

  89. I had been pretty apathetic about the product for the last month but mostly enjoyed last night's show. Mostly because the crowd was so into things and then completely dead for Kofi Kingston, haha.

    The whole Team Punk vs. Team Foley was a terrible idea to begin with because no one cares about Mick Foley, so at least they realized that and put together a far more interesting main event and one I will feel less guilty about dropping money for.

    Brad Maddox was really good on the mic, really enjoyed that segment.

    For the two people that watch Smackdown, the Team Hell No/Rhodes Scholars thing that took place last night was basically an exact reenactment of what happened between Mysterio/Cara and Prime Time Players.

  90. If I never read "they're telling stories" again, I'd be happy.

  91. I really don't get the logic of throwing a guy they're trying to market as a babyface to the kids (Brodus Clay) out there to get booed out of the building against the hometown heel (which they had to know would happen). Here's how I would've done it: I'd have had Wade refuse Heyman's offer and have Heyman get pissed and demand that Vickie book one of the team members (like Sandow, for example), against Wade for the night. Wade squashes Sandow like a bug, getting to play the superhero for the night without doing any damage to an actual face, and then next week, changes his mind and accepts Heyman's offer, because clearly the team is so pathetic that they need Wade to carry them, which lets Wade come off looking much stronger.

  92. I didnt watch the show but what happened after Brad Maddox gave his promo?? Is he a good wrestler? Seems like they have a nice built-in character there - they could've put him on Team Punk to keep the Punk/Ryback thing going.

    They should just put Cena on the shelf until January. He's got nothing to do and the AJ storyline is nothing. They're wasting him. Ratings & buyrates are going to crash until the WM build starts with or without Cena.

    It's almost like a football team that starts playing for next year - use the next 2 months to give guys a chance (Otunga, Barrett, whoever) and see what happens. Then ramp it up in January for the Rumble with Cena, Rocky & Brock coming back into the mix.

  93. I like that they pointed out their own plot hole, since Vickie did the same thing on SmackDown. They clearly whipped that story together in about 10 minutes to the end the Pantsuit AJ Reign of Terror and now have no clue how to get out of it.

    They should've dropped that without explanation instead of dragging it out hoping to figure out something. Or they couldve just had Vince fire AJ because he's Vince F'in McMahon and he does that sometimes.

  94. In storyline terms, it's a really good explanation on why Brad Maddox turned heel, but in reality, they chose the wrong guy for the part as his promo was pretty bad.

  95. It's not often I miss Russo, but if this was the Attitude Era, Cena would have AA'd Vickie, AJ would have taken her clothes off, and this whole inane story would be OVER.

  96. What did Vince say to a undercover investigator?


  97. I still think it's amusing that they're outright lifting that from TNA

  98. I like that they basically say the Kliq has more power than the GMs.

  99. Also said to people drinking too much coffee.

  100. There isn't enough upvotes for this.

  101. You know, last night wasn't the worst Raw I've ever seen, but for me it's the worst I've felt about WWE since the walkout debacle when they buried an entire roster. Hell, even worse than that. At least then I was looking forward to Rock-Cena I and Punk's eventual babyface title win.

    Right now, this is the nadir for me. And while there's a million things we can pick apart, here's the big picture: Daniel Bryan gets Austin-level pops, Punk is STILL getting "CM Punk" chants, and Cena gets more boos than cheers in pretty much every arena around the world. Despite this Bryan gets jobbed, Punk gets depicted as a talentless heel bitch, and Cena is still the #1 face.

    This isn't internet smark "work the leg!" stuff, this is pure business talk: what the fuck is wrong with Vince? There's no way Vince in 1996 books his promotion in a way this opposite to fan reaction. I mean, there's a good chance that Wrestlemania this year will feature:
    - Brock Lesnar jobbing to Triple H (rather than any number of young stars who could be made with a Mania win over Lesnar)
    - Punk jobbing to Taker
    - Babyface Cena winning the title from Rock
    - Bryan probably jobbing in some meaningless midcard match, OR not even getting on the show

    What happens when 80,000 people shit on the finish to every one of their Wrestlemania matches? When the whole crowd chants "Cena sucks" during the feel-good "Rock raises Cena's hand in victory" moment? When HHH is booed out of the building? Then will Vince listen?

    In the end, wrestling booking in situations like this should be so easy. Everyone hates Cena? Great, he's a heel! They love CM Punk and Bryan? Push the hell out of them! I don't know if Vince lost his mind, or he lets dumbass Stephanie make all the decisions, or they all just hate wrestling so much that they purposely fuck with their fans every chance they get, but this entire organization is so fucked right now.

  102. A Tout war...

    Why hasn't someone come out and used the classic "You guys arguing over the Internet do realize that if either of you win, it's like winning the Special Olympics, you're still r-word-ed."

  103. Vince is going senile. I still think we're headed towards a moment where he goes out on a live Raw and shoots on the audience for not cheering for who he tells them to cheer for.

  104. It's crazy man. When Bryan came out, I kept thinking that if they were smart they'd be protecting this guy en route to him winning the Royal Rumble. Two minutes later and he's jobbing to Cody Rhodes, so that his "been around for a hundred f'n years" partner Kane could then go over Damien Sandow, a talented young heel who should be completely protected so therefore WWE squashes him.
    WTF. Again, Vince in 1996 would never do this. Even when they had no plans for Stone COld in the immediate aftermath of the "Austin 3:16" speech, he was still protected until the Bret Hart feud. Vince never conciously pissed money away like he does now.

  105. HAHAHA, it's possible. Again, I think there's a good chance this year's Mania crowd could really turn against the product. If they job Rock to Cena, Lesnar to HHH, and Punk and Bryan to anyone, the NYC Mania crowd (aka "The Perfect Storm of Smark") is going to take a Big Daddy V sized shit on the ring.

  106. Yeah, this is why I have given up on WWE. I watch impact exclusively to fulfill my wrestling needs. It's not perfect, and I know you were upset about Hardy winning the title, but I never come away from an episode of Impact actually angry or frustrated.

  107. I marked out for a second as I thought they said it was Phantasio redebuting! The best one time appearance guys ever for the WWE! Turns out they said Fandangoo... oh the disappointment.

  108. Yeah i could definitely see that. Not to make this WWE vs TNA (cause even as a hardcore WWE apologist, I don't want to take up that mantle right now) my view on TNA is: I gave it a good try for the months leading up to BFG. And even while I admit it was a thousand times better than TNA of the past, there still isn't anything about it that I REALLY ENJOY, ya know? The shows still weren't particularly exciting (to me), the production and crowd still are for shit, and most of all I just couldn't find myself giving a shit about any of the wrestlers, aside from thinking Bully Ray is fun to watch. (Perhaps the company positioning itself around Jeff Hardy tainted me in that thinking.) Plus Aces & 8s is wrestlecrap and their MAIN STORYLINE. I still check out the recaps here and find highlights online, but I gave it a try again and still don't feel compelled to watch.

    But again, WWE booking has completely fallen apart, especially since Night of Champions. If TNA fans want to say Impact is better than Raw right now, I personally wouldn't put up a strong fight.

  109. He really is starting to slip. His promos are getting progressively worse: stumbling over sentences, omitting words, mispronouncing things for no reason. It may be time for him to go.

  110. Lawler comes back next week correct?

    Is it wrong that I want to see him turn heel on the crowd?

  111. Give it another shot. Bully Ray has gone from my favorite heel in wrestling to my favorite babyface in the span of 2 weeks, and I'm now legitimately excited for a Bully vs Devon match. Daniels/Kaz, Joe, Aries, & Bobby Roode all have strong characters and are doing good work.

    I agree with you about Aces and 8s, but to TNA's credit they have stuck it out and haven't hot-shotted anything. When WWE finds themselves in the middle of an angle that isn't quite working they'll do something completely ridiculous that usually blows snot all over their continuity.

  112. Well, it would be a wrestler getting a giant pop and embraced positively by the crowd, so I'd actually say there's a very good chance that WWE turns him heel and/or jobs him out to Cody Rhodes.

  113. Man, that would be just wrong, even for wrestling. The dude almost died on live TV, and the people have been behind him since. Not even Russo would try to pull this off....wait.....

  114. Sounds like you have more of WM booked than they probably do.

  115. Tried TNA, barely have time to watch WWE now, it wasn't good enough for me to invest the 2 hours.

  116. If Vince makes one of his random heel turns, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility

  117. They should turn before he steals heat from cena.

  118. No, what will happen is Jerry will credit the fans, EMT's, and John Cena on his speedy recovery.

  119. Vince is a control freak. I'm sure on some level it always pissed him off when the fans didn't want what he wanted and he was forced to give them what they wanted.

    At this point in his life he probably has enough money to not need to go by what the fans want.

  120. If Vince booked heel Steve Austin to feud with face Bret Hart today, and the fans rabidly cheered for Austin, Bret would put him in the sharpshooter until his shit his pants and tapped out.

  121. Yes, cause books are the number one cause of deforestation.

  122. Never heard of it until just now, but that is pretty funny.

  123. Then he'd be put in a feud with "The Bluechipper" Rocky Maivia and lose to him on 8 consecutive Raw's.

  124. I just left NJ for TX this summer, but I know that view. Great view of, um, Xanadu and the Turnpike

    I thought I'd read some of the casinos are functional again. Doesn't make it ok that the rest of the city's probably still underwater, and last time I talked to a friend from Brigantine, people were still not allowed to leave the island.

  125. Well Scott left out the part where Vince promised Maddox a million dollar contract if he can beat Ryback next week.

  126. When Raw starts getting episode titles and we get internal voiceover monologues from inside John Cena's head, we'll know how closely they monitor TNA.

  127. You guys are missing the REAL point, Vince's only competition now is the smarks. He doesn't care about ratings or what the fans want. Anyone who thinks they know his company and what they will do will be swerved ....There is no WCW or Ted Turner so the only thing he has left is the smarks. He has to "outsmart" them at every turn...even if his show turns into a low-rent version of Thunder. It's kind of sad what he's become. My buddies and I say it every Monday night, "the death of WCW was the worst thing to happen to wrestling". There is absolutely nothing to keep Vince honest. He can do whatever he wants because there is no one nipping at his heels anymore. I totally believe Vince knows this and has for a long time...the only thing he respects now is ratings dipping below 2.5. That's it. AND that is only out of respect for his board of investors and the stock number. He lost his way a long time ago. Period. RIP WWE. 1997-99 was great but long ago.

  128. Believe me, I love progress, but that doesn't mean we have to destroy everything old to get it. I mean, those japanese sleep tubes might be more efficient then beds, but I'm not going to get one installed.

  129. Oh. Well, let's just hope it ends with a super hot blowjob, because there's more dignity in that than the rest of the show.

  130. Do you read Botched Spot? Cause they had a hilarious comic recently.


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