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Superman II announced...

Sort of.

Apparently next on the docket will be Superman/Batman, which sounds like it might be borrowing liberally from The Dark Knight Returns.  And the baby steps towards Justice League continue.  Smart move though, since one billion dollar franchise + another billion dollar franchise probably equals a fuck-ton of money.  I will reserve judgment on this idea until it's actually filming and we see footage.


  1. 2015 is the going the biggest year ever in movies.

  2. Didn't Man of Steel not live up to expectations?

  3. Yeah Man of Steel definitely isn't making a billion

  4. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 20, 2013 at 3:58 PM

    I guess "I Am Legend" had it right all along.

  5. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 20, 2013 at 4:00 PM

    It did well enough. They were hoping for $1 billion worldwide, but $620m and counting is still profitable enough for them to push forward and they're hoping to build on it; people forget that "Batman Begins" didn't set the world on fire at the box office first, so WB is hoping that a Batman/Superman movie will pop the sequel's numbers up like The Joker did for TDK.

  6. Oh good the screaming neck breaking "realistic" Superman is going to be in a film that has to top the levelling of most of Metropolis and Smallville.

    The Justice League is still a long way off if they are following the Avengers formula. Green Lantern was panned, Wonder Womans pilot was a train wreck that never got to TV, and Batman will need rebooting after the end of Dark Knight Rises finished off the Nolan universe.

  7. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 20, 2013 at 4:02 PM

    IIRC, they've already said GL will be rebooted for the JLU.

  8. I always found it odd how most of Batmans rouges gallery were bigger names then the majority of DC's Heroes. But then not many studios wanted to produce movies or TV shows about Martian Man Hunter, The Atom or Blue Beetle.

  9. Ryan Reynolds is not having much luck turning his favourite comic heroes into viable franchises .

  10. Here's the difference, to me at least: Batman Begins was a damn fine movie, comic book or otherwise. Man of Steel was...not great.

  11. Batman Begins was a critical success that redefined a genre and a franchise (so it was fighting against many preconceptions from movie goers). Man of Steel isn't really in the same league. Batman Begins also threw shit tons of philosophy and humanity/heart at the audience, laying down the groundwork for an epic sequel.

  12. Based on the relatively disappointing Dark Knight Rises and Man of Steel, I'm guessing it's not going to be great. Plus, these guys aren't going to mesh well in a movie format. They're either going to turn Supe's powers way down, which movies have been hesitant to do, or turn Batman into a superhuman, which will come off lame.

  13. Dark Knight Rises was hardly disappointing.

  14. We should let it play out and see where it goes.

  15. Neither movie was disappointing.

  16. I think WB was pleasantly surprised by the opening weekend, but since the word of mouth has soured a bit (not bad, but not great either), they are a little wary of putting Superman out there alone.

    This is a good hedge that also has the benefit of playing off the most important relationship (hero to hero at least) in the DC universe. Smart move

  17. Man of Steel was clearly disappointing. It had a huge first weekend but plummeted after. You didn't see that with avengers or iron man 3 or dark knight rises.

  18. I wasn't talking about the box office.

  19. Pretty sure Warner brothers is more concerned with box office than your personal opinion when it comes to green lighting a sequel.

  20. I'm just curious how exactly you do it without doing another batman origin story too.

  21. Pretty sure I never said otherwise, neither did the post I was replying to.

  22. Actually that is what the original post was referring to.

  23. Where in Eric Griffith's post does it refer to money or box office?

  24. Yes! This guy gets it!

  25. Where does it say it was his personal opinion?

  26. Awesome. But I don't watch a Batman movie for metaphors. I watch them to see Bane break Batman's fucking back. And it did not disappoint.

  27. If it wasn't, he has a weird fucking way of talking about a film's box office.

  28. There's no need to troll the guy.

  29. You don't. Studios need to finally realize that some of these characters don't need origin movies anymore.

  30. I know, you already got that covered.

  31. I really really don't want 'The Man Of Steel' associated in anyway with the Dark Knight Trilogy, I don't mind an alternative universe that isn't associated, but the new Superman is DUMB and insulting when placed in the same world as Nolan's work.

  32. I agreed with him. You dismissed what he said with nothing to back it up. I think you're confused. Are you under the influence of an intoxicating substance?

  33. "Dark Knight Rises was hardly disappointing."

    That's you agreeing with him?

  34. The Nolan universe is finished. This is going to be a new Batman.

  35. 50%. And the other half I based on box office which is objective while you thought it was a subjective argument which is just naval gazing.

  36. Now that's some forward thinking by WB! I mean, Batman's ONLY had 7 movies hit the big screen - 9 if you count Adam West and the animated Mask of the Phantasm.

    I mean, it's not like there are other characters who could use their own movie.

  37. You're the only one who brought up box office. And I wouldn't even qualify that as a disappointment. It made 621 million off of two damaged brands.

  38. It dropped 65% in its second weekend. This was their big money maker of the summer. It's practically out of theaters. That's quite disappointing.

  39. I think DC should do the opposite of what Marvel did. Start with Justice League movie and then do solo movies based off of who the audiences responded with. Are we really clamoring for a Wonder Woman or a Flash movie?

  40. I was referring to the Superman movie franchise as a whole.

  41. Most movies have a huge drop off in the second weekend. I don't think anybody was expecting crazy Avengers type money for Man of Steel.

  42. He's only the most popular superhero in the world.

  43. I'm clamoring for a Flash movie. Dunno about other people but a big budget version of the TV series would be ACES.

  44. If any character at least deserves a chance at a solo movie, it's Wonder Woman. She's been around almost as long as Batman and Superman and just as iconic. Hell, if they took the script from the animated movie and made it live action, it would be awesome. I've been saying that ever since seeing the animated movie.

    As for Flash, he's just as great a character with a deep mythos and a FANTASTIC rogue's gallery.

  45. Whose last movie was way back in 2006, which wasn't very good. Also had a director coming off a bomb.

  46. Really? I think Flash's rogue's gallery sucks. Same with Wonder Woman.

  47. Most don't drop 65%. And if they do, you know what it's referred to as? Disappointing.

  48. Warning: Internally inconsistent nerd-rambling ahead

    I don't know, I kind of think it's a mistake to go straight to the crossover on Cavill's second movie. And I think it'd be even worse if it were Bale's Batman who is featured, since it somewhat undermines the perception of Superman/Batman as equals. Bale just has a more commanding presence, while Cavill's Superman still seems like he's learning the ropes of this whole Being A Superhero thing, and doesn't yet seem like the Superman he should eventually become.

    But then, it would kind of be a mistake to go with a different Batman, no? I mean, sure, the character is iconic, but it really does matter who's under the cowl if you're asking people to become invested in the character. The Avengers worked because audiences had a chance to become acquainted with Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man, Chris Hemsworth’s Thor and Chris Evans’s Captain America. Audiences wanted to see those versions of those heroes onscreen together. Sure, The Avengers would have made obscene amounts of money regardless, but I think it would have made significantly less if it had been the first time we were meeting the core heroes like Iron Man, Captain America and Thor (although, to be fair, it was the first time we were meeting Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk and Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye, so who knows?).

    Anyway, that's the extent of my nerding for the day. Sorry for the rambling.

  49. Dude! Captain Cold? Weather Wizard? Trickster? Heatwave?


    The others would be fun to see on the big screen, but seeing an army of gorillas led by a psychic gorilla? Tell me that wouldn't be awesome? It'd be like Planet of the Apes vs. The Flash.

  50. Dark Knight Rises dropped 60%.

  51. Honestly don't think audiences would buy Grodd. At least not without building some credibility first. It'd be like Marvel starting out with GotG first.

  52. If Man of Steel, with all it had going against it, dropping 65% is a disappointment. Then so is DKR for falling 60% coming off one of the biggest movies ever.

  53. It was meant to represent Katrina? I just assumed,since the movies are an adaptation of Batman that it was a representation of when that exact same thing happened in Batman.

  54. Eh, yeah, I guess. Probably introduce a couple of the Rogue Gallery first (Cold, Trickster, Wizard, etc) since it's more interesting to see them work together. But then again, as great as they are, they're more bank-robbing thugs than anything else.

    I've always preferred movies that just embrace the ridiculous and just run with it instead of trying to be mature about it. Like many of the Marvel movies or more recently, Pacific Rim.

  55. That 5% makes a big difference. Especially when you extend it out subsequent weeks.

    DKR made over a billion dollars. Care to wager on whether or not man of steel does?

  56. Nah they have all that "We're with you, you are not forgotten" stuff in there specifically to call back to the Hurricane Katrina stuff I do believe.

  57. It won't. But you can't call every movie that doesn't make a billion a failure. Especially when no one was expecting it in the first place.

  58. You really think non hardcore fans would be excited about a Flash movie when the villain is called "Captain Cold"? If they do a movie, they need to come up with a brand new villain. Surprised most movies don't do this.

  59. So basically MoS = HHH and TDK = HBK?

    Cuz Im sure between promotion MoS isnt a profitable movie. Sorry Superman fans.

    Superman isnt a draw.

  60. 621 mil on a 225 or so budget. They'll probably come out ahead with blu ray sales.

  61. You're not on facebook are you?

    You see like somebody that doesnt do facebook.

    ANyways, all my facebook wall said was "OMG MoS is gonna break records. it gonna kill Avengers."

    I said no it wont 400M-600M worldwide. THats a bust IMO.

  62. Yes, that animated Wonder Woman movie was all kinds of awesome. Plus it's filled with that girl-power appeal that my wife enjoys.

  63. I'm not talking about random people on facebook. Nobody in the industry predicted a billion for MoS, not even the studio that made it.

  64. Minus 170M they have to pay back in promotional dollars.

    Cuz if companies donate to the movie for product placement. it aint free right?

  65. Yeah, besides Grodd, Flash's villains are incredibly cheesy. They do have a weird charm, however.

  66. Yeah I thought it was just a retelling of the No Man's Land comic storyline.

  67. Geoff Johns has a lot to do with the revamping of Flash's enemies.

    Personally, i think meh but his fanboys go ape shyt over them

  68. Never been a DC fan even a little bit, but Dark Knight was by far the best comic series ever. I never found Superman compelling, but would be reallly curious to see how they handle the crossover

  69. what else is 2015? Avengers 2?

  70. Thank goodness I'm just so paranoid they'd fudge with it...

  71. Does JGL play Batman or do they throw a dump truck full of money at Bale?

  72. Batman Begins is so damned great. It gets stuck in the shadow of The Dark Knight but it still is a tremendous movie on it's own. Just felt the need to say that.

    I saw Man of Steel and liked it well enough. Sure, there were things that bothered me. Superman decided to exchange God-Level punches inside a crowded i-hop instead of leaving is the big one. But it was fun. And I've never been a Superman fan anyway.

    I'm going to reserve judgment on Superman/Batman until they cast Batman and we see some stuff on it.

  73. What do you mean by disappointing? Box office or creatively? I loved the movie. Like, in a completely fanboyish type of way. Someone could present indisputable facts that the movie sucks and it is terrible and I just wouldn't hear it. Bane is just the coolest, bad ass ever.

  74. Man of Steel was badly formed. Just not a well put together movie by any standard.

  75. Hawkeye was in Thor.

  76. I honestly hope they all bomb. Fuck Hollywood.

  77. It works the other way around, companies pay the studio for product placement. And 170 mil is way too high for marketing.

  78. Star Wars, Avengers 2, Batman/Superman, World of Warcraft movie, Jurassic Park 4, Fantastic 4, Assassin's Creed, Terminator 5, Independence Day 2, Pirates of the Caribbean 5, Ant-Man, Hunger Games 2, new James Bond, Mission Impossible 5.

    And plus a handful of kids animated movies that always make a ton a money. 2015 is going to be insane.

  79. dang jethro /scottkeith

  80. Bit of a threadjack. They just announced Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. Um...holy shit.

  81. Who cares, if it's good, it's good.

  82. Sheesh Negative Nancy.

    So Contrarian.

  83. just saw that. 1.5B

  84. I'm shocked. I thought for sure Thanos would be the villain for 2. But I guess the rumors about them holding him back for part 3 were true.

  85. you might see him in GoTG as a cameo.

  86. That's what I figured, GotG would feed into Avengers 2 but I guess not. From what I read tonight about the GotG panel at Comic Con, I think that movie is the one I'm most looking forward too. Shit sounds so weird.

  87. GoTG aint gonna do numbers though. Its gonna be good IMO but the characters are way too obscure. Plus I dont see them putting money in promotion behind it. Im calling 300-400M worldwide.

  88. I'm not sure if this was bluster, hope, or what; but the President of Warner predicted MOS would do well over 1 billion.

    He didn't exactly lower expectations.

  89. It might be just weird enough that it hooks people, it will all depend on the marketing.

  90. I read it was around 140-150 mil in marketing. Fuj isn't far off.

  91. i dont think this movie is gonna be marketed to the casuals.

    Im thinking this movie will be treated like AoU: X-Men... a tie in that you dont have to watch in order to get the main story, but if it sells meh we will go with it.

  92. Nowhere in the article is he quoted as saying MoS would do over a billion. Just a bunch of usual hyperbole because the buzz was so great.

  93. Variety tends to be a credible movie/tv site/magazine. I don't think they would make this up just for the hell of it. It was also picked up and reported by every major news outlet as well as forbes. It's ok, why wouldn't he expect a Superman movie with the kind of marketing machine it had to do a billion worldwide? It doesn't mean it was a disappointment. It can be both things.

  94. It's coming in the Summer 2014, every summer movie is marketed to casual audiences. Actually, pretty much every movie is.

  95. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJuly 20, 2013 at 8:44 PM

    Hollywood is putting out what they think will make money, just like any other business. Fuck the people who pay to see shit movies, they're the problem.

  96. But they're not good. And the sequels aren't going to be good either.

  97. The only way for business to change is if there is a financial incentive for it. Such is capitalism. And I think that Hollywood's current fare (current meaning since the 70s) mostly sucks donkey dick.

  98. Yes. Which is why I hope they bomb. Just because it's other voters that elect assholes doesn't mean that I don't want the assholes to be booted out of office.

    Money is the only thing that matters, so I hope they bomb.

  99. What's not good, any movie produced by "Hollywood"? All comic book movies?

    You said, "I honestly hope they all bomb". ALL. That's everything. Followed by "Fuck Hollywood".

    Maybe clarify your statement before coming off like a hipster douche.

  100. That's your opinion and it doesn't make it true. I've seen, over the last year, at least 15 movies that I would consider awesome. Some were blockbusters, some were smaller films (still produced and distributed by Hollywood), some were foreign film (blockbusters there and some small ones) and some were indies. You can't generalize like that, it makes you sound dumb.

  101. So how much money it made took away from your enjoyment of the film?

  102. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJuly 20, 2013 at 8:54 PM

    I hope to convince Maria Sharapova to give me a blow job, that's probably more likely to happen then these movies bombing. But I agree with the overall point.

  103. Did you enjoy the movie?

  104. I was responding to Cult's post. Which was (and this is putting words in Cult's mouth) in reference to The Avengers 2 and the Superman sequel. Two is plural, so I used all (as opposed to it).

    And since I am referring to the Avengers 2 and the Superman sequel, the movies that I think sucked are the Avengers and Man of Steel.

  105. Actually shitty reviews and lack of box office lead to me not seeing it all together.

  106. Scream09_HartKillerJuly 20, 2013 at 8:56 PM

    I hope Bale stays away from this and it has nothing to do with the Dark Knight Trilogy. I like Nolan's Batman universe, I don't need Superman coming along and making it stupid.

  107. So other people's opinion, and how much money it made. Is your gauge for if you see a film or not?

  108. Creatively disappointing. I would argue it's easily the weakest of the trilogy. Obviously, others are going to disagree though.

  109. Good move. I wish I had listened to the reactions and not my hopes.

  110. No upvotes for this? I kind of enjoyed the review.

  111. I try not to see shitty movies. I'm funny like that.

  112. Ultron before Ant-Man is even introduced?!? Hank Pym really is the unluckiest fictional character of all time isn't he?

  113. Yeah, I was talking from a creative standpoint.

  114. Trust me your not funny. So just for the record your incapable of having your own opinion on a movie. You go by

    A) How much money it made. Which makes no sense when it comes to the over all enjoyment of said film.

    B) Reviews from strangers.

  115. Not anymore he isn't unfortunately.

  116. I'm guessing Ant-Man is introduced in Avengers 2, leading to his own movie later that year.

  117. Yeah, you're right, I was talking creatively disappointing and not box office. Briefly: I, personally, think it's disappointing for reasons better outlined on many other boards and reviews. Pretty much guaranteed to get downvoted to hell and trolled if I try to defend that argument round these parts though, so I'll just leave it at that.

  118. Compared to the first two it sucks. And I'm talking from a quality standpoint - not financially.

  119. Ok, I half agree on MOS and I vehemently disagree on Avengers. Neither of us is wrong.

  120. Then who creates Ultron? Or does Jarvis and Tony's retarded helper robot have a secret love child?

    Hold on i've said too much, someone get Kevin Feige on the phone...

  121. I don't really have time to see every movie released in a year. I try to see good ones. Other people's opinions are usually a pretty good gauge of that. And if you're going to try and take the intellectual high ground, you may want to learn the difference between your and you're. Otherwise, you'll look pretty silly.

  122. I take critics review into part of my decision. Generally, most of them are film experts. Sure, it's there opinion, but it's the same reason I would take a general opinion by professional chefs over a restaurant than the normal guy on the street. Doesn't mean the guy on the street can't be or isn't right, but it's a good gauge.

  123. You're kidding right?

  124. According to what I read, in the teaser Iron Man's helmet keeps getting damaged crushed while dialogue is played until finally at the end, it is re-purposed as Ultron.

  125. Or you could try a restaurant for yourself and form your own opinion. Same goes for Movies. There are film experts that I like. However just because they don't like a movie doesn't mean I won't give it a chance and see it for myself.

  126. I'm shocked someone disliked Avengers that much. I can see how not everyone would like MoS even though I dug it, but to not like Avengers? You have to be joyless.

  127. It's miles better than the first one and maybe a quarter step below the second.

  128. Cause I want change.

  129. I couldn't care less about Superman but love Batman. This will have my money

  130. Change from what?

  131. I see. Well you'll get your wish far down the line.

  132. The Avengers wasn't truly awful. It wasn't incompetently put together (except for Loki) and RDJ is incredibly charismatic, but the movie was safe, and safe movies don't deserve to make hundreds of millions of dollars. Safety is the death of art. I don't want Hollywood to be able to throw a big star onto a franchise people recognize and allow them to print money without doing something innovative or clever or artistic.

    I'm tired of the casual racism and sexism of movies. I'm tired of the plot holes (fixing them is free) I'm tired of the glossy 360 camera shots. I'm tired of big explosions instead of big emotions. I'm tired of plot development being put after advertising opportunities.

    And just so you know that I'm a huge hypocrite. I really want to see Pacific Rim.

  133. What Marvel did was the exact opposite of safe. Throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and unknown characters to build up to a team up movie took huge balls.

  134. "You have to be joyless."

    Well, we ARE talking about Phrederic. That's, like, his thing.

  135. Saves me the trouble of replying.

  136. I thought Pacific Rim was a fun dumb popcorn movie. There's room in the world for "fun".

  137. Sequelitis. Stagnancy. Kid's meals tie ins. Predictability.

  138. Not when movies are well over $10. I'll try anything in the comfort of my own home. We're talking about the movie theater here.

  139. There's nothing wrong with predictability. I place waaaay more importance in execution. There's only a very small minority of films over the genres hundred years that are unpredictible.

  140. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJuly 20, 2013 at 9:35 PM

    I agree, and I feel the same way about wrestling. As I said in one of my ROH reviews, there's nothing wrong with predictable booking as long as it's GOOD predictable booking.

  141. BTW, if you're tired of the blockbusters, there are half a dozen movies released on a weekly basis that are smaller, character based films. I go to a small art house theater in Ft. Lauderdale at least once a month to support these type of movies. You live in California, surely you can simply avoid all of these big summer movies and stick to those. Also, many of these are also produced in Hollywood as well.

  142. Adam gets it.

  143. I liked Pac Rim but it overselled the action way too much. Was expected a lot more.

  144. Plenty of original films and smaller ones do the same shit. Some are good, some are bad. Just like with everything else in life.

  145. Really? Not sure what else they could've done. I mean, there's only so much you can do with giant monsters and giant robots. At least the action was coherent unlike, say, the Transformers movies.

  146. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJuly 20, 2013 at 9:40 PM

    I have my moments...

  147. I'm just expecting more battles. I think there was only like 3 in the film. More Jagers and Kaiju. And Transformers has many many faults, but lack of coherency isn't one of them. Bay knows how to direct action.

  148. And what is your problem with Loki?

  149. I disagree. I think Rises is just a step behind Dark Knight and a little better than Begins. It seems like things that bother most people(Batman's growl and Bane's voice) do not bother me, and in the case of Bane's voice, I love it.

  150. Eh, it all looked like a blurred mess to me. Bay knows action, not CGI action. Big difference, imo.

  151. I can't imagine not getting hard when Captain America tells Hulk "Hulk, Smash" I got hard just typing that.

  152. Here's the insane part: Man of Steel has done $620 million and counting as of now, but Avengers did more than that($660 million, I think) in a WEEKEND.

  153. Not quite. It did 640 in its first 2 weeks worldwide.

  154. I read an incredible stat the other day about Bay, the average shot in a movie lasts 3-4 seconds. His TF movies averaged something crazy like 7 seconds.

    As for Rim, I was more interested in Hannibal Chau than anything else. Give me a movie about him on the streets of Hong Kong and the underworld.

  155. let me rephrase, i dont think its gonna appeal to the casuals.

  156. Im thinking he could be an agent for ultron.

    not complient with the comics but what the hey.

  157. We'll see. Like I said, it will all depend on the marketing. And that Marvel brand has built up a ton of credibility with non comic book fans.

  158. NOw I think Ant-Man will bomb.

    the only thing cool about Pym is Ultron and Yellowjacket.

  159. i will definitely agree to that.

    Im going to see it regardless cuz i love the reboot team.

  160. The test footage that leaked from last year looked awesome. Introduce him in Avengers 2 and it would be impossible for Ant Man to bomb.

  161. HEY!

    The first one was cool as shit.

  162. You are also entertained by most TNA booking.

    Seriously though, Hank Pym is a great character.

    Just not as Ant-Man.

    Giant-Man? Yup
    YellowJacket? Of course!

  163. Im even more entertained with Hank Pym as "I dont wanna be a superhero" moreso than Hank as Ant-Man.

  164. 2 weeks./... vs 2 months....

  165. thank you very much.

  166. I'm definitely not entertained by most TNA booking. Haven't watched in weeks.

    Here is the Ant-Man test footage from last year's Con.

  167. im saying its both.

    creatively and financially.

  168. Uh...I know that. Just correcting the 660 in a weekend thing.

  169. Hell to the yes.

  170. Actually, I just looked it up. They got PAID 170 million, the studio did from 98 different partners. So they definitely made a profit already.

  171. You know if knifed his way out of that Kaiju baby Boba Fett style.

  172. I will admit that Johns gave the Rogues a tremendous facelift, but not to the point where deserve a TV series.

    I mean who do you make Flash?

    Goody two shoes Barry Allen?
    Wally was the better Flash anyways.

    I do like Zoom though.

  173. thats 20 million profit...

    you dont think between the actors/directors and producers didnt eat all that in salary?

  174. Zoom I like but the name sucks and the time traveling isn't needed. Just make him and Flash friends who both get their powers at the same time but one turns into the Flash while the other goes to the darkside.

  175. ...weak

    who had the potato cam?

  176. Salary already figures into a film's budget. And I'm guessing they used that 170 mil for advertising, free money basically.

  177. How is that weak? Definitely has a Matrix vibe.

  178. i thought salary was not.

    2 different pots

  179. thats exactly what ant-man needs.

    matrix vibe.

  180. When you see a film's budget, it includes everything from catering to an actor's salary. Advertising is a little harder to track down. Like 20 million or whatever Downey was paid was apart of the Avengers budget.

  181. I wish they'd include that as well. I mean, since when is marketing not part of a budget for any company? Sounds like a cop-out to me from the studios.

  182. Trying for yourself still applies. You should know what you like.

  183. Did you even read my post?

    Of course I know what I like, I like good movies. I will not spend money at a theater for a movie that's critically panned. More times than not, when I do end up seeing it at home, it ends up being right.

  184. It should be fun if nothing else.

  185. Do you fuck every chick you see?

  186. If your friend tels you "hey that chick has herpes" Do you still try it for yourself?

  187. Trying for yourself still applies. You should know what you like.

  188. How is that comparable. Scratch that when did I say I watch every movie in theaters. Which is what your trying to say with your ridiculous comparison.

    I"m just saying it's stupid to avoid seeing a movie just because it doesn't make billions of dollars. Or because critics don't like it, because you still can.

  189. Movies can be good despite of these things, that doesn't mean they're good things.

  190. He was a jobber. Every character in that movie managed to get the better of him. As Jim Cornette said "Frankenstein got to throw a few villagers around before he got destroyed".

  191. I am. While you're making that military money, right? Enjoy suckling the teat of the MIC.

  192. Huh? The only character that got over on him was Hulk, at the end of the movie.

  193. Good art uplifts the soul. I don't go to theaters cause its too damn expensive But if I did have the money I'd like the opportunity to do so. Art does not compete with art.

    Look at the Oscars. And look at how many people think that the Oscars are a mark of actual artistic merit. While a lot of aspects of art in the world have gotten better (games, music, TV). Movies are still a huge part of pop culture and the level of bullshit we're expected to tolerate in mind-boggling.


  194. I mean for popcorn entertainment I guess you can't go wrong. It's not an embarrassment or anything, just kind of a disappointment.


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