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Papers, Please!

You wouldn't think a game about stamping passports with a basic EGA-ish graphics engine would be so gut-wrenching, but here you have it.  Amazingly, they've managed to take the most banal subject possible and turn it into something where you're actually feeling pressure, both to get the documents processed ASAP and feed your family, but also to find loopholes to help (or hinder as needed) people who might be killers or terrorists.  When the dancers come to you for help and you have to be like "Sorry, I'd love to detain your pimp for questioning, but he's got a valid permit and I need medicine for my sick son" it's actually pretty tough to deal with.    It's $10 and I don't know if it's been in a Humble Indie Bundle recently, but it's well worth the money.

Glory to Arstotszka.


  1. Good call! I just learned about this game yesterday from Adam Sessler's interview with the creator of the game and the game is some great stuff and I hope it just doesn't linger in abeyance.

  2. It's a fun little game, even when you're screwing up (accidentally or intentionally) on occassion.

    I got turned onto it by TotalBiscuit's WTF video on Youtube, bought it, no regrets.

    P.S.: The clueless guy (anyone who's played knows who I'm talking about) is my favorite... he's always one or more steps behind, but his attempts are just too damn funny. A passport drawn in crayon? Next new game I play he's getting in on that attempt, because any official document in crayon is absolutely legit.

  3. I saw it on TB's channel too. Have you seen his Terraria thing with Jesse Cox?

  4. Yeah... there's a chance it comes back soon also, since Terraria 1.2 is due out early next month. FINALLY.

  5. CheapAssGamer has been all over this game for the past few weeks. I keep hearing it's awesome, but I find I mostly play games on my iPad.

  6. The creator also has a couple fun flash games on his web site including one based around placing newspaper headlines for a communist state.

  7. i dont think vince wants punk ignoring him in his ear and then punk yelling at him backstage about being in his ear

  8. hey remember when punk accused cena of being like the red sox, the loveable losers who made it big and became a dynasty and therefore werent so special anymore?

    maybe thats happening to punk now

  9. ask her wtf is wrong with her face

  10. I remember that game! No idea it was the same guy.

  11. So, instead of being the lovable loser Cubbies, Punk is now, what, the Cardinals? What's the appropriate analogy in the NL Central?

  12. He's a case of attention and prominence far exceeding talent.

  13. Why would he make fun of DDP Yoga? Seems like it's doing a lot of good for a lot of guys who were on the brink.

  14. My biggest knock against Jarrett is that he's never changed from the traditional southern style wrestling even when his character necessitated it.

  15. Because he's in pain and frustrated about it?

  16. This is vague theorizing but I've wondered if Punk is working people.

  17. Did Punk kill your puppy?

  18. Sadly, Vince and Steph aren't. And they're still alive, last I checked.

  19. Just a warning - if you play this game the song from it will be stuck in your head all day.

  20. And despite what people think, Vince is still running the company and booking the shows (not HHH).

    If it did turn out to be Dustin & Cody that would be one hell of a setup though...considering those promos started to run before Cody was fired...

  21. Bull fighting actually used to be popular in Puerto Rico, but it was banned when the U.S. took over the island from Spain.

  22. Oh, it would be a massive plus in their favor if they actually did it, planned or not.

    But I'd put the chances of that at roughly the same as the chance that Punk would ever sign with TNA, short of the Second Coming.

  23. I thought Brock/Punk II would be Survivor Series? Wrestlemania is a long way to drag out the Heyman/Punk feud with no Brock for random maulings. Do we really want Heyman to keep running back to the well to find new roadblocks? Whose next after Ryback, Zach Ryder?

  24. I feel like every time the OLE! thing is used they need to have a picture of Ole Anderson pop up on screen, just for the randomness of it all.


    Someone get some Photoshop going on this... "Ole Anderson does not care for your OLE'!

  26. With Daniel Bryan playing the role of Fozzie Bear...

  27. Shameless plug alert: If you think more mainstream publications should have games sections edited by lifelong wrestling addicts and Scott Keith fans since RSPW days, go check out Paste Magazine. We ran a great review of Papers Please earlier this month.

  28. That is a great idea. Cody and Dustin use the Los Matadores angle to get back in the building, win whatever match or use whatever loophole they need to get officially re-hired as Cody and Dustin, and by the time the Corporation figures it out and corners Los Matadores, it's Primo/Epico under the masks.

  29. I don't want any Spam!

  30. This must be it for me in regards to the wrestling business, because I find this shit boring as hell and at best bland. If all I'm hearing is how these shows are solid and worthwhile, I think it has officially passed me by.

  31. Na na na na na na...

  32. I'll agree. I grew up the biggest fan on the planet...but im 33 now and i still follow by reading here, but...i dont see the big deal about CM Punk or Daniel Bryan. I guess they are ok...but if you line those 2 up against HBK or Flair or SCSA, etc..., to me they look like Reno Freaking Riggins. Must be some disconnect.

  33. It would make me feel a lot better if they were, but I looked it up and apparently thorax is just a name for the middle part of the body. I would assume Vince makes the call of what should be say, but can you imagine Vince coming up with "Let's say Miz has an injured thorax!" Doesn't quite fit.

  34. Yeah, I think that would work too. Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing the end result being Punk vs. Bryan doing an epic marathon for the title at Wrestlemania. Taker-Cena closes that show regardless of what they book, so may as well get a classic on there somewhere for the 30th anniversary.

  35. I will like to wish you the best in all your future endeavors

  36. I want to disagree with you, but I saw the pipe-bomb promo lead to Kevin Nash's WWE retirement match.

  37. THEY TALK TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. I would have stabbed one of those "What" chanting fans if I'd been there.

  39. Rape the horses and ride off on the women

  40. See you next Monday!

  41. "Wouldn’t it have been awesome if Kane had been the one to stand up as Bryan’s buddy once and for all? It’s likely coming later, of course."

    I'll guess that he comes back and turns on Bryan, instead.

  42. Well, thoracic surgeons are a thing.

  43. They need a clean ref though.

    Do you think that maybe Brad is going to get co-opted by Vince?

  44. Indeed, just not a thing I would often associate with WWE.

  45. I probably should have said "reaction" instead of "pop".

    A great heel should be receiving a loud chorus of boos upon their entrance, not near silence.

  46. The clean ref thing is difficult given the landscape of WWE right now but there's Li'l Naitch that hasn't been sollied (in this story) yet.

    As far as Brad goes, I actually didn't hate it when he was being pulled between the McMahons, so that could go again when Vince wants his power back.

  47. Did the Hulu version have the backstage bit where all the faces and Brie are encouraging Bryan on his way to the ring?

  48. It's just something they've added to the story, so they'll need to resolve it or people will expect more shenanigans.

    Or maybe heels can't pull the same trick twice?


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