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Money Is The New Bank

Not much interest in the show tonight, but we can play the prediction game for fun even though the results seem to be pretty obvious.  I'm sure with two ladder matches and a motivated Henry in Philly it'll be a pretty good, but I'm pretty meh on this one.


Cena retains over Henry, no cash-in.

Del Rio retains over Ziggler when Big E turns on him for good.

Daniel Bryan wins WWE title briefcase, teases cash-in on Cena but challenges him to Summerslam instead.  I should note that betting lines are going WAY up on Orton apparently, so they could also swerve it and have him win too because usually that stuff indicates something hinky going on.  

Ambrose wins the other briefcase.  Although apparently Vince is pissed off at Seth Rollins for not shaking his hand properly or some stupid fucking thing, so who knows.  

AJ retains the tramp stamp belt.

Axel retains the IC title over whoever he's facing.  The Miz?  I honestly don't remember.

Ryback beats Jericho with help of new manager Vickie.

I think that's all.  


  1. I think it will be a good show, but if I was going to pay for a show, it would be next month at Summerslam if it's Bryan-Cena.

  2. I'm confused...I haven't read anything about a Seth Rollins issue...WON reported it?

  3. It would be so funny if they have Orton win and set up Orton-Cena for SummerSlam just to F with everybody.

  4. I'm surprised you think the results are obvious, I'm actually not too sure with most stuff. Cena beating Henry is unfortunately very likely (even if Cena went the "If you lose your entire career is worthless" route he went with Punk), and the random undercard matches seem obvious (AJ, Axel, Ryback), but I really have no idea about the two MitB matches (and I could see the World Title match go either way, although I'd guess on Del Rio winning too). In the World Title MitB match, I don't know because nobody really seems to be on that level right now...Ambrose is the only guy in the entire match that hasn't been jobbed out a ton lately, but he doesn't really seem World Title level right this second.

    For the WWE Title one, Bryan seems "obvious", except how often does WWE take the eventual winner of the MitB match and have them absolutely dominate and stand tall every single show? That seems like an obvious swerve. I don't think Sheamus, Punk, or Christian win. I doubt RVD but I guess it's not impossible WWE could decide to get the most out of him quickly, win MitB, challenge Cena at Summerslam and get that out of the way. I actually do suspect it'll be Orton. It'd be a "swerve", he can use it to turn heel, and then you'll have a heel champion with Cena, Sheamus, Punk, and Bryan chasing the title. They really need to get that title onto a heel (or turn a face and have them win it), frankly, because all the top guys are faces. Orton easily makes the most sense in that scenario. I'm rooting for Bryan but I'd bet on Orton.

  5. Divas - AJ
    IC - Axel

    World MITB - Torn between Cody, Sandow, and Barrett. Cody and Barrett have paid their dues, but Sandow actually has some charisma. Ambrose has been MIA and is almost too obvious of a pick. I'll go with Cody.

    Way out there prediction - Ryback vs Jericho gets turned into a "winner gets Kane's spot" match, and Ryback walks out victorious.

    WWE MITB - Ryback finally wins the big one on PPV.

    WWE Title - Cena wins, and Ryback cashes in on him. Would definitely get people talking.

  6. I wouldnt put it past them.

  7. Yeah, i'm curious too. It's probably bullshit, but it's a slow sunday.

  8. Luckily it's free on Sky Sports in the UK (although Sky itself is a paid service) and in recent years MitB shows have been great, so I'm looking forward to it.

    Hard to see Cena losing, but it's also hard to imagine Henry having only one shot at the title. Their habit lately is to stretch out a feud over two or three PPVs no matter the result. I smell shenanigans of a briefcase nature; perhaps a triple-threat at Summerslam.

    I hope to god Bryan wins the WWE MitB. If not, then where does he go after this? Who does he feud with? He just beat Orton, Sheamus and Christian clean as a sheet. WWE title shot makes sense, which I'm sure will be a concern to Vince.

    I'm sure Jericho will put Ryback over, Axel will retain (and help set up Brock/Punk at SS), I'd like to see Cesaro win the belt - like him a lot but he needs some help connecting at the moment.

  9. It stems from a cryptic @crankyvince tweet. Probably bullshit but a lot of times with the cranky Vince feed where there's smoke there's fire.

  10. Ughhhhhh, please no Orton. Even his look is stale

  11. Well the MITB matches are no DQ, so logic would dictate that Rollins and Reigns come down and help Ambrose destroy everyone and grab the briefcase. Of course, WWE books in such a way that no one in the back seems to know the match is happening, so maybe they don't go this route.

  12. Haven't ordered a PPV since this year's Rumble (before that it was 12 years), but I think I have to get this one. When my friends, casual fans, start texting me early Sunday AM to find out what I'm doing for the PPV, it tends to be a sign that it's a good card with good buzz. Pretty much the opposite of what happened during WM this year...

  13. I think there's too much mileage in Henry/Cena for it to end here. They'll do what they did with Ryback by repeating the Vince Sr. formula for guys like Bruno and Backlund: double DQ/countout/sports entertainment finish, then rematch at Summerslam.

    I could see Bryan being within inches of getting the briefcase but Orton doing something dastardly to prevent him from grabbing it. Last match between the two takes place at Summerslam in some sort of gimmick match. Bryan wins, but Orton has the briefcase to recoup his heat. That said, I could also see RVD winning to give the guy momentum on his return. But my pick is Orton.

    Ziggler can't win the belt back this fast unless they decide to fuck him over with a ten second title reign. What I mean is, Barrett, Sandow, or Ambrose win MITB in the show's opening match. Ziggler eeks out a victory but then has the winner of that match cash in on him just as he's about to finally bask in his own greatness. Fun idea, but again, there's more mileage in Del Rio/Ziggler, so Ziggler needs to lose.

    Axel. Fuck them for making me take two seconds to even consider this match.

    AJ, although, I think it depends on where they're going with Big E. If he turns on Ziggler, AJ wins decisively. If they plan on continuing an angle between him and Kaitlyn, with the end goal being a face turn and aligning him with her, it'll probably be another screwy finish. But there's also talk of a Layla heel turn. Still, I'll go with AJ.

    Jericho's lays down for more men than most Vegas prostitutes. This match won't be any different.

    I feel bad for the Usos, because they're legit good and fun to watch. But The Shield isn't losing anything this early into their run.

  14. It's kind of a shame no one watches Smackdown. Otherwise, many of us might have seen a pretty darn good divas segment. Like Tommy Hall stated in his review, it actually makes you want to see the match. (And I wish all of the AJ haters would look at it and see what an effective heel she is).

  15. The family plan adlib was gold. Reminded me of something Punk might say in a similar situation.

  16. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 14, 2013 at 10:39 AM

    This is how I would book the Rookie MITB. Rollins and Reins interfere to help Ambrose grab the briefcase. Later in the evening Del Rio goes after Ziggler's head again but Ziggler wins the title. Rollins and Reins hit the ring attack Ziggler, flying knee from Rollins, powerbomb from Reins, (again two moves that focus on the head) Ambrose gets in the ring, cashes in, hits the reverse bulldog for the title. It makes perfect sense giving the all for one mentality of The Shield, it will make a face out of Ziggler once and for all, and it sets up an Ambrose vs Ziggler title match at SummerSlam

  17. yeah i saw MITB as the #1 trend on twitter at 9:30 in the f'n morning. people seem to be into this one.

  18. So funny to me how WWE does the "Be a Star" anti-bullying thing when the locker room sounds like one of the most bully filled environments around.

  19. It would be better if Kaitlyn wasn't as dull as a board.

  20. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 14, 2013 at 10:52 AM

    "You insulted HBK. Now your gonna do squats as punishment. And I'm going to do them too. And 500 more the next day!"

  21. I downvoted that for one reason. I am going to Summerslam (my first ppv since KOTR 1999) and that would be a complete let down for me from Cena-Bryan.

  22. Yeesh, Natty even gets shit on when on the sideline of an angle...lauged at "Hulk Smash" though.

  23. I actually watch the Divas segments instead of skipping them now.

  24. The bigger letdown is that you had to sit through KotR 99. I'm so sorry. But hey, at least you get to see Punk vs Lesnar if you can't see Cena/Bryan

  25. I'd actually bet on Christian before Orton. I'm still saying Bryan takes the case, but Orton isn't a swerve either. It's easy to buy Christian as a World Title contender, and if they give it to him it'd be a major swerve, but they'd still get a positive reaction, something I don't know if Orton would get

  26. See I think the whole point of giving Cena a match against Henry is giving him a match he can receive a beating and still win, be protected when Bryan cashes in after. I was waiting for the weeks of Raw having Cena call Bryan an undeserving pussy to really sell the next ppv.

  27. I'm absolutely intrigued with this pay-per-view, but my money went to tickets to Raw at the Barclays Center tomorrow night, so no buy for me.

    I think Bryan and Ambrose win the briefcases, Del Rio keeps the World title and Cena and Henry go to some sort of draw. AJ keeps the Divas belt, Axel keeps the IC Title, and Ryback beats Jericho after Vickie shows up at ringside.

    Hopefully Raw tomorrow night is awesome.

  28. I'm excited for the live-thread and checking out the show after I get home from work. I think Cena v. Henry could be a fun little brawl (and I'm actually going with Henry getting the win, for some reason), and MITB could be fun, too.

  29. Betting lines...? People actually bet on pro wrestling?

  30. it's all in good fun, I think the max bet is like 50 bucks.

  31. Scream09_HartKillerJuly 14, 2013 at 1:57 PM

    The Undertaker strikes me as the type of guy who walks into the dressing room and stands there until everyone offers him their seat - the first one to offer him their seat doesn't have to get in line to blow him and shake his hand afterwards.

  32. Only way that works is if they commit to turning Orton heel for the sole purpose of putting over Bryan. At which point, you might as well have Orton not get the belt/Bryan get it, so you can paint Orton as the sore loser who torments Bryan for being the better man.

  33. Gave up watching SD some time ago.

    But thanks for linking

    That was quite the segment, and an awesome sell of the spear by AJ

  34. Disagree. It'd really clutter the title scene.

  35. That's the WWE title MitB though, and I don't think Christian is anywhere near that mix right now. Also, they wouldn't necessarily want a positive reaction for Orton; they'd almost certainly have him win so they can turn him heel.

  36. If the "insider betting" thing is true, Orton's winning.

  37. Yeah, I respect a lot of what the guy's done, and he was my favorite wrestler for a long time, but from everything I've read he seems like a humorless douche.

  38. Well, to be fair, the first guy is dead and the second one shows up 3-4 times a year tops. I'm sure stupid politics are still all over the place, but I doubt there's anyone there now like Benoit or Taker

  39. I'm pretty hyped for this show, might try to stream it.

  40. Wait, why is Vince pissed at Rollins?

  41. I thought that too until Cena mentioned in a promo that there will be no cash in and that whoever wins would have to earn it, that combined with Bryans speech about wanting to prove that he's the best by winning the WWE title. That's a story right there.

  42. Have Ambrose win and build him up towards WM as a major antagonist to Ziggler's face champion.

  43. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Orton's future as a main eventer pretty much over thanks to his two strikes on Wellness? Meaning that putting the guy in a major ppv main event would be a risk no matter what? Same goes for RVD and rey mysterio

  44. They gave Jeff Hardy a run with 2 strikes, and had the a belt on him a couple of weeks before he was leaving the company. If they trusted Hardy, I'm sure they'd trust Orton. Also, giving someone the briefcase doesn't have to mean anything. Cena won it last year and did nothing with it. It was out of play in 8 days.

  45. Fair enough...although I think the clock has run out on Orton's time as a champion, heel or face, there is just no need for it in my opinion.

  46. I don't know. There's only so much you can do with Henry and Cena, and they've pretty much blown their wad with the great henry segment. Match wise it will be nothing special...and you can't extend that to a summerslam main event...unless you have Henry win tonight.

    As for Orton, him beating Bryan would be a great twist and would definitely put fire under him, I just don't see it happening and getting in the way of a Cena/Bryan program. It just sounds like a lot of work in an attempt to be surprising. (although that's exactly what the E likes to do)

  47. but the thing is...Orton has already put over has Sheamus. So putting Orton back is just rewinding stuff that everyone has already seen.

  48. Scott showing his usual grumpyness tonight? I know the past two weeks of Raw have been stinky, but it's still a pretty good peak for storylines in the fed atm, the card is stacked, theres plenty of potential in the outcomes...and historically speaking theres always at least one excellent match in the MITB ppv.

  49. My god that woman is insanely attractive.

  50. I don't know. I don't find him interesting in the least but he seems to always get great reactions during his entrance and somehow during his matches. Think we (the people who aren't Orton fans) might be in the minority here.

  51. Victor Rodriguez JrJuly 14, 2013 at 5:01 PM

    This is all i could find on the Seth Rollins thing apparently according to WON:

    Many in WWE feel right now that the backstage environment is pretty hostile. Sources indicate that many feel as though they are walking on eggshells in order to avoid upsetting Vince Mcmahon.

    Vince according to witnesses has been acting erratic recently, many believe that he is becoming increasingly paranoid about Triple H's ever growing influence backstage.

    We have received reports that the situation became so tense at last weeks Raw that many in the company thought Vince was about to have a breakdown. Apparently Triple H is very high on The Shield and has been pushing hard for their involvement in a big angle this summer, Vince however it is said is not a very big Shield fan at the moment due to the disrespectful way he believes one of them conducts himself backstage, some believe it is possibly Seth Rollins who Vince feels is disrespectful due to a recent incident where Rollins didn't shake Vince'ss hand.

    Apparently the new performance centre in Florida for the NXT developmental talent is something Triple H has been wanting to do for a long time but that Vince didn't see any merit in, but Triple H managed to convince the board it was a good idea and it fell under the remit of his corporate role in the company. Vince did not appear at the opening ceremony of the performance centre because he is upset Triple H managed to open it without his approval. Also journalists from wrestling websites and publications such as this one were invited to the opening ceremony which Vince has maintained a strict ban on for years, Vince is said to be furious with Triple H for this.

    As we previously reported Triple H has been trying to bring Harley Race in to work with the company but is having a hard time convincing him due to Race believing Vince has mistreated him in the past. Vince has apparently been real stubborn over the matter and refuses to apologise to Race which Triple H believes would speed up negotiations.

    Many believe that Triple H has been using political tactics behind Vince's back trying to convince executives within the company that Vince doesn't have a clue what he's doing anymore. You have to assume this is putting a strain on the relationship between Triple H and Stephanie as it leaves her in a rather awkward place in between her Father and Husband.

    Many in the company think its only a matter of time before the tension becomes too much and Triple H and Vince go to war with each other.

  52. Since they've already set the precedent that you can sign someone else's contract to get a match, couldn't anybody not in the match retrieve the Money in the Bank briefcase and use the contract themselves?

  53. Commercials on the pre show? Lame.

  54. No live thread for Money in the Bank? Even more lame.

  55. The Shield are really stinking up the joint tonight.

  56. You mean watch it on a legitimate free TV channel right?

  57. How so? The crowds not running wild or anything but why would they with the Uso's in there?

  58. OK, it's picked up a little bit before the second commercial break...

  59. So your saying his time is up, his time isn't now?

  60. First ever All Star MitB match!? Did last year not happen?

  61. Seth Rollin's didn't shake Vince's hand? Why do i seriously doubt that? A highly touted indy guy makes it to the WWE and gets a huge push and 9 months later he's acting like Nailz outta the blue?

    I call bullshit.

  62. I kinda bought that Samoan Drop as a finish.

  63. Never seen someone powerbomb three men at once before...

  64. Impressed with the match length, usually these are 5 minute specials so they can air all those hype videos and promote the show (Which to be fair is the point of a PPV pre-show)

  65. pretty good match; very surprised at the quality

  66. I didn't like the beginning, but it really picked up in the second half. Legit thought that The Usos won that match on two occasions. Best pre-show match ever?

  67. Good match and the crowd really got into it past the opening few minutes aka once it became a legitmate competitive match.

  68. i also thought the usos had a shot at winning

  69. This is a complete work, and just an extension of their on screen story.

  70. Fans love Jericho as well, he's not getting any title runs in the future either. Orton at this point in his career works perfectly as an enhancement talent, if that means he'll get to be transitional champ to put new guys over...then so be it, but i don't see him ever becoming 2007-09 level again.

    It's hard to realise that Orton has pretty much done it all in his career, I still think the wellness issue is a big deal.

  71. Looks like they getting the entrances out of the way on the preshow...great idea.

  72. That was far from an all star mitb, it was just ex champions...pretty crappy idea when you consider it was only 4 people and one of them was the big was probably the worse mitb match to date.


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