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Night of Champions Predictions Thread

OK, for a thread where I actually UNDERSTAND what's being discussed, here's the place to give final guesses for the show tonight.  

- Bryan over Orton via screwjob (Shield run-in DQ, countout, whatever) to keep the feud going until he wins the belt at HITC.

- Punk beats Axel, but the New Heyman Guy debuts and allows Paul to get the win.  Big E would seem to fit there.

- RVD wins the World title from ADR, Sandow tries to cash in, but Cody Rhodes jumps out of the crowd and screws him out of it.   Meltzer noted that Sandow isn't going to be successful when he cashes in, as things currently stand.

- Ambrose beats Dolph to retain the US title.

- Non-Boob Bella wins the Golden Tramp Stamp

- Shield retains over whatever poor bastards win the pre-game clusterfuck.

Should be a good show, which I'll likely do Monday night.


  1. I reckon Ryback is more likely to be the new Heyman guy.

  2. All champions retain. Punk wins. Bryan gets a 3 count on Orton but his foot is under the rope. HHH reverses the decision the next night on Raw.

  3. Id bet my penis that Big Show is involved in the main event finish somehow. A heel turn seems to obvious but him accidentally costing D bry the title, getting him DQd somehow, etc.

  4. Punk vs Axel/Heyman is an "elimination handicap match" right? Why can't Heyman just get disqualified and be eliminated, then let Axel just wrestle Punk?

  5. Because wwe creative doesn't think like you, you know rationally.

  6. What's the point in having sandow win the briefcase but not the title?

    Also, I get the impression that Rhodes is moving on now to other things...

  7. Anyone else really NOT looking forward to this show? Looks like an average-at-best under-card with a convoluted "sports entertainment" ending in the main-event.

  8. PTP wins the preshow match

  9. Its a weak show.

  10. Convoluted sports entertainment endings can be awesome when done right. Bryan/Orton needs to go full Russo tonight.

  11. There's no good reason to take the belt off I AJ, unless HHH wants to make a joke about her getting a new tattoo tomorrow night.




  13. I think the ship has sailed on Ryback getting any more top spots.

  14. And I'm in the 5 count!

  15. And I guess that probably is enough of a reason.

  16. Maybe do the "change the rules as they go" thing like Austin/Foley?

  17. Yeah im thinking Orton wins via screwjob rather than Bryan, and AJ retains. At the end of the day its a really unimpressive show on paper that'll probably do a really poor buy rate cause no Cena and an obvious finish to the main event. And then even if they're tempted to change the ending, what good does it do them? Its just costing future buys if they do change.

  18. And after Bryan wins, the last rule change HHH makes is that it was a non title match. Troll so hard.

  19. There is a NFL thread.

  20. You gonna bully me now?

  21. And a lot of people won't drop money after spending 80 last night on Mayweather/Canelo and Johnny Bones next week. WWE is fucked.

  22. I just thought I'd be a helpful doomer and direct my fellow man to the appropriate post. Please refrain from bullying me by casting false accusations.

  23. BE A STAR Cultstatus!


  24. It's too soon after summerslam for me. Orton vs. Bryan should be a big deal but coming less than a month after summerslam it feels like we haven't reached that point yet. And I think the buy rates will show that. If Bryan/Orton was at survivor series after months of Bryan chasing I think it would do big numbers. On a throwaway b show... not so much.

  25. Norm Macdonald just doesn't give a fuck, and while it hasn't helped his career, it's why he's so funny

  26. zappa


    kings x

  27. have disagree, at least with all the damn safe auto ads that clog up roh

  28. I've just been assuming that's what'll happen. Could lead to Punk chasing him the rest of the night, finally get his hands on him, and have a new Heyman guy make the save.

  29. I really hope not

  30. I agree. I appreciate the fact he could be more successful if he played ball a little better, but he seems to value his artistic freedom / integrity more. He also seems REALLY into Golf.

  31. I hear you on Rush, I don't even know how to describe what their genre of music is (Prog rock) but any band that makes metaphors about Communism through cutting down trees, and makes Mark Twain references, are a-okay in my book.

  32. He's gotta make money somehow, given his gambling problems.

  33. He's really into sports overall. That and religion.


  35. Well, that and the face the Uso's lost clean to the Shield on Smackdown.

  36. I think it is going to be Big E.

  37. Completely agree.

    Plus, it makes absolutely NO sense within the storyline - if Bryan main-eventing a PPV and possibly becoming champion is "bad for business", why let him main-event a PPV and possibly become champion?

  38. Oh, when done right, absolutely - but there's nothing they can do here that would constitute being "done right".

    Like, unless Austin comes back, subs for Bryan, wins the title, and then segues into a place-holder feuds with Brock until "Survivor Series" and a returning Goldberg for "Royal Rumble", just so that we can get that big Austin/Punk match at "WM", then, no, there's nothing that can be "done right". And even THAT would be asinine and lose heat a month in.

  39. It seems unlikely that they would "waste" Cody's return on the World title, a belt that it seems pretty obvious no one cares about. That would be missing out on a giant pop whenever he returns to help Bryan against Orton or HHH.

  40. HHH pedigrees Bryan at the start of the show...Orton pins the still out cold Bryan at the end of the show.

  41. um what?

    I imagine it would just be the Shield or HHH attacking Bryan to make him lose. Doesn't have to be convuluted...

  42. maybe, though he is getting a lot of tv time still...

    Big E would be ok, but its a bit of a foregone conclusion Punk going over. At least, in kayfabe terms, Punk has never pinned Ryback...

  43. Classic JCP booking tells me that Bryan comes within inches of pinning Orton and is beaten within an inch of his life, maybe an injury angle.

  44. I think it makes sense - recently turned team and all. They ought to win the tag titles as well so they're actually used. The Shield don't need them.

  45. I'm hoping it's a setup. Bryan needs to be left lying in a bad way.

  46. Threadjack: was that Reddit guy foiled? I remember reading how he only predicted like 3 matches for summerslam

  47. Scott's predictions seem pretty spot on. RVD seems to be the most likely title change this PPV. But yeah, Orton walks out with title through dishonest means. Ambrose wins, Punk wins because Axel is nowhere near his level. Shield wins. Can't comment on the women's match, because I always fast forward through that stuff. Seems like it should be a non offensive, but mostly dull show. Probably some ***+ matches, but no ***** classics like last PPV.

  48. AJ ended the last show on her back, so I feel like she's retaining.

  49. Yeah. They need some babyface victories on the show tonight. Punk is going to beat Heyman like a runaway slave.

    And I don't think RVD wins. Half of that is me hoping he doesn't win. But what do you do with RVD as champ that doesn't involve Sandow immediately cashing in?

  50. I was gonna say. Triple H needs to bring out the obscurest DQ ever. Maybe a closed fist?

  51. Orton/Bryan will be entertaining. Their matches on Raw were pretty good, and this time Orton is playing his (much superior) heel.

  52. Meh....the briefcase is supposed to grant an automatic title shot, not an automatic title win. At some point somebody is not going to cash in successfully.

    But I agree about Rhodes.

  53. RVD needs to win to give the fans some babyface victories.

  54. i think the current plan is for the orton/bryan feud to be over by the end of the year.

    I assume it will be bryan winning it back, and the corporation 2.0 throwing more and more at him to unseat him

  55. Yeah, that makes the most sense. Why throw him off TV if not to work into the HHH/Bryan angle as a "non-employee"?

  56. I just think RVD needs to win so that at least one title in the company is held by a face. It's not like he's going to do anything with it but it's not like ADR is doing anything with it either. At least if RVD holds it then Sandow's threat to cash in seems more real.

  57. The show looks good, from the perspective of just in-ring work (except for the Divas match), but it's lacking much excitement in terms of storylines and angles. It's a transitional PPV, so we know that none of the major storylines are going to have any sort of resolution.

  58. Bryan beats Orton with a small package to become the new WWE Champion, then gets immediately beat down by The Shield. Triple H grants Orton his contractually obligated rematch right there and Orton regains the title.

    Everything else is a great big Who The Fuck Cares.

  59. That would be a shame. Bryan winning the Rumble to finally get his revenge on Orton would be perfect.

  60. I just don't think WWE wants to give RVD a belt ever again.

  61. As in honored above all others?

  62. That would surprise me. I think hes been killing it in his bully role. It's humorous, but also angers me in a way that makes me want to tune in and watch him get his comeuppance.

    Didn't know the lug had it in him!

  63. Damnit, My girlfriends been saying 2 inches is enough. Liar!

  64. Comment of the night and it's just the predictions thread!

  65. YOU'RE BACK!!!

    I also agree with everything you said

  66. I just a picture of the tattoo, and in all honesty, if I didn't know the context behind it, I'd still think it was a cool tattoo, even if it is those prisoner scratches on a wall that spell out the date of her win.

  67. Cena already failed his cash-in

  68. I suffered such righteous indignation at my ban that I tore my quad.

    I was told that I would never blog again. But through intense rehabilitation, involving copious amounts of drugs and sex, I have have made a miraculous recovery!

  69. "AJ ended the last show on her back"

    enough about me and AJ last night.

  70. - Orton over DB after interference from The Shield or Triple H.

    - Punk beats Axel but then the new "Heyman guy" Big E. Langston runs in and beats him down before he can get his hands on Heyman.

    RVD wins the World title from ADR, clean.

    - Ambrose beats Dolph Ziggler clean and retains.

    - Brie Bella wins the Divas title.

    - The PTP win the tag titles from the Shield after botched interference from Ambrose (leading to a bit of tension).

  71. Yeah. Not to mention the fact that Cody still isn't married in real life (I think that's next weekend). So he's still on vacation from WWE. And they're continuing his storyline with Dusty appearing on RAW tomorrow.

  72. No, they're just now establishing Ryback's bully character. It's a bit goofy and I don't think it goes well with him being a Heyman guy.

  73. I don't think so. It could establish Big E. as a major heel, and lead to a big babyface run down the line when they split (where I think Langston will have the most success).


    This seemed appropriate right now.

  75. I don't blame you for forgetting...Raw 1000 was so bad that it was the day I stopped watching Raw...haven't watched an episode end to end since

  76. They value the automatic rematch clause over their evil plan!

  77. Huh...I figured that with all that homophobic shit Styles said he was sure to be straight. Way to keep to the conservative stereotypes Allen Jones.

  78. I think tattoos look great with her complexion.


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