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Promo of the Day: WWE- Conversations during matches

Hey, thought this was neato.  Love the bits where they respond to the fans.

Dave Batista yelling "I HATE YOU TOO" makes me miss him EVEN MORE.  He was truly one of the greatest men who ever lived during his time as a heel champion.  


  1. "Where the fuck is Vickie?" 1:07 oh there you are!

  2. I love douchy Indy Punk

  3. Scott You need to watch NoC right now BEST PPV of the YEAR!

  4. Loved this. I remember that Owen/HHH from Unforgiven, they had a whole conversation you could here during the match, on the commercial tape wwf released.

  5. Douchy heel Jericho is fun too.

  6. Maffew needs to sue for gimmick infringement! But, seriously, these are great.

  7. Batista's "I hate you too" pales in comparison to "I'm from Winnipeg you idiot!"

  8. The invisible microphone is still his best bit.

  9. Never forget "YOU ARE A WHORE" either

  10. Punk's "Wow, that hurt" made me chuckle.

  11. Punk certainly took misogyny to cartoonish levels while working the indys, I'll give him that.

  12. No, Batista's face is what wins it. Jericho just makes a quick-witted quip. Batista SELLS that comeback like a true dickhead heel.

  13. Me too. Totally fearless.

  14. In all seriousness, HHH has had issues shouting spots since he arrived in the company. During all his matches from the boom period i was always going "I totally heard the next sequence,". And that is not good for business ;)

  15. Seriously, Cena and Triple H are worst at calling spots.

  16. Punk's pretty bad too. Watch his MITB match with Cena. The first five minutes is Punk blatantly calling spots.

  17. Nobody is better at shit talking the fans than Kevin Steen. His absence was glaring.

  18. No, Bam Bam. I don't think he is alright bro.

  19. The first time I ever caught someone calling a spot was HHH calling a side slam against... I think Big Show.

  20. No Jeff Hardy ladders, and suddenly HBK is transported back to 1997 with the language and all.

  21. My favorite isn't on here, but I remember back when the U.N.I.O.N was feuding with the Corporate Ministry there was a match on Raw where Shamrock and Foley were wrestling the A.P.A and Farooq was bent over, holding Foley in a headlock and you can clearly hear Mick say, "Shoulder block. By the way, we're getting together in Test's hotel room later to eat pizza and watch some old monster movies. You and Bradshaw are more than welcome to come, but it would be cool if you guys could bring something to drink. Not that it would be the biggest deal if you couldn't, like you're still invited regardless, but it's just that we'd all really appreciate it. Tell Dennis too, if you see him, but keep it quiet around Gangrel because he and Ken kind of got into it over the window seat earlier. It's kind of stupid, but you know how he gets. Anyhow, Irish Whip."

  22. Randy Orton is a dick.

  23. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 16, 2013 at 1:56 AM

    LOL, Punk being a dick to Elijah Burke (who probably deserved it anyway) in the middle of the match is just one of the most wonderful things about him.

  24. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 16, 2013 at 1:57 AM

    *cue "Not Dancing, Wanna Know Why?" by Hardcore Superstar*

    Shawn Michaels: O_O *gets goozled* =O

  25. It's kind of heartwarming to hear Triple H talk to Owen and use his name, given the heat between their two camps. It's pretty stupid sounding, but it seemed pretty genuine there.

  26. Glad to visit your blog. Thanks for this great post that you share to us

  27. I recall his portion of "Raw is Owen" being particularly touching. As far as anyone seems to know, most of the problems were between Shawn and Bret, Owen didn't have the reputation of being stuck-up and hypocritical.

  28. 'Also, Test just scored a bunch of oxies. I told him it'd eventually get to him, but he says it's for his back. I dunno, I hope this doesn't bite him in the ass in, say, precisely ten years. Hammerlock.'

  29. Is that last one "I hope your parents die" a young Punk?

  30. You could also turn it around and say the Kliq didn't see Owen as a threat to their spot. Did Owen ever get a clean (any) win over H or Shawn?

  31. That's a nice idea.

  32. Ha, I actually looked at the video and the clips are all from my vids with that black background text blocking out most of my own font.

    Good times.

  33. I don't think so.. His feud got passed down from Shawn to HHH to Chyna pretty quickly, followed by him becoming one of the Rock's flunkies in the Nation of Domination.

  34. Who says "neato?" The video was pretty gnarly and rad though.

  35. The Love-Matic Grampa!September 16, 2013 at 1:31 PM

    "Are you alright?"


    For some reason, that first exchange made me laugh.

  36. Crowd: "Steiner sucks!"


  37. The guy stole all the clips from Botchamania, Maffew was issued a cease and desist from ROH and has no ROH botches in his videos

  38. Down voters no like sarcasm?

  39. A non-snarky, informational comment? You sir, a rare breed.

  40. His portion of "Raw is Owen" was right up there with Benoit's portion of the Eddie show.

    Really uncomfortable to watch.

  41. Thanks. Couldnt tell, sounded like him. Awesome taunt

  42. Oh don't over estimate me, If I ever finish writing this damn ROH reveiw (I Will...It's the last two weeks of TV and I am a disgustingly slow writer) there will be more then enough snark

  43. For all the hate Triple H gets, I don't remember him burying that many people in shoots, as a performer that debate has been told, but as a person, I don't hear that many "Person X is an asshole" stories.

    He called Goldberg a bad worker, which he is. He said Mick Foley did stupid shit and trashed his own body, which he did. He said Bret Hart was stupid for getting screwed, which he was. And he said Ric Flair was too old to be a main-eventer, which is true.

  44. Imagine that, somebody using material created by somebody else and presenting it in a new manner.

    But yeah they should've credited you.

  45. Khali having to be told which camera to preen for got a legit LOL from me.

  46. I was gonna say I love these things on Botchamania I guess I actually loved these specific ones.


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