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Read any good books lately?  I'd kind of given up on Stephen King after the weird period where he was "retired" and doing crap like Cell and From A Buick 8, but he's still my second-favorite author of all-time and Under The Dome was supposed to be a renaissance of sorts for him.  So on a whim I go 11/22/63 off iBooks and HOLY FUCK this might have been my favorite King book EVER.  I absolutely tore through it like I did back in the good old days of reading "It" and "Tommyknockers" in high school instead of studying (although I noticed that my reading speed is much slower now than it was when I was 18...I wonder how fast teenaged Scott would have ripped through those books on an iPad?)   It really marked the first time in a while I've sat down and devoured a book obsessively like I used to, maybe because it had such a tense, suspense-movie feel to it.  The premise is cheesy 70s pulp stuff, with a portal to 1958 in a diner that leads a guy to think "Aha, what if I just stay there for 5 years and stop Oswald from killing Kennedy?"  And then EVERYTHING GOES WRONG for him, because the past is a motherfucker.  But it's such a wonderfully page-turning motherfucker.  Like I was actually getting angry at the main character near the end of the book when something Very Bad happens to him and it's like "Fuck dude, just go back to that little town in Texas and stay out of the way of history like Picard said in First Contact."  That's how you know you're getting personally invested in the characters.  That was the main problem for me, as in WHY was this guy so set on saving JFK and not just living his life in idyllic small town 1960s like he seemed to want to do?  

Anyway, it's an AWESOME book and now I've gotta plow through Under The Dome as well, I guess.  


  1. 1Q84 sucks. Way overrated.

  2. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 8, 2013 at 12:59 AM

    quantum leap taught me that jackie was meant to live, not jfk

  3. Quantum Leap also taught you that wrestling matches in the 60s were fixed, except for championship matches, which were REAL, so I'd take Sam Beckett with a grain of salt.

  4. Strange thing: Even as a kid, I was never scared reading (or watching the movies based off the reading) Stephen King, and really the only story that scares me nowadays is Carrie because I'm paranoid of a girl and one of those funny 12 year old grade-skipping child geniuses that I ripped on pretty good in my high school days are gonna jump from a bush and set me on fire or some shit. But yeah, his stories are great for atmosphere and engrossing me and stuff, although I respectfully disagree with you on both From a Buick 8 and Tommyknockers. My personal favorite is the Green Mile, but this, It, Buick 8, and the one with the crippled author and the crazed psycho fan are all pretty close.

  5. A review so good it gives Chris Cucciara a run for his money.

  6. But ST:TNG taught me that actions in the present can affect the past. So things were that way until his jumping back made everything fake.

  7. It's no "GTR: SHT", but I'm too sick to be that pithy.

  8. Haven't gotten to 11/22/64 yet, probably in the next year. Under the Dome is an OK King book, nothing like classic King but nothing offensive (although the tv show goes and fucks it up monumentally). I just finished Doctor Sleep and that is offensive and a huge turd of a book. It feels like one big "Fuck You" to Kubrick. And the twist, oh god the twist, was just....there are no words. It's like he took a bigger shit on the already steaming pile that was this book. And I hate to say that as I'm a big King fan.

  9. I dunno, he didn't accuse the writer of only getting a book deal by handing out blowjobs

  10. Well, who's your favourite author, damn it all?

    I'm one of those people who never got into Stephen King, rather I just like the film adaptations.

  11. I always found I gravitated toward King's non-horror stuff. I mean I've read Pet Cemetery, Carrie, and...The one with the evil butt worms. But I'm a big fan of his more thriller-y kind of output. The Long Walk is actually one of the most brilliant stories I've ever read, and the concept and execution are near perfect. It's in his Bachman Collection.

    Additionally, "Four Seasons" has Shawkshank Redemption, Apt Pupil, and The Body, all of which became movies you may have heard of (The Body became Stand By Me).

    I'm sure I'm leaving out a TON of stuff I've heard of his - oh wait toss Green Mile and Dolores Clayborne in there too, but he's a blast.

  12. That moment in the TNG finale where all three picards are working together and they transcend human consciousness so to speak, it is insane.

  13. Speaking of Bachman Collection, in middle school I was always reading anything King had ever put out. I stumbled upon his Bachman Collection and really enjoyed them (The Running Man, the short story, not the movie, is really good). Anyway I was reading Rage in school (if you know the book/story, you can see where this is going) so a teacher who was always really cool to me and always asked about what book I was reading asked what Rage was about.

    I didn't think about my response and just blurted out a summary of the book, "it's about a kid in high school who shoots his teacher and takes his class hostage" (of course there's more to this story, it's deeper than that but I was just giving a quick summary). I remember my teacher got kinda flustered and excused herself quickly. I didn't think anything of it funny enough. Later that day I was called into the assistant principals office. He asked me about the book and why was I reading it and a bunch of other questions. I just stated I was reading all Kings works, he then looked at the book and said it wasn't written by Stephen King. So in one of my better asshole moments I talked really slow to explain the concept of an alias. This pissed him off. Then he asked why I was reading all of Kings books, for a book report? I told him for fun as I enjoyed his work, the answer seemed to perplex him like he never came across a student reading for fun.

    I ended up getting sent to the counselor which pissed me off. I just acted bored when I saw the counselor, not a stretch and gave him yes/no, one word answers. Next time that same teacher asked what I was reading I replied "nothing".

  14. Misery. One of the few instances where people say to me "the book was better" and I agree with them.

  15. 11/26/63 was awesome. A great book, Under the Dome is ok, kind of reminded me of Needful Things in some ways, but it isn't great. Last great book before this was Lisey's Story which was really well written. Still reading Doctor Sleep at the moment, but liking it so far.

  16. Oh man, could that book ever do with some editing. I liked the story and all but the characters re-iterate their motivations and what has been going on in EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER. By the 2nd half I was skim-reading, just going "I know, I know, this has been explained, move on with the fucking plot already!"

  17. I've finally gotten around to reading IT, which is weird considering I read The Stand like 3 times in high school as well as just about all King up until about Dreamcatcher. And damn is IT a vicious book. I always liked the miniseries, but the book just makes it look like a kid's cartoon.

    I finished Duma Key not too long ago, and it's pretty representative of why I approach King's later stuff with caution. It just gets too damn silly.. full of a bunch of arbitrary Supernatural Occurrences and, um, unique King word choices that have me rolling my eyes more than anything.

  18. If you read alot of books, may I suggest audible mp3 books. Fucking awesomr

  19. I'm not a huge fan of King's. His son is actually a really good comic's writer and doesn't have some of the same weaknesses his dad does. You should check out Locke & Key, Scott.

  20. I agree about Duma Key. It had the same problems Lisey's Story did in my opinion. Lots of silly supernatural crap and not a bit scary. Plus King's made up words got really annoying in both of those books. BOOOL!!!! BAD JUNKY!!!

  21. That was the main problem for me, as in WHY was this guy so set on
    saving JFK and not just living his life in idyllic small town 1960s like
    he seemed to want to do?

    Not having read the book but if I were to hazard a guess it's probably the belief that had JFK lived things would have turned out a lot better.

  22. King explained it quite a bit in the book why the guy wanted to save JFK. The shop owner who had cancer guilt tripped him into doing it and they both thought things would turn out better for America if JFK had lived. No Vietnam war, race relations would've gotten better sooner, etc.

  23. What's everyone's take on the Dark Tower series? I loved books 1-4, then it went off the rails a bit for me in books 5 and 6. I really liked book 7 but the ending fell really flat for me. I wasn't outraged like a lot of fans of the series were but it definitely felt like a bit of a cheat to me. I really liked The Wind Through The Keyhole though. I thought it was a nice bridge b/t books 4 and 5 and the story within a story within a story deal was neat.

  24. There's a whole lot of interesting stuff about "what if JFK never dies?" This always struck me as fascinating: Nixon had the CIA retroactively insert documents to make it appear that JFK was more involved in the Vietnam buildup than he was.

  25. Loved the first few, only read 1-5 though

  26. 1-4 are untouchable classics, 5 kinda sucks, 6 is marginally better, and 7 was really good and it ended well. From an official Tower junkie. I really liked Wind as well, and the first 3 story arcs of the comics, at least until it got up to The Adventures of Young Roland then it got kinda goofy for me.

  27. It lost me with all of the silly farmer talk. I hated how Roland and the crew started using stuff like "do ya fine" and "say thank ya" all the time. I know they were just trying to fit in but then it just kept going throughout the rest of the series.

  28. It's not stealing if they're giving it away.

  29. If they aren't giving you permission to use, its stealing.

    Also, its creepy.

  30. How many times has Cena come back from injury early now? Its like he is addicting to wrestling, and he can't stand life without it. Jesus man, take a break. I bet he will be wrestling past the age Ric Flair does, and it won't be because of money problems.

  31. No, I dont believe so.

    Think about how many times you have heard fans say "Fuck this company, after this Im done!"

    Only to come back weeks or months later.

    I feel like fans of the product are so brainwashed (and by brainwashed, i mean just hooked) by wrestling, and how it has been a constant in their lives for so long, its hard to break that link, because it represents so much of their childhood.

  32. You should stick to making hilarious Jews are cheap jokes.

  33. Man, Duma Key was brutal...I thought it was excellent writing until it went off the rails about 2/3 of the way through. The characters go from flawed, somewhat normal people into fearless badasses without explanation. Drove me nuts.

  34. Creepy is an understatement

  35. Only if you promise to stick to stealing profiles of BoD members and making emoticons out of them.

    Cuz I will be heart-broken if you stop.

  36. Hes been gone for two months...

  37. Jewish + money = hilarious!

  38. I can buy that.

  39. Dougie + another guy's profile pic = creepy!

  40. How many copies of Henny Youngmans joke book have you been through?

  41. How many cats have you killed as child?

  42. Also definitely pick up Joyland. Tightly plotted and a fun read.

    Best King remains the four novellas in Different Seasons. 2 of the 4 made for classic movies, 1 made for a good movie. Just great stories.

    The Shining a close second.

    The Stand, which I re-read recently, wasn't as good as I remembered.

    Anyone read Doctor Sleep yet?

  43. Take my wife. Please!

  44. Take my profile pic. Please?

  45. How many violin strings do you go through in a week?

  46. I read it and enjoyed it.

  47. You know whats coming next.

    I don't even have to type it.

    Ahhh fuck it...

    How many stolen profile pictures of random dudes from the BoD do you go through a week?

  48. Are you at the copa this weekend?

  49. lol... I didn't even know who Henry Youngman was until I looked it up.

    My god, you are way too old to be acting like this. You have to be like 50 years old at this point.

    Its so sad, yet hilarious that you are such a loser at life. I don't even understand half the shit you were saying cuz it was so archaic.


    You shouldn't be acting this way your age pops. Not good for the ticker.

  50. Still waiting for more hilarious cheap jew jokes. They're so funny and original!

  51. I, however, do not have to wait for more cyber-stalking and serial killer tendencies.

    Is it hard to type with your arthritis-ridden hands

  52. Switching from old Jewish jokes to just old jokes? Brush up on your material.

  53. Uh-oh... somebody's upset..

  54. It's tough to say how much Vince hinders the commentary, though. Take somebody like Tazz. Under Vince's guidance, he was considered one of the best. When he moved to TNA and was out on his own, his performance declined significantly.

  55. Are you upset that someone 20 years your junior got the promotion and you still make 30K a year?

  56. You write jokes and fiction? Double threat! Congrats on being promoted to dishwasher though!

  57. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 8, 2013 at 7:33 AM

    Big Show to HHH next week: "Your mother in law just paid me a whole lot of money to kick your stank ass!!!"

  58. Are you upset that you're 50 years old and still subscribe you comic book mailing lists?

    I can help you.

  59. While you're right, this is one of those things that goes down as you having to remember that, ultimately, this is a fake TV show and the purpose is to get a reaction from your audience. For example, before the Royal Rumble played people's music when they came down, the audience wouldn't react to the next competitor until he was halfway down the aisle (when everybody would first see him) and it really killed the excitement of their entrance. If we need to harmlessly sacrifice a little bit of logic to make for a better experience, I think it's okay.

  60. I like when Goldust loses paint. It tells part of the story. Like Ventura used to say about Sting, you can tell how tough the match was by the loss of paint.

  61. Look at you trying to put over the new talent.

  62. Again... my bad :(

  63. I still think Big Show is the holy grail of the giant swing

  64. I put over people all the time.

    I don't wanna read Cultstatus, Jobber and Me all the time. I love to read the ham n eggers and johnny come latelys.

    I'm going to give you a list of the people i have been following for a while.

    Mike Mears (dont know where he is)
    You of course.
    Definitely Jef Vinson

  65. I was just fucking around... everyone knows you are the... I was going to say the Flair of the blog because you put people over... but then I realized one of the top posters IS Flair so I couldn't find another analogy.

  66. btw, i forgot about satan, and loser

  67. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 8, 2013 at 8:10 AM

    Maybe the Wyatts attacked Miz because his dad is actually one of them and Miz won't admit his it?
    Also if Cena wins, I see Sandow cashing in.

  68. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 8, 2013 at 8:11 AM

    This is very true.

  69. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 8, 2013 at 8:12 AM

    There was an indy video of Golddust where he DID have a mask instead of the face paint.

  70. He's also written a couple of books. I picked up Heart Shaped Box when it was a kindle deal and really enjoyed it. It reminded me a lot of King's earlier work, and it's just an overall solid ghost story.

  71. It's probably kind of uncomfortable to wrestle in a mask if you're not used to doing it regularly.

  72. I thought HHH said something about how the contract wasn't really iron clad as people think b/c Big Johnny is a doofus and didn't draw it up correctly.

  73. 1) This is like the 3rd time Cena has come back early. Obviously, they are overplaying his injuries so he looks like Superman. That's a pretty basic pro wrestling move...surprised it's working in 2013.

    2) It's pretty obvious Vince is coming back and that's why Big Show did what he did. Again...pretty basic move from the WWF playbook.

    Note: I don't think it's BAD the WWE is doing basic's just weird everyone is so crazy with fantasy booking scenarios in their head that they're missing it.

  74. "They'll reveal Vince gave him a brand new contract."

    Duh. Why is no one else catching on to this?

  75. I haven't read a lot of King books (I think my list up until last year was The Shining and Dreamcatcher, but there may have been something else in there), but I read Under the Dome last year because the premise sounded interesting, and I breezed through it faster than I expected.

    I picked up 11/22/63 with a gift card someone gave me either at Christmas or my birthday and went through that, too, although I think I enjoyed Under the Dome more. Hopefully no one tries to make a TV show out of 11/22/63, though.

  76. It's even more similar to an excellent (if memory serves) Robert McCammon novel from the mid-80s called Stinger, in which an alien traps a small town under a dome. Fair's fair, though, because McCammon shamelessly ripped off The Stand in his much inferior Swan Song.

  77. Steph got mad when Dusty F'n Rhodes improvised. One of the best mic workers and charismatic wrestlers of all-time.

  78. Scott: check out "Duma Key." It was REALLY good.

  79. I liked number five a lot. Weird in a beautiful way. Number six seemed like useless filler. Seven, though... I've got some mixed feelings. While there was a lot to love (including suggestions that they met up with "It,") the payoff of the Mordred sub-plot was poorly executed. I hated... HATED... that King used the Walkin' Dude to put him over. He neutered his greatest villain.

    I was disturbed and slightly disappointed with the finish when I first read it, but by a week later I thought it was perfect.

    "Keyhole" was a pleasant surprise: way better, I thought, than "Wizards and Glass" which - to me - was a giant aside when I was desperate to see the main story move forward.

  80. Flagg deserved a much better ending and he really should've been the final obstacle for Roland. For as much "heat" they put on Mordred, Roland dispatched him very easily and the Crimson King was just lame.

  81. 6 definitely felt like filler to me as well. I didn't vehemently dislike 5 or anything, it just felt out of place to me for some reason. The dialogue and the out of nowhere references to 19.

  82. we mostly filled that in due to the natural human instinct to make sense out of absurd scenarios

  83. I really love the Dark Tower series on a whole, although some books fall a little flat. I enjoyed Gunslinger, nice introduction to the world. Books 2 and 3 are where the series was at its best and it really opened up the world. While others like 4 and I understand why, it has a solid story. When I first read it I was just constantly wanting to get back to Roland, Eddie, Sussahna, Jake and Oy and the main story. I really like Book 5 but it doesn't reach the heights of 3 and 4. 6 was kinda blah and 7 was OK but could have been better. As for the ending, when I first finished the ending I was dissapointed but after pondering on it a bit the ending did feel right and in line with the series. I kinda liked how King interrupts the book before we get to the Tower and tries to persuade the reader to not go on any further. I wonder if that actually worked on ANYBODY. Like somebody went through 7 books, read Kings "note" and just said "ok, I'm good".

  84. I read it and hated it. See my mini review below.

  85. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 8, 2013 at 9:45 AM

    During his feud with the Rock Cena said that this is all he wants to do. Even when he is not wrestling he is doing interviews, commercials and whatnot.

  86. Yeah I hated the whole QL JFK story arch. It was like the director wanted to make a Oliver Stone movie and failed horribly. Red Dwarf handled the whole JFK thing better.

  87. Harper and the same time.

  88. I read it, didn't really like it. Kinda went all over the place after a certain point.

  89. Hes been out for 2 months, I cant fault the guy for wanting to get back.

  90. "That would be a monetary transaction" - parallax

  91. 2 girls, one cup...why do I have the urge gor choclate ice cream all of a sudden?

  92. How dare you people tell me how to enjoy my simulated fake sport!!

    No, youre right. Its one of those things that should just go without a second thought, because its the "wwe universe." It just jumped out at me because the first few hours were built around Big show getting fired. Plus its not like the Rumble thing you mentioned because were so used to seeing that its kinda just taken for granted. The music thing last night wasnt more or less logical then any of the examples you mentioned, just more obvious to me.

  93. I have a feeling Vince has something to do with Big Show being back in the building, WITH entrance music and video playing when he came in at the end. Could be the set-up for the HHH-Vince feud to begin.

    One thing that DOES bother me, though: if the feud with the Shield is supposed to be the Rhodes brothers fighting back, why can't Dustin be Dustin? "For years, he competed under the name Goldust, but now, Dustin Rhodes is fighting under his given name for the sake of his family!" Cody Rhodes and Goldust just sounds goofy.

    Whether or not Cena is actually cleared to wrestle, the announcement last night was lame. Cena facing ADR at the pay-per-view? Pass.

  94. "lord knows nothing makes a guy more credible as a threat than relying on a 70 year old for backup."

    A 70-year-old man who had been wearing a cast on his arm for 25 years, no less! I hope he sued the doctor who set that arm for malpractice.

  95. Take a bow, Take a bow. The "YOU STEAL DUDES PICTURES...EMOTICONS" lines is the ultimate finishing move on the blog.

  96. Steph has been out of her depth since the minute they asked her to do more than lay strapped to a cross.

  97. Actually I'm thinking that they are pushing the Cena thing so that he will come back and Del Rio will use the armbar to keep him out till nearly WM. Basically a story of too much too soon.

  98. I thought this was America!

  99. the thought of Robin Thicke in the crossface chickenwing just made my week. I can imagine Backlund just screaming "I KNOW YOU WANT IT!" while tearing his shoulder out.

  100. I think it's more of a work choice than a stylistic one. Wearing a mask can inhibit your breathing and range of vision. The deficits might be minor, at best, but they're there.

  101. I'm over like rover

  102. Yea, from a physical standpoint. Id be really cool to see an established top level guy take a Cena, UT type of guy. I guess tgat would mean Cesaro would need a reason to be in the ring with them so yea, I just talked myself out of that ever happening.

  103. I haven't read so I can't give an opinion one way or the other ;-)

  104. Also really enjoyed 11/22/63 and was impressed with SK's ability to move into historical fiction without missing a beat. Would give it **** out of *****. Deducted a star for being a little bit bloated and self-indulgent in spots - the It tie-in was unnecessary and lame, and some of the chapters involving the school play and Jake being the greatest teacher and leader in the history of teaching and leading were cringe-worthy and corny. Fortunately, the good more than outweighs the bad here. Well worth the read.

  105. I dunno, I like Dustin being Goldust. People generally don't care about non-Goldust Dustin Rhodes. It's not a secret that Goldust is Dustin Rhodes, and you can explain that he fights better when taking on the persona, and as well, it's closure to the Goldust stuff from 97 about Dusty not being there for him, with it being implied that Dusty has accepted Goldust for who he is and loves his sons no matter if they stick to the Rhodes formula or go their own way.

  106. Locke and Key is an A+ comic book. About to end too, so the whole story can be read at once.

  107. Yeah, he said he paid the mortgage. That doesn't mean that HHH owns the mortgage and thus the house. Silly, Silly.

  108. Interesting. Though I don't know why you'd risk it.

  109. I actually read that book too, ironically enough during the first (and only) time I got detetion. I was sitting there and the detention guy was like, alright, you can read, but don't tell anyone.

    The fact I was in detention reading a book about a school shooting was one of the more eerie things I remember doing.

    Have you checked out his "On Writing"? It's a blast.

  110. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 8, 2013 at 12:23 PM

    Yeah. It must be a real downer to sit around a mansion in central Florida all day, work out and occasionally get sucked off by a Bella twin.

  111. Im sure it sucks for him. Dude likes being on the road and what he does

  112. It would definitely benefit Del Rio, that's for sure.

  113. Flagg is the supreme villain of the SK universe and goes out like a bitch to a poorly developed character. The Crimson King was never interesting but then I never read Insomnia which I hear features him more.

  114. He was supposed to be back in 5 months. He probably spent a lot of time in recovery. I have all the respect in the world for Cena, but he needs a break. I don't know of a single wrestler in WWE currently who has his insane dedication.

  115. Even then, the Crimson King is kind of like Sauron. He's a presence, but not too big of a presence.

  116. On Writing is great, although reading about his accident is REALLY uncomfortable. He really makes you feel it.

  117. Especially how it puts it at the end, and you're like, omg thank god he made it!

  118. Really I think The Shining is one big fuck you to King, first, so ya know.

  119. Thinner WAS great!

  120. Misery is good too!

  121. I'm loving Hill's stuff. Really enjoyed N0s4a2(or however he spelled it). Was a fun read and if you told me King wrote it, I don't think I'd argue it. Very reminiscent.

  122. Insomnia I read but labored. Might re-read it someday because first tried when I was pretty young. But it was a whole lot of who gives a fuck at the time

  123. I dug the ending. Enough brain fuck but the added hope that THIS time, his wheel will be complete (Dusty time) if you wheel because of Roland having the horn of eld.

    I loved the first three but kind of resented 4 because I liked his original katet better than the Eddie/Susannah/Jake version. Found Susannah's character grating and considering the shit King put nearly every other character through, was hoping she'd get a King-ian ending instead of the super happy BS.

    Like others said, Flagg going out like a bitch was crap though

  124. King's real beef with the movie The Shining is with Jack Nicholson. Great actor, WRONG guy to play that part.

  125. IIRC, there was even a videogame about "what if JFK never dies"? The assassination attempt hits JFK in the shoulder, and you play him as he tries to run the country. Don't remember the name.

  126. Susannah got super annoying after book 3.

  127. King had the idea for Under the Dome in the 70's and had like the first few chapters written for years.


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