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Polybagged Ultron!!!1!!

Of course this thing would come in a polybag, considering how overhyped and ridiculously awful it's been.  That being said, I'm pumped for the finale to see what a trainwreck they can possibly finish with to make it any more ludicrous than it already is.  To sum up thus far, we've had 9 issues of an Age of Apocalypse ripoff where nothing happens and we still don't even know what Ultron did, Ultron hasn't even appeared in the series for more than a page or two, Wolverine has changed history (TWICE), killed an alternate timeline version of himself (Twice, although one didn't stick) and mostly NOTHING HAPPENS.  Oh, and Captain America sulked for a while.  It is epically awful, although in such an overly dramatic and stupid way that you just have to keep reading to find out what "shocking" twist they can top themselves with.  Apparently Angela from Spawn comes into the Marvel universe in the finale.  I've never read an issue of Spawn in my life and wouldn't be caught dead doing so, so this shocking twist means nothing to me.  

June 19.  Seriously can't wait.


  1. God damn. Age of Apocalypse. That was the shit.

  2. Shit HAPPENED in that series. Even if it all got reset, it was wonderfully chaotic and Russo-esque because they knew it was all going away anyway and they just went for it. That's another reason why Flashpoint was such a letdown for me, it's like "Guys, you're rebooting the entire UNIVERSE at the end of this thing, at least give us some closure and maybe murder someone important or something."

  3. Like reverse flash?

  4. Reverse Flash already died a bunch of times before that. He hardly counts. His whole deal was that he could keep popping up from the dead by time travel anyway.

    What I really meant was the universe in general. Because DC was so wishy-washy about what was getting rebooted (most everything) and what wasn't (Green Lantern and Batman) you had almost no sense of closure on any of the titles getting canned in the process. Most notably, SUPERMAN, running consecutively since 1938 in Action Comics and ending with a random Doomsday story and then "Oh, by the way, new #1 in a couple of months, see ya." Even worse with something like Justice Society, which had all sorts of cool stuff going on that just ended and got thrown out the window completely. Drives me nuts as a reader. At least when they killed off Barry Allen in the 80s we got a whole year-long run-up to it in his own book where everything got wrapped up and he lived happily ever after, so you could end there if you wanted.

  5. AOU was fucked over by multiple factors:

    1. Bryan Hitch was a lazy fuck and despite having a full year's head start, only had five issues drawn by the time it was supposed to originally be released

    2. Bendis quit Avengers (the whole thing was supposed to be his swan song on the franchise) and Hitch's delays meant that it would not be ready by the time his last issues came around

    3. Disney further vetoed the whole thing when they were alerted to it when Disney asked if they had a big event to launch alongside the Avengers movie, which is why we had Avengers Vs X-Men instead as they told Marvel to shelf the whole thing rather than release it and stall for time while Hitch tried to finish it.
    4. Slott getting his way to kill off Spider-Man so he could make Doc Ock be Spider-Man; Bendis was majorly pissed off and refused to incorporate any of it into the series and basically had to jettison his planned second half of the book because he refused to incorporate the Superior Spider-Rapist into the book.
    5. The overall event fatigue from AvX, meaning that the book got the bare minimum tie-ins. Reading the first five issues, it screamed that most of the plot holes were to be filled in with the main books.

  6. Zoom was not the only one to get killed in that storyline. Donna Troy, Wally West (along with his wife and kids), Obsidian, Jade, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Caine, both of Barry Allen's parents, Isis, Osiris, Jericho, Red Tornado, JJ Thunder, Renee Montoya, Ted Kord, Prometheus, and many, many others were killed because of Barry's selfish and lazy decision at the end.

  7. Scott really? JSA?
    JSA was DOA the second the Boy King left the book. Willingham scorched earth shit so badly they forced him to erase his entire run in his last issue and his replacement was worse. Especially since they fucked up the launching of the spin-off (they should have fucking done a straight up rip-off of Avengers Academy and called it Infinity Inc with the young JSAers being trained).

    It being cancelled by Flashpoint was a blessing in disguise, especially since the entire thing was utterly unreadable by the end.

  8. Superman did get royally fucked over by Flashpoint. The only difference between it and One More Day though was that the book ended with Lois and Clark happily together and the erasing of their marriage was caused by the world's biggest cunt, Barry Allen deciding he hates his parents so much that he will gladly allow his mom to be brutally murdered by his rival and his father to be framed for the crime and die in prison.

  9. Barry Allen turning from the Saint of DC to History's Greatest Monster is going to bite DC in the ass one day; especially since Wally West fans will never accept Barry being back since, unlike with Hal and Kyle, NO ONE liked Barry Allen and Wally as Flash was pretty much one of the very few times when the replacement hero was universally accepted off the bat.

  10. Jesus, man, Peter Parker is not dead, it's comics. Everyone's having a good bit of fun and enjoying Doc Spidey being an asshat to everyone, and it might even last for another year or so, but then Peter will come back and Ock will get his comeuppance. I don't think anyone's even pretending that Superior Spider-Man is the permanent status quo.

  11. Jesse Baker...

    You couldn't all that foolishness in one rant?

    you got more tie-ins than Civil War

  12. it was only 4 months and only in the 8-9 x-books at the time but they were cohesive and all made sense.

    its really Lobdells magnum opus.

    and it got me hooked to comics, so soft spot.

  13. ive been hearing that AoU was a mess.

  14. Slott has outright said he hates Peter Parker and finds Otto more or less "his alter ego" in terms of identifying with him more than he ever did Peter Parker. And the editor, Steve Wacker has meanwhile gone on record as saying that he doesn't give a fuck about people who are upset about Peter Parker's death, to the point of saying he wants to get rid of them and replace them with fans of Slott's mass murdering alter ego Spider-Man who mindraped and killed Spider-Man for his body.

    These fuckers will keep Peter dead as long as they can until Disney forces them and even then, Disney will probably have to FIRE THEM to get it done.

  15. You fucking don't understand that, as stubborn as Vince is, Marvel is WORSE than Vince in terms of telling fans to fuck off and scorch earthing their properties so long as they get their way, no matter how many readers they lose or how much irreversible damage their actions cause the franchise.

  16. Comics should just take a page out of Hollywood and just reboot the famous stories.

  17. And fuck, the full extent to which they have taken to kill off and character assassinate Peter Parker on the way out, shows you how far they will go to punish fans for rejecting their bullshit. Fans refused to buy Spider-Man after we made Spidey sell his marriage out to Satan and become an irresponsible, unlikeable loser? Fine,we'll kill him off TWICE OVER and put a mass murderer's soul into his corpse and make everyone LOVE the new utterly evil Spider-Man because FUCK YOU for refusing to be a good Marvel Zombie and buy the book and support a direction you hate!

  18. For a DC comparison, this is if they had Joker kill Batman and put his mind inside Batman's body and then had him kill what was left of Batman's soul after making Batman tell Joker he was a better hero because he was a mass murdering psychopath who crippled Batgirl and killed Jason Todd.

  19. They tried that and either they completely missed the point of the original stories (Armor Wars, Age of Apocalypse) or create something so utterly vile that it made you hate the original (God Loves Man Kills, Days of Future Past)

  20. They remade GLMK and DoFP?

  21. At least AOU is consistent with Bendis's take on Hank Pym as the unloved savior of mankind in a Nolan Batman sort of way. Everyone hates him, but he gets shit done and moreso, without him, everything would be a thousand times worse. (Not to mention Bendis doing the whole "my soul is a weapon that can destroy those who seek to use it for evil" thing long before Morrison did it with Batma in Final Crisis, with Pym's soul being so pure that all but the very last Skrull impersonating him turned against the Skrull Invasion and the last one only stayed loyal because he was told to not act like Pym as far as date a woman he loves as opposed to hang around with his monster ex-wife and suffer her bullshit like a fool).

  22. God Loves Man Kills II and Days of Future Present. Two of the most suckiest "reboot" sequels ever made that did severe damage to the legacy of the original stories.

  23. Well, I'll never say that Jesse lacks passion.

  24. Scott, i dont know how you feel about the X-books in general nowadays, but acquire the 3 volume of X-Force written by Kyle and Yost and drawn by Clayton Crain.

    Accompany that with Messiah War and Necrohsa storylines and review that.

    Or wheres "The Dude"?

    Review that

  25. I haven't read them, but I was under the impression those were sequels instead of true remakes.

  26. see and that what i thought the ultimate line was for initially... until...

    Ultimate Cable is Wolverine from the future... yeahhhhhh...

  27. I don't think I ever got that far. I have Ultimate X-Men volumes 1 to 14 or whatever. Last volume I have I think is Return of the King, which was fucking awesome. The art in that book is amazing. Return of the King and Batman: Deathblow has the best art of all time.

  28. consider yourself lucky.

    the bad part about it... it was either bryan singer or robert kirkman

    first arc, im like "ok ill try it out. michael turner (rip) on the cover.... what.... cable has claws? And IIRC ultimate Bishop was Cable tracking Ultimate Cable (future wolverine)

    it was a hot mess.

  29. Without reading the story, I can't fault making Cable future Wolverine. That's a pretty neat twist.

  30. i challenge you to read it. i got to thru 2 issues and wanted to seppeku

  31. I'll try and track it down on the intertubes.

  32. Jesse gets confused.

  33. Holy crap. Are half of the posts in this thread Jesse presenting his delusions as facts and his opinions as unanimously supported?

    I was just going to pop in and say that Bendis may even be a worse writer than Morrison and Winnick. Morrison at least gets unwritten as soon as he leaves and Winnick never had the stroke the other two have had. Somehow, Bendis continues to most of what he wants.

  34. Hey does anyone here have a good idea of sites I could go to to find out what comics are worth? I could Google it but it'd be handy to have them all in one place. I unearthed a box of comics my grandmother bought me about 20 years ago that I've never read and there are like first issues and full runs of lots of Batman, Superman, Daredevil, and other cool stuff. Nothing newer than 95 I think. Maybe I'm sitting on some money.

  35. Check ebay. Not what people are asking, what is actually sold. No offense, but you're probably not sitting on much money. The back issue market (unless stuff is at least from the 70s) is pretty much dead.

  36. will give you a good idea of values. Go to the sell my comics section.

  37. Yeah I'm not hoping for the moon, I more or less want to see if any of it is even worth the effort of getting rid of or if I should keep it in storage for another few decades.

  38. Both issues of Superior Spider-Man were in the top 10 for sales last month and they're launching four new series based on the character's popularity. I don't really see the backlash here.

  39. Jesus, I used to work with Jesse Baker back when I did comic reviews for Inside Pulse. I wasn't a fan of him then, but wow, he's really gone off the rails. He's swearing almost as much as a Mark Millar book.

    Me, I still love and buy comics, but I'm moved mostly away from DC and Marvel (with some exceptions, like Daredevil and Animal Man). The good stuff these days are outside the Big Two, like at Image with Chew, Elephantmen, and Fatale. Or Dark Horse with The Goon or Black Beetle. I don't have to worry about buying Useless Event #4 just to understand what's going on in Spandex-Clad Man #78 or Big Bosomed Babe #14.

    Honestly, these days both companies are run more by the higher-ups than the creative teams. The successful ones are the ones that can deal with that structure and can change their scripts on the whims of the suits. I don't know if Disney as as overbearing as Baker claims (I don't trust the source), but DC's upper editorial has gotten worse and worse, especially since the reboot.

    Want some proof of that? Read this:

  40. Editorial wouldn't let there be a storyline where Lex Luthor shot both superman's parents in the head driving him insane and turning him into Sentry? WHAT A BUNCH OF INTERFERING COCKSUCKERS!

  41. Yeah...that one threw me for a loop. But it's still an interesting look inside DC's editorial.

  42. Yeah, if that's an example of things editorial prevents from happening, rock on DC editorial!

  43. if still exists

    but i agree with douglas, if its post- bronze age, dump it.

  44. i'm new to the comics world,but really,the good titles are coming from the B-guys like Hawkeye,Aquaman(best title of the new 52),Punisher(Rucka's run,not that shit with Thunderbolts),Animal Man,Scarlet Spider,Constantine,the only big title that I'm enjoying is the Superior spider-man.

  45. "I've never read an issue of Spawn in my life and wouldn't be caught dead doing so, so this shocking twist means nothing to me." - Your loss, buddy. I was a huge Image mark back in the early 90's, I loved everything they put out...time and perspective have mellowed that. Plenty of series' had no legs (like WildC.A.T.S. and anything Liefield touches), and it's since gone on to be a parody of itself, but the initial 50 or so issues of Spawn were great. Legitimately one of the best comic book series of all time. For all his faults, Todd McFarlane definitely had a vision and a plan and he stuck to it, and between him & Greg Capullo it consistently had some of the best art, which became the best toys, so I really don't see what the problem with it is.

  46. You really should stop humoring him. It's doing him a disservice. Tough love.

  47. Actually, it was Batman's mind. Basically, no clone could take how fucked up Batman was. That level of tragedy would destroy any other character.

  48. Dude, read Spider Island. Then bow your head in shame at believing that Slott hats Peter Parker. It's easily one of the best "why Peter is awesome" stories out there. He saves New York pretty much singlehanded lay.

  49. Not close to a fair comparison, given Doc Ock isn't Marvel's version of Joker. That's Bullseye. Or Goblin for Spidey. Ock is more The Riddler... An annoying fuck who decided to get serious on deaths door.

  50. Loved your Spidey run Mr. McFarlane.

  51. Don't forget "Wolverine is the first mutant and where they all come from"

  52. So wait what???? I had to wiki this. So they are putting an Image character in a Marvel book? How is THAT supposed to work?? And I haven't read Spawn in ages, but when was the last time Angela was around??

  53. HA! If I really was Todd I would have never said I had any faults.

  54. The first 50 issues had some of the worst writing on the planet.

    Now had you said around 75-100 i would have been inclined to agree but all the writing on all the Initial Image books (probably except for Savage Dragon) sucked ass.

    Looked good... of course except for Liefeld's crap

  55. Gaiman's involved, so it'll probably be handled well.

  56. I liked WildC.A.T.S.! Sue me.

  57. And don't forget Flash getting one of his legs blown off by a mine!

  58. Actually, that's a decent point. Blind squirrel and all that.

    I hate the concept of SSM, so I'm not reading. Maybe my loss, but I also don't like Slott's writing, so there's that.

  59. Eh, apples & oranges. I think we can both agree it's gotten a little ridiculous now.

  60. Lee was good with concepts and of course insanely great with art...not so much with the writing stories & plot.

  61. Also, The Maxx STARTED good...but then everything at Image STARTS good (look no further than Haunt.)

  62. I got tired of Age of Ultron when it looked like Wolverine was going to be the hero. I swear, Wolverine is the most tiresome character in comics. They put him up to near God-hood and his stories are so BORING. You read one Wolverine story and you've read them all.

  63. Wolverine was the first character I collected when I got into comics and I totally agree. I thought when they did Origin it would give him new purpose, but it was more of the same.

  64. What kills me is that Bendis has been building this for years in books and THIS is what we get? Seriously, who does an "Ultron takes over the world" story without showing ULTRON TAKING OVER THE WORLD?! And Hitch...okay, his artwork is awesome, no excuse for multiple issues dominated by two-page spreads without real plot advancement.

    And of course, Bendis blowing the entire "world without Hank Pym" thing in just two issues with no real impact. Maybe he did think there'd be multiple tie-ins to showcase this world more (he did post a big timeline on changes without Hank) but clearly, Marvel realized you didn't need to pad this turkey out any longer. Just a real letdown just to mess up Hank's life a bit more and undersell how awesome Ultron should be.
    BTW, someone get Jesse Baker some meds, the guy is losing it. Has he actually read the "Bendis is pissed over Superior Ock" or just making it up like some wrestling guy with a blog? I may not have liked SSM either or Barry Allen return but no excuse for ranting with curses like that.
    But man, polybagged issues for a big "event" while DC is doing an "Epic" of a villain month, looks like history really does repeat.

  65. Look at the bright side: At least "Astro City" is back as a monthly to show what a REAL super-hero comic should be.

  66. Spider-Island ended with Peter being shat on by Carlie Cooper (because the dumb cunt decided her hurt feelings were more important than Peter and his legit reasons not to tell her he's Spider-Man), yet another example of Slott dickteasing MJ and Peter getting back together, and was basically any good will it might have had was wiped out by everything that followed, INCLUDING Slott making Otto his Marty Stu in terms of him making Otto (who he has stated on the record as relating to MORE THAN he ever did Peter, who Slott routinely shat on) a mass murdering monster who gets away with everything and steal's his rival's life and body.

  67. They aren't doing spin-offs. They are replacing Avenging Spider-Man with a same-old series and replacing Dark Avengers with a Sinister Six book, the later will have no connection to Superior Spider-Man

  68. slott turned Octopus into the Joker with his Sinister six arc. Made him a mass muderer.

  69. I haven't read a single issue of Ultron. But I will be picking up issue 10 because of Gaimens involvement.

  70. Have you tried Wellbutrin?


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