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The SmarK RAW Rant–06.03.13

The SmarK RAW Rant – 06.03.13

Apparently my skipping the show last night caused a drop to the lowest rating of the year. And for that, I apologize profusely.

Live from Hartford, CT

Your hosts are Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler & JBL

Stephanie McMahon starts us out, and of course she has brand new music and video. She has decided that HHH will not be allowed to compete tonight against Curtis Axel. This once again raises the question of who reports to who in the fake WWE hierarchy. Could Shane McMahon theoretically make matches if he walked out there? So this brings out Vince as well, and apparently we’re supposed to be very upset at HHH not wrestling tonight, even though he was never advertised as such. THEY LOVE HIM EVEN MORE THAN WE DO. I find that hard to believe. DON’T TELL ME HOW MUCH I LOVE HHH, VINCE! And here comes the Shield in a CLIFFHANGER before the break. This couldn’t have been any more of a shamelessly pandering and desperate attempt for ratings, short of hiring Vince Russo. I take great joy in knowing that it backfired spectacularly on them.

The Shield v. Randy Orton, Kane & Daniel Bryan

CLIFFHANGER RESOLVED: The Shield’s entrance had nothing to do with the McMahons. Bryan throws kicks on Ambrose, and Kane comes in with the low dropkick for two. The announcers note that HHH v. Axel was a “surefire main event” that has been ROBBED from us. Wait, what? So is the storyline now that Axel somehow caused HHH’s injury while getting his ass kicked two weeks ago? Because I’m confused. Kane hits Rollins with a pair of corner clotheslines while the Funksters watch on the app. They’re TARGETING the Shield. That’s about as scary as the Bushwackers targeting Demolition in 1989. And on that note, we take a break. Back with Kane getting worked over in the corner while the most butt-awful retarded tweets from idiot fans scroll on the screen. “Stephanie was booed! Leave her alone!” SOMEONE ACTUALLY WANTED TO TWEET THIS. Orton gets a quick tag and runs wild with powerslams and a double draping DDT on the Shield and the crowd is going crazy for him. For someone who hates being a babyface he’s pretty fucking good at it. Another draping DDT on Reigns, but Rollins sneaks in with an enzuigiri to make Orton your reluctant babyface in peril. Reigns with a full nelson to wear him down, and he gives him a shot to the gut off the irish whip in a weird looking spot. Orton fights back with a backdrop suplex and it’s HOT tag Daniel Bryan. Bryan is like the best fired up babyface ever. Once again, poor Ambrose gets repeatedly kicked in the face, and then Bryan puts Rollins onto him with a top rope rana. To the top with a missile dropkick that gets two. No-Lock , but the other Shielders break it up and it’s BONZO GONZO. Reigns speras Kane, but Orton hits Rollins with the RKO…and then collides with Bryan. Bulldog driver finishes for Ambrose at 17:30. Dammit, why didn’t Bryan’s partners just let him kick ass and finish things his own way? ORTON IS THE WEAK LINK. ***1/2

Meanwhile, Daniel Bryan continues raging against the machine, pointing out that Kane and Orton don’t respect him, and so he’s gonna go beat the respect out of someone.

Meanwhile, HHH arrives and the soap opera continues, as Curtis Axel is NOT WORTH IT. Way to make a new star!

The Usos v. The Primetime Players

CLIFFHANGER: The Usos are wearing facepaint during their entrance, and Cole promises to explain it…AFTER THE BREAK. Sadly we have to listen to more about HHH before he explains. CLIFFHANGER RESOLVED: It gives them an edge. Whew. One of the Usos gets worked over in the PTP corner as I ponder if the hanky code works the same for samoans as it does for Jeff Hardy. A quick check of Wikipedia reveals that dark blue means that he may be looking for anal sex. Well, JBL is at ringside. The other Uso gets the hot tag after a bunch of chinlocks and the announcers are all like “Just like Rikishi!” Yeah, Rikishi used to get a reaction when he did it. Flying splash finishes at 4:14. Apparently they are making a case for a tag title opportunity somewhere down the road. Well that still puts them several notches above the Primetime Players. * I don’t mind the Usos but they need a repackage badly. If “Spunky babyface sons of Rikishi” was going to get over, it would have done so three years ago.

Alberto Del Rio v. Big E Langston

This is almost becoming a running joke at this point. Big E attacks and tosses ADR, and back in for a running shoulderblock that gets two. A series of backbreakers gets two. Del Rio fights back in the corner and gets the armbar, but Langston powers him to the apron to break. Back in, a german suplex sets up another armbar, and Del Rio cradles him from that position for the pin at 4:52. This was fine for two guys who have wrestled each other FIVE TIMES in the past two weeks. **

Sheamus v. Cody Rhodes

JBL shatters Dave Meltzer’s illusions by pointing out that roller derby is as fake as three card monty. Sheamus beats on Cody while Sandow reads financial literature on commentary because apparently there’s a feud buried in all this somewhere. Like, is this supposed to be building up to Sheamus v. Sandow, a match that has already happened 10,000 times with Sheamus winning all 10,000? Or is it building to the tag match we already got last week that was so boring and terrible? Or, much like everything else on this show, is it just wasting airtime leading up to a PPV that no one cares about? Sheamus comes back with a flying shoulderblock, but Cody gets a rollup for two. Brogue misses and Cody hits a neckbreaker for two. Sheamus escapes Crossroads, but Cody misses a moonsault and Sheamus finishes with White Noise and the kick at 5:17. WHAT IS THIS SUPPOSED TO MAKE WANT TO SEE? A blowoff to a “feud” where the babyfaces squash the heels in EVERY match? *1/2

Meanwhile, HHH and Steph continue their argument, as HHH threatens to wrestle Curtis Axel NEXT WEEK. And they wonder why this show did a 2.6?

Meanwhile, Bryan takes out his anger on helpless plywood, and gets all up in Ryback’s face.

Meanwhile, Vince McMahon books Curtis Axel against John Cena. Again.

Fandango v. Great Khali

Khali throws chops in the corner and Fandango runs away at 1:31. That finish is rapidly ascending to the level of “Music plays on the PA and babyface stands there like a moron before getting rolled up and pinned” on my least favorite of all time list. Miz comes out to threaten Fandango with violence, but Wade Barrett hits Miz with the elbow as we take a break.

The Miz v. Wade Barrett

Barrett puts him down with a big boot and pounds away, then boots him down again for two. They fight outside and Miz takes over for a bit, but walks into the bossman slam for two. And speaking of that finish, Fandango’s music hits and Barrett stands there like a moron watching him, allowing Miz to roll him up into the figure-four for the submission at 3:36. I swear I typed up that previous complaint before they did that finish. This is like the greatest hits of things I hate: Secondary champions jobbing for no reason, the music distraction finish, and Miz. ½*

Second Hour Main Event Contract Signing: Paul Heyman and Chris Jericho are out for their hopefully weekly segment. Heyman once again promises that Punk will totally be there for Payback and he’ll be a huge babyface, too. So Jericho proposes that they do the match right here, tonight. Heyman doesn’t want that, so Jericho signs the contract and then shoves it down his pants. I don’t even get why this is a feud, and I’ll be kinda shocked if Punk even shows up for the PPV and we don’t get something like Curtis Axel instead.

The Bellas & AJ v. Kaitlyn & The Funkadactyls

So yeah, this happened. AJ eventually abandons a Bella after 10 years of action and Kaitlyn spears her for the pin. Apparently this AJ v. Kaitlyn thing is something we’re supposed to care about. And once again the title match is coming “somewhere down the road”. Kaitlyn’s been the champion for what, six months now? Has she ever defended it? On the bright side, I’m pretty sure they didn’t talk about HHH during this match.

The Wyatt Family is still coming, and the crowd actually applauds the vignette. These guys are gonna be stars.

Daniel Bryan v. Ryback

Bryan is still royally pissed off and attacks with kicks. These guys are BFFs on the road so Ryback hopefully lets Bryan carry him. Ryback misses a splash and Bryan keeps hammering him with kicks, so Ryback pounds him down. Thesz Press, but Bryan reverses into a half crab and forces Ryback to power out of it. So Bryan switches to the indian deathlock and throws forearms at Ryback’s face for two. That is so very cool. Bryan flips out of the corner and Ryback dumps him with a clothesline, as we take a break. Back with Ryback hitting a shoulder block in the corner for two. Ryback tosses him by the BEARD, but charges and hits the post, and Bryan makes the comeback. Dropkicks into the corner and a MASSIVE seated dropkick get two. Missile dropkick and flying headbutt get two. Bryan throws the kicks, but walks into a powerbomb. I like Ryback’s little arrogant facials on that one. Ryback tries another powerbomb, but this time Bryan reverses into the No-Lock and Ryback has nowhere to go. The crowd goes crazy for Bryan, but Ryback makes the ropes. Ryback bails and Bryan follows with a suicide dive, but Ryback sends him into the table on the way down. Ouch. Back in, Bryan is out, but Ryback gets a table for good measure and powerbombs him through it for the DQ at 15:32. Hey, Bryan actually wins! Hell of a match for Ryback, too. ***1/4 They’re nuts if they turn Bryan heel at this point.

No-Disqualification: Curtis Axel v. John Cena

Did I miss the DQ in the previous match that set this up? Because honestly I wasn’t paying that close of attention, so I might have. Heyman quickly trips up Cena and Axel takes over with the necksnap, and a backbreaker for two. He brings a chair in, but Cena uses it and they fight to the floor. Back in, Axel uses the chair this time, but Cena dropkicks it back at him for two. Axel with a clothesline for two. He chokes away on the ropes, but Cena makes the comeback with the usual before missing a charge and hitting that darn chair. We’re teased with another Axel countout before Cena comes back in, and Axel grabs the chair again and uses it for two. Another shot gets two. Another one gets two. See, now Axel beating him down with a chair and pinning him would make him a legit killer and a star. He keeps pounding away with the chair and hits a neckbreaker onto it for two. Cena suddenly reverses the Perfectplex into the STF. Here’s a hint: You need to yell NOW YOU’RE GONNA SEE A PERFECTPLEX because otherwise it won’t work properly. That’s just science. Heyman hits Cena with an Ipad to break, but they fight outside and Cena continues shrugging everything off. He goes for Heyman, but Ryback runs down and puts Cena through a table for…wait for it…the countout at 12:35. So yes, Axel “wins” again. Look, I have nothing against new faces in the main event, but either push this goof or don’t. Having Cena take a beatdown with a chair for 5 minutes and then ignore it doesn’t help anyone. **

The Pulse:

If WWE cares about the well-being of Daniel Bryan even half as much as we’re apparently supposed to care about HHH, he’ll become the biggest babyface in the promotion within two months. The Bryan stuff was great enough to carry this to a pretty decent 90 minute show, but the other half of the show was among the worst. So it’s basically a wash.


  1. Sorry Scottie, I don't think Saskatoon figures into Neisen ratings.

    Or ... much else for that matter.

  2. Just gimme The Wyatt Family...all I'm interested in now...

  3. I hope you're prepared for the possibility of them just being The Godwins 2.0.

  4. Did you think everything on this show was great? To be fair, Scott has to watch the good with the bad. I start Raw at 9:30 and with the power of the DVR, I'm live during te main event. I can buzz through pointless matches like the divas, Sheamus/Sandow, Usos/PTP and Fandango/Khali.

  5. I think you might have missed a reference.

  6. 2 hours of that show stunk. There were three good matches and one of them ended on a CO in a NO-DQ match.... which is a stupid finish. Even stupider when they TELEGRAPHED it.

    Basically the only thing that was new in that show was Bryan and Ryback. And honestly they've done that match already recently. If you get excited about Sheamus beating up the same two guys every week for six months, more power to you.

  7. The Wyatt's are being called up, eh? I'm cautiously optimistic. Certainly they have the potential to be great but WWE booking two 6-man factions great? At the same time no less?

  8. The Wyatt Family needs to come in, make the grandstand challenge to the Shield, and do the most old school NWA-esque stable feud ever. Just six new dudes being booked strong and getting themselves over via old school feuding.

  9. Oh, oh, I forgot - violent crime statistics!

  10. I got the reference and it ain't being used right if I "missed it".

  11. God what I wouldn't give for a nice injection of "old-school booking" into WWE right about now...

    And by that, I don't mean all these count-out losses. Nobody likes a count-out.

  12. Well you got me there.

  13. If Bryan can carry Ryback to a solid outing, now I really want to see DBry vs Brock in the greatest "david vs goliath" match ever. Brock beating Bryan bloody would cement DB as top babyface, I have little doubt (if he's not already) and the eventual Rocky-style comeback win would be epic. Enough HHH, let's get Lesnar-Bryan going. Brock can put Kane on the shelf in a violent PPV match, with Bryan snapping and making the grandstand challenge.

  14. Posted this in another thread, but maybe Axel's gimmick is to win through every dumb WWE manufactured way without ever getting a pin or submission. They've done an ambulance distraction, a concussion count out and now outside interference DQ. There's still a lot left in that WWE bag.

  15. Turn The Shield face?

  16. I humbly point your attention to the Dudleys/Hardys/EC days. Now imagine that, but with three man teams. All we would need is one other three man face team and we'd have nine awesome guys fighting. Make DB a strong face. Have him get two other guys. Kane, Ryback, Axel, Orton, Rhodes...whoever. And you'd have awesome feuds all the way til next WrestleMania.

  17. Precisely. Just six fresh characters working different variations of matches in a Horsemen-style attrition war. The Wyatts can be the Dusty-style everyman characters battling the elitist Shield stable.

  18. I would like to see them acknowledge the Wyatts' actual family legacies, maybe even with Curtis Axel thrown in the mix. I stil think it should be all these guys doing a semi-shoot type angle where they go Punk-style with a pipebomb promo saying "fuck WWE's homogenied bullshit...I'm a Rotunda, I'm a Hennig, etc". Maybe Cody Rhodes could find new life with it too. A variant of the Legacy stable, with all the next gen guys raging against the machine trying to bring "old school" back to WWE.

  19. It FUCKING BLOWS MY MIND, that they are booking Curtis Axel this weak; when not too long ago the E' protected the Shield like nobody's business, and waalah, it got all three members of The Shield over as huge stars.

    My point is this, The Shield proves that the E' has the know how to create stars and how to book them. So WHY THE FUCK, is it so hard for them to repeat that success with someone like Curtis Axel?

  20. You're setting yourself up for disappointment. The Wyatts are going to be a heel stable with a Cape Fear type cult leader in Bray Wyatt. That's it and I'm excited for it. He's been killing it in promos in FCW for a while now.

  21. “Music plays on the PA and babyface stands there like a moron before getting rolled up and pinned” on my least favorite of all time list.

    Then I recommend just avoiding Smackdown this week altogether.

  22. 1. Bryan is going to go heel and be sacrificed to Cena; no fucking way will Cena allow Bryan to get more popular than him and threaten his power. Once Ryback is sacrificed, expect Bryan to be Cena's next victim

    2. They will most definitely waste Punk's return on Jericho and have Jericho beat him too just to further deflate his return potential. Even though Jericho is pretty much a lost cause, a fucking jobber to the stars who has zero to offer anyone at this point and might as well be put out of his misery

    3. If they intend to push Axel, they should force Brock to be the one on his knees, putting Axel over at the cost of his own career and credibility. IE make Brock the biggest fucking loser EVER, dumber than the Starks, weaker than the weakest coward, basically treat him like the worthless money grubbing bitch he is and burn him to the ground so as to destroy his reputation and standing in the public eye, to get Axel over. Brock has zero to offer anymore, especially if he is being a cunt and refusing to work a regular schedule; so burn the fucker to the ground and slit his throat like he's Cat Stark and have Curtis Axel rise from the flames of his death to become the next big thing.

  23. You forgot Axel man-raping Brock.

  24. I humbly retort that those three teams came along when WWF turned shit to gold and was in a hot streak. We're in the doldrums now. 2013 WWE is a far cry from 2000 WWF.

  25. I sense a "double-pin" angle in this young man's future...

  26. " Ryback tries another powerbomb, but this time Bryan reverses into the No-Lock and Ryback has nowhere to go. The crowd goes crazy for Bryan, but Ryback makes the ropes."

    Then I guess he did have somewhere to go.

  27. Somebody needs to have surgery to look like one of their anonymous refs so he can beat Cena on a two count.

  28. And they still shoulda gotten Goldust those implants.

  29. I thought that was implied, but maybe I'm having difficulty translating insaneoese.

  30. Who knows. That was a very bizarre rant on Lesnar, but it's Jesse, so we all just got Baked.

  31. I would still take his booking over Vince's, at this point.

  32. He doesn't make faces anywhere *near* as funny as Dean Ambrose's.

  33. Nit, consider yourself picked.

  34. So.... you're not a fan of Brock, eh?

  35. Honestly I would say just let them both play to their strengths and if that means both aree heelish, so be it. It would be something fresh by comparison. Just gang warfare between a couple strong stables and let people react as they will. It won't happen because this company feels compelled to tell us who to cheer.

  36. That sounds cool too.

  37. Used to like Brock, but as with Jericho, he's a lost cause at this point. Scorch earth him and jetison him ASAP.

  38. And I'm supposed to ban DOUGIE?!

  39. The show would definitely be more intense.

  40. Bottom line : lots of D-bry means good show as far as the 'ole A-rock is concerned.

    Also, I find Kaitlyn pretty. Maybe *I'm* her secret admirer! So I have to keep tuning in to find out, now don't I?

  41. But Brock's still a draw.

  42. I still think they could squeeze a bit more value out of him before he goes.

    But they won't. So yeah, you're probably right.

  43. And lord knows I would never pass up getting Baked.

  44. Punk return potential?

  45. Totally. Worked for DOA vs Nation!

  46. I imagine it being kind of like Ring of Honor... except with even more rules.

  47. Had to get your attention somehow Scott, after you didn't respond to my email :)

    So is Dougie banned or what for being a creepy stalker that has been harassing me every time I post?

  48. I think they should crib the Goldberg/Sid car crushing incident for one of his "victories".

  49. That's a pretty big nit.

    Is it too much to ask that Scott take a second to consider his choice of cliches?

  50. I just figured out how to fix Aces and 0.8s!

    They need a Nation to fight against!


  51. It's pretty mind-blowing that the McMahons and the announcers were in hysterics over a match that wasn't even advertised not taking place while completely ignoring that they did advertise a Tout debate between John Cena and Ryback and no one on screen went into hysterics over that being dropped without any explanation.
    Not that I'm complaining, a Tout debate is an extremely stupid idea but why even advertise it in the first place if you're not going to deliver it?

  52. Please don't ban dougie, then *I'll* have to become resident Douchbag.

    The pressure might be too much!

  53. If it weren't for Saskatoon Ric Flair would still be the champ!

  54. I don't watch much ROH. Is it full of really angry and violent tweeners? If so, yes.

  55. Man, he's been doing this for a *long* time. I've been reading his shit for like, 17 years. Sometimes, cliches are misused. Hazard of his game.

  56. That's always what I've gotten out of it. But I've only watched ROH to go "ooh Punk!" and "ooh Danielson!".

  57. Well they're already using Sid's 1999 "undefeated" streak as the template for Axel's "winning" streak, so why not?

  58. And now you know why they are the least favourite province NOT named Newfoundland.

  59. The Sheepdogs would disagree. Great live band, btw.

  60. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 4, 2013 at 11:53 PM

    that's why i'm still waiting for that special lady. my mommy told me that i'm special enough to wait for.

  61. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 4, 2013 at 11:54 PM

    'That's a pretty big nit.'

    that's what she said... about the chick she left me for :(

  62. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 4, 2013 at 11:55 PM

    Is cat stark like iron man's feline or somethin'

  63. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 4, 2013 at 11:57 PM

    "hey ladies, I'm from saskatoon!'

    I know that's not what he says but you made me think of it.

  64. Yeah, well, get *this* : my mom says I'm cool!

  65. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 4, 2013 at 11:58 PM


  66. They really need to put the title on Bryan. Make Ryback transitional champ and put it on Bryan at the July PPV.

  67. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 5, 2013 at 12:01 AM

    newfies, that's like the drug that dbag frat dudes use, ain't it?

  68. If they run the Buffalo or Rochester area with a Wyatt Family vignette, I fully expect a huge "Brodie!" chant to break out.

  69. Good lord, you know it's bad when I read, "Jesus, this is only the SECOND hour main event" for a frigging recap. Even Scott's writing couldn't make me wish for an hour less of this crap.

  70. Cat Stark is Ned Stark's wife on Game of Thrones.

  71. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 5, 2013 at 12:18 AM

    So who's ned stark. Is he iron man's bastard kid?

    i'm really lost :|

  72. Ryback-DBry was great.....and that's about it. Did enjoy the polite applause for Wyatt family though

  73. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 5, 2013 at 12:23 AM

    'say to myself "Jesus, this is only the SECOND hour main event?"'

    Hey, you found the missing boriqua dude!

    Wait, if you say it to yourself that means you ARE the missing boriqua dude. Sweet.

  74. They should build up the Wyatt Family with vignettes for three months, tease their arrival for several weeks, then introduce them as backup dancers to The Funkasaurus.

  75. SHHHHH they read this blog for ideas.

  76. Ned and Cat Stark and their brood are no way related to Tony Stark of Marvel Comics fame.

    Go torrent or buy the DVD of Game of Thrones and see for yourself what I am talking about.....

  77. EVERYONE beats Jericho up. He's the town pump in that regards.

    Best to put him out of his misery so we can remember his glory days and not the sad, pathetic jobber to the stars he has become.

  78. D-Bry is today's Ricky Streamboat.

    Now we just need to find today's Ric Flair and we're all set!

  79. Daniel Bryan has consistently been the most over wrestler on the roster since Wrestlemania 28, yet he is behind the following wrestlers in storyline terms and/or pecking order:

    TRIPLE H, John Cena, Vince McMahon, Brock Lesnar, Stephanie McMahon, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Ryback, Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger, Big E. Langston, AJ Lee, Fandango, Paul Heyman, CM Punk, Mark Henry, The Rock, Jericho, Dolph Ziggler, Curtis Axel, Randy Orton, Undertaker, Sheamus, The Big Show, Rey Mysterio and Kane.

    He fluctuates being behind the following wrestlers:

    The Miz, Wade Barrett, Kofi Kingston, Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes.

    How anyone could look at that information and have any hope in hell of that man becoming a top player in WWE is beyond me. If it didn't happen when 95% of the building was screaming "YES!" at the top of their lungs during nearly every match, it's not going to happen with 75% screaming it only during Daniel Bryan segments and the occasional multi-strike move or when a babyface does something they like.

  80. This is all... crazy talk!

  81. They read this blog to determine what NOT to do.

  82. I think they mighta made an exception with *that* one.


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